“By the way, Yalin, your glasses don’t seem to have any power? Why do you wear such stunning glasses?” After returning to the bedroom, seeing Li Yalin put on her glasses again, Xia Lu was somewhat Asked suspiciously.

“You said this, it’s actually nothing. It’s just that I have worn it since I was a child and I am used to it. Besides, my appearance is relatively…prone to cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.” shrugged, Li Yalin Also made a helpless expression.

“hee hee, so it is. If I didn’t take a shower together, I would think Yalin is a girl only by appearance, and it is still much more beautiful than me.” Xia Lu was It was pffft, and then his face was red again, and at the end, he lowered his head depressed.

“Stop talking about it, beautiful things are not used to describe male children.” Li Yalin hurriedly stopped, if Xia Lu is allowed to continue, there may be something else that makes Li Yalin embarrassed. What about it.

“I know, but Yalin’s and I have one more secret.” At this point, Xia Lu’s expression was very happy.

“I will introduce you to a transfer student today.” Before the 2nd day, Zhenye, who was standing on the podium, said to the class with a little embarrassment, and just after she finished speaking, she was dressed in women’s clothing. Dressed Xia Lu cheerfully walked onto the podium.

“My name is Charlotte De Noah, please take care of everyone again.” After Charlotte finished speaking, the whole class was silent.

“That…De Noah classmate… is actually a girl, Aiyaya, who is going to do the assignment of the dormitory again.” Zhenya first explained for everyone, and then said with some distress.

“Putting it that way, De Noah is actually a girl?”

“I think it’s strange, it’s not a beautiful boy, but a beautiful boy!”


“I said Schoolmate Yalin, you guys live in a room, impossible, don’t you know?”

“Wait, it was a big bath for boys yesterday, right?” Just after Jinya finished talking , The whole class was full of commotion. At the same time, the ringing tone in the next class, as well as the class’s Cecilia, Qi, and Laura all called out their own IS. Li Yalin, who had seen bad things, immediately went from Jumped out from the window, no matter if it was the fourth floor.

“Yalin!” Xia Lu, who saw Li Yalin jump out of the window and did not deploy IS, climbed to the window with great concern, but although Li Yalin did not call IS, he was very flexible and caught it. The root of the tree trunk, and then the force of the fall gently swayed, and then steadily landed on the ground. This hand made the girls in the teaching building looked towards the window out of the window exclaimed.

However, Li Yalin, who landed safely, did not relax. Instead, he jumped out while landing. The speed was quite amazing. In the blink of an eye, Li Yalin disappeared from everyone’s eyes. In the eyes.

“Hehe, it was really funny back then. I can’t forget everyone’s surprised expression now.” On the tram leaving IS Academy, Xia Lu was covering her mouth and chuckling quietly.

“Also, Qi and the others are quite angry and ignored me for at least three days.” Li Yalin complained a little.

“But after the fourth day, everyone has recovered.” Xia Lu said with a smile.

Half a month has passed since Xia Lu returned to women’s clothing, and now she will start a three-day off-campus internship, which is located by the sea, which makes a group of young girls quite excited, Li Yalin He was quite happy, but he didn’t have the right swimming trunks, so taking advantage of today’s Sunday, Li Yalin invited Xia Lu to go out shopping.

“Haha, today’s weather is really good.” Looking at the sky outside the tram, Li Yalin slapped Haha again and again. Indeed, the girls seemed to have reached a consensus. Pay attention to Li Yalin. But on the fourth day, Laura finally couldn’t help it, and after the first beginning, the remaining girls naturally not to be outdone, all of them stuck to themselves hard, which made Li Yalin feel I am in hell, but also seems to have come to heaven.

“Yalin, your topic of diverting your attention is really old-fashioned, but why did you only invite me to Yalin today?” Xia Lu said a little arrogantly at first, but the question behind Xia Lu blushed a little.

“This, Xia Lu, did you say that before, there is no suitable swimsuit, we can go and have a look together. Besides, since Xia Lu, you have not been out since you came to IS Academy Right? I will take this opportunity to take you around.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“So, Yalin, you have to stay with me all day.”

“No problem, leave everything to me.”

“There are so many people.” After getting off the tram, Li Yalin looked at the flow of people in front of the station, and then naturally took Xia Lu’s hand. Although Xia Lu’s face was red, she didn’t say anything. What? Just let Li Yalin lead them forward silently, but what Li Yalin and Xia Lu didn’t know was that behind them, there were four silhouettes following them all the time.

“The two of them are holding hands, right?” Cecilia’s eyes were a little dull, and her words were vague.

“Since you have said so, it means that I did not read it wrong, so good! Kill him!” The ring tone on the side was completely blackened, calling out the ankylosaurus The left arm came out, and if no one stopped him, he would definitely kill it like this.

“Wait a moment, take a closer look, it will be embarrassing to be discovered by Yalin.” At this time, the Qi stopped the ringing tone, even though the Qi was very I want to go crazy, but reason tells her that it is not the time yet.

“Oh! It’s beautiful here.” Walking on the commercial street, Xia Lu was very excited, looking around and looking very curious.

“Go buy swimsuits first, and have a meal together after buying swimsuits.” Li Yalin first arranged the itinerary. The first stop was the swimsuit shop in the commercial street. Men’s swimsuits are pretty pretty. A good choice, Li Yalin just randomly selected a deep blue swimming trunk and KO, but the girl’s swimsuit is more difficult to choose.

“Xia Lu, what do you think about this? It suits you.” In this kind of place, Li Yalin seemed quite generous, without any twisting, and Xia Lu indicated that he wanted him After helping to choose a swimsuit, Li Yalin quickly found a golden-yellow swimsuit, which was very suitable for Xia Lu.

“Yalin, do you like this? Then I will try it first.” Xia Lu’s face was a little red, and after she picked up her swimsuit, she ran to the changing room. Li Yalin stayed outside by himself, but there seems to be no male child besides Li Yalin, right? It’s really embarrassing to stand here.

“Huh? This blue one is good, it suits Cecilia, this pink one is also good, it’s quite suitable for ringtones. If you want to go to the white one, as for laura, Silver looks quite suitable for her.” At this time, Li Yalin, who was very boring, continued to wander in the store, and while looking at the swimsuit, he was still muttering in a low voice.

“If I knew it, I would invite everyone to come together. Would you like to buy it back? I don’t know if they will dress appropriately.” But just after Li Yalin muttered these words to himself , He found that there were four heavy gasps behind the shelf not far from him. Although his energy was suppressed to the level of an ordinary person, Li Yalin’s six senses were still very keen, at least he had discovered Now, the four people behind this shelf must be the girls they are familiar with.

“I said if you are all here, then come out. These swimsuits are more suitable for you.” Li Yalin smiled and said to the shelf not far away, and just after Li Yalin finished speaking, Qi and Lingyin walked out hesitantly.

“You have been following us from the very beginning, right?” Li Yalin said angrily and funny, but at this moment, Xia Lu opened the door of the fitting room. , Her swimsuit has been changed.

“Yalin, look, okay? Ale? Why are everyone here?” Originally Xia Lu was still very interested, but didn’t expect Cecilia and the others to stand there. In front of myself.

“Aiyaya, since everyone is here, let’s go shopping together.” Li Yalin spread his hands, and then faintly Zhaoxialu made an apologetic look.

“Is this voice? Yalin?” didn’t expect Li Yalin’s voice was not over, the door of the fitting room not far from Li Yalin was opened, and Chifuyu unexpectedly She was standing inside wearing a black swimsuit, and in the fitting room beside her, she had just changed into a shallow yellow swimsuit.

“Chifuyu sister?” Seeing Chifuyu wearing a swimsuit, Li Yalin couldn’t help but speed up his heartbeat, a perfect Onee-san image.

“Yalin!” At this moment, the five girls focused their attention on Li Yalin’s body, which made Li Yalin shiver unconsciously.

Soon, the new swimsuits were purchased. Li Yalin’s suggested that everyone have lunch together. Anyway, it’s 10:30. If you find a restaurant and wait a while, it’s time to eat at noon. .

Everyone has no objection to this, but Chifuyu was originally not going to join Li Yalin and the others in the fun, but after Li Yalin’s repeated requests, Chifuyu sighed, and Li Yalin and the others went to the front Li Yalin walked to the hotel he had selected.

The restaurant that Li Yalin chose is still very famous in this city, but the price is naturally quite expensive. Ordinary persons can only spend their money in their pockets. The restaurant only ordered one dish, but when he was walking halfway, Li Yalin met two acquaintances.

“Huh? Lan, Dan, what are you doing?” It’s a coincidence that you actually met Gotanda siblings here.

“Isn’t this the swimsuit Lan just bought, this guy is…” He sighed, but before he was halfway through the words, he was kicked flying by Lan. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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