“I, Li Yalin, swear to the lamp, I have been a lead for eighteen years!”

“pffft.” Rose laughed out of nowhere, patted Li Yalin’s head and said: “Okay, I believe you, you Little Brat, you still have a hand.”

Li Yalin looked depressed, and said his heart is not your old man Don’t believe me! Besides, why am I like a bitch? But just think about it in your heart, and it’s better not to say it.

“But I said Younger Brother Yalin, can you tell the elder sister why you put on your glasses and take off your temperament that many different? And your skin is How do you take care of it? It depends on how tender your skin is, including Elder Sister is envying, so younger brother, tell the elder sister!” As he said, he still held Li Yalin’s hand to hold it.

Where did Li Yalin have been so irritated? He quickly threw off Rose’s hand, fled to the other side of the bed, and said in a panic: “I don’t know this, I really can’t remember it. Skin is born, I’ve never take care of it!”

“Really?” Rose obviously didn’t believe it.

“Really, look at how sincere my face is!” As he said, Li Yalin pointed to his face with my purest look, which made Rose so angry and funny.

“Forget it, I won’t tease you.” Finally Rose faintly sighed, “Let’s go younger brother, I’m going to eat soon, but today, Sally is the Cook! You know she rarely cooks , You have a good taste!”

“Good Elder Sister Rose.” Li Yalin also put away his innocent expression. Looking back, I’ve never been like this when I grow up, but My happy mood can’t deceive people. It seems that crossing is not all bad things! At least now I feel the family love I haven’t had in a long time.

“younger brother, what are you thinking? Hurry up!” After walking two steps, Li Yalin hadn’t followed. Rose turned around and saw Li Yalin was in a daze. Screamed.

“Oh, coming!” Li Yalin reacted as soon as he heard Rose’s words, and stopped in a daze, followed Rose out of the room. The room Li Yalin lives in is on the second floor of this house. On the right side, there is the stairs when you go out, and the restaurant is on the first floor. The first thing they saw when they came to the restaurant was Assassin Maca, dressed in pitch black clothes, swaying erratic left and right, like a wandering soul. But when he saw Li Yalin and Rose coming over, he ran over immediately.

“Yeah, isn’t this our Lord Captain and our new member! Hurry up, Sally’s food is about to be cooked, let me think about it, when was the last time I ate Sally’s food? It seems that it was two months ago. It’s been a long time since…” Now it seems that this guy really doesn’t look like an Assassin at all. He obviously has a weak sense of presence when he doesn’t speak, but this guy seems to exist towards himself. I am very dissatisfied with the weak problem. The constant chatter of chirp chirp twitter twitter makes it difficult for people to ignore him.

“Okay, the younger brother, ignore him, he has always been like this.” Rose pressed his temple in anguish, which seemed to be a headache for this jerk.

“Oh, my God of Light is here. Did my Maca hear the auditory hallucination? Our glamorous Lord Captain is so gentle and so gentle as the younger brother? God, if I were still sleeping Just wake me up!” Maca said very funny, and the guy actually danced so much that people wanted to give him a kick when they saw it.

Just when Li Yalin was wondering whether to go up and give him a kick, Maca was kicked by someone first, and he was stuck on the wall in a big font, Li Yalin Turning to see, it turned out to be Kiruvere, a cold-faced man. He kicked Maca and his face didn’t change. He didn’t change his heart. He turned around and went back to the table to sit down. The fixed look made Li Yalin also secretly. said in one’s heart a terrible cry.

It’s just that the time has not passed ten seconds, Maca recovered, and yelled at Kiruvere, but was held by Sam on the side, but even after being held by Sam Maca is still yelling: “Kiruvere you guy, this is the third time you kicked my ass this month. Sooner or later I will get revenge!”

“Okay, you do this every time Say, but I have never seen you succeed in revenge.” Sam said in a low muffled voice.

“Who said that I have not succeeded in revenge, I have almost succeeded twice, but only a little bit, it is just that God of Light’s brilliance has not yet descended on my Uncle Maca’s body That’s it.” Maca broke out as soon as he heard Sam’s words, but the outbreak did not last for twenty seconds before subduing. The reason for the calming down was the two more silhouettes in the restaurant.

“Oh? Big Brother Maca is still going to retaliate against my big brother?” When he said it in a lovely tone, why did Li Yalin feel cold behind him when he heard it? And couldn’t help shivering.

“Oh…it turns out to be Younger Sister Sally, am I not cracking a joke with your big brother! We are good brothers, do you think it’s Kiruvere?” Maca just heard Sally’s words I’ve been stunned, even my teeth are shaking a bit. Is Sally so terrifying? Li Yalin thought with some confusion.

“hee hee, this is because Maca has been rectified by Sally several times, and every time Maca is very miserable!” Rose leaned over Li Yalin’s ear, said with a Smile, the breath out of his mouth remembered blowing it on Li Yalin’s ears, making Li Yalin’s blush like a red apple, and quickly fleeing like a thief, but this action made Rose Haha laugh.

However, the fight between Rose and Li Yalin’s made everyone present interested, especially Little Demoness Sally. She touched the chin with her left hand, squinted at the two, and the corners of her mouth were exposed. Li Yalin’s smile made Li Yalin shudder, and the gaze that others looked at them was also very playful, only Kiruvere’s gaze was still so cold.

“Okay, what’s the trouble! Sally’s food is ready? Then hurry up and eat!” Rose, who was a little reddened by the crowd, hurriedly dispersed the crowd, and came by himself At the table.

Li Yalin found a place to sit down after seeing everyone returning to their seats. Looking at his dinner, there was a steak in front of Li Yalin, but this steak was already a bit scorched. , It feels very hard after a few times with a fork, can this thing be eaten? Li Yalin looked at all around suspiciously. Except for a few fruits in front of Lynn’s, everyone else had this kind of charred steak. Dwarf Sam had already eaten it with a big mouthful. This guy actually said it was delicious while eating. , But also gulping wine.

Is this just a general appearance, but it tastes very delicious? Li Yalin forkped a piece of beef into his mouth, chewed it, there was no special taste, just some charred beef with some salt, why these guys are like a delicious meal after eating for many years.

Actually, Li Yalin didn’t know that although the people of Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group’s were not simple in their identities, they had already spoken to the family members when they went to Milley Royal Magic Military Academy’s, and the family would not take care of them after school. These people are gold coins, and no one knows their identities. Everyone needs to support themselves in order to achieve the role of experience. So everyone simply doesn’t have much money. It’s definitely impossible to cook in the world, so you can only cook by yourself, but you can count on these golden guys to make delicious meals, so now they only need to eat the food. All can be eaten, and ordinary food is delicious in their eyes.

After eating two bites, Li Yalin can’t eat anymore. Although Li Yalin is a lazy person and doesn’t like to clean up his house, he is absolutely picky about food. There are not many, so Li Yalin usually needs to cook at home. Over time, Li Yalin is now a good dish.

“What’s the matter, younger brother, why don’t you eat it? Tell you, there are very few chances of wanting to eat this kind of dish in the future! Today is definitely our Little Demoness. You are in a good mood. You can eat it!” Rose on the side asked when seeing Li Yalin not eating anymore. In the past, Rose was also a good food, but the years of training have allowed her to grow from a delicate girl to a qualified leader, although her personality has changed slightly after meeting Li Yalin.

“Well…” Li Yalin sorry said that the steak was not delicious, he couldn’t eat it. It would be too hurt to say that, “I’m not used to this.” Li Yalin was a bit uncomfortable. Difficult to say.

„Ah? What should I do?” Rose was a little distressed when he heard that the younger brother was not used to eating steaks, while Kiruvere on the side was coldly snorted: “hmph, the pampered guy.” It is obvious. , He could see that Li Yalin didn’t like to eat Sally’s steak. He also understands that Sally’s cooking is only average, but the average family is at this level. In his eyes, only the spoiled people are not used to this kind of food.

The people present here are not fools, so the atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Li Yalin saw that things were going bad, but this time it would offend everyone. So he thought, “Well, we eat rice and stir-fried vegetables everywhere in our hometown, or pasta, but we are not used to this kind of pure meat dishes.”

” Oh? Isn’t that the same as the elves! But the elves don’t eat any meat.” Sally said with some confusion.

“Our hometown pays attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, Hehe can only be nutritious.” Li Yalin laughed with him.

“What a strange custom, Elder Brother Yalin, where is your hometown?” Sally’s interest suddenly rose.

“Hehe, I can’t remember this, but I can cook some hometown dishes.” Li Yalin was a little embarrassed.

“Oh?” As soon as I heard that Li Yalin can cook, everyone’s interest was raised. “Really? Younger brother, do you still cook? I don’t know what the rice you mentioned just now is, but we have noodles here! But isn’t noodles only for bread? What else can you do? “Rose watched Li Yalin’s big eyes flicker, causing the deer in Li Yalin’s heart to bump.

“Of course, flour is not only for making bread, but also for making many things, such as dumplings, buns, noodles, etc., there are many.”

“Really? Why haven’t I heard of it?” Sally asked in disbelief.

“Of course it’s true, or I’ll show it to you now, but because of time, we’d better make the simplest noodles.” Li Yalin is confident in his cooking skills. Said.

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