From the perspective of the enemy’s situation, the two Monster Kings of the Western Demon World are located on the left wing of the entire coalition, while Choongqi and Chaos are located on the right flank of the coalition. Yingzhao is placed in the center alone, so you want to be perfect. To break the opponent, you must choose one of these three points to attack, so Li Yalin chose to attack from the left wing of the Yoma coalition, that is, from the two guys in the West Demon World.

One of these two Monster Kings is a God Rank High-Level Western Giant Dragon, and the other is a One-Eyed Giant, which is different from the Giant Dragon and One in Heroes of Might and Magic -Eyed Giant, this Monster King-class Giant Dragon is more than 100 meters long, and is covered in pitch black dragon scales. It flies in the sky and almost obscures the sky, and the height of One-Eyed Giant has reached nearly 100 meters. , Every step will make the earth tremble.

“These are these two guys, don’t look at their huge bodies, but they are all bluffing! In my opinion, these two guys are not even as good as the gluttony that Ikaros killed before! strong in appearance But weak in reality, I’ll leave it to Toria and Teresa you two!” Looking at Giant Dragon and One-Eyed Giant, Li Yalin’s eyes flashed with disdain. Although it looks very powerful, it’s more powerful than Southeast The two Monster Kings of Monster Realm, these two guys are far from each other.

“Understood, Yalin, you have to be careful!” Saber and Teresa nodded, and then the troops moved towards Western Demon World galloped away, but Li Yalin’s target was locked in the Chinese army On the 梼杌, this guy is an Old Brother, which is very suitable for Li Yalin to take action. As for Ikaros, they are free to play with the purpose of disrupting the entire Yoma coalition.

After a few Forbidden Spells were thrown out, Yoma’s coalition forces were in chaos. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yalin also came to Yingtiao, but the chaos of Yoma’s coalition forces did not give Yingtiao a trace. The influence of this guy is really face sank like water.

梼杌 is the son of the Celestial Emperor Zhuanxu in the northern part of the legend. It is also called arrogant and ruthless. It is used as a metaphor for people who are stubborn and vicious. The body is about ten meters in size, with the body of a tiger and the appearance of a human, but this human face has wild boar-like fangs on it, and it looks very vicious at first glance.

“You are the helpers invited by Fei Lian? You really have the courage.” Seeing Li Yalin in front of him, Ying’s expression was very indifferent, as if he didn’t pay attention to Li Yalin at all. It’s average.

“That’s right, I heard that you are the boss of the four ominous beasts? It looks really terrifying.”

“You have the courage to come alone In front of me, with this, I can give you the most refreshing way to die.”

“Then I still want to thank you? But I have a small question to ask you now, you are How did you bring the guys from the Western Demon World here? This seems incredible?” At this time, Li Yalin raised the question in his heart and was about to kill the other party. If you don’t ask now, then again. Go to ask Qiongqi and Chaos.

“This question is very simple. There is a huge Independent Space in the body of Chaos. Just fit the Low-Rank Yomas of Western Demon World into the belly of Chaos.” 梼杌A very ugly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. In his eyes, Li Yalin was already a dead person, and it didn’t matter even if the question was answered.

“so that’s how it is, it’s really interesting to use this method to evade the power of the law!” Li Yalin nodded, but now that the answer has been obtained, the existence value of 梼杌 is also There is no more.

Without talking any more nonsense, Li Yalin put on Zeus God Cloth directly. Ragnarok, who hadn’t appeared for a long time, was also taken out of Evolved Space by Li Yalin. Since the last time Ragnarok’s ability was due to Light Ferry’s After a significant reduction, it was never used again, but after a long period of recovery, Ragnarok finally recovered its due ability, so it was held in Li Yalin’s hand again.

“You look very delicious, this taste fascinates me, I have decided! You are my dinner today!” Looking at Li Yalin in front of him, Ying Xiao suddenly said this In a word, but Li Yalin didn’t get angry but laughed instead. Ragnarok in his hand moved towards 梼杌 and pierced straight.

“Play close combat with me, then you have chosen the wrong opponent!” Seeing Li Yalin close up, Ying Lu was happy on his face. This guy is not good at long-range attacks, but he is not good at close combat. It can be described as invincible, so seeing Li Yalin dared to play close combat with himself, which made Ying Lu a big surprise.

It’s just that since Li Yalin chose to fight in close combat, he naturally had his capital. After Ying Lu raised his front paws to block the Ragnarok in Li Yalin’s hands, Li Yalin disappeared instantly. In front of Xiao, this made Ying Xiao a little unresponsive, and at this moment, Li Yalin’s long spear had already moved towards Ying Liu’s head straight from top to bottom.

At this critical juncture, Ying Xiao turned his head urgently, and dangerously avoided this spear, and then Ying Xiao’s thick tail moved straight towards Li Yalin on his head. Li Yalin was thrown away, but just after a missed hit, Li Yalin had already left the teleport within the attack range of the 梼杌.

“You guy! Face to face with me if you have the kind, what’s the point of doing these tricks all the time?” Some people who fly into a rage out of humiliation said, this teleport is really annoying. Now, even if the attack power is super powerful, wouldn’t it be nothing if you can’t beat the opponent!

“Are you cracking a joke? Who doesn’t know that your melee combat is one of the best in the entire Southern Monster Realm. Why don’t you compare me with a long-range attack?” Li Yalin Haha smiled, and then A huge power grid was in the hands of Li Yalin’s, and directly enveloped the 梼杌.

“You bastard!” Ying Xiao was tightly entangled by the lightning power grid in Li Yalin’s hands. The huge lightning power made Ying Xiao’s body feel a bit of numbness, and Ying Xiao’s heart was very He understood that it would be very detrimental to him if he continued like this, so Ying Xiao suddenly used his strength to break Li Yalin’s power grid.

“you guy! I won’t spare you!” After loudly roared, Ying Lu suddenly opened his mouth, and moved towards Li Yalin fired a black energy cannon. But this is not an ordinary energy cannon, it actually carries the energy of destruction and annihilation. If hit by this energy cannon, even if wearing Zeus God Cloth, then Li Yalin can hardly escape the end of injury.

But it is very difficult to hit Li Yalin. After all, Li Yalin’s teleport is a very sky-defying skill, so just when this extinguishing energy cannon is about to hit Li Yalin, Li A teleport in Yalin flew out of the bombing range of the energy cannon. But when Li Yalin thought he had escaped the blow, the energy cannon suddenly reversed its direction and moved towards Li Yalin, who had just appeared in midair, at an extremely fast speed. This speed was very frightening. People, almost five times the speed of at first, almost in the blink of an eye, the energy cannon has already arrived in front of Li Yalin’s.

You must know that this is a triumphant blow of the 梼杌. There are countless powerhouses that have been defeated by this move, even the three ominous beast Monster Kings of Qiongqi, Chaos and Gourmet are no exception. , But Qiongqi and the others are still alive, and the other powerhouses that were defeated by this move have all been wiped out by the annihilation energy in the energy cannon.

At the crucial moment at the crucial moment, Li Yalin suddenly made an extremely incredible dodge action, which made the obliterating energy cannon flew past Li Yalin’s side, and saw this in front of him. In one scene, Ying Xiao could hardly believe his eyes. He has used this move to dominate the Southern Monster Realm for a long time, but now it is the first time that his opponent has dodged him.

It turns out that the reason why Li Yalin was able to dodge the attack of 梼杌 is entirely because of Amazon’s passive skills. If it weren’t for a sudden inspiration, then Li Yalin would definitely be hit directly by the energy cannon. I thought of this. Yes, even Li Yalin feels a little grateful.

“This impossible!” Ying Lu’s mouth opened wide unbelievably, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Yalin, an Anger of the Sound of Thunder, directly hit Ying Lu’s big mouth, although he made a move. The speed is very fast, Li Yalin did not take too long to condense the power of lightning, but the power of this blow is also huge, the lightning is raging in the mouth of Yingtu, and even his fangs are broken. One.

“Have you never heard a word? Everything is possible! Do you think this move is very strong? Then you are because you haven’t met me yet!” Li Yalin laughed at hee hee’s moved towards 梼Xiao said, but at this time, Yang had no time to take care of Li Yalin, because he had been hit by a lightning bolt in his mouth, and he was already speechless at this time.

“Don’t speak, right? Then you will die!” Ragnarok in Li Yalin’s hand flashed a golden rays of light, accompanied by bursts of divine force, Li Yalin long spear moved towards梼杌 pierced out.

Although Yingzhao seemed very embarrassed because of the attack on his lips, he did not lose his vigilance. At the moment Li Yalin attacked him, a line appeared in front of Yingzhao. The gray wall, it seems that this is already the strongest defensive skill of Ying Luo, because after this gray wall is emitted, the energy breath of Ying Luo has dropped by at least 10%.

Although I don’t know how strong this gray wall is, Li Yalin’s Phantom Light Spear has already taken action, and it can’t be recovered anymore. Therefore, there are countless gun shadows that contain divine force. It hits the defensive wall in front of Ying Xiao, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect.

“Haha, if you want to break through my wall of destruction, you should go and practice for another million years!” Ying Xiao said with a smile very triumphantly. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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