“It’s…Her Majesty the Princess!” Although I was very hesitant in my heart, the ten guards Captain lowered their heads and replied in unison. In any case, they were all cultivated by Tira, and loyalty is naturally impeccable. .

“Very well, now we are calling everyone, I have something to announce!” Tira was satisfied and nodded, she would immediately hand over the force formed by herself and HeadMaster Christo to Li Yalin’s. Don’t want to stay for a moment.

Soon, the one thousand guards were called up. Li Yalin glanced at it. Girls aged 15-16 accounted for 70%, and the rest were around 17-18 years old. It is rare to see girls over twenty years old.

Under Tira’s explanation, many young girls also understand that the legendary Li Yalin that they are about to loyal is actually the legendary Li Yalin. On the Academies Martial Great Competition, Li Yalin’s is indeed a big show. His name has also spread. Big cities like the Capital of the Phoenix Dance are naturally a place where gossip is widely circulated. There are also many versions of Li Yalin’s legends, so I learned that I need to be loyal to Li for life. After Yalin, the young girls were all in a tumult.

“Quiet!” Although they are not regular soldiers, the captains of Tira’s guards are strict with themselves. While restraining themselves, they are also very good for these young girls. Strict, so before Tira and Li Yalin could speak, the ten guards Captain had already stepped forward and shouted loudly. In front of their immediate superiors, the girls immediately closed their voices. They seemed to be in awe of these guards Captain. Ours.

“Hello everyone, my name has been introduced by Tira just now, so I won’t repeat it here. It’s just that Tira’s introduction is not very complete. In addition to those mentioned by Tira, I am also a newly promoted God of Destiny. For some reasons, I need to recruit some Subordinate Gods to become my subordinates. As for the treatment, I will never treat you badly. Now I can give you some time to think about it. I won’t force you.” At this time, Li Yalin stepped forward, moving towards the girl guards in front of him with a smile on his face.

“God of Destiny?” Li Yalin’s words caused the young girls who had calmed down to make a noise again. Even the ten guards, Captain, were the same. Really? There have been no gods on Heavenly Wind Continent for tens of thousands of years. The newly promoted god of destiny means that Li Yalin has just become the god of destiny? If you can really become the Subordinate God of the God of Destiny, wouldn’t you be able to become a God too? At the very least, it’s also a servant, right?

“I want to quit!” Just as everyone was talking and talking, a young girl raised her hand very hesitantly. Her move attracted the attention of everyone present, everyone was Looking at this girl with a surprised look, is there something wrong with her brain? Don’t want this kind of ascending to the skies with a single leap opportunity?

“Of course this is fine, but can you tell me the reason for your withdrawal?” Li Yalin nodded, it was not unexpected for Li Yalin’s that someone quit, but Li Yalin was very curious, this pretty Rei’s girl What is the reason to withdraw?

“My family has believed in Heavenly Fire Phoenix for generations, so I will not change my beliefs without authorization! I heard that I believe in Heavenly Fire Phoenix, so I decided to join the guard team. , If I can’t serve His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix, then I have to opt out!” The young beautiful woman replied very firmly, but Tira and the others almost laughed out loud.

“You said you believe in Heavenly Fire Phoenix?” Li Yalin’s face was slightly smiled, didn’t expect, so young and so loyal to her beliefs, it seems that this girl and HeadMaster Christo must be very Conversation, but it is only limited to the aspect of faith, the potential of HeadMaster Christo’s demonic girl is not something the pretty girl in front of me can have.

“Yes, Your Majesty, I once swore to believe in His Highness Heavenly Fire Phoenix for life. If I break my oath, I will suffer the most severe Divine Punishment!” The pretty girl’s expression is very serious, which makes Li Yalin somewhat unwilling. think.

“Oath? The god of oath has fallen, right? Last time I heard Shirayuki say that this guy’s Divine Spark has been swallowed.” It looks like Shirayuki once said that she swallowed Divine last time. One of Spark belongs to the God of Oath.

“Yes, father, do you need this Divine Spark? If father needs it, Baixue can give it to father!” Baixue came to Li Yalin’s for some unknown reasons, and rushed to Li Yalin’s body. Said, and while acting like a baby, Bai Xue wanted to take out Divine Spark.

“Father already has Divine Spark, so I don’t need this oath Divine Spark. Baixue keeps it for himself. If necessary, father will ask Baixue for it!” Li Yalin smiled and touched it. Touching Baixue’s hair, Baixue liked this action very much, and at the same time she was still rubbing hard in Li Yalin’s arms.

Although these words seem very common to Li Yalin and the others, they are different in the ears of the young girls on the opposite side. Can Divine Spark come out casually? Everyone has heard about the legend of Divine Spark. It is said that as long as you get the inheritance of Divine Spark, even if you are a Magic Type invalid, you may also get the chance to become a god, and at the worst, you will become a powerhouse of one party. When everyone looked at Li Yalin and Bai Xue, they were already full of enthusiasm and became gods. This was something that I didn’t even dare to think before, but now there is such an opportunity that really lies in my own. Right now, can this make these young girls not excited!

“But when it comes to believing in Heavenly Fire Phoenix, I believe that many of you here are like her? But have you ever thought that if Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​a Subordinate of the God of Destiny God, what is the difference between your belief in Heavenly Fire Phoenix and your belief in the God of Destiny?” At this moment, Pokky on the side poured boiling oil in the fire, causing the girls’ minds to explode. Come up, Heavenly Fire Phoenix is ​​Li Yalin’s Subordinate God? Is this possible?

Hearing is fictitious, seeing is believing, Pokky’s tone barely fell, Little Feng’er screamed, and the incarnation is for the Heavenly Fire Phoenix body, but it has not yet come to Little Feng’er to actually show up At that time, Little Feng’er was just incarnation and became a reduced version of Heavenly Fire Phoenix about one meter long. After circling two times in mid-air, he recovered and threw himself into Li Yalin’s arms to compete with Bai Xue. .

Seeing this scene in front of me, the young girls of the Guards were all shocked. The Heavenly Fire Phoenix, which hadn’t appeared for tens of thousands of years, really appeared, although it was not as huge as the legend. But that is indeed the Heavenly Fire Phoenix, which is simply incredible, but since this is the case, is what the person said just now is true?

“Then everyone can disband now, and give everyone a magic time to consider. If you plan to become my Subordinate God, then please report to these ten guards Captain!” After that, all that is left is the choice of these young girls. I believe that with the appearance of Little Feng’er, I believe these girls will make the most correct choice, right?

“Is this all right? Leave it to them to choose?” After the guards were disbanded, Tira asked Li Yalin with a slight hesitation, looking for these extraordinary young aptitudes. Girls, but it took Tira a lot of thoughts to help Li Yalin, but once too many people quit, Tira would feel extremely embarrassed.

“If it is not willing, it will have a lot of undesirable consequences. Instead of when the time comes is troublesome, it is better to let them make a choice for themselves now.” Li Yalin waved his hand, just now Pokky A spiritual hint has been secretly given to these young girls. If they are ill-intentioned, they don’t need to be cleared by Li Yalin, and she will choose to quit.

“By the way, Tira, taking advantage of the time now, let’s make a contract now, and change jobs by the way, so that your half-hearted alchemy can also give up.” At this time Li Yalin But the topic changed, and he smiled and said to Tira.

Tira was naturally very happy to be able to contract with Li Yalin, so Li Yalin soon completed the contract with Tira. Of course, Tira immediately chose Class Change. At this time, Tira had no strengths except for its slightly stronger Spiritual Power. So when Class Change, Tira chose the Holy Spirit Master that suits him best, but After Class Change is completed, only Tira, who has the strength of Third Rank, is still just a Mage, but even so, this is enough to excite Tira.

“I can finally use Magic! I am no longer a useless person anymore!” After successfully sending out a Water Element’s rushing Magic independently, Tira was already excited to pounce on Li Yalin’s body, and this At the same time, Tira even took the initiative to kiss Li Yalin’s lips. Such a bold move made Saber blush, but Bai Xue and Little Feng’er looked at Li Yalin and Tira curiously until they were caught. Pokky and Saeko are pulled away.

For a long time, Li Yalin and Tira’s lips parted, but Tira did not leave Li Yalin’s embrace at this time, but Li Yalin caressed her pretty short hair lovingly.

“Like a little child.” Li Yalin said to Tira with a smile, but Tira pouted out her mouth in dissatisfaction, as if protesting.

“How does it taste?” Just after Tira and Li Yalin separated, Teresa on the side suddenly appeared next to Tira. Only then did Tira realize that there are so many viewers around him, this Tira’s cheek was flushed, and then Tira covered her face and ran out.

“I said Sister Di, you are jealous again?” Just after Tira left, Li Yalin’s slightly playful voice suddenly reached Teresa’s ear. Before Teresa could refute, Li Yalin’s lips had already kissed On Teresa’s cherry lips. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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