“Looking at the guy’s appearance, it’s definitely more than just asking casually, especially when I heard that we were from the north, the guy’s breath even fluctuates. Although it’s not very obvious, it can still be noticed. I got it, it seems that he must know a lot.” Teresa said at this time.

“In this case, let’s not leave this town so quickly. Let’s find a hotel to stay in. And also inquire about the origin of the restaurant.” Touched his chin, Li Yalin made the decision to stay in this small town.

“That’s good, I always feel that the rabbit is weird, I must investigate this matter as the water recedes, the rocks appear!.” At this time, Adria said with great interest. , Look at her like that, it must have been the detective film that Adria watched when she was bored while she was in Hell’s Castle.

The largest hotel in the town is opened by a mouse who always likes to twist the waist of a water snake. Although this mouse is plain-looking, she always likes to seduce her with her proud figure. The guests of -and-fro, although compared with the ordinary person, the figure of this mouse is really good, but Li Yalin, who has already passed the winds and waves, would be tempted by this kind of temptation, so he just dropped two very indifferently The Yaolishi has set a small courtyard behind the hotel.

Although she is indifferent to Li Yalin’s, the Lady Boss of the water snake waist is very uncomfortable, but Li Yalin’s luxuriant shots make her eyes bright, such a pure demon power stone has not been seen for a long time, this one in front of her Are the youngsters the descendants of the legendary Monster Races? Only the legendary Monster Races can have this kind of magic power stone.

“It seems that we should really look for some ordinary demon power stones, do you see that Lady Boss’s eyes? Although this World is still peaceful, but the monster heart is unpredictable, no one knows these monsters Will there be a sudden trouble, after all, these demon power stones are indeed too precious.” After dismissing this very attentive Lady Boss, Li Yalin sitting on the chair in the main hall was frowns said.

“That’s right, now we must act in a low-key manner. Before we find the hidden treasure, we must avoid these unnecessary troubles as much as possible!” Saber also agreed.

“In fact, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. Although I don’t know how to use the demon power in these stones, I can still do it by simply consuming the demon power.” At this time, Teresa took out a piece. The demon power stone, using Yoki slightly, dismissed most of the demon power in the stone.

“Dizzy, since you know this hand, why didn’t you use it earlier?” Li Yalin looked at Teresa with a gloomy expression.

“You didn’t ask me either.” Teresa smiled and replied, but the smile that flashed in her eyes told Li Yalin that she was absolutely deliberate, and the purpose was to play with Li. Yalin.

“Well, you are great, then the problem is solved, the next thing is to inquire about the information of this World, while it is still early, let’s go out for a stroll.” Li Yalin helplessly cupped the hands towards Teresa, made an expression of admiration, and then continued to speak to the women.

In this way, Li Yalin entire group walked out of the hotel and came to the main street of the small town. Looking at the bustling monsters on the road, everyone is still a bit uncomfortable to be honest. How to put it, it is as if you have come to the Beast Race tribe. The monsters in this town are basically fairies, and many of them are semi-transformed animal fairies, so they walk on the main street. , You can see fairies with animal ears and tails everywhere.

Don’t underestimate these semi-transformed fairies. Only with the strength above Sixth Rank can fairies gradually transform from animal forms to human forms, that is to say, the powerhouse in this small town. But it is quite a lot.

“There is a little tail following us, but this technique is too bad, right? It seems to be a novice.” Walking on the main street, Li Yalin suddenly smiled and said to everyone .

“Hehe, it’s the little bunny, do you want to play with him?” Adria also said with a chuckle.

“Let’s see what this Little Brat wants to do.” Li Yalin nodded, and then Li Yalin entire group suddenly disappeared on this noisy main street, not only suddenly disappeared, but even Even the breath disappeared without a trace, which shocked the monsters passing by Li Yalin.

Although the monsters who saw this scene were a little surprised, this is not something particularly worth making a fuss about nothing. Generally, monsters with Great God skills can do it, so except for In addition to expressing the feeling of envy, then I will do what I should do. After all, this kind of thing is not envious. Only my own hard practice is the right way.

The monsters on main street don’t show up for the time being. It is said that the little shota of the rabbit who has been following Li Yalin is a big startled, and it was still tracked well. Now how can I disappear and disappear? This makes me too depressed, right?

Although the Li Yalin entire group disappeared, little shota ran up a few steps unwillingly, carefully observed it, and finally came to the conclusion that the other party did disappear, little shota did. Dejected and left the place.

“This Little Brat is really cute.” Standing on the top floor of a building, Saeko covered her mouth and gave a chuckle, looking at the little shota’s rabbit ears. It’s really interesting.

“Really? How do I feel that my Little Feng’er is more cute?” Li Yalin curled his mouth in disdain, and then stroked Little Feng’er’s hair again and again, but he said Zhong’s tasteful tone made the girls laugh endlessly.

“Well, you vinegar jar, you can eat even a child’s vinegar. You are really a bad guy who hasn’t grown up.” Saeko pointed at Li Yalin’s forehead, and then took the initiative to kiss Li Yalin’s lips.

“snort! I’m not jealous, I just speak frankly, look, that kid is gone, let’s hurry up!” Li Yalin’s expression was a bit embarrassing, but he soon realized that Xiao Shota had already turned and left, so Li Yalin quickly changed the subject with an excuse, and then immediately followed along. The girls who were still there looked at each other, and finally showed knowing smiles.

After anti-tracking all the way, Li Yalin entire group returned to the restaurant that I had visited before. After returning to the restaurant, shota rabbit came to the front of shota and was reporting Keep track of Li Yalin and their situation.

“It seems that the main envoy behind this is still this rabbit spirit. Since he is so interested in us, then why not have a good chat with him, the strength of Supreme Low-Level only At worst, we can kill people.” Li Yalin squinted at the father and son of the rabbit spirit in the restaurant, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

“It seems that after completing this Quest, Yalin, you really need to take a good rest. Now the Heart of Killing has begun to make you a little lost in yourself!” Saber said frowns, former Li Yalin But I wouldn’t say such a thing. In the past six months of North Demon World, Li Yalin has indeed changed a lot.

“It’s okay Toria, I just said that. I’m not a murderer of innocent people.” Li Yalin waved his hand and made an innocuous gesture.

Although Li Yalin said it’s okay, all the women felt the murderous aura that emerged from Li Yalin just now. Just now Li Yalin really moved his murderous intentions. This point everyone is completely To be sure.

“But what Yalin said just now is right. Since this rabbit spirit is very interested in us, then we can also use this opportunity to get a better understanding of this Oriental Monster Realm.” At this time, Pokky was thinking. Said after a while.

“Look, Pokky has said so, then let’s take action.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, and then the first teleport to the restaurant, Li Yalin’s suddenly appeared but made this pair of rabbit spirits father and son big startled. The strength of Big Shota is already the strongest above the small town, but he didn’t notice the arrival of Li Yalin’s. What does this show? This shows that there has been a huge gap between the strength of Li Yalin and himself. Can you say that this will not surprise Big Shota?

“Shop Boss, let’s meet again!” Li Yalin sat on a chair very casually, and said to Shota with a smile on his face.

“It turned out to be the guest. I don’t know what happened to the guest when he came back this time. If you want to eat, please come to our private room with me. This is your own Private rooms are not for guests.” After the initial panic, Shota quickly recovered his calm. At this time, Class was showing a smile on his face and said respectfully to Li Yalin.

“I said you are too anxious? Can’t you wait for us?” At this moment, all the girls also teleported to Li Yalin’s side. For the girls who suddenly appeared, it was Let the rabbit spirit father and son startled again, a profound mystery Li Yalin is enough to make them jealous, but now suddenly there are seven more guys with unknown strengths. This is to make the rabbit spirit father and son. Both took two steps back and looked at Li Yalin entire group cautiously.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m a little worried, after all, there are many things I want to know, I believe this shop boss will definitely help us understand.” Li Yalin touched his nose a little sorry, but he was really anxious just now.

“snort! Forget it this time, don’t be so reckless in the future!” Adria pursed his mouth in dissatisfaction. It seems that Adria is really unhappy about Li Yalin’s unauthorized actions.

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