After listening to Adria’s words, Li Yalin didn’t even have any special reactions. He has already contracted so many people. If you think about it, Light Priest, Holy Knight, Dark Mage, and Shadow Assassin, these are all It is the help that Li Yalin needs, and with these few beautiful women, Li Yalin’s strength will definitely be greatly strengthened.

“Notify Katie and Betty that I want to sign a contract with these girls as soon as possible, and then take them to Regios World for leveling as quickly as possible, and strive to be able to do so in less than half a year. Let them come in handy!” After Li Yalin pondered for a while, lifts the head to Adria instructed.

“I see, hee hee, only a few days later, Yalin, you are more and more like a big man.” Adria nodded, but then she smiled at hee hee. Li Yalin said.

“It’s getting more and more like a big man? What am I now?” Li Yalin looked towards Adria in surprise.

“It’s just a little boy now.” After all, Adria does not pay attention to Li Yalin, but instead turned his head to concentrate on contacting Betty and Katie. For Adria’s description, Li Yalin only Can show the expression of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Soon, Betty and Katie heard the news, since Li Yalin said so, the two Goddess temporarily gave up the tracing of Demon Race, but joined forces with Adria and Pokky to start In a large-scale Magic Teleportation team, the girls who are about to sign a contract with Li Yalin Teleportation to Phoenix Dance Kingdom. While the five hundred Water Element Mage is also there, Li Yalin brings Goddess to the stage and talks about what should be said. After that, the contract finally started.

The number of girls is quite large, and if put together, it reaches almost two thousand. Therefore, the contract alone cost Li Yalin a long time. After the contract, Class Change followed. The only thing that makes Li Yalin more troublesome is that the five hundred Light Priests chose the same class-Priest, and the seven hundred Holy Knight girls also chose the Holy Knight class. It would be a good idea to say Light Empire’s Class. Is it too monotonous?

But to say that the more than two hundred girls of the dark race have more choices than Church, but they are not much better. Dark Mage young girls choose nothing more than Forbidden Spell Mage. There is Necromancer, of course, there are not many people who choose Necromancer.

As for the shadow Assassin’s choice, it is the same, either Assassin or Assassin, and in this group of shadow Assassin, Li Yalin found the familiar silhouette at a glance, which was the one he had encountered before. Loli Monster Blade.

“hehe, little loli, let’s meet again.” After seeing the Loli Monster Blade, Li Yalin walked up to her with a smile on his face, but the little loli on the opposite side had already recognized Li Yalin. When Li Yalin was talking just now, she also listened perfectly clear. Facing Li Yalin who was approaching step by step, little Loli stepped back again and again, showing the expression of lose one’s head out of fear.

“I won’t eat you again, why should I show such an expression?” Li Yalin looked at the little loli in front of him quite funny. In fact, according to the time on Heavenly Wind Continent, he The encounter with little loli is only less than five months now, but I haven’t seen each other for two years, so little loli is still fresh in my memory of myself, but myself But it takes memories to remember such a little loli.

“But…” Loli Monster Blade still hesitated. She absolutely did not expect that she would be loyal to this person. Li Yalin once left a deep impression on Loli Monster Blade, even if she returned After arriving at The Organization, Loli Monster Blade will always think of Li Yalin from time to time. Unconsciously, Li Yalin’s silhouette is already full of Loli Monster Blade’s heart, but Loli Monster Blade, who knows nothing about this aspect, is very good at it. She was puzzled, so she only chose to escape after seeing Li Yalin.

“But what am I?” Li Yalin certainly doesn’t understand Loli Monster Blade’s mind, but after seeing this little loli, Li Yalin involuntarily wanted to tease her.

“What’s the matter with Yalin? Do you know Murasame?” At this time, Katie came to Li Yalin’s. She didn’t know anything about Dark Clan’s contact with Li Yalin’s, so she had this One question.

“Well, I met before, speaking of which I am still cooperating with Dark Clan, and this little loli plays a leading role in it.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, this The so-called cooperation made him feel funny even thinking about it. It was obvious that Betty and Katie were twin sisters, but after tens of thousands of years, the two beautiful women became hostile. I really don’t know about Bright Church and Dark Clan’s. What do these guys think.

“so that’s how it is, to be honest, Dark Clan made me feel very disappointed. Obviously, during the Great War of Gods and Demons, Dark Clan and Guangming Church were solid allies, and usually I often help each other. I used to resist the attacks of Demon Race again and again, but now my Dark Clan has completely deteriorated. Not to mention the hostility to the light, I even colluded with Demon Race, and became everyone shouting on the continent. Race, I didn’t expect it at all.” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Katie was sighed and returned to Dark Clan. Although these guys were still loyal to themselves, why did they become themselves above the continent? Has a Demon God?

“Don’t think about that many. Ten thousand years have passed. Who knows what happened during that period! Besides, Bright Church is not necessarily a good thing, and it’s not just Dark Clan that has deteriorated. “Seeing Katie’s mood was quite heavy. Li Yalin hurriedly stepped forward and was comforted. Since listening to Adria and the others narrating the experience of Great War of Gods and Demons, Li Yalin discovered that he had seen Great War of Gods and Demons in the library before. The content of is purely fabricated. Dark Goddess Katie was written as the Demon Race side. Is there anything more funny than this?

“snort! The guys from Guangming Church, although on the surface they are loyal to me stand by one’s word, but behind them they are also doing some clever tricks. They think I don’t know anything. Actually, I just don’t want to pay attention.” At this time, Betty also came to Li Yalin’s and complained. This time she returned to Bright Church, Betty found a lot of things. There are a lot of crooked things behind Church, but they are just Betty didn’t want to care about it.

“Forget it, just understand some things in my heart. The forced change may not be a good thing. Besides, after this sacrifice, we have to leave Heavenly Wind Continent. These are bad August 07. Let them do it by themselves.” Li Yalin said very indifferently, Guangming Church’s business has nothing to do with him, thinking that many other than wasting his own brain cells, there is no benefit, then why do you want to go? Care so much?

“That’s the same, but before the sacrifice begins, the Demon Races on the Heavenly Wind Continent need to be cleaned up. Although they are just some Low-Level Demon Races, but If you leave it alone, it will still have a great impact on the residents on the continent. This can be considered the last fact we did with Heavenly Wind Continent after we left.” Betty nodded, she no longer wants to bother about the issue of Bright Church. Up.

At this time, the Guangming Church is no longer the Church that I created at the beginning that exists purely for humans. The imperial power and divine power over the years have already caused Church to decay, if it weren’t for the Church at this time. There is a sense of existence, Betty has already destroyed the Church she created by herself, but Betty doesn’t care about that many things anymore. Now she just needs to follow Li Yalin’s side.

“Well, let’s leave this to you. If necessary, we will help!” Since Betty has said so, Li Yalin certainly supports it unconditionally.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a Low-Level Demon Race. I alone is enough. Even more how, Katie is helping.” Betty laughed and finished. Then he moved towards Li Yalin and flew a wink.

“Well, little loli, now let’s talk about your business. Do you really want to make a contract with me? If you are not sincere, you can leave here. Anyway, we can count. Let’s be friends.” Ignoring Betty’s winking eyes, Li Yalin turned his head and moved towards the Loli Monster Blade on the side. Just after Katie and Betty appeared, this little loli kept listening to the three of them. Although Loli Monster Blade is a bit stupid, it does not mean she is really stupid. She understands what Li Yalin said. The three people in front of me are all gods of aloof and remote, so Li Yalin said After this sentence, even Loli Monster Blade himself was unconsciously stunned.

“Friends… friends?” Loli Monster Blade’s face was unbelievable. Although she thought that Li Yalin was just a powerhouse, but after knowing Li Yalin’s true identity, Loli Monster Blade Li Yalin has always been treated as a figure of the god Level 1, but now Li Yalin actually said that the two are friends, can this not shock little loli.

“Of course, time is limited. You have to make a decision quickly. If you don’t want to contract with me, you can leave now.” Li Yalin nodded, he doesn’t like to force others to sign with him Contract, if this little loli is really unwilling to sign that contract with himself, then the consequence is that little loli becomes his lifelong slave, and he still has no thoughts, the kind that forever can’t resist, even The ability to upgrade and practice does not exist, which is not what Li Yalin wants to see.

“I am willing to sign a contract with you!” To Li Yalin’s surprise, even though Loli Monster Blade hesitated, in the end she firmly chose to sign a contract with Li Yalin. It seems to be reluctant, is brother really such a charm? Li Yalin couldn’t help but wondered in the heart. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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