Although the development of the castle takes a certain amount of time, Li Yalin is not particularly anxious. After communicating with Feifei’s, I learned that the time of this Yoma world is three to one with the normal time ratio, so Li Yalin has enough After a lot of time to develop the castle, after a lot of killing Yoma, the resources of the castle can be said to be quite rich, and there is no time limit for the development of the building. So Li Yalin soon completed the construction of the castle and is now starting In the violent soldiers.

However, it is very difficult to conquer this World simply by relying on the Hell Unit. After all, the highest unit that can be produced at this time is the Seventh Rank High-Level Demon. This kind of Small Captain-level goods is okay, but once you meet Lord-level Yoma, you can only win by quantity.

Of course, Li Yalin didn’t even think that these hell Units alone could conquer the world. This is only the 1st Step. After achieving a virtuous circle, even without these Hells Unit, then Li Yalin can also form a Yoma army.

Two months later, Li Yalin’s Hell Army has basically taken shape. The monsters and Magog with First-Rank and Second Rank have been excluded. After all, the production of these Low-Rank Units is a waste of resources. In fact, even the Cerberus of the Third Rank and the long-horned evil spirit Li Yalin of the Fourth Rank do not want to produce it, but after thinking that sometimes the quantity is actually quite useful, at least it can play a role in bluffing people, Li Yalin These Third to Fourth Rank Units were produced in large quantities.

In this way, three thousand Cerberus troops, two thousand long-horned evil spirit troops, one thousand Evil God king troops, five hundred lye Fire Essence spirit troops, and a hundred large Demon troops all formed. , To say that the castle developed by Li Yalin is very strange, and it is very different from the Heroes of Might and Magic castle in Li Yalin’s own Evolved Space.

First of all, the castle violent soldiers in Li Yalin Evolved Space are calculated based on time. How many Units will appear every week is calculated, and now the castle violent in Li Yalin’s hands The number of soldiers is unlimited. As long as you have enough resources, you can burst enough Units, but the higher the level of the Unit, the more resources it needs to spend. This hundred large Demon troops are enough It cost nearly half of Li Yalin’s resources, which is too expensive.

With enough troops, then the Li Yalin entire group game will officially begin. Indeed, this is just a game for Li Yalin and the others. Regarding the content of this game, everyone It was quite enjoyable. Although I was a little tired of killing Yoma before, the official start of the game now makes everyone very excited.

After Teresa’s investigation, the major Yoma Lord forces in the vicinity were identified. The Yoma gathering place closest to Li Yalin and the others belongs to a Yoma Lord with Supreme Low-Level strength. The guy’s site is not small. It’s different from the dilapidated Yoma village that I encountered before. It’s a serious medium-sized gathering place. Although Yoma is not a very good building, it is polished with huge stones. , One by one, it became a small city wall.

Li Yalin’s original goal is now set here. This is his first appearance in Hell Legion. Naturally, Li Yalin has to be prepared enough. In order to cooperate with Hell Legion, Li Yalin He also wore his God Cloth on his body, and held the Divine Sword in his hand.

So now there are students who want to ask, when did Li Yalin get God Cloth and Divine Sword? This actually starts when Li Yalin played against God of Undead.

Remember when you played against God of Undead, the armor on God of Undead still had long sword Divine Artifact? At that time, when Li Yalin performed the final blow, he quickly used Evolved Space to snatch the two Divine Artifacts of God of Undead. At that time, God of Undead simply had no strength to fight back. He was dimensional exile behind him. Black hole, in the face of such a terrifying attack, how can he care about his Divine Artifact, so it is cheaper than Li Yalin.

After getting the two Divine Artifacts of God of Undead, Li Yalin naturally gave these two equipment to Little Elf Feifei to handle it. To Li Yalin’s surprise, Little Elf Feifei actually These two Divine Artifacts are made into a Pluto suit, which can be said to be a super surprise.

After getting the God Cloth of Pluto, Li Yalin wanted to give this God Cloth to Saber. However, Saber loves the Gold Cloth of Leo. Not to mention, the darkness contained in Pluto’s God Cloth and Undead’s Power was not what Saber liked, so Saber was the first to refuse.

Then Li Yalin asked again. Basically, everyone didn’t like the dark and Undead breath on God Cloth. Even Riful, a Necromancer, refused. The reason was that she didn’t. I like armor of this color. In short, everyone’s reasons are all kinds of strange things, but the only thing in common is that they don’t want these two Divine Artifacts. This makes Li Yalin somewhat didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, good Divine Artifact turned into a collection in Evolved Space, which is really ironic.

After the equipment finished God Cloth, Li Yalin put a matching face mask glowing with purple black light on his face. The dark and Undead breath of God Cloth made Li Yalin’s temperament instantly change. , The warm feeling that made people feel like bathing in the sun suddenly disappeared, leaving only the cool and cold feeling.

“I don’t like you like this, it’s better to look like you usually do.” Looking at Li Yalin who has changed his temperament, Saber’s brows wrinkled, and Li Yalin’s current state makes Saber feel Very uncomfortable.

“Is that right? I feel pretty good, although the breath really feels colder.” Teresa didn’t care, after all, she was used to this cold feeling. The Claymore Warriors of Claymore Warriors are basically this look. Although the Warriors have basically recovered less beautiful woman temperament, the experience they have experienced is not so simple that they can be forgotten.

“calm down, just now I was just to match the atmosphere. Anyway, let’s this can be considered hell troops, can we still be considered hell if we are not cold?” At this time, Li Yalin was picking up Putting off the mask, shrugged said, and just as Li Yalin spoke, the original cold breath disappeared without a trace, and Li Yalin was back again.

“Well, Yalin like this makes people feel the most comfortable.” At this time, Saeko breathed a sigh of relief. The change in Li Yalin’s temperament just now made Saeko a little worried. After all, Li Yalin is the first Put on God Cloth once, once Li Yalin is attacked by Dark Aura on God Cloth, it will be troublesome.

“Let’s take a look at the situation now. There are almost 3,000 Yoma in this Yoma stronghold. Among them, there are more than 2,800 ordinary Yoma from the Third Rank to the Fifth Rank, and the remaining soldiers are soldiers. There are more than two hundred Sixth Rank Yoma, and there are five Captain-level Seventh Rank Yoma. Normally, only a few of us can level these guys, but the main purpose of this battle is to subdue the Yoma here. By the way We also released a few to let the Yoma Lords know about our existence, so we need to make a good plan.” After waving his hand, Li Yalin began to conduct a series of analysis on the current situation.

“The opponent’s strength is not strong. Although we only brought about half of our troops this time, it’s very easy to break this stronghold. Everyone simply doesn’t need to take action. You can use remote control from the rear. However, the large Demon troops and the Fire Essence spirit troops are the main force in this battle. Their target is Yoma above the sixth rank. As for the Evil God king and the long-horned evil spirits, they are responsible for cleaning up the Low-Rank Yoma. In addition, some large Demon troops must be allocated to assist in the suppression. The remaining Cerberus is responsible for guarding on the periphery. Once a sneaking enemy is found, he will immediately be responsible for chasing and intercepting.” As soon as Li Yalin’s words were finished, Saber changed his tactics. Arranged to speak out.

Only Li Yalin, Saber, Teresa and Saeko led the troops to fight this time. The rest were all left behind in the castle. After all, it was just a small stronghold. Simply don’t need it. Come out with great fanfare.

“Well, that’s it, but before that, will our new weapon also be on the stage?” Li Yalin nodded, but then said with a smile again.

“Of course, give them some color.” Saber is also slightly smiled. Li Yalin’s so-called new weapons are the catapults and ballistas from Heroes of Might and Magic III. Unlike ordinary catapults and ballistas, these two weapons have undergone special Magic blessings and are very powerful. An Arbalest of the ballista can even kill a Sixth Rank powerhouse in seconds. In the case of a sneak attack Down, you can even severely injure a Seventh Rank powerhouse, this kind of power can’t be done by ordinary weapons.

In this way, under the command of the Li Yalin entire group, four catapults began their initial attack on Yoma. Under the bombardment of the powerful catapults, the city wall that was originally quite simple was instantly destroyed. Destroyed, Yomas near the city wall hadn’t realized what was going on, and was injured by the rubble generated by the catapult hitting the middle city wall.

After the catapult showed its power, the ballista went into action. All the eight ballistas aimed at were soldier-level Yoma within range. Although the Captain-level Yoma has not yet appeared, Just after the two short attacks, fourteen Sixth Rank Yoma and three Fifth Rank Yoma were all killed, of which two Fifth Rank Yoma were still strung into a candied fruit stick by an Arbalest.

“Very good! The big Demon forces charge! The Fire Essence spirit is assisting!” After seeing the catapults and ballistas playing the role of surprise attacks, Saber immediately commanded the main force The Organization to attack. As the troops attacked, the Low-Rank Units on the side also began to move towards the battlefield. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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