After Saya started the battle with the first cannon, Saeko, the strongest among the women, rushed forward. I saw Saeko dual swords waving, which almost formed a round turntable, within two meters of Saeko. In the inner space, none of the zombies is intact.

Rei on the side is also not to be outdone. Although she is a Half-Support-Type Class, don鈥檛 forget that she is also a blood cow Knight. She blessed herself with the inherited skill she learned. 鈥斺€擱ear Shield Protection. A defensive shield similar to Magic Shield appeared on Rei’s. Ordinary zombies simply cannot defeat Rei’s Magic Shield, so Rei is also a slaughter all sides in crowd of zombies.

Asami, who is also a Close Combat Class, is different. Her attacks are completely based on her own flexibility and her own super attack and defense. Because Fighter has the most inherited skills, so now Asami has learned three inherited skills. Iron Wall, Strengthening Empty-handed Attack and Counter-Attack, these three inherited skills have been used by Asami very proficiently, so Asami’s surroundings can be cleared in a while.

However, Miyu’s battle is different from Saeko, Rei and Asami. As a Dark Warlock, Miyu is a flexible Assassin. I saw her shuttle through the crowd of zombies, flickering, flickering, and spirit. The dagger flies up and down, and it will hit with a hit. As long as a knife is swung down, a zombie will fall down. And she also threw away her darts from time to time. It seems that Miyu has completely mastered the essence of her class.

As a Support Class, Shizuka is the one who lacks the most attack power, but she has the strength of Third Rank High-Level, she can still use some simpler WIZspell, Flame, Wind Pressure and Wave. These three spells are Shizuka’s most familiar and one of the most familiar spells, because no matter what class you can learn these three relatively low-level spells, so you usually study more together. This Shizuka now has a chance to show off his skills.

Looking at the brave performance of several girls, Li Yalin was also slightly smiled, and said that he could not lose to them, so Li Yalin also raised his long spear, Jab, Thorn Burst, Might Strike frequently used Out. Now in Diablo Class, the Li Yalin lance skill is the best used. Basically, the level is close to LVMAX. Only Charged Strike and Repel are learned later, so they are not as good as the first three skills in level. But are the skills of Fourth to Fifth Rank so underestimated? Although Amazon is not known for its power, Li Yalin is also quite good in terms of control.

Now Li Yalin is carrying six girls, like tiger among a flock of sheep, because now they have no worries, so their strength is vividly and thoroughly. But their performance can scare the pilots of the helicopters in the sky. One helicopter almost fell down. Fortunately, the pilots reacted quickly, and immediately pulled up the joystick when they found it was not good. Otherwise, this guy. But he was the first driver to crash because he was frightened.

The performance of Li Yalin and the others was immediately transmitted by the helicopter pilots to the receiving unit. After hearing the news, the soldiers of the receiving unit also discussed spiritedly. Because the survivors they brought back from Li Yalin also heard what Li Yalin is Descent of Angel, or Li Yalin has Angel, and what Li Yalin is so powerful, when Li Yalin pulling strongly against a crazy tide, etc. The gossip gossip, but after everyone listened to it, it was treated as a joke or a joke. After all, seeing is believing, and no one would believe such an absurd gossip.

But now the facts have proved the strength of Li Yalin and the others, because the receiving troops are not far away from Li Yalin and their location, only about 500 meters away, although some buildings block The sight of the soldiers was lost, but the sound of explosions in the ears and the screams of zombie tearing told the soldiers what was happening ahead.

The zombies ahead have gradually been wiped out. Li Yalin and the others are also becoming more and more careful, because at this time they don鈥檛 know what accidents will happen again. If there is really smart T4zombies, then it will definitely stay In the future, things are progressing impossible so smoothly.

Just after the last zombies fell under Rei’s gun, there was no one who could stand up except Li Yalin and six girls at the scene of the battle. No, they can no longer be called As a human, it should be said that no zombies can stand up. But although everyone has killed hundreds of zombies in this battle, they haven’t even seen a T3, let alone the shadow of T4.

Li Yalin and the girls looked at each other in blank dismay, and they were a little bit confused about what the zombies were doing. It was clear from the intelligence that these zombies were doing sneak attacks on a regular basis, but Li Yalin and them The zombies that I encountered are all just the wild beast instincts, ordinary zombies that come forward and bite when they encounter humans, is it an intelligence error or another conspiracy? This is a question worth thinking about.

Although it is safe now, Li Yalin was still a little worried, so he searched the neighborhood again and again. After the group confirmed that there was indeed no zombies, Li Yalin ordered the soldiers to participate in the rescue. Moving on, Li Yalin took the six women one step ahead. He planned to visit the base to see the situation.

Although it is said to be a base, it is actually just an ordinary steel processing factory. However, due to the thick and high walls of the factory building, and the gate of the factory building is also made of alloy, it is usually A hundred zombies really can’t get in here.

“Are you who?” The person in charge of the inspection on the opposite wall asked cautiously. Although they also saw the scene of Li Yalin and the six women fighting zombies, the scene was too shocking. So this also caused them to remain wary of Li Yalin.

“We are from Takagi Base. We rushed over after receiving your distress signal.” Li Yalin replied loudly.

“Oh, I understand, I will immediately notify the leader.” When the person on the wall heard that he was from Takagi Base, he quickly got off the wall and looked for Takagi Base’s person in charge.

After a while, it seemed that the other party’s Chief-In-Charge appeared. The gate of the factory was slowly opened, and a group of soldiers wearing special battle uniforms appeared. The leader among them was a middle-aged man, who was also wearing a special battle uniform and holding an MP5 in his hand, some of which looked more upright.

“Hello, I am Chief-In-Charge of this survivor base, and my name is Miyamoto.” The headed man spoke first.

“Father!” At this moment, Rei who was next to Li Yalin suddenly called out loudly, which made the man named Miyamoto also startled, but Li Yalin reflected it. Isn’t Rei’s last name Miyamoto? .

I saw that Rei had already taken off her combat helmet at this time, and stepped forward to Miyamoto’s side.

“Rei…” Miyamoto murmured a little, “Is it really you…my good daughter.” After all, there was a trace of his seemingly resolute face. Can’t believe it, and his eyes are slightly red.

“Of course it鈥檚 me, father, you鈥檙e really good. I went to East Police Station to find you, but there is no one in East Police Station. Mother is not at home. You don鈥檛 know, I鈥檓 really I’m so scared, father.” As Rei said, he threw himself into Miyamoto’s arms with excitement, but Miyamoto, who was wearing heavy leather golden armor, almost collapsed. This farce made Rei burst into tears. For laughing.

“Your mother was saved by me, so of course she was not at home when you went.” Miyamoto touched Rei’s hair and said with some affection.

“Really? It seems that what Yalin said is right. I’m so happy.” Hearing Miyamoto’s words, Rei jumped up with excitement. This day is true for Rei It was a very happy day. It was undoubtedly a great excitement for Rei to get news that his relatives are still alive in this kind of apocalypse.

“By the way, father, why are you here?” Rei came back to his senses after being excited and asked Miyamoto.

“After the disaster broke out, my superiors and subordinates were dead and injured, but after being injured, they would inevitably become zombies. So soon, the police system was completely paralyzed. At that time, I took part of my subordinates to rescue everywhere. Although I lost a lot of subordinates, I also absorbed a lot of outstanding talents. Finally, after I couldn’t stay in the city any longer, we went to East Police together. After getting enough equipment in the station’s weapon store, he led the survivors to evacuate here. Rei, how about you? How did you get through?” After answering Rei’s words, Miyamoto also asked Rei.

“At first, I escaped from school with Yalin and Saya, then I went to Saya’s house, and finally came to Takagi Base.” Rei said briefly.

“It was with Li-kun. By the way, I remember that Li-kun told you to warn me that there would be a disaster, but I didn’t care about it at the time. It’s incredible to think about it now.” Miyamoto Said with a slight sigh.

“Miyamoto Uncle.” Since he heard the other person talking about himself, Li Yalin couldn’t stay behind, so he also stepped forward to say hello to Miyamoto.

“Li-kun, are you here too? Sorry, I was so excited just by patronizing, but I didn’t realize that you were there.” Miyamoto saw Li Yalin, which was also some sorry answer. After all, I just saw my daughter safe and sound. , Miyamoto was also very excited.

“It doesn’t matter Miyamoto Uncle, this is such is human nature.” Li Yalin said with a smile.

“Li-kun, you really have grown up.” Miyamoto also smiled and said to Li Yalin.

“Yes, but Miyamoto Uncle, it鈥檚 not the time to relive the old days. It鈥檚 still very dangerous, so we have to evacuate the survivors of The Organization right away.” Because I worry about the T4zombies that haven鈥檛 appeared yet, so Li Yalin Without wasting time, he said straightforwardly.

“Yes, it’s really unsafe here. I will go to The Organization to evacuate the staff.” Miyamoto is not a person who dares, so he also decisively gave the order.

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