“Well, can you tell me now what is going on?” After arriving at the Imperial Palace in Elf Imperial City, besides Li Yalin entire group, Catherine and Several Elf Elders are here, so Queen Catherine also asked Li Yalin anxiously. Regarding Lynn’s rapid improvement of strength, Queen Catherine really wants to know the reason.

“Leave aside, Aunt Catherine, first look at who she is?” Li Yalin prankly pushed Adria to Queen Catherine. In order to avoid trouble, everyone returned to Heavenly Wind Continent. After going up, I wore Li Yalin’s hooded cloak, even Adria and Little Feng’er were no exception. After Queen Catherine saw the real face of Adria under the hat, Catherine put his hands together in public and made a move towards Adria. Elf Race’s highest courtesy.

“Catherine Feiya has met Elf Goddess!” Queen Catherine regards Adria as Elf Goddess Pokky, but it is no wonder that Adria and Pokky are Twin Goddesses, except for the subtle difference in ears. The appearance of the two is almost exactly the same.

“Aunt Catherine, she is not Elf Goddess, you have to look carefully.” Li Yalin said with a smile at hee hee.

“Not Elf Goddess?” Queen Catherine was puzzled, but she soon discovered the difference between Adria and Pokky, that is, Adria’s ears are the same as those of humans and not the same as the ears of elves.

“What the hell is going on?” Queen Catherine was completely at a loss and didn’t understand.

“Hehe, this is actually the main purpose of our visit this time. Let me introduce these two Aunt Catherine people you don’t know. In fact, it’s not accurate to say that they are people. This is Ice and Snow Goddess Adria and Elf Goddess Pokky are Twin Goddesses, so their looks are so similar. As for this little girl, Heavenly Fire Phoenix Little Feng’er, Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Guardian Divine Beast, although this little girl is already tens of thousands. I haven’t returned to Phoenix Dance Kingdom in 2015.” Li Yalin first smiled, and then introduced Adria and Little Feng’er to Catherine with a calm face, as if Adria and Little Feng’er were not the gods of aloof and remote. Divine Beast, but just an ordinary person.

“What? Sorry, forgive my impoliteness. I have seen Her Highness the Ice and Snow Goddess, His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix.” Upon hearing Li Yalin’s explanation, Queen Catherine was taken aback first, and then immediately followed Adria. And Little Feng’er deeply carried out the ceremony. Because Li Yalin’s tone is so plain, Queen Catherine at first did not react. This is the god of aloof and remote. Why does Li Yalin like to introduce old friends? Introduce the two gods to yourself?

“No need to be polite, this time we are here to meet my elder sister Elf Goddess Pokky, I wonder if Queen Catherine Feiya, can you relax?” Adria is not aloof and remote. The awe-inspiring appearance, with a touch of softness and majesty in the words, although it was an inquiry, it made it impossible for others to raise a rebuttal.

“Of course, Her Highness the Ice and Snow Goddess, and you can call me Catherine, I will go to contact Elf Goddess now.” Queen Catherine is busy replied, this is Elf Goddess’s younger sister, what right do I have to say no? But advance notice is necessary, and Elf Goddess must also be prepared to prepare for Teleportation.

Queen Catherine soon received a reply from Elf Goddess. After she came to the room of the Teleportation Array again, a burst of light flashed. Li Yalin, Adria and Little Feng’er appeared in In the Independent Space of Elf Goddess.

“Adria, Little Feng’er, my younger sisters.” When the three of Li Yalin just appeared, a cheer rang out, and Elf Goddess Pokky had quickly joined Adria and Little Feng’ Er is in her arms, it seems that she really misses her younger sisters very much.

“Elder Sister Pokky!” Adria and Little Feng’er also hugged Pokky tightly, looking like a sister.

Okay, the narration between the sisters begins. Li Yalin regrets it very much. Why did he come in with Adria and Little Feng’er? I knew it would be better to connect with everyone outside. Now three Goddess are gathered together, chirp chirp twitter twitter, and they are standing aside, looking very embarrassed.

“It’s really didn’t expect. It’s been a long time since I have seen you. I can’t even see your strength. I really looked down on you.” An hour later, sisters The narration was finally over, but Pokky came to Li Yalin’s with a smile on his face, and said to Li Yalin very playfully.

“This is nothing, but now that your sisters are done talking, let’s talk about business.” Li Yalin shook the head, the main purpose of this visit is not to make Pokky and Adria they reminisce about the past.

“Well then, tell me what’s the matter with you?” Pokky asked with interest.

“In two days we are going to the legendary land of the gods fall, my main purpose is to go there to collect some scattered Divine Spark fragments, of course, if there is a complete Divine Spark then Even better, it’s just that neither Adria nor Little Feng’er could finish that Great War of Gods and Demons, so we come to learn from you, who persisted in the Great War of Gods and Demons until the last Elf Goddess. “

“Divine Forbidden Land, there are indeed many gods fallen there, but it’s not that easy to go there. Although I don’t know much about it, I know that there are still gods The energy radiated by the Demons caused a considerable number of powerful Demon Beasts to gather there. Some Demon Beasts even swallowed up the broken Divine Spark and evolved into Divine Beasts. If any outsider enters the Divine Forbidden Land, surely You will be attacked frantically. If you want to go, you must be mentally prepared.” Pokky said hesitantly.

“The legendary Divine Forbidden Land has a hidden treasure, and the two rings in my hand are the keys to unlock the hidden treasure. I don’t know if you understand this?” Then Li Yalin took Out of the ring I got at the Academy Martial Great Competition.

“I don’t know about this, but these two rings are one black one white, one exudes the purest Power of Darkness, the other is the purest power of light, it should be God Realm’s product, no one on Heavenly Wind Continent can make this kind of ring, but I don’t understand the hidden treasure of Divine Forbidden Land. I have never heard of it.” Look at the two rings in Li Yalin’s hands, Pokky There was also a confused look on his face.

“Well, that’s really confusing.” Li Yalin also pressed his temple. It seems that this trip to Divine Forbidden Land will definitely be a lot of twists and turns, but Li Yalin is not too worried. With his current strength, plus Saber, Teresa and Ikaros, even if the opponent is the powerhouse of the Eleventh Rank, it is not without a fight. Even more how Eleventh Rank’s Lord Gods are all Was driven out of Heavenly Wind Continent by Creation God.

“I have answered your question, should you answer my question now? How did my younger sisters become your Subordinate God? Today you are going to give me a satisfaction Answer!” At this time, Pokky asked Li Yalin with his hands on his hips and an unhappy face, but the crafty gaze that flickered in her eyes had already betrayed her.

“Hehe, I have to ask Adria and Little Feng’er. I didn’t force them to post it.” Li Yalin had already seen that Elf Goddess Pokky was not angry. , And it just feels fun, so Li Yalin is also a foolish replied, but after Adria listened to it, he stepped forward and pinched Li Yalin’s waist.

“You have no conscience! You are really mad at me.” Adria panting with rage shouted to Li Yalin. Although Adria took the initiative to contract with Li Yalin, Little Feng’er was also in Adria. Signed a contract with Li Yalin, but when Li Yalin said it, Adria felt uncomfortable no matter how he heard it.

“Well, isn’t this a joke, why are you so excited.” Li Yalin hurriedly told mercy. Adria was fine to pinch himself, but Li Yalin could already see from Adria’s red eyes. Adria should not like what she just said.

“No more jokes with me in the future!” After looking at Li Yalin, Adria pouted and said, but seeing this, Li Yalin was sighed in relief, you can say so If it is, it means that the matter has passed.

“Understood, I won’t say that in the future.” It was like coaxing a child. Li Yalin stroked Adria’s hair. Adria was also very good. Just after Li Yalin finished speaking, Adria He smiled and slipped into Li Yalin’s arms, stuck it on Li Yalin’s body, and smiled, but seeing the scene in front of him, Elf Goddess was a little dumbfounded.

Is this still my younger sister? That cold and noble Ice and Snow Goddess, how can he look like a little child and a little human woman now, right? Elf Goddess Pokky rubbed his eyes and couldn’t believe the facts before him.

“What are you?” Pokky asked a little hesitantly. Although Adria just talked about some of his own experiences, he signed a contract with Li Yalin and became Li Yalin’s Subordinate God. I mentioned it in one pass, and it was very vague. Now it seems that it is not a simple Subordinate God contract.

“What’s wrong with Elder Sister Pokky?” Seeing Pokky’s surprise, Adria also found it funny.

“What is your relationship?” Pokky asked repeatedly.

“This is the relationship, what else can it have?” To Li Yalin’s surprise, Adria quickly kissed her cheek, and then asked Elf Goddess Pokky with a smile.

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