“Actually, I don’t really like this kind of clothes, but if I wear them occasionally…” Laura fell.

“Just go and have a look!” The ring tone is the same as above.

“Since everyone is going…” The Qi is the same again.

“Elder Brother Yalin, let’s go take a look.” After Lan finished speaking, Li Yalin was completely speechless.

In this way, Tanwu’s temptation strategy was completely successful. Li Yalin was directly dragged to the stage show venue by a group of girls. At this time, the venue was already overcrowded. It seemed that Tanwu had spoken before. In addition to Li Yalin’s upcoming stage play, there will also be interactive games for the audience, so everyone expects 120 points for this. It would be better if you can get in touch with Yalin up close.

“I said this is what?” Looking at the Prince suit in his hand, Li Yalin’s forehead couldn’t help but three black lines appeared on his forehead. Isn’t it too exaggerated? There is still a crown?

“You played Prince, okay? Of course you have to wear this Prince costume? Didn’t you see that these Baixue Princesses are all wearing Princess costumes?” Tanwu gave Li Yalin a blank look, and then Pointed to the girls in Princess clothes again.

“That’s why I asked! Isn’t this scene Baixue Princess? There are so many people in your family Baixue Princess?” Li Yalin said very dissatisfied, this is just nonsense.

“Of course, it’s just that I wrote and directed this scene completely. It’s a new stage drama that breaks away from the decadent framework, and it’s a cross-age new stage play. It’s absolutely shocking! Look forward to it!” Tan Wu’s expression is very confident, but Li Yalin’s eyes are increasingly suspicious, there must be a conspiracy, but at this point, Li Yalin can only be careful.

Wearing the Prince gown, everyone was ready, but Li Yalin was surprised that apart from Tan Wu’s narration, everyone had no lines, not even the script. .

“Everyone just needs to play freely, I believe you!” Wu Wu smiled and patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, making an expression that I am optimistic about you, but Li Yalin is Helplessly curl his lips, optimistic about us? Go ahead slowly.

“A long, long time ago, in a kingdom, there were many Baixue Princesses…” At the beginning, although it was a little awkward, it seemed to be the past, and by this time Xia Lu and the others were already one After another appearance, they also won rounds of applause off the court while wearing gorgeous Princess costumes.

“The White Snow Princesses are the most beautiful and powerful girls in this kingdom. In the war to conquer other countries, these White Snow Princesses have made great contributions… “what? Why is it that the more you listen, the more wrong? Snow White? Xueji still makes sense, right? What about Zhan Ji?

“At this time, the Prince of the neighboring country appeared…” It was Li Yalin’s turn to play, and now there is no retreat, so Li Yalin can only brace oneself, wearing a luxurious Prince dress On his body, a crown shining with golden light, vividly and thoroughly embodied Li Yalin’s noble temperament, Li Yalin’s immediately won the exclamation of all the girls present, and even individual infatuated stood up and made a super loud voice. That kind of scream.

“In order to obtain the internal secrets of the Prince’s crown from the neighboring country, the White Snow Warriors all started their efforts and fought fiercely for the crown on Prince’s head!” What story is this? It’s just cheating! After the girls on the opposite side heard the narration, they all wanted to pounce on Li Yalin.

“Now the audience interactive program, Prince Li Yalin’s crown battle, whoever can win the crown on Li Yalin’s head, can get the right to live together with Li Yalin, as my Student President is more Tatenashi Announced in the name of Sarashiki! “Well, after Tanwu finished speaking, all the girls present looked like chicken blood, all of them stared at Li Yalin’s eyes, almost making Li Yalin shudder.

“Yu Wu! You dare to fight with me! You will look good in a while!” Before Li Yalin’s words fell, a laser beam from a sniper rifle flew past Li Yalin’s forehead. At this time, Cecilia was completely blackened, and she could only see the crown on Li Yalin’s head in her eyes, and she only wanted to get the crown in her heart.

Li Yalin who saw that the situation was far from good rushed to the backstage, but just behind, there was an army of girls coming like a tide, everyone had only one goal, then It is to get Li Yalin’s crown and win the right to live with Li Yalin.

I saw a very interesting phenomenon at the school festival at this time. A beautiful boy wearing a luxurious Prince costume ran vigorously in the front, a large group of beauties chased after their lives, and from time to time There will be girls who know the truth to join in, which makes Li Yalin’s forehead uncontrollably sweat.

“Cecilia! Ringtone! Do you want my life?” After swaying through several laser beams and the dragon roar, Li Yalin quickly shouted loudly. However, it was Laura’s cannonball that answered him. Seeing that these girls had lost their minds, Li Yalin couldn’t say anything any more, unfolding his Byakushiki and flew into the air.

Seeing Li Yalin launching IS, these girls who do not have equipment IS can only sigh with excitement, but candidates like Qi and them who have special machines are still chasing after them, swear To get Li Yalin’s crown.

“I said everyone, let’s talk about it? Or I will give you the crown and let you divide it!” Flying into the air, Li Yalin hurriedly stopped. But just after Li Yalin finished speaking, Tan Wu also launched his own IS to follow.

“The crown I said just now must be grabbed from Prince’s head with my own hands. If you follow the method Prince just said, then I won’t admit it. Don’t let this opportunity be forfeited!” Wuwu’s Small Fox smiled again, which made Li Yalin’s teeth itchy.

“My His Highness the Prince, do you have any disagreements?” Mei asked with a smile on his face.

“Well, I am completely angry now! I want you now…” Before Li Yalin’s words were finished, suddenly Heaven and Earth trembled, and there was a tremor above the sky. A huge black hole, from the black hole, countless insects rushed out with flying wings.

“Damn it! It appeared at this time!” Li Yalin frowned. The appearance of these insects was too sudden and there was no sign of it. This was a completely unprepared shot of Li Yalin.

“None! Notify the third year student immediately to guard the school, leave the rest aside for the time being, the drivers of the dedicated aircraft are all concentrated by my side, the first Quest is to eliminate these insects, as much as possible Avoid the casualties of ordinary classmates and civilians!” Li Yalin decisively issued the order. Although everyone was in a daze when the insects first appeared, after receiving Li Yalin’s order, the girls’ expressions immediately recovered. Normally, everyone was standing up and following Li Yalin’s side.

At this time, the appearance of the insects caused a lot of commotion among the people participating in the school festival. Everyone ran in a panic, but where would it be safe at this time? Seeing that the scene was about to be chaotic, Wu Wu also flew down to carry out maintenance work.

IS Academy’s temporary response speed is still very fast. At this time, the teacher force led by Chifuyu and the elite force of the third year have appeared. The situation on the ground has been basically controlled. See here, Li Yalin also relaxes and can concentrate on dealing with the insect in the sky.

Fortunately, there are no particularly powerful insects. Basically, they are just some Fifth Rank and Sixth Rank flying classes. The powerful insects have not yet appeared, but even so, Li Yalin still can’t let Relax your vigilance. For the girls around you, this is the first battle against insects. The experience of dealing with insects is zero, and it is easy for accidents to occur.

“Yalin, what the hell is going on?” Looking at the insects constantly appearing in the sky, Xia Lu’s eyes flashed with fear. No wonder, whoever sees these gundams 06 05 When Rimi holds an insect, I feel scared, even more how these young girls who are only fifteen years old.

“Let’s tell you the details later, in short, this World is facing a disaster that is about to be destroyed, and we are the seeds of saving the world.” Li Yalin sighed, it’s time to form your own IS team now.

“Schoolmate Yalin, do you know anything?” Listening to Li Yalin’s have hidden meaning, Cecilia quickly asked.

“Of course I know, that’s why I came to in this world.” Li Yalin’s words make the girls a little confused. What does this mean?

“Well girls, this will be your first battle against these insects. It can be said that everyone is very lucky. The strength of the insects that appeared this time is not very strong, as long as you show your own truth. Level, then these insects can be dealt with completely, and the fear in the heart can be cast aside, then the victory will belong to us!” Pre-war mobilization is a must to do, one is to cheer the girls, and the other is to eliminate the hearts of the girls. The fear in it.

“Although I don’t know where these things come from, I will never back down!” Laura was very courageous at this time. Facing these terrifying insects, Laura not only did not show up Out of the girl’s unique weakness, she became even stronger.

“That’s right, don’t forget, everyone, and I am by your side, I will protect you forever.” Li Yalin moved towards Pull laura gave a thumbs up, and then gave everyone a thumbs up Said with a smile, after hearing Li Yalin’s words, the girls’ faces were all red, and a sense of happiness was born spontaneously.

“While these insects have not yet come down, I also made a pre-war plan for everyone. The weakness of these Low-Rank insects is obvious, that is, their eyes, mouths, and Their abdomens are very soft, and the roots of their wings are also very fragile. When launching an attack, the first thing everyone must aim at is these weaknesses!” Li Yalin first told the insects. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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