“Of course we know, but we believe, Teacher Yalin, you will definitely protect us!” Lemmy looked at Li Yalin with a blushing face, which made Li Yalin’s face only a hint of helpless smile .

“I will protect you, but have you ever thought that if the teacher I am all powerless to defend himself? When the time comes, what should you do?” After listening to Li Yalin’s question, one Everyone was a little silent at the time.

“I’ll protect the teacher at that time!” Lucia’s words made Li Yalin stunned, but seeing Lucia’s firm gaze, no one would question the authenticity of her words .

“You Little Brat.” Li Yalin fondly touched the cat’s beautiful woman’s hair, and Lucia also showed an expression of enjoyment under Li Yalin’s touch.

“Lucia, hello cunning, I will also protect the teacher!” Seeing this scene in front of him, Lemmy pursed his mouth, very dissatisfied, called to Lucia, and then another Looking at Li Yalin with a pitiful face.

“Well, they are all this big, and they look like a little child.” Li Yalin also smiled and stroked Lemmy’s hair, forgetting that he seemed to be about the same age as Lemmy and the others.

“By the way, Kei and Murobo, during the time I left, your strength has grown very fast.” At this time, Li Yalin moved towards Kei and they said, they hadn’t seen each other for more than two months. Everyone has been upgraded from the original Third Rank High-Level to the current Fourth Rank Low-Level. Although not very strong, it can be counted on one’s fingers in the younger generation.

“Of course it’s Teacher Yalin. You taught me well. Without the teacher’s teaching, our strength would definitely not be able to improve so quickly!” Kei looked at Li Yalin with admiring eyes, his own strength. I have never improved so fast. At the current rate, maybe within a year, I will have the strength of Fourth Rank High-Level. If this speed is let others know, it must be quite appalling.

“I didn’t hire you to take pictures of my flattery, so I didn’t have any money to give you my flattery. These all are your own efforts. No matter how good I teach, you don’t Efforts are useless,” Li Yalin said with a smile and waved his hand.

“Hehe, this is our voice.” Kei touched the back of his head and said very sorry.

“Come on, you haven’t answered my question positively yet, why go to Divine Forbidden Land?” Li Yalin waved his hand and almost made them fool the past, and the topic shifted as he spoke. Up?

“Look, I said it a long time ago, the teacher is not so perfunctory, it’s better to speak frankly.” Lemmy glanced at the group of boys headed by Kei with disdain, his tone slightly Said with a hint of sarcasm.

“It’s true, it’s actually like this. Didn’t Divine Forbidden Land start, but family forces from various countries cannot intervene in this matter. Only students from Academy can participate, so our family Send us to Divine Forbidden Land to investigate the situation, but it’s just an investigation, there is no need to commit a risk, and it’s just an experience for us that’s all.” Keinodded explained.

“Investigate? Investigate what? You are so young, what can you detect? Did your family patriarch have lead in their heads?” Li Yalin frowns said, not being polite at all.

“Teacher, don’t get excited. This is our voluntary matter. The main reason is that we also want to go out and see. Didn’t we also go with the rebel annihilation last time, but that time? It gave us quite a shock, so this time we still want to follow the teacher to get to know it, which is also helpful to our growth.” Lemmy also explained at this time.

“Yes, yes, we will send people to the Beast King Academy of Beast Race, so I don’t want to miss it.” Catwoman Lucia bounced and said, it seems she simply didn’t understand How dangerous is Divine Forbidden Land?

“Forget it, just go if you want to go, but you can only go to Shenyue Town, and then you can’t move on!” After thinking for a while, Li Yalin barely agreed, if only If you go check it out without entering Divine Forbidden Land, it is still acceptable, at least there is no problem in the periphery.

“Very good! Long live the teacher!” Hearing Li Yalin finally agreed, everyone cheered loudly.

In this way, Milley Academy’s entire group is all standing on top of the Teleportation array. In addition to Li Yalin, Headmaster Wendy has a total of three tutors and 13 students headed by Kei. Among the thirteen, nine are all Li Yalin’s students, and the remaining four should be elite students from the Academy.

After the light of the Teleportation array has dissipated, the Li Yalin entire group has arrived in Shenyue Town, where there is a huge teleportation array. Every Academy will come to God through this teleportation array. Meteor Town, Li Yalin and the others are still late. Except for Land of Beastmen’s Beast King Academy and Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Phoenix Dance Academy, all the well-known large academies on the rest of the continent have arrived. Even some small and medium-sized academies have sent people, but each academy also has two or three people, and they are all here to join in the fun and make soy sauce.

After Li Yalin and the others arrived, someone naturally came to pick them up. The small town of Shenyue Town has never encountered such a grand occasion, except for the three legendary Saint Ranks. These major Headmasters with Seventh Rank strength can also be regarded as Heavenly Wind Continent’s Peak battle strength. The presence of so many great characters naturally makes the residents of the town a little nervous, but fortunately, Light Empire considers it carefully, early. So he appeased the residents of Shenyue Town, and Li Yalin also agreed with this point.

Because of the shortage of housing, everyone basically has to arrange tents to sleep in the wild, but some people can communicate with the residents of Shenyue Town on their own. After the two parties have negotiated, they can move into the residents’ homes. As for Whether to give money or give things depends on how to communicate, but once there is a situation of occupying residential buildings, the guy who occupied the residential buildings will be hit by all the Academy’s full force and be expelled. For this reason, at this time The Shenyue Town seems to be very harmonious.

Headmaster Wendy was prepared for this. With two Earth Element mentors and a Wind Element mentor, he began to make a series of changes to the terrain outside of God’s Fall. The purpose is to Living more comfortably that’s all. Originally, Li Yalin was still a little puzzled, why should he bring two Earth Element and a Wind Element mentor, now he completely understands.

“I said Headmaster Wendy, what are you doing?” Watching the two Earth Element instructors go back and forth to clean the ground and level the terrain, the Wind Element instructor is responsible for moving materials, but Li Yalin is gracious Interested people asked Headmaster Wendy.

“Can’t you tell? If the ground is not level, where do we live tonight?” Headmaster Wendy gave Li Yalin a blank look, and asked rhetorically, moved towards Li Yalin.

“Let’s talk about the place to live, I really have one.” As he said, Li Yalin pointed to behind him, but a spacious and gorgeous villa suddenly caught everyone’s eyes.

“Impossible! How did you brat do it?” Headmaster Wendy said incredulously. At the moment before, he could be very sure that there is simply no building here, and this villa seems to be a sudden It appeared in general, without any signs.

“In my eyes, there is nothing impossible.” Li Yalin smiled slightly. There is nothing impossible. He just took the villa out of the Evolved Space, but this is not a thing. An ordinary villa, but in order to cope with the current situation, it has been specially transformed and processed by the Super Military Factory. The biggest feature of this type of house is that as long as Li Yalin puts it on the ground, the house will meet Take the initiative to extend the foundation toward the ground and firmly fix the house on the ground.

Of course, this is only the most basic function. Don’t look at the beautiful appearance of this villa. You think it’s just a simple house. At a critical moment, this villa can automatically The transformation becomes a small battle fortress, generally speaking, unless it is bombed by super weapons or a full strength attack of powerhouses above God Rank, otherwise it is impossible to break this battle fortress.

“That’s true. You have surprised me too much. Now I can believe it no matter what I see.” Headmaster Wendy nodded quickly recovered. After all, Li Yalin was Angel before. , Giant Dragon and Phoenix can all be summoned out. Now summon comes out of a house. So compared to the three instructors who are still in a daze, Headmaster Wendy looks very calm.

“It seems that your receptivity has changed pretty well.” Li Yalin said with his lips poked.

“You are so embarrassed to say! Isn’t it because of you!” Headmaster Wendy looked a little flustered and exasperated.

“Haha, it’s all trivial things that have passed, Headmaster Wendy, don’t level the ground. Come and stay with us. It’s better than your tent, right?” Li Yalin Haha smiled, then looked at the tent next to Headmaster Wendy and said.

“Forget it, let’s live in a tent. Leave your house to those little girls. It is estimated that the girls living in your room are indispensable. Look, a group has already come. “Headmaster Wendy shook the head, but then his expression was full of playfulness. It turned out that the other Academy teacher students saw the sudden appearance of Li Yalin’s villa and they all came around curiously, and Icebound Academy was naturally there.

“Arania, Vivian, Headmaster Helen, really long time no see, huh? Big Sister Lilian? Why are you here too?” Seeing old acquaintance, Li Yalin naturally came forward to say hello. But what made Li Yalin wonder is that Lilian’s silhouette also appeared in Icebound Academy’s entire group.

Speaking of brothers, who has gundam, The Super Dimension Fortress Macross, Full Metal Panic’s body and battleship information. After the crash, the information at home is gone, and there is no time to look for it again. Some brothers can help. Send it to my [email protected], DT’s brother must type it by hand, it’s very important~~ (To be continued, if you want to know what’s going on, please visit www.qidian.com, more chapters, support the author, support Genuine reading!)

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