“Although it’s just an alternate True God, we want to become a god of Heavenly Wind Continent. It’s just a matter of time. After listening to this, are you going to kneel at us all the time?” Li Yalin’s series of questions stunned Tira, especially after hearing the Heavenly Fire Phoenix, the expressions of Tira and Christo became quite weird.

“Sorry, I want to confirm again. Just now you said Heavenly Fire Phoenix? We Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Guardian Divine Beast Heavenly Fire Phoenix?” HeadMaster Christo looked at Li Yalin with an incredulous expression. The news was too shocking for her.

“Of course, you heard it right.” Nodded, Li Yalin’s face showed a successful mischievous smile.

“Then this is…” Looking at Little Feng’er with a dazed expression on his face, HeadMaster Christo has no doubts, after all, there is an Ice and Snow Goddess standing beside him, and Li Yalin also There is no reason to deceive yourself.

“Don’t bow and kneel. Just know. We will go to Phoenix Dance Kingdom when we have time. I promised this, so don’t get excited.” Li Yalin waved his hands again and again, believing in this thing, it’s really troublesome.

“But… well, I see.” Christo wanted to say something, but after another thought, she didn’t say it again. She understood very well, everyone in this room But they are all led by Li Yalin, even Ice and Snow Goddess or Heavenly Fire Phoenix.

“About Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s, I will communicate with you later, and the same is true for Ice and Snow Kingdom.” At this time Adria suddenly interrupted,

< p>Specialized communication? What to communicate? Seeing Li Yalin’s puzzled eyes, Adria secretly moved towards Li Yalin with a mischievous blink, as if something interesting was brewing.

“This article will be opened first, mention…Tira, you haven’t answered my question yet, why do you keep disguising yourself as a man? Is there any special reason for this?” At this time Li Yalin asked, moved towards Tira.

“This…actually like this…” Tira hesitated first, and then narrated his identity as one by one. After hearing Tira’s identity, Li Yalin couldn’t help it. Long sigh, why is it a Princess again?

Yes, Tira is Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s Chief Her Majesty the Princess. Tira is really tragic. Because of physique, she can’t practice any Battle Aura and can practice Magic Power. But she couldn’t send out any Magic, and the improvement of Magic Power was very slow, so she could only become an Alchemist, but with the identity of an Alchemist, she couldn’t inherit Phoenix Dance Kingdom’s.

Phoenix Dance Kingdom is not considered to be a taken martial arts as honor, but it is also famous for its female Warrior. The entire continent is famous for its rich female Warrior. The phoenix dance queens of the past are all High-Level Warriors with a strength of Seventh Rank. So Tira’s own embarrassment can only be thought of.

Since the practice failed, Tira found another way. She showed an amazing talent in doing business. Of course, the phoenix dance queen of this generation also gave Tira a lot of help. Let the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce grow rapidly in just a few years to become a powerful Chamber of Commerce that can affect the continent, and at the same time further develop the Phoenix Dance Kingdom.

Although the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce has become famous, it has also become the scourge of other Chamber of Commerce. For the benefit of the kingdom, the Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce cannot expose the backer behind it, so Tira also You must alias Tyr and pretend to be a male child to attract attention.

“It turned out to be so, Tira, you really worked hard, but since this is a secret, you should keep hiding it. Why did you suddenly change back to women’s clothing this time?” I heard Tira After the explanation, Li Yalin also made a clear look, but then he continued to ask Tira a question.

“This…” Tira’s face blushed and did not speak any more, but Arania and Vivian on the side laughed lightly, but this smile made everyone’s eyes focus on On their bodies.

“Arania, what do you know?” Li Yalin looked at Arania and Vivian in surprise.

“hee hee, sister Tira will tell you this by herself.” Vivian said very playfully.

“It’s nothing, it’s really nothing. This time I’m not here as Magic Energy Chamber of Commerce’s Boss. Besides, there are not many people who know me here. It doesn’t matter if you wear men’s clothing or women’s clothing. .” Tira waved her hands again and again, and wanted to cover Arania and Vivian’s mouths at the same time.

“It always feels like you still have something to hide from me.” Li Yalin curled his lips, his eyes full of suspicious expressions.

“This is related to the girl’s family, you big wood!” Adria gave Li Yalin a white look, seemingly very dissatisfied with Li Yalin’s dullness.

Next, Li Yalin was kicked out of the hall. It seemed that Adria had something to say to everyone present. This made Li Yalin very puzzled. If there is anything he can’t say in front of him. ? But Adria said that this was a private talk about the girls and could not be let Li Yalin know. Well, if you don’t know, you can’t know. Li Yalin, who has nothing to do, walked out of the villa, ready to talk to Headmaster Wendy about the next move.

“Yeah, isn’t this Headmaster Dwight? Long time no see, what are you doing with Headmaster Wendy?” At this time, the Milley Academy’s resident has almost been built. With the efforts of the students Below, the tent has also been set up. Except for the two girls, Lemmy and Lucia, the other boys live in the tent.

Just when Li Yalin came to the station, he accidentally discovered Magic Fire Academy’s Headmaster Dwight. These two old fogey got together, chirp chirp twitter twitter guys don’t know what they’re talking about, But looking at that serious expression, it shouldn’t be a good thing.

“It turned out to be Schoolmate Yalin. It just so happens that we still want to find you. Just now I got news about Divine Forbidden Land, which was sent by Holy Light Academy.” Seeing Li Yalin’s coming, Headmaster Dwight had already loosened his frowns a bit. He still knows Li Yalin’s strength. Although he didn’t touch the depth of the opponent so far, no one can underestimate Li with his ability to kill God of Undead. Yalin.

“Divine Forbidden Land’s news? Didn’t it all come through before? How come now?” Li Yalin frowned when he heard it. What the hell is happening at Holy Light Academy?

“This is different from the previous news. Originally, the version we heard was the two rings in your hand at Schoolmate Yalin. They are the key to open the Divine Forbidden Land hidden treasure, and the purpose of our visit this time , Is to open this hidden treasure, but the fact is not only that.” Headmaster Dwight said while stroking the stubble of his chin while calm and easy going.

“Stop selling off, hurry up and get to the point!” Li Yalin said impatiently.

“In fact, it’s about this hidden treasure. There is hidden treasure, but this is the legendary God of Light’s hidden treasure. I heard that the two rings in your hand are from God of Light Teleportation to Church. In, God of Light’s purpose is very clear, these two rings must be used as the rewards of this Academy Martial Great Competition, and only the two rings work together to open the hidden treasure, and God of Light will also meet Seeing this brave who got two rings, this is the reason why Holy Knight Academy had to win the game after paying the blood. God of Light’s purpose cannot be violated, but some loopholes can be exploited.” Look at Li Yalin’s expression already Impatient, Headmaster Dwight also quickly picked up some of the more important things and said them.

“God of Light’s hidden treasure? Meet the brave who got these two rings? It’s really interesting game, what else? Why did Holy Light Academy release this news? Everyone knows Is it?” Li Yalin said with interest. It seems that hidden treasure is just a gimmick. This God of Light seems to have another purpose.

“Not everyone knows, and only old ghosts like us can get the news. As for what Holy Light Academy wants to do, it’s unclear. I was also talking to Wendy old just now. Ghost discussed this issue.” Headmaster Dwight shook the head. He has been analyzing with Headmaster Wendy for a long time, but he can’t guess the key.

“Well, I see, it is indeed very useful news. Is there any other news?” nodded, and then Li Yalin continued to ask.

“There is no particularly useful news, but everyone should be careful. The Three Great Empires’ Saint Rank powerhouse does not know whether it will be there. If these Saint Ranks are there, it is estimated that the scene will be much chaotic. “Headmaster Wendy’s face showed a trace of sadness, saying that Three Great Empires’ Saint Rank is impossible to show up.

And the Saint Rank on continent doesn’t think that there are only three people on the surface. In fact, even Milley Kingdom has a hidden Saint Rank. Although it’s only Saint Rank Low-Level, it’s Saint Rank’s. The strength is unquestionable. Not only Milley Kingdom, but all the kingdoms on the continent are the same. Therefore, Headmaster Wendy would not believe that the Three Great Empires has only one Saint Rank to support the scene, especially Light Empire. Every year, Light Empire will start from Searching all over the continent for talented and intelligent children to join Church, at this cumulative rate, even if the Light Empire appears Supreme, Headmaster Wendy will not be surprised.

Although this is the case, for ordinary persons, Saint Rank is still the highest battle strength after all. Many people want to climb Peak. Once Saint Rank appears, they won’t be the Seventh Rank without their strength. Headmasters.

“Saint Rank is indeed here. There are four Saint Ranks in total? One Wind Element Mage, two Warriors and one Holy Knight. One Warrior is Beastman. Although they are all well hidden, Saint Rank The breath that radiates can’t deceive me.” After a little sense, Li Yalin found all the Saint Rank hidden around him.

“But let’s not talk about these Saint Rank trash, Headmaster Wendy, what are you worried about? Isn’t I still there? Even if Saint Rank appears to make trouble, when the time comes, can’t you just get rid of it? It’s over, why do you make that expression?” After that, Li Yalin asked Headmaster Wendy with a surprised look. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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