Li Yalin After their victory was announced, the B and D competitions ended at the same time. The final result is self-evident. Naturally, Laura and Qi won the victory. Laura can be said to be the first year. The most powerhouse among the girls, she can defeat Cecilia and Lingyin alone, even more how and even more how to help.

“I’m really mad, that AIC (Inertial Stop Ability) is really too bad.” After the game, Bell Tone was quite dissatisfied and whispered, and she looked very dissatisfied. Injured.

“That is, any attack can be neutralized, how can you win?” Cecilia sighed.

“I played a game and practiced that many times before, and I didn’t even find the Achilles heel of AIC. I thought you knew it a long time ago.” Li Yalin was a little surprised. Asked.

“Achilles heel?” Even Charlotte and the others are a little curious this time. What is this Achilles heel?

“Can you say it? Laura?” Li Yalin cast his gaze on Laura.

“It’s nothing. In fact, they will know about it in the future. It’s just a matter of time.” Laura said nonchalantly, it seems that AIC’s weaknesses have been exposed.

“If you want to run AIC, then the first requirement is to concentrate one’s mind, which is like Cecilia’s blue tears. If you don’t control it, blue tears are impossible to do so accurately. Isn’t it the shooting of AIC? The same is true for AIC. If you can’t concentrate one’s mind, then the effect will not be sustained. Generally speaking, against two or more people, AIC will seem more tasteless.” Li Yalin said all of his understanding in one breath. Came out.

“If this is the case, wouldn’t I waste a good opportunity.” Lingyin and Cecilia looked at each other, but their expressions became increasingly frustrated.

“Nor can you say that, even if you can crack Laura’s AIC, don’t forget that the one who pulls Laura still has 箒 as her companion. Moments will also play an unexpected role.” Li Yalin smiled and was comforted. In fact, Li Yalin had predicted before the game that Cecilia and Lingyin would definitely lose.

“Although I said that, I still feel very uncomfortable.” Li Yalin’s comfort didn’t have any effect. Loss, annoyance, and complicated mood all made Cecilia and Ling sound like a The frosted eggplants are average, all wilted.

“Don’t be like this, victory or defeat is commonplace in battles. If you lose this time, won’t you win it again next time! Okay, because you are not in a good mood, today Tonight, I will invite you to eat dessert. You can choose what you want.” Li Yalin patted Cecilia and Lingyin on the shoulders, and Li Yalin said to the two women very generously.

“Really?” Cecilia and Lingyin’s eyes lit up, not because they can eat dessert, but the point is that Li Yalin treats guests. If this is the case, then it can relieve themselves. In a depressed mood, at least Li Yalin is by his side.

“Of course.” Li Yalin nodded with a smile, knowing that girl can’t resist the temptation of dessert.

“Yalin, you can’t favor one another.” Charlotte said so at this time, and after finishing speaking, he also gestured to Laura and Qi on the side with his eyes.

“Of course, everyone in the room has a share, I will treat you.” Li Yalin also reacted, moved towards Charlotte with a grateful smile, and then brought a large group of troops to the school. Canteen.

But after coming to the cafeteria, Li Yalin entire group met the classmates in the class. Anyone and Yingyue were all there. The girls talked about chirp chirp twitter, and finally It turned into Li Yalin who wanted to invite the whole class to dinner, which made Li Yalin a little puzzled. This group of girls can’t help but talk to themselves, right? But it’s just a meal, so it’s a celebration.

“Hello everyone, I am here again, Dai Xunzi, everyone is very happy today, is it to celebrate the victory of the first class of the school year competition?” Just after everyone ordered the food , Dai Xunzi from the Press Department appeared again.

By the way, Dai Xunzi’s enthusiasm for news is really extraordinary. It is almost a match with Mifi. If the two of them meet, they will definitely be able to talk.

“so that’s how it is, Schoolmate Yalin is still so generous, but according to our survey, Schoolmate Yalin’s family doesn’t seem to be so rich, right? I heard that Schoolmate Yalin once went out to work in middle school. I don’t know what Schoolmate Yalin has to say about this?” After learning about Li Yalin’s treat, Dai Xunzi first looked at a few expensive meals, and immediately asked Li Yalin with a gossip look.

Although the food in the IS Academy’s canteen is very cheap, it is only relatively speaking. Even if the food made from these high-level ingredients is sold at a cost price, that’s an amazing number. , It is not something that an ordinary person can bear. In addition to the one million necklace incident a while ago, this made Dai Xunzi’s gossip hot.

“Sorry, this is personal privacy, so I still don’t answer.” Li Yalin said with a smile on his face.

“Well, if Schoolmate Yalin can confide a little bit.” Dai Xunzi said very disappointed.

“This is my own secret, of course I can’t let everyone know it.” The expression on Li Yalin’s face is very indifferent, but there is a touch of indisputability in the words, which makes Daixun The child simply couldn’t keep asking.

Although I did not get the answer to this question, Dai Xunzi still took pictures of Li Yalin and asked some small questions as usual. Li Yalin can still satisfy Dai Xun like this kind of insignificant small questions. I’m curious about the interview.

“But Xunzi, I’m a little puzzled. How did your press department get the photos of me and Yan last time?” Just after Dai Xunzi’s interview, Li Yalin was Asked the question in his mind.

“You mean this, it’s actually very simple. Our news department controls the monitoring system of the entire city. As for the next step, you can also believe in Schoolmate Yalin.” Dai Xunzi But he explained after a chuckle.

“You cows!” Li Yalin gave a thumbs up, talent, in order to get first-hand news, even the entire city’s monitoring system was controlled, and the Japanese government was not afraid to intervene .

In the final finals of this IS school year competition, the match between Li Yalin and Charlotte against Laura and Qi group officially started, but just after the start of the game, Qi called IS However, everyone present was startled.

At this time, the equipment of the Qi is turned out to be the fourth generation IS-Akatsubaki. What is going on, and how did Akatsubaki appear in advance?

Equipment Akatsubaki’s burial can be described as a proud of one’s success, and the students in the surrounding audience also screamed, the IS that had never seen before appeared, from the appearance It can be understood from the above that it is a dedicated machine. There is a fifth dedicated machine in every shift a year. This is really incredible. You must know that the entire IS academy has the instructor machine, testing machine and special machine together. Only thirty units.

“Have you contacted Sister Shu, Yan?” Although Li Yalin was little startled, it was not unbelievable. If you count the time, the appearance of Akatsubaki is only ten years earlier. It was only a few days, and there was nothing particularly unexpected.

“Well, I contacted a few days ago. I didn’t expect it to be delivered when I went back last night. I thought I would have to wait a few more days.” Nodded, before participating in this competition, Qi said I have already contacted Shino no Suke. If the game wins, Qi will have to rely on Akatsubaki to fight Laura. If he is not fully prepared, how could Qi choose to team up with Laura.

“Sister Shu? Shinoki? No way? Chu is the inventor of IS, the younger sister of the genius scientist Shinoki’s?” After listening to Li Yalin’s conversation with Chu, Charlotte and Laura has an incredible face. The difference from the original plot is that the fact that the 箒 is a younger sister has never been exposed, but now it is impossible to expose it.

“Well, Sister Shu and I have been neighbors since we were young. They only separated after Sister Shu invented IS. Sister Chifuyu has a very good relationship with Sister Shu.” Li Yalin smiled to her. Charlotte and Lalaura said, there was no sense of pride in their tone, as if they were talking about an ordinary person.

“It’s incredible.” Charlotte exclaimed. Didn’t expect that there is really a crouching tiger hidden dragon beside him, but IS academy itself is a very weird place, come and go. Are also used to it.

At this time, the game has officially started. Originally, Li Yalin discussed with Charlotte that Li Yalin would control Laura first, and then Charlotte would take care of it. It’s just that now this battle plan But it’s going to change a little bit.

Competition at first, Qi has already speeded up towards Li Yalin and Charlotte, while Lalaura is standing in place. The cannon is aimed at Charlotte and it’s a shot. Although summer Lott used instant acceleration to avoid the blow, but at this time the Qi had already flown in front of Charlotte.

“Take me a knife!” Before Qi’s words fell, the rainy moon and the empty crack in her hand had already moved towards Charlotte and cut it over, which made Charlotte simply unable to make effective Defensively, at the crucial moment, Li Yalin suddenly appeared in front of Qi. While the Yukihira type 2 held the dual swords, it also saved Charlotte, who was almost out of the game.

“Yalin!” After Charlotte whispered, she immediately summoned, and the two 61-caliber assault guns in her hand had been aimed at the Qi, but at this time Laura did not While idle, the two flying blades quickly entangled the assault guns, and with a strong pull, Charlotte’s shells deviated from the center, and Charlotte’s two guns were all shot out. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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