Pokky’s words are good, so everyone agrees with nodded. Now that the exact location of the Phoenix territory is known, there is no need for Li Yalin entire group to stay, so in this small town After sleeping for one night, everyone got up early in the morning on the 2nd day, ready to rush to Phoenix territory as soon as possible.

Just for the departure of Li Yalin and the others, Lady Boss, the mouse spirit, is rather reluctant. The first is that she has not yet conquered the guy in front of her who is indifferent to her body, and the second is so pure. The demon power stone, but I rarely have the opportunity to meet.

For Lady Boss’s retention, Li Yalin just smiled and waved his hand. He didn’t have that many time wasted here, so after a simple farewell, Li Yalin took the girls and left the small town.

“Look, there is Phoenix’s territory, but there are many flying monsters in Phoenix’s territory. Uranus Mode’s goal is too big. From now on, it is better to land on the ground and walk. “With Ikaros’ Uranus Mode, everyone quickly approached Phoenix’s territory, but the closer you got here, the more monsters appeared in the sky, so Li Yalin proposed to land immediately.

Li Yalin’s proposal was unanimously affirmed by many beautiful women, so Uranus Mode soon landed on the ground, but everyone did not look for hidden treasure on foot like Li Yalin said, but confirmed After finding the approximate location of the hidden treasure, everyone directly used the space to move and came to this hidden treasure with an unknown barrier.

“Otherwise, I would say that when the specific location is not determined, it is better not to use space movement. This can easily lead to confusion, but the location of the Teleportation is wrong, so let’s leave it alone, just in case Is it Teleportation to another dimension? Then we will have bad luck!” Looking at the strange scenery all around, Li Yalin couldn’t help but complain.

In fact, Li Yalin at first does not agree with the use of space movement, especially for this large-scale group Teleportation, which is different from Teleportation Magic Array. The more the number of Teleportation in space movement, the greater the probability of errors. Large, if it is Teleportation to a location that has already been visited, then there is no problem naturally, but if it is moved towards Teleportation of a location that has not been visited, the probability of error will be greatly increased.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to help you with Elder Sister Pokky.” Adria patted Li Yalin’s shoulder nonchalantly, and said to Li Yalin with a smile on his face.

“It’s easy to say, you just helped me find the exact location of the destination. Isn’t I the main force in the use of Magic?” Li Yalin gave Adria a helpless look. .

“Well, you two, stop arguing and don’t look at what’s going on now?” At this time, Saeko interrupted Li Yalin and Adria, and didn’t look at when it was. , It turned out to be quarreling like a child.

Looking at the surrounding environment, and after confirming where he and the others are, Li Yalin found that his spatial movement this time was indeed deviated, and it was about two kilometers away from the target location. Left and right, and the target location is not the exact location of the hidden treasure, so now a small search must be done.

“It should be here!” After distributing Divine Sense and Spiritual Power, Li Yalin and the others quickly found a sealed barrier. It seems that this should belong to Goddess of Light hidden treasure.

After determining the specific location, the Li Yalin entire group immediately marched all the way and rushed to the hidden treasure at the fastest speed, but outside the barrier, Li Yalin and the others began to worry.

This barrier that is shrouded in hidden treasure is really strong. Even Li Yalin can’t break this thing with their power. If they want to enter the barrier, normal means are impossible. Just now Pokky didn’t even care about attracting Phoenix’s attention, and moved towards barrier used the Lord God Rank’s full strength attack, which just caused a slight ripple on the barrier, so I wanted to use military force to break the barrier, unless it was The strength above Creation God Rank, otherwise don’t even think about it.

“By the way, this seems to be a pure energy barrier without any special functions. If we use spatial skills now, can we teleport into the barrier?” After carefully observing the barrier in front of a formation eye, Teresa awakened the dreamer with a single word.

“Yes, really, I got a horn!” Li Yalin also suddenly realized that he was thinking about how to break this barrier. If I take a closer look, the attribute of this barrier is very single. It should not hinder Space Teleportation.

Looking at the girls nodded, Li Yalin immediately launched Space Teleportation, teleporting himself and everyone into the barrier. Sure enough, everyone entered the barrier very smoothly.

“Is this the hidden treasure of Guangming Goddess? It really isn’t this too ridiculous?” After entering the barrier and walking not far forward, Li Yalin entire group was stunned by the scene in front of him. Although Pokky and Adria have known the upstart behavior of Bright Goddess from the mouths of Pokky and Adria, if you look at it now, the other party really has the capital to be a nouveau riche.

The piles of strange Jean rare treasure, precious materials, High-Level Demon Core, and amethyst coins are aside for the time being. There are too many High-Level weapons shining with various lights. Right? Among the almost hill-like weapon equipment, there is no Elite-Level and others, all of which are Legendary and Epic-Grade weapon equipment. Even at the top of all equipment, Li Yalin also found 43. Divine Artifact, although most of them are Low-Level Divine Artifact, but even so, it is enough for Li Yalin to be excited for a long time.

“Betty this guy, there are really a lot of collections, but these are not just Betty’s collections alone, they should also have Katie’s part, after all, they are Twin Goddesses, they have never distinguished each other. It’s like me and Adria.” Pokky said after looking around all around.

“Since this is the case, Pokky, you and Adria also have similar collections? You dare to hide private money from me!” Li Yalin heard it repeatedly but yelled.

“Tch! Who is hiding the private money from you, but you didn’t ask me!” Pokky moved towards Li Yalin rolled the eyes. This made Li Yalin slightly startled at the same time, It also made all the girls present laugh.

“Forget it, I will tell you when I go back later on this matter. It is the right way to put these hidden treasures away first!” Li Yalin waved his hand, and then began to move all these hidden treasures Towards Evolved Space is slammed. It is really insignificant to say that his collection is compared with the hidden treasure of Bright Goddess. Li Yalin thought that he had enough collection before, but didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect, compared with the real nouveau riche, I was still far behind.

It took a lot of time for Li Yalin to send all the hidden treasures into the Evolved Space. As for the problem of categorization, let Little Elf Feifei handle it. There are that many weapon equipments, also give them to Feifei to transform them, especially those 43 Divine Artifacts, if they are transformed into anime or in-game weapon attributes, then Li Yalin has really earned it.

This time Li Yalin also has the capital of a nouveau riche. At this time, Li Yalin really wants to loudly roared: “I have also become a nouveau riche!” It’s just a shame to shout like this, so Li Yalin Can only suppress this idea.

After putting all the hidden treasures into Evolved Space, there is only one black and one gold crystal coffin left in the same place, which is said to be a crystal coffin, but in fact Li Yalin I don’t know what material the crystal coffin is made of. Although it has a crystal-like luster, it is obviously not the same kind of crystal.

When I approached the crystal coffin, Li Yalin finally saw the true appearance of the two Goddess lying in the crystal coffin. They are indeed the twin Goddess. Betty and Katie look very similar, except for Betty Her hair is golden, and Katie’s hair is black. The rest of her looks are basically the same.

“This is Goddess of Light and Goddess of Darkness? They look really good.” Looking at the two Goddess sleeping in the crystal coffin, Li Yalin couldn’t help but exclaimed. It was indeed Goddess level, her appearance is not inferior to that of the girls around Li Yalin, but just after Li Yalin said this, she suddenly felt a numbness in her waist.

“I said little Yalin, did you like these two guys? You want to take them home after you make a contract with them?” Adria asked Li Yalin with a smile on his face, but what’s the tone? The more you listen, the more terrifying it becomes?

“How is this possible? Adria, you absolutely misunderstood, I just sigh that’s all, there really is no other meaning!” Not only Adria, but also the girls present have a bit of a bad face So, Li Yalin waved his hand quickly, saying that he simply didn’t think about it, but he still wanted to live a few more years.

“hee hee, you little idiot!” Looking at Li Yalin’s panic, Pokky couldn’t help but stretched out his jade finger and tapped Li Yalin’s forehead, which made Li Yalin look very unfathomable mystery.

“What the hell is going on with you? Why do I not understand?” Li Yalin asked very puzzled.

“Adria just teased you. Seeing your flustered look, it’s really funny.” Teresa on the side said with a smile at this time, but this came from Teresa’s mouth. It is not convincing at all to say it, because it seems that Teresa’s expression just now is also very scary.

” Teresa is right, I’m really teasing you. About Betty and Katie, they must be in your pocket. Before we came, we were I have already said it.”

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