At this time, the two Goddess, Li Yalin, Pokky and Adria, have gathered together, ready to eliminate the last Qiongqi and Chaos directly, but at this time, Qiongqi suddenly made a sound, and this guy wanted to ask. with.

“Although I don’t know who you are, I hope you can let us go. Chaos and I swear that as long as we return to the Southern Monster Realm, Forever will never infringe on the Oriental Monster Realm. Territory!” It seems that Qiongqi was forced to do nothing, so he was so low on Li Yalin.

Like the legend, although Qiongqi looks like a huge tiger, his body is like a giant cow. It looks like more than ten meters high, and behind it On the back, there are also a pair of wings stretched out. As for the huge monster behind Qiongqi, it should be the legendary Chaos. This guy’s body is very huge. Even if his limbs are lying on the ground, his height is more than 100 meters. There is a fundamental difference between the One-Eyed Giant and the Giant Dragon, which is nearly 100 meters long.

Chaos’s body shape is a bit like a dog, but his limbs are very short, almost four meatballs. Simply can’t walk normally, so he also has a pair of huge wings behind him. But Li Yalin is very skeptical about this, can this guy’s wings really drag his huge body?

“Adria, did you hear what this guy said? It just made me laugh to death!” Just after utterly stubbornly speaking, Li Yalin pffft laughed out loud. , This made Qiongqi uncontrollably annoyed.

“We are very sincere. As long as you let us go, we forever will not step into the Oriental Monster Realm in the future!” Although Qiongqi is in a very bad mood, his reason is telling him. He and Chaos were definitely not the opponents in front of him. They rushed up to death in vain, so Qiongqi still chose to welcome him with a smile, but from the face of his huge tiger, the smile was really not so ugly.

“It’s really interesting. From the famously perfidious Qiongqi, I even heard the oath of what. I wondered how much the weight of this oath is in your Qiongqi’s heart. A pound of money?” Li Yalin laughed and shook his head after listening to Qiongqi’s words. Does Qiongqi think he is a three-year-old child? Can you fool it by saying foolishness?

“If you say that, then you are not willing to let our brothers go?” There was a fierce light on Qiongqi’s face. He didn’t expect the other party to understand his own details, then This matter is not easy to handle.

“What did you say?” The smile on Li Yalin’s face remained undiminished, but Ragnarok had already appeared in his hands. Adria and Pokky on the side were also prepared, just waiting for Li Yalin. As soon as they shot, the three of them immediately punish Qiongqi and Chaos on the spot.

“Since you are unwilling to let us go, then we will naturally not make you feel better! Let’s die together!” The evil light in Qiongqi’s eyes suddenly appeared, but Li Yalin didn’t find anything wrong. At this moment, the chaos behind Qiongqi suddenly opened his mouth, and from chaos’s mouth, a dark light flashed. This black light has a growing trend, from the size of a table tennis ball. It quickly swelled to a huge black glow with a diameter of nearly ten meters. The situation in front of him made Li Yalin’s eyes suddenly shrank.

“Space black hole!” didn’t expect Chaos and Qiongqi to hide such a hand behind the back. The space black hole starts silently, if it is not deliberately sensed, it is simply impossible to detect. If you want to start a black hole in space, it will take a lot of time. It turns out that Qiongqi and Chaos at first have already started preparing this move. The begging for mercy by Qiongqi just now is basically delaying time.

“I didn’t want to make this move! But you really don’t want to let us go. If this is the case, then everyone will die together!” Qiongqi Haha laughed, chaotically After the black hole in space, even he himself can’t stop it. This is a perish together move, and after this move is sent out, the first to be swallowed up by the black hole must be the Chaos himself who sent this move.

“This guy, really desperate, it’s very difficult to neutralize such a large black hole, Adria, Pokky, you two, come and help me!” He kept watching. The expanding black hole, Li Yalin couldn’t help shook the head. To prevent the black hole in front of him from expanding, he must use Space Magic to neutralize the black hole. But Li Yalin’s power alone is limited, so he must With the help of the two Goddess Adria and Pokky.

“Understood, since they want to play perish together with us, let’s open their eyes!” Adria and Pokky nodded, then smiled and said to Li Yalin again.

“No problem!” Before speaking, Li Yalin and the others have already taken out the Orbment and put it on their bodies. This Orbment Li Yalin is for every woman to hold one. Everyone owns an exclusive Your own Orbment, but you don’t use it frequently. After all, it’s not your true strength that Orbment adds.

Space Element has the largest guiding force Magic range, so naturally a storm is coming, but if you want to neutralize the space black hole in front of you, then smashing void is easier to use, although the attack power and attack range Slightly inferior to the arrival of the storm, but the space neutrality attached to smashing void is the strongest of all Space Element’s guiding force Magic.

Just as the three of Li Yalin were preparing for Magic, the black hole in space began to expand more and more, and at this time the body of the chaos has begun to be slowly swallowed by the black hole. This swallowing is very painful Chaos desperately uttered a huge howl, but no one could help him. Seeing such Qiongqi’s heart immediately gave birth to a kind of fearful thought, should he die like Chaos so miserably?

No way! must run! Can’t die here so miserably! But the space black hole has been activated. If it is common sense, the space black hole will completely swallow this World. Then when the time comes, where can it go?

Just when Qiongqi was entangled, Li Yalin was the first to prepare for smashing void, the same black light was emitted from Li Yalin’s, and the black hole moved towards the chaotic space smashed into the past, really worthy of it It is one of the most powerful Space Magic. Li Yalin alone controlled the expansion of the black hole in space. Although it was slightly controlled, it only slowed down the expansion speed of the black hole in space. It is impossible to completely neutralize a black hole.

At this time, Adria and Pokky’s smashing void were also launched at the same time. With the help of Adria and Pokky, Li Yalin quickly suppressed the black hole in space and further transmitted the energy of smashing void. In the black hole of space.

What’s the matter? Why does the chaotic space black hole no longer continue to grow? Qiongqi, who had been prepared for death, raised his head very puzzled. What appeared in front of him was the fierce collision between smashing void and the black hole of space. These guys actually have the ability to control space? Qiongqi is very unbelievable.

Although the black hole in space is slowly suppressed, at the same time it is still shrinking, but in this way, isn’t the chaos dead in vain? No way! Thinking of the scream of Chaos before he died, Qiongqi was finally cruel! I will let this World disappear with me! Thinking of this, Qiongqi immediately gathered the energy of his whole body, forming a huge storm, covering all the smashing void and chaotic space black holes of the three Li Yalin.

Negatively neutralizing the black hole was a relatively difficult task. The three of Li Yalin had to concentrate cautiously, so they didn’t have time to pay attention to Qiongqi. Originally thought Qiongqi would take this opportunity to escape, but What didn’t expect was that this guy was so desperate. In this way, the space elements have been completely disordered, and the explosion between the futiles is inevitable.

“This guy! It really gives me a headache!” Li Yalin pressed his temple. He was already about to succeed, but such a troublemaker came out! However, the process of neutralizing the black hole is already halfway through. This spatial black hole will no longer swallow the entire world, but an explosion of space elements within a radius of 100 meters is inevitable, especially this kind of space element explosion. The speed is very fast, almost produced in an instant.

“Yalin!” Saber and other women outside the explosion called out Li Yalin’s name loudly. The explosion of space elements is not trivial. Unlike ordinary explosions, this kind of chaotic explosion of space elements may cause Take people or things within the explosion range through space and enter another time and space.

If it’s an ordinary space, it’s okay to say that once you encounter the kind of emptiness and chaos or a space filled with various energies, it’s not forever being stagnated in that space, but by the various energies in the space Crushing to death, this is not cracking a joke. Even with the strength of God Rank or Lord God Rank, it may be killed in an instant, so everyone’s expressions are a little desperate. Is it true that Li Yalin is really with Adria and Pokky? Are you involved in the explosion of space?

“Hi! Beauties, are you calling me?” At this moment, Li Yalin’s voice suddenly came from behind everyone’s ears, everyone turned their heads abruptly, didn’t I expect Li Yalin to stand behind everyone with Pokky and Adria intact. What is going on?

“You guy! Didn’t I tell you! You must have my protection by your side! But why are you always so self-willed?” Unexpectedly, he was the first to rush to Li Yalin In his arms turned out to be our great King Arthur-Artoria!

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