“Yalin-kun, do you want me to reward you too?” Saeko on the side looked at Li Yalin playfully.

“Don’t make fun of me, Saeko.” Li Yalin looked at Saeko with a wry smile, then shook the head and followed towards the exit, but what Li Yalin didn’t see was the one behind him Saeko’s face was slightly red, and he murmured softly: “Who is teasing you, you stupid.” But Li Yalin didn’t hear this sentence.

After Li Yalin took the three women out of the police station, he checked his watch, and it was not noon. Li Yalin wanted to take this opportunity to promote a few girls, so he discussed with a few girls.

“How about? Should I go back to Takagi Base or find a place for leveling?” Standing next to Hummer, Li Yalin asked Saeko and the others.

“I think we should go to leveling, now our strength is still not enough.” Saeko pondered for a while before replied.

“I also think leveling is better.” Miyu also agrees very much, “We can’t let go of any opportunity to increase our strength.”

“Leveling… is not bad, right? , At least we can find my parents again.” Rei agreed.

“Well, let’s look for Rei’s parents while upgrading. Anyway, now we don’t have a clear goal.” Seeing that all three girls agreed to upgrade, Li Yalin also said about himself Suggestions.

“Very good, but we can’t drive while leveling.” Then Saeko asked the question again.

“It’s simple.” With a wave of Li Yalin, Hummer was installed into the Evolved Space. Knowing that Li Yalin has this ability, the three girls were not surprised.

“Then let’s practice while walking.” After speaking, Li Yalin pulled out his golden long spear, carried it on his shoulders and smiled and said to Rei, “We are better than Spear Art. That’s it.”

“En.” Rei also smiled and nodded agreed.

There are not many zombies on the road, so now the three girls can leveling very easily, and one or two T2zombies occasionally can’t stand Saeko’s Prestige of a Single Blade. Now Rei and Miyu are already complete There is no jerky feeling of killing zombies for the first time, and the sympathy of girl has been completely forgotten. Now this World is completely a world of survival of the fittest. powerhouse is respected! This is the definition of this World now. Girls understand this very well, so they can only lead a better life after they work hard and work hard, and get strong strength.

“Wait.” After walking a street, Li Yalin immediately called to stop because he noticed an abnormal breath. Ordinary zombies have no breath. Although T2zombies have breath, they are very weak, so Li Yalin can still detect some, but now Li Yalin feels an abnormal breath nearby, which is a kind of endless exudes. The breath of killing. This kind of breath is not something that humans can radiate. It should be zombies, and it’s still High-Level zombies, either T3 or T4. According to the feeling of breath, this guy should have at least Fourth Rank High-Level or above.

“What’s the matter?” When Li Yalin called to stop, Saeko and the others stopped immediately, and then immediately became alert. Rei who was next to Li Yalin quickly asked Li Yalin.

“There is something nearby, this feeling…very powerful.” Saeko explained the reason to Li Yalin, and she seemed to feel it too.

“Yes, it should be High-Level zombies, everyone, be careful.” After Li Yalin exhorted, he clenched the long spear and carefully warned. But fortunately, the strength of the three beautiful women is not weak, so Li Yalin also feels a little relieved.

“Come here.” Li Yalin warned loudly when he felt the zombies coming towards his side at a very fast speed.

At this moment, a giant zombies with a height of about three meters and full of scarlet muscles without a trace of skin appeared. I saw it baring fangs and brandishing claws running wildly, and when it ran, even the earth seemed to be trembling.

“Asshole! It’s a power T3.” Li Yalin spit out, holding his long spear tightly with both hands. Although he is not afraid of this power T3, he can’t be careful. main idea. But Li Yalin should be thankful that this is only a T3, if it is a T4, Li Yalin is not so easy.

“Give it to us.” Saeko held the knife in both hands, crisscrossing her chest, and then a small Magic Array appeared under Saeko’s body.

Suddenly I saw a white light shot from Saeko hitting T3’s body, but it didn’t seem to have any effect, but Li Yalin knew that this was WIZspell’s defense reduction. This spell uses After coming out, the defense of T3 can be greatly reduced.

Seeing Saeko’s action, Miyu on the side also suddenly realized that there was a Magic Array under her body, but her research on spell was later than Saeko, and her strength was not as high as Saeko. So the time for her to send spells was a lot slower than Saeko.

But because Saeko’s lowered its defense just now, T3’s figure paused briefly, because it already felt that it was missing something, but if it had a low IQ, it would only wonder and pause itself. Actions. This also created opportunities for Miyu.

Miyu’s spell is a PSI reduction hit, but after hitting T3, Miyu immediately added a boost hit status to herself, but because Miyu’s level is still low, she hasn’t learned to collectively boost hits. .

Although Rei hasn’t learned any state spell, she still used her inherited skill ——Divine Grace, and saw a little white light scattered in the sky covering T3’s body. This is Cause a lot of damage to T3.

However, this blow from Rei’s also angered T3, and it immediately rushed towards Rei angrily, but could Saeko let T3 get close? The answer is of course no, I saw Saeko dual swords recovered, a gas was stored, and the body rushed towards T3. Now Saeko uses his own inherited skill-Burst Slash. One.

The power of this move is huge, and the damage to T3 is also considerable, but it did not cause fatal damage to T3. Although T3 was hit, its wild instinct allowed it to catch Saeko directly, and threw Saeko out.

“Saeko!” Seeing Saeko being thrown out, Li Yalin hurriedly shouted.

“It’s okay!” Although Saeko was thrown out by T3’s great power, she did not lose her balance. She just stepped on a wall with T3’s power, and then turned over and fell with a somersault. To the ground.

But at the same time when Saeko was threw away, Rei and Miyu were not idle either. Miyu had added an inherited skill-Divine Speed ​​to himself at the moment, and then he darts the Berserker at him. T3 threw it out, and at the same time she also used another inherited skill of hers-Burst. And Rei continues to use his skill Divine Grace. The damage of this Light Element is very harmful to zombies.

At this moment, Li Yalin has the heart to help, but because he has already agreed with the three girls before, unless the last minute, he is not allowed to make an agreement to take action, which makes him scratch his head, but he can’t do it. .

Although Li Yalin was anxious, the three women did not let Li Yalin down. At the critical moment of life and death, the three women burst out with their greatest strength. Saeko did not continue to rush up after landing, but directly used the strongest spell she can now display: Wind Pressure S. This was originally a group attack spell, but Saeko actually compressed the Wind Pressure S in his hand by nearly half. Then, when T3 was about to attack Rei’s, Wind Pressure S whizzed and flew away.

Saeko’s is very effective. I saw that T3 was beaten by Wind Pressure S, and even one of its hands was cut off by Wind Pressure. Although IQ is very low, T3 already knows what fear is, so it turns around and wants to escape.

But would the three women let T3 run away so easily? Of course it’s impossible, seeing T3 turning around, Saeko winked at Rei and Miyu, and the two women were also aware. Then the three women each used the strongest moves at this stage. Saeko’s Rock, Rei’s Divine Grace, and Miyu’s Burst all whizzed and flew towards T3.

After an explosion, T3 was completely killed by the three girls. Seeing the outstanding performance of these three girls, Li Yalin was very happy, which shows that these three girls will be one of his in the future. Great help.

“Good job.” Li Yalin first exclaimed loudly when he came to the three girls.

“Of course, you don’t look at who I am!” Miyu said to Li Yalin who laughed at hee hee.

“Although there are still shortcomings, but this time it is not bad.” Saeko said calmly.

“The shortcomings can be gradually overcome in the future. You are now much better than I was at the beginning.” Li Yalin also smiled and said to Saeko. Indeed, if he hadn’t hunted that many Demon Beast and had the experience of killing people, Li Yalin would be scared to death when he saw T3, let alone kill it.

“We still want to cheer.” Rei said the same, but then she yelled again: “Ah! I seem to have upgraded.”

“Hey? I also upgraded. “At this time, Miyu also shouted.

“Yes, I also upgraded.” At this time, Saeko also said calmly.

The gains of this battle can be said to be very huge. After some killings, the three women are already on the verge of upgrading. Now that they have killed such a big guy, the upgrade is reasonable. in. So now Saeko has the strength of Fourth Rank High-Level, and Rei and Miyu are already Third Rank Low-Level.

“Let’s go ahead.” After taste the benefits of upgrading, Miyu pulled Li Yalin to continue upgrading. Li Yalin only shook the head with a wry smile, and was dragged forward by Miyu. go with. The remaining Saeko and Rei all smiled at each other, and then they all followed quickly.

The whole afternoon afterwards, Li Yalin and the three girls spent the whole time upgrading, but unfortunately they didn’t meet T3 again, but this afternoon’s time still made everyone feel different. Small gain.

My classmates got married today, so there is only one chapter~

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