“Please, what we are considering now is the name of the team, not the name of IS, okay?” Qi gave Li Yalin a grimace, but there was a lot of sourness in the words.

“In my opinion, it’s better to call the Saint Angel team. Look, Yalin’s image is Angel, and the IS of the weaving teacher is also quite representative of Angel’s Wings, called Saint Angel. The Angel team is both imagery and a positive force. Isn’t this the name of one move, two gains?” At this time, Xia Lu came up with a good name.

“This is also good. Although I don’t have a good opinion of Birdman, this name is good. At least those girls will like it very much, right?” Li Yalin nodded, it doesn’t matter to him what the name is. , Saint Angel is just Saint Angel. Everyone likes it.

“It’s very vivid, and I like it!” Laura on the side is also nodded. Laura and Xia Lu have a very good relationship. Xia Lu’s name Laura is naturally the best, of course, Laura herself really likes this name, at least much stronger than her own black rabbit unit, so Laura, who has learned a lot of normal aesthetics, thinks so.

So far, in future cosmic wars, the Saint Angel team, which allowed the enemy to become terror-stricken at the news, was established. Although it is still a rudimentary form, it has been tempered by countless wars. The girls have grown up quickly, but we will not mention these all are for the time being.

“By the way, I have already debugged everyone’s IS. Everyone try it out, and I will prepare the most suitable adjustment.” At this time, Li Yalin suddenly thought of something, waved, five sets The brand-new IS appeared in front of everyone.

“The first one was Akatsubaki, because the changes were not very big, so I didn’t change the name. After conquering the fifth generation IS, I will change it to a more prestigious name.” Pointing to the first Akatsubaki, Li Yalin said with a smile.

Indeed, the changes of Akatsubaki are not very big. In addition to the addition of two commonly used ECSsystem and λ-DRIVERsystem, the Akatsubaki is changed to a conversion system that can be converted into a full-covered weapon. This The three systems are necessary systems for all fourth-generation ISs, so naturally they are not a change.

“Oh, okay.” Hearing Li Yalin said that he did not name his IS, Qi looked a little lost, but opened his own Akatsubaki again, and after Li Yalin’s is the most suitable After the transformation, Qi was surprised to discover Akatsubaki’s changes. Although I don’t know what Li Yalin has changed, the feeling of being connected to himself allows Qi to manipulate his dedicated machine more handily.

“This is Cecilia’s special machine-Azure Fighter. Cecilia is better at mid-range and long-range attacks, so Azure Fighter has also taken this aspect to the extreme.” After adjusting Akatsubaki , Li Yalin pointed to the second blue IS and said.

In addition to the basic modification of the fourth-generation machine, Li Yalin also modified the weapon system. The original four blue tear floating cannons have been modified into eight. Although at first Cecilia may be a little difficult to control, Li Yalin believes that Cecilia will definitely be able to overcome this difficulty. When the time comes, it will increase to sixteen, and thirty-two will be more and more. At that time, Cecilia would definitely become a human-shaped fort.

In addition to the floating artillery, the ballistic missile and beam sniper rifle Li Yalin also adjusted their power. As for the original short blade called the interceptor, it was replaced by Li Yalin. Two energy swords are added to the arms, which can be freely stretched according to the driver’s will, which greatly improves Cecilia’s melee combat ability.

“Xia Lu, this is your extreme hurricane! Among all dedicated machines, this IS has the fastest speed, and even my Asura can’t match it!” Then Li Yalin again Pointing to an IS shining pale-gold light and said to Xia Lu.

Speaking of Xia Lu’s extremely fast hurricane, there is no other explanation, just one word—Quick! The short-distance instant acceleration is almost comparable to teleportation, and considering that Xia Lu is good at using firearms, there are more than twenty guns and weapons in the expansion field, and the melee weapons also did not fall.

“Laura’s black slayer, this is not just in name only, but also in reality. In terms of medium and long range attack capability, this IS is the strongest.” Li Yalin patted The black IS in front of him said.

Li Yalin is right. In addition to the original various systems, the black slaughterer’s attached weapons are equipped with a huge cannon on the left and the right equipment, and it’s still the kind that has been added. , Now one cannon has passed five cannons, it’s really exciting to fight monsters, and the battle doesn’t panic.

Uh… Let’s talk about other weapons. In addition to the long-range cannon, the medium-range combat missile is also indispensable. There are two ballistic launch pads under the cannon. After that, a total of 16 medium-range combat missiles can be launched at a time. No matter what the opponent is, it is estimated that after a wave of loaded missiles, there will be nothing left.

“The misty lady without you, this name is very nice, so I did not change it. Although the name has not been changed, the changes in the body are great!” At this time, Li Yalin again Said to Wu Wu with a smile.

At this time, the misty lady showed a kind of blue water all over her body. Seeing it as if she was in the deep sea, the misty beautiful woman’s special ability’clear enthusiasm’ is the use of nanomachines. Although it is very similar to Magic, Li Yalin did not change the system, but further improved the system. The changes are not particularly large, but the power of IS is the difference between compared to before. Heaven and Earth.

“By the way, Xiaozhan, your fourth-generation dedicated machine has to wait a moment, it is in production.” Finally, Li Yalin smiled and said to Xiaozhan, preparing for the fourth The generation machine is nothing more than Li Yalin’s suddenly have a thought, but he will never break his promise, so Super Military Factory is also in the midst of intensive production.

In the next time, what Li Yalin did was to let everyone quickly make the most suitable, and all ISMecha entered the first form, so that everyone’s battle strength immediately got a significant improvement.

“How is the current situation in various countries?” After preparing a special machine for the girls, Li Yalin moved towards Chifuyu in the combat command room and asked.

“It’s not ideal. The number of insects is increasing. According to incomplete statistics, the number of giant insects over 100 meters in length has exceeded forty. In a state of destruction.” Chifuyu’s answer was calm, but Li Yalin understood that Chifuyu’s heart simply couldn’t calm down, and the population of the entire world had dropped to a terrifying figure. If this continues, I’m afraid it’s true. Not far from world annihilation.

“Now China has become the last line of defense on Earth. Europe is about to be unable to withstand it. Japan is also insecure. Now we are doing our best to search for survivors and move towards China for transfer!” According to the information displayed on the map, Li Yalin had no choice but to make this choice.

Li Yalin originally thought IS Academy was safe enough, but looking at the current situation, Japan turned out to be the first door to protect China. Insects who want to attack China must pass through Japan. In this case, Li Yalin will naturally not allow ordinary civilians to suffer such a disaster.

“Transfer to China? Not to mention whether China will accept us. Even if the other party accepts it, Japan’s surviving population is not that simple. How can we transport these survivors to China? “Chifuyu opened his mouth in disbelief, transferred, and said simply, but the number of survivors in Japan is at least over 100,000. This is not just a number, but a living person. ?

“It’s okay, just leave it to me. Everyone will search for survivors. Let’s not say that the sunken islands are saved. The civilians must be rescued. Give priority to women. At least these People will become the hidden battle strength against insects. Who knows when they will be on the battlefield.” Li Yalin shook the head. Although Li Yalin is not very happy with some of Japan’s practices, at least civilians are innocent.

At this time, the Japanese government has completely lost. The emperor and prime minister of what all chose to escape immediately during the insect invasion, but can escape really work? It’s not the same thing that was killed by the insect. It seems that the highest manager in the neighboring city of IS is the director of a police station. It’s really ironic.

“Well, since this is the case, I will arrange it now, but with regard to China, how should we communicate?” Chifuyu nodded, since Li Yalin said that there is no problem, then she will be an elder The sister naturally trusts the younger brother unconditionally, but it’s not a trivial matter about the communication with China.

“I’m going to come forward. The ring tone represents the alternate student. I should be able to contact China’s IS troops. I’ll go and ask about the ring tone.” After that, Li Yalin left the battle. In the command room, I came to the third arena where the ring tone is located. At this time, the ring tone is here to assist the teacher to guide the training of the first year. Although there is no insect at this time, who knows when the insect will arrive? At least before that, if you can train one more useful Warrior, you can have more battle strength, although these girls are more appropriate to be called Zhan Ji.

“Yalin, why are you here? What’s the matter?” It hasn’t been long since I separated from Li Yalin. Lingyin also knew that Li Yalin was going to Chifuyu to discuss the problem, but why did he come back so soon? Did something accident happen?

“Well, I have something to ask you!”

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