After a battle, the entire IS Academy entered a state of alert. At this time, wars in various parts of the world continued, and all countries suffered devastating blows. It was almost like the end of the world in this short hour. , Africa continent fell first. Except for the transfer of some IS troops and the last fire, the entire Africa has become a paradise for insects.

South America and North America fell shortly after, but in addition to some of the fire that has been transferred out, there are still a small number of people on the American continent who are doing the final resistance, although the defeat is only time Problems, but it has provided precious time for the transfer of the remaining humans, and the transfer work is also in full swing.

The next thing that fell was Oceania, where the land was sparsely populated, and the defensive forces were scattered. It was simply impossible to form a battle line. As for Antarctica, just ignore it for the time being. It has become an insect. Of the base.

As for Europe and Asia, these Two Great Continents are relatively lucky, but the insects are slowly advancing. At this time, the IS teams from France, Germany, Britain and Italy have been combined. Rise up, are resisting the invasion of insects, while China is uniting the Soviets and is destroying the insects that have invaded the country.

Looking at the battle report on the virtual screen, everyone was embarrassed. The entire world’s transportation was interrupted. Except for ISMecha, conventional weapons did not do much damage to these insects, especially Saint. Insects above Rank, as long as this thing appears, it is difficult to guarantee victory even if the IS troops make a shot.

“Tell Yalin, what the hell is going on?” In the combat command room, besides Chifuyu, Zhu, Lingyin, Cecilia, Xia Lu, Lalaura, Wu Wu, Zhenye and Lanquan, who had not even evacuated, were all present. Everyone looked towards Li Yalin with doubts, and wanted to hear him explain what was going on.

“About this matter, then I have to start from the beginning.” Li Yalin first sorted out the words, and then continued: “In fact, I have some special abilities since I was a child. Sister Chifuyu and Qi, they all know about this, but everyone doesn’t know where my special abilities come from. Actually…”

Next, Li Yalin I said the whole thing half true half false. The main content is that after I awakened, I learned that the insect race was about to invade this World, and the formation of the IS team and other information that can be understood by everyone. As for the inheritance of gods Li Yalin also slightly raised some of the identity of the author.

“Heir of God? Yalin, are you sure you don’t have a fever?” Qi first stepped forward and touched Li Yalin’s forehead. It’s not that she didn’t believe in Li Yalin, but it was too unimaginable. Right?

“Of course I don’t have a fever! I’m pretty normal! I knew you would react this way after I said it, so I didn’t tell you about the invasion of the insect race. If I say it, you guys You have to think of me as mental illness!” Li Yalin gave a blank look, and his tone was quite upset.

“Uh…I didn’t mean that I didn’t believe you.” Qi murmured back two steps, and there was some fever on his face.

“Then if you follow according to what you said, the next insects’ invasion will definitely be more violent, and the strength will be stronger?” At this time, Chifuyu asked the question to the point. Although I was also very surprised by Li Yalin’s answer, it was not when I was emotional at this time, and Chifuyu was also very calm.

“Indeed, if nothing happens, the entire world will soon be destroyed by the insect!” Li Yalin shocked everyone, especially the ringtones, who seemed very panicked at this time.

“Impossible! Father mother them…” Tears have already appeared from the corners of Lingyin’s eyes. Although Xia Lu is stronger than Lingyin, she is also worried about her father’s comfort, even if she has no affection. But that was her father after all.

“Don’t worry about the ringing tone, uncle and auntie and their lives are great and they will be safe!” Li Yalin took the flustered ringing tone into his arms and stroked her. Hair, softly comforting one side.

“What should we do now? Should we just sit and wait for death?” At this time, Laura stood up. Although Germany did not fall, according to Li Yalin’s, German-Italian Zhicheng is also affirmed by history. Sooner or later, it made Laura, who had been instilled with patriotism since childhood, also felt very anxious.

But anxiety is also useless. The traffic has been cut off by the insects. It is harder to reach Germany than heavenly ascension. Although it can be reached by IS, it is difficult to guarantee that the army of insects along the way will not appear. What an accident.

“If my companions were there, things would be easier to handle, but at the moment they are all in another World, it is almost impossible to come over, unless I complete the Quest, but then What’s the point of whether they can come here?” Li Yalin is also sighed. As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands. Li Yalin alone can’t take care of the entire world. He is not so powerful yet. After all, he is still The more powerful Half-God is not a true god, but even if it is a god, there are still places that cannot be taken care of, even more how it is him.

“Yalin, your companions, are they all girls?” After Li Yalin finished speaking, the scene was silent, but at this moment, Cecilia’s abrupt voice broke the silence, although Cecilia, who is also worried about her country, but whose parents have died, has no special fetters at this time. Even the exclusive maid Je Lucy, who grew up with her childhood friends, came to Japan a few days ago. , Settled near IS Academy, so what she cares more about at this time is what Li Yalin said.

“Uh…you are right. They are what I call Subordinate God, but I have never regarded them as my own servants. I have a lot of memories of the World. In these Worlds , I have my own life, my own love, I cannot abandon them, so I can only make a promise to them, that is to be together for ever and ever, and forever not to be separated.” Li Yalin was silent for a while, Then his answer was very firm. Although this would hurt the hearts of the girls present, Li Yalin could not deceive himself. This was his true thoughts.

“That’s great. If you abandon those girls, it means that you are a bad-hearted guy and definitely not worthy of everyone’s love. But you guy is really bothersome too, quick Point to say, how many girls did you lie to?” Wu Wu gave a chuckle, and then came to Li Yalin’s with interest and asked.

“…” Li Yalin was silent.

“Hurry up, don’t you say sorry?” He urged silently.

“I’m counting…Aiya! It hurts, Chifuyu sister.” Before Li Yalin’s words were finished, Chifuyu’s long-lost fist was on his head. To Li Yalin’s complaint, Chifuyu was Li Yalin gave Li Yalin a fierce look.

“I’m so embarrassed to say! Tell me about your fully covered ISMecha, where did it come from? Was it bundled for you?” Chifuyu’s expression seemed a bit savory, but it wasn’t Obviously, Li Yalin can’t be sure, but for Chifuyu’s problem, Li Yalin shook the head with a smile.

“Chifuyu sister, you too underestimate me. It’s just a fourth-generation IS of trifling. I can do it simply without Sister Shu. Now I and Sister Shu are competing to develop a fifth-generation IS. IS, I already have eyebrows, but I don’t know what’s going on with Sister Shu.” Li Yalin’s words can be described as shocking four people, the fifth generation IS? When the fourth generation appeared, it was enough to cause an uproar in the whole world. In this second life generation mass production, when everyone was competing to produce the third generation, Li Yalin actually said that the production of the fifth generation IS has already begun. ? Did you hear it wrong or did Li Yalin say it wrong?

“The fifth generation? The development is really fast, but what concept is the development prospect of the fifth generation?” Chifuyu’s expression did not change much, but continued to move towards Li Yalin asked.

“In my vision, the fifth-generation IS is a new product of the combination of technology and Magic. (Machine) The ability to use nano skills to control water, but a real magic combination, makes IS the strongest individual weapon in history.” Li Yalin’s expression is very proud, but this is indeed a great idea.

The new term “Magic?” surprised everyone again. Why did Magic appear again?

“Didn’t I tell you? Since I am the heir of the gods, and I have traveled through a lot of Worlds, of course I have traveled through Magic World, and naturally I have some knowledge about Magic.” , Li Yalin’s left hand showed a cluster of Flame, but the right hand flashed with flashes of electricity.

“Magic really exists!” Girls who have accepted materialism since childhood are naturally very curious about Magic, but before the girls approach, Flame and Lightning in Li Yalin’s hands disappeared. Up.

“In this way, it can be said and understood, but what are you going to do Yalin next? It is not a simple matter to form your own IS team.” At this time, Chifuyu was nodded. , And then the tone was a little heavy.

“I’m not very worried about the IS forces. The students of IS Academy can form a very powerful force.” Li Yalin seemed very optimistic. After all, this matter was early in his mind. There is a conclusion.

“But the number of IS is a problem!” Cecilia on the side said with some worry.

“If IS is not enough, I will go to the elder sister!” Qi also expressed his opinion in a timely manner.

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