After this battle, Li Yalin also checked his Evolved Space. Since Ikaros and Astraea’s were active, killing so many zombies gave Li Yalin a lot of items. First of all, the various potions in Diablo and Low-Level gemstones are not to be mentioned. Weapons in Diablo have only exploded a few White-Tier, but Diablo’s skills have also exploded five books, Li Yalin I took out the Skill Book and looked at it. It really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Two of the five Skill Books are Necromancy, two are Controlling the Skeleton, and one is Mage Necromancy. All of them are Necromancer’s summon Spell. It is said that killing zombies will explode the Skeleton skill. No matter how you look at it, there is a spoof.

There is also the Item in “Generation Xth”. No weapon equipment has been exposed. However, there are a lot of waste components of weapon equipment, including leather, metal, and fiber. Students who have been to “Generation Xth” know that the equipment in this game is mainly composed of waste components and raw materials, so overall Li Yalin’s gains are not small.

“Yalin, who are the two girls just now? Angel?” Just as Li Yalin was checking his own harvest, Rei on the side asked Li Yalin in a low voice.

“Oh, they can be regarded as Angels, but in fact they are also one of my Subordinate Gods.” Li Yalin thought for a while and replied.

“But they are so amazing, Yalin, are you so amazing?” Rei looked admiring.

“I’m not that great.” Li Yalin shook the head with a wry smile, “If I were that great, then this tragedy would not happen. At the end, I’m too arrogant. “

“How could it happen.” Rei hugged Li Yalin lightly, “A person’s power is limited after all, Yalin, you have tried your best, so I don’t allow you to feel guilty anymore.” “

“Yes.” Saeko on the side also comforted Li Yalin, “Yalin, you have to stand up, you know, you are now shouldering the heavy responsibility of saving everyone present.” Not only Saeko, but also present. The daughters of Li Yalin comforted Li Yalin, even Saya was no exception.

But Li Yalin smiled and said, “I already understand what you are trying to say, and now I have cheered up, don’t look at me like this, I just sighed, no problem “The girls saw that Li Yalin’s was really fine, and they all secretly relaxed. They were afraid that Li Yalin would get into a dead end. If that was the case, it would take a lot of effort to pull Li Yalin out.

Next, the Main Quest of Li Yalin and the surviving people is to modify the vehicle. Due to the EMP, basically all the cars cannot be used. Only the original circuit on the car is replaced, so The amount of this project is also very large. Although Takagi Family has enough accessories, there is only one person who can repair the car. This is a very difficult thing to do.

Currently, there are more than 60 Takagi Family’s survivors including Li Yalin squad. Among them, there are less than 20 men. The rest are women and children. This can be considered a big The problem is that the team’s battle strength is insufficient, so even women have to work. The main job of men is to modify cars, while women are to prepare food and supplies. Although it is still safe here, Li Yalin still urges everyone to speed up. After all, no one knows what will happen next, Li Yalin You can’t always rely on Ikaros and Astraea. If you always rely on these two beautiful women, Li Yalin will have no sense of crisis at all. This will not achieve the effect of experience at all, so if it were not at a critical moment, Li Yalin I don’t know how to summon these two beautiful women. It was just because I was so angry before that I didn’t even think about it.

The work progressed very smoothly. In just two hours, four cars had been modified. Although it was getting dark, everyone worked overtime to complete the Quest. Three of the four cars were modified from buses. The windows of each bus were welded with barbed wire to prevent the zombies from scratching the glass. The body was also reinforced, and all of them were welded with a layer of iron. The speed of the bus is slowed down, but the relative protection ability is also significantly improved. In the end, even the front of the bus is also welded to the front of the collision angle, which can be regarded as adding some attack power to the vehicle. There is another car that was modified by a truck. This truck is the most important thing, because it has the mission of carrying all the materials, except for the huge bump on the front of the car, the barbed wire on the windows, and even the tires. The sharp edges can smash the zombies, and the armor on the body is much thicker.

However, although the modification of the vehicle has been completed, and even food and some supplies have been transported to the vehicle, the sky is completely dark at this time. I looked at the watch and it is now at night. It’s past eight o’clock.

“I don’t know if you have any good suggestions now, but it would be too bad for us if we move now.” At the small meeting initiated by Li Yalin, Li Yalin first said something.

“Yes, night is really a very unfavorable factor for us, because zombies rely on hearing to find prey. If we just set off like this, it would be too risky.” Saya is also Said so.

“Yes, we originally planned to move to a small Takagi Family’s base near the bed master power station. There are sparsely populated, and the guards are very strong. There is no shortage of food and weapons, but it is far from here. It’s a little far away.” Yuriko also analyzed.

“Then Yuriko Aunt, how long does it take to get from here to the base you mentioned?” Li Yalin asked quickly.

“It takes about an hour to drive.” Yuriko said dullly.

“An hour…” Li Yalin stroked his chin.

“But Younger Brother Yalin, if you take out your two Angel summons again, it’s okay.” Shizuka on the side had an idea. Hearing Shizuka’s words, everyone in the room brightened up, yes, if there are those two Angels, what else is there to be afraid of.

“But I don’t want summon Ikaros and Astraea.” Li Yalin broke everyone’s hope with just one sentence.

“Why? Why can’t I summon those two Angels?” A Takagi Family’s subordinate shouted loudly. It seems that his status in Takagi Family’s is not low.

“Why? Why do you say that? Now I can help you, but who can help you in the future, I will leave soon, when the time comes, what do you do? Can you still rely on Who?” Li Yalin’s expression is also a little excited now.

“Go? Yalin-kun, where are you going?” Yuriko asked in surprise as soon as he heard Li Yalin’s words.

“I’m going to another world.” Li Yalin’s tone was a little low.

“Yalin-kun, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick?” When Li Yalin said that, Yuriko was misunderstood. She thought Li Yalin had some kind of emergency. .

“Yuriko Aunt, where did you want to go?” Hearing Yuriko’s question, Li Yalin lost said with a smile.

“The other world I am talking about is indeed another world. You can see my power. This is not the power of this world, and you think that in this world really has Angel?” After saying this, Li Yalin instantly equipment on his Seraph’s Wings. Under the cover of the fire, Li Yalin’s wings appeared gleaming, so solemn and inviolable.

“Yalin-kun, are you Angel too?” At this moment, Asami asked weakly.

“Of course not.” Li Yalin blinked at Asami, “If Asami wants wings, I can give you one too, but it is Demon Wings.”

“Asami don’t want Demon Wings!” Asami said angrily, but she didn’t expect that everyone present was wasting her behavior and said in her heart that even if you don’t want it, you can give it to me. Of course, the few girls who have signed a contract with Li Yalin are not counted, but Li Yalin once said to give them wings.

“Haha.” Li Yalin was amused by Asami’s cute little appearance, but then he said to everyone seriously: “You have seen the situation now. I came to this World to experience Myself, I hope to use my own strength to protect everyone, and I will use my best effort, so I also hope that you will also work hard on your own, don’t always think about relying on others, so that everyone can survive better. .”

“Well, everyone can take a good rest in the car tonight. The men are in charge of the night watch in batches. The driver can rest. Let’s set off again.” After Li Yalin said these words, let everyone rest. Li Yalin also brought out five Ghost Wolf from summon and asked them to be responsible for all around alert. He saw Li Yalin summon’s Ghost Wolf, everyone There was another exclaim.

Now the summon Ghost Wolf skill has allowed Li Yalin to practice to the level of LV14, and he can already summon five Fourth Rank High-Level Ghost Wolf. Although it is only a summon creature, the strength is comparable. Saeko’s comprehensive strength is already Fourth Rank Low-Level. Looking at the Ghost Wolf exuding bursts of gloomy and cold aura, even Saeko can’t help but shudder, let alone the rest of the people.

“Yalin-kun, wait a minute.” Just when Li Yalin summon finished Ghost Wolf and decided to go to rest, Yuriko stopped him.

“Yuriko Aunt, are you okay?” Looking at Takagi Yuriko, this noble and elegant woman turned out to be a widow today. Li Yalin couldn’t help but feel sorry for her secretly.

“Yes, Yalin-kun, I do want to ask you something.” Yuriko’s expression was calm, and Li Yalin couldn’t see any fluctuations on her face.

“Then ask, Yuriko Aunt.” Li Yalin agreed to Yuriko’s question.

“Then let’s find a place to have a good talk.” Yuriko sighed slightly, at this time her expression appeared a little dull.

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