“But this speed is really fast. My R-Revive.CustomⅡ simply can’t match it. The speed of this fighter hasn’t reached the top speed yet, it’s almost faster than the instant acceleration.” At this time, Xia Lu did. Is exclaimed.

“Every world has its own development, and IS may not be inferior to this kind of guy!” Qi said somewhat unconvinced.

“That’s true, but when Schoolmate Yalin comes back, I want him to drive this fighter plane to take me for a drive. It must be very romantic at that time.” Cecilia clasped her hands together. An intoxicated look.

“Cecilia is too cunning, I want to go for a ride too!” Ringtone also called not to be outdone.

“What’s the noise! ​​Go back to me quickly to appease the students. I have to talk about the principal of the school alone!” Chifuyu’s words did not fall, but he was present. The girls’ bodies stiffened immediately, and after Chifuyu finished speaking, the girls immediately agreed at the same time, and then quickly left the second arena.

Let’s talk about Li Yalin. Although the speed of VF-25 is very fast, even reaching Mach 5, it still took a long time from IS Academy to Madagascar. Although I traveled through most of the Indian Ocean and the territories of various countries, I encountered many insects, but after the ECS was turned on, ordinary insects could not find Li Yalin’s. Even if they encountered some more powerful insects, Li Yalin did not. Entangling with it, but speeding around, all to reach the destination as the primary Quest.

Soon, Li Yalin came to the target area shown on the map. On the surface, this is a farm, but underneath this farm, there is a secret that belongs to the bundle. The laboratory, although I don’t know how Beam built the laboratory here, everything is in vain at the moment, because there is already a paradise for insects.

There are no signs of human survival in the farm. There are probably more than forty Sixth Rank-powered insects entrenched in the open space, as if they are resting, while there are more than a dozen insects in the sky. Flying back and forth, whether they are patrolling or playing is not what Li Yalin can know. Li Yalin has never learned the language of these Low-Rank insects.

Since there are no living people, Li Yalin doesn’t need to worry about anything. After transforming into a half-human form, the GU-17A Gatling gun in the hands of the VF-25 quickly turned around. The metal storm formed immediately. The insects in the air were the first to be attacked. The two long-range missiles mounted on the wings were launched at the same time, and the target was the insect swarm on the ground.

Li Yalin’s attack this time was unexpected. After being lifted from the invisibility state, most of the insects in the air were swept down, and the insects on the ground also suffered heavy losses, but these insects were scattered. The missiles are not very dense, so the two missiles did not exert the maximum effect.

After a hit, Li Yalin’s second wave attack immediately started. Anyway, ammunition or something, how much is needed, simply don’t need to consider this issue, and then the equipment bounces off the armored backpack on the fighter plane. Ten medium-range combat missiles were launched. Under the precise control of Li Yalin’s, each missile accurately hit an insect, and even some insects were hit by several bombs at the same time, and one missile could claim them. After the explosion of several missiles, these bad luck insects are naturally skeleton doesn’t exist.

Li Yalin’s speed is very fast. After clearing these insects, the VF-25 slowly landed on the ground. After opening the cockpit and walking out, a ground not far from Li Yalin It suddenly cracked, and a building rose slowly from the ground. Upon a closer look, it was discovered that it turned out to be a small elevator.

After descending from the elevator to below the ground, after opening the door of the elevator, it was Shino no Shu to greet Li Yalin’s. When Li Yalin’s arrived, Shu was moved and ran quickly. When he arrived in front of Li Yalin’s, he hugged Li Yalin tightly and said nothing to let go.

“Xiao Ya really moved the elder sister! The elder sister loves you to death!” Li Yalin’s face was rubbed against her and she coquettishly said.

“Alright, Sister Shu, don’t make trouble, now is not the time to play, but the army of insects outside will come soon.” Li Yalin pushed away the beam helplessly. Then he took a lot of attention to the entire underground laboratory.

It looks like a future science fiction movie, but the snack bags piled up in the corner are selectively ignored by Li Yalin. Shu, like Chifuyu, belongs to that kind of private life. The kind of sloppy, according to Li Yalin’s words, sloppy private life is a realm, and Shu and Chifuyu have already played vividly and thoroughly.

“Sister Shu, let’s go now, are all the things you need installed in the expansion area of ​​your mobile laboratory?” At this time, Li Yalin moved towards Shu asked again.

About this mobile laboratory, in fact, it has the same effect as IS. At the beginning, Li Yalin was also quite interested. After getting the skill sharing of the beam, Li Yalin gave himself equipment immediately. One, the ring in Li Yalin’s hand is the key to his own laboratory.

“Well, everything is ready! I can’t take away the rest. Although it’s a pity, but with my little genius, everything can be done again!” He patted his chest. ,Said with a smile.

“Don’t be a pity, come with me, Sister Shu!” Li Yalin waved her hand, and when Shu came back, she had already appeared in the VF-25 reserve compartment. Looking out the window from the cockpit, the ground of the farm completely collapsed. It turned out that Li Yalin sent the entire laboratory to his Evolved Space.

“Xiaoya, what did you do?” Shu asked a little puzzled. If you look at the current situation, his laboratory under the ground in the countryside must be gone, otherwise the ground will not be there. All this weird collapsed, but how did Li Yalin do it? Is this also the magic of Magic?

“hehe, Shanren has his own tricks, I will tell you later, now we are going home!” Li Yalin smiled mysteriously, then pulled the joystick, and the VF-25 made a maneuver. After that, Li Yalin accelerated violently, and the fighter jet moved towards IS Academy at a very fast speed.

“It’s really interesting!” Sitting in the reserve cabin, Shu was very curious and stared at the various buttons in front of him. Although it was the first time I saw it, some general operation button bundles can still be seen. I understand that February 1st, but what exactly is this red button for? With the strong curiosity of a scientist, Shube pressed the red switch.

“I said Sister Shu, what are you doing?” Li Yalin shouted loudly. It turned out that Shu actually pressed the VF-25 deformation switch, and the fighter jet that was still flying at high speed suddenly stopped in mid-air. However, the huge inertia made the fighter simply unable to completely stand still. When it turned into a humanoid mode, the fighter fell out with a somersault.

This fall doesn’t matter. At this time, the area where Li Yalin is flying can be near an insect with Supreme’s initial strength. Although the gap is close to Li Yalin and the beam, this body is nearly two feet tall. The hundred-meter huge insect did not find the exact location of Li Yalin and Shu. Originally, Li Yalin only had to speed up and rush over, but this somersault happened to fall on the back of the Supreme insect.

“Sorry, elder sister is just very curious.” Shu was a little unhappy with pouting her mouth, but she also knew it was her fault. After saying these things, she became angry. Sitting in his seat and stopped talking.

“I really convinced you Sister Shu. You can study whatever you want after the plane returns. But now is not the time. Forget it, it’s not the time to complain. Sister Shu, you have to do well. Oh! I’m going to have fun with it!” Li Yalin shook the head, equipment on the VF-25 has not many missiles, and the number of bullets is also not enough. One third, I want to use these weapons to compete with this Supreme insect. The battle is still a bit difficult, but let’s play it first.

At this time, the Supreme insect’s attack arrived very quickly, and countless huge energy cannons moved towards Li Yalin were launched, but at this time, the VF-25 was transformed into a fighter mode. After a beautiful roll, it flashed past the energy cannon fire of the insect, and then the Gatling gun fired. Countless bullets hit the thick armor of the insect, splashing bursts of sparks, but there was no What special damage to the insect.

“The skin is really hard! What do you think about this?” Then, the λ-DRIVER system is turned on. At this time, every bullet shot by Li Yalin contains Li Yalin’s psychic energy. Although not many, bullets can cause damage to this Supreme insect.

Countless bullets were fired into the skin of the insect, splashing bursts of dark green blood, but even if the λ-DRIVER system is turned on, the opponent has the strength of Supreme after all, and the power of the bullets is indeed limited. Li Yalin, who understood this, immediately launched all the remaining missiles, aiming at the weakness of the insect, such as the eyes, mouth, and the soft-looking parts of the body.

This insect with Supreme strength belongs to the family of insects, but if it is more accurate, it should be called monster more appropriately, because from its appearance, it is impossible to see what insect is at all It has a gray and black hard armor. The limbs underneath the body are quite huge. There are three pairs of wings on the back, each of which exceeds 80 meters. The most disgusting thing is its head and green eyes. However, large and small are different. They are all wriggling around 180 degrees. Apart from the energy cannon, this guy’s weapon should be his mouth. At least the sharp teeth are nearly ten meters long. Long, it’s easy to gnaw steel. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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