Ikaros’s blow was so powerful that he directly knocked the gluttonous jaw crooked, and the huge pain even made gluttonous ignore it. Ikaros fired the arrow of sacred Flame, but it didn’t have gluttonous dedicated control. The annihilation energy could no longer contend with Ikaros’ divine Flame arrow. I saw the Arrow flashing the golden flame shot straight into the mouth of glutton, but glutton closed his jaw subconsciously and swallowed Ikaros’ attack. .

“It didn’t work?” Li Yalin cried out in disbelief. This is Ikaros’ full strength attack. It didn’t work at all? How violent is this gluttonous strength?

“No! You see, Taotie looks very strange!” Saber waved his hand. If you look closely, you can find that the expression on Taotie’s face seems to be painful. Could it be Ikaros’ attacking the effect? Up?

At this moment, Taotie’s huge face suddenly swelled, and it was getting bigger and bigger. After reaching a critical point, Taotie’s entire body exploded. This The power of the explosion is so huge that even Li Yalin and the others in the air have been affected. Fortunately, everyone’s response is very fast. If the protective barrier is placed in front of you, it will inevitably be a little lighter. hurt.

“The power of this explosion is almost equivalent to the full strength attack of Lord God Rank!” Seeing the cracks in front of his barrier, Pokky couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Finally, the gluttonous glutton should choose to trigger his own energy to self-destruct, otherwise the power would not be so great, Ikaros, are you okay?” Li Yalin nodded, and then moved towards Ikaros asked .

Although Ikaros is within the scope of the explosion, she has expanded the absolute defense circle, Magic Sealing, Holy Protection Wall, and the blessing of the Iron Wall, and she can form an ultimate defensive cover, this defensive cover Even the creation of Divine Grade other powerhouses is difficult to break, not to mention the self-destructed of the trifling Lord God level, but this defensive shield has some restrictions, Ikaros can only be opened once a week, so in the previous In battle, Ikaros didn’t use this skill, but I believe that with the improvement of level, Ikaros will be able to use this defensive cover freely soon.

“I’m fine Master, I completely killed the opponent, and now my strength has been raised to God Rank High-Level.” After the smoke and dust from the explosion dissipated, Ikaros appeared in front of everyone intact.

“Is it really upgraded? It’s really very good!” Li Yalin slightly smiled. After killing the next three ominous beasts, I believe there will be three more God Rank High-Level powerhouses. born.

The speed of killing Taotie is very fast. Although the thrills are endless, in general, Ikaros’s battle is definitely fought very beautifully. After the Lords under Taotie reacted, the battle was over.

“There are some more people who are not afraid of death, Saeko, Little Feng’er, these High-Level Lords will be handed over to you, we will take care of these miscellaneous soldiers.” The Lord-level monster, Li Yalin, was very happy. The experience was automatically delivered to the door. Although these Saint Rank soldiers don’t have much experience, the few Supreme High-Level Lords can bring them. Give Saeko and Little Feng’er a lot of experience. If you have good luck, upgrading to God Rank is not impossible.

“It’s been a long time since I haven’t been active, and it’s time for me to play! Little Feng’er!” A small smile appeared at the corner of Saeko’s mouth, and then he called out Little Feng’er, Little Feng’er immediately knew how to use Flame enhancement on Saeko’s Muramasa and Divine Might. The Flame enhancement power displayed by Heavenly Fire Phoenix was extraordinary, especially this level of skill reaching LVMAX, which almost turned Saeko’s attack over. Doubled.

After the weapon was blessed, Saeko’s dual swords revolved, and the dual elements of wind and fire quickly gathered on the dual swords, and a light red Magic Array flashed under the feet, accompanied by Flame’s burning. With the cut with Whirlwind, the Lords who had just arrived in front of Li Yalin and the others had not reacted yet, they were overwhelmed by this powerful blow. There were even two Low-Level Lords with bad luck that were directly caught by Saeko’s Flame Tornado. Killed by Slash.

“Elder Sister Saeko is so powerful, I won’t lose!” Little Feng’er on the side saw this and immediately moved towards the Yoma Lords on the opposite side and threw a few Fireballs. Don’t underestimate it. These Fireballs, because just after these Fireballs landed on the ground, four huge Fire Pythons with nine heads were immediately formed.

After Little Feng’s Hydra skill level reached MAX, Nine Headed Snake completed the evolution and became a huge Fire Python that can move at any time. Looking at the four body lengths, it has reached nearly two. The ten-meter Fire Python, the Lords on the opposite side were all dumbfounded, until one Lord was swallowed by the Fire Python, the Lords loudly roared and began to flee.

In fact, these Fire Pythons do not have intelligence or vitality characteristics, but they follow the remaining instincts. Fire Python prefers to swallow Flame instead of spraying Flame, and the guy who is swallowed by Fire Python is not It was digested, but was directly melted by Flame.

“Want to run? It’s not that easy!” Now that the opponent is running away, Li Yalin can’t stand idle anymore. Everyone takes their own actions and cleans up all the Saint Rank’s miscellaneous soldiers. Clean, but these Saint Rank Lords are called miscellaneous soldiers, and they really feel sad for them.

Li Yalin and their cleaning speed is very fast, almost in an instant, a dozen Saint Rank monsters were scraped clean by Li Yalin and the others, leaving only four High-Level Lords. , Waiting for Saeko and the others to get it done.

“Leave it to you, Saeko!” Li Yalin moved towards Saeko with a gesture, then took a few steps back, leaving the battlefield to Saeko and Little Feng’er.

“Little Feng’er younger sister, you can pick two first.” Saeko smiled and handed the choice to Little Feng’er, don’t look at Little Feng’er has been alive for many years. But in everyone’s eyes, Little Feng’er is like everyone’s younger sister, and everyone loves her very much.

“Well, Elder Sister Saeko, I will choose this bird monster and this lizard. They look so tactful and dare to be scary. Let me send them a ride!” Little Feng’er nodded, and soon chose his opponent from the four Lords.

One of the four Lords is a bird monster with brown wings and a human head, the second is a lizard spirit covered in green slime, and the third is a golden-yellow hair with The leopard sperm with black spots, the fourth is a spider spirit that has turned into a huge gray black spider, so the leopard sperm and the spider sperm have become Saeko’s prey.

“Well then, Little Feng’er younger sister, let’s play a game to see who can kill his opponent first!” Saeko nodded, and then Divine Might in his hand has sent out a Dark Magic Flame Slash, moved towards the leopard sperm closest to him slashed away.

“hee hee, I will definitely beat Elder Sister Saeko!” With that said, Little Feng’er actually became the prototype of Heavenly Fire Phoenix by incarnation, and a flame that was burning fiercely moved towards the bird Guai and the lizard shot past.

“You little girl, you shameless!” Although Saeko said so, the attack of Saeko’s men did not fall. Just when Saeko attacked the leopard spirit, the spider spirit was ready to run away. Naturally, Saeko would not let this happen. Saeko suddenly disappeared in place. When she appeared again, Saeko was already standing on the back of the spider spirit.

“Do you know? Transforming into a prototype is your biggest mistake!” Saeko’s tone barely fell, and Muramasa in his hand was inserted straight into the spider’s back. Although the spider’s defense is very strong, But its back is very soft. Saeko’s attack caused the spider spirit to utter a mournful scream. It seems that Muramasa’s attack has done a lot of damage to the spider spirit.

But after the scream, the spider spirit suddenly spit out a few white spider silks. This kind of spider silk is very tough and very sticky. Saeko, who holds Muramasa in his hand, urinates directly. Wrapped in spider silk, while at the same time, the leopard spirit struck by Dark Magic Flame Slash also resisted the pain, moved towards Saeko entangled in spider silk with a claw.

The power of the claw of the leopard essence is quite huge, and the tough spider silk shatters under this claw, but after the spider silk is broken, there is nothing in it. Saeko is early Has disappeared in it.

“What are you looking at? I’m here!” At this time, Saeko’s voice came from the sky above the leopard spirit and spider spirit. Just as the two goblins looked up, Saeko’s Flame Tornado Slash It had already struck, and the large-scale attack enveloped the two guys under Saeko. The mutual catalysis of the two elements of wind and fire made the power of this move to a higher level.

At the same time, Little Feng’er’s battle is also in full swing. Little Feng’er seems to have completely integrated the Burning Path into himself, passing countless numbers in the air. Dao gorgeous Flame, and these Flames have formed an encirclement, enclosing the bird monsters and lizard spirits.

Obviously, the Life Source attribute of this bird monster is wind, so the wings behind him flashed violently for a while, forming a huge Whirlwind in an attempt to help Little Feng’ The Flame blown by er just wanted to blow away Little Feng’er’s fierce path. It was not as simple as imagined. Instead, Flame became more and more by the wind of birds and monsters. Big.

Seeing this situation, the lizard spirit on the side immediately sprayed a huge water column from its mouth, and used Water Element’s Spell to attack Flame. This is a very good choice, but it’s the lizard. When the water jet was sprayed, a huge lightning appeared out of thin air, directly hitting the body of the lizard spirit.

“You fool! Seeing that I am Phoenix, do you think I can only attack with Fire Element?” At this time, Little Feng’er looked triumphant. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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