After listening to Li Yalin’s words, both Chifuyu and Barmelin’s faces showed a trace of hesitation, but it was only a trace. Then the powerful brother control attribute completely abandoned this hesitation and turned to Staring at each other, this made Li Yalin a headache.

“Okay, Barmelin, what do you look like?” Seeing Li Yalin’s help gaze, Alsheyra sneered, but I still have to help, Chifuyu, forget it, after all I just met, but Barmelin is his own, and of course Alsheyra has to stop Barmelin first.

“Don’t say anything, Queen Your Majesty! I have a sense of measure in this matter! I can listen to you for everything else, but I will never give in in this matter!” Unexpectedly The thing is, Barmelin even ignored Alsheyra, but when it comes to Li Yalin’s things, Barmelin can’t take care of anything, not even Queen Your Majesty.

“Barmelin!” This time Alsheyra was almost out of breath and burst his lungs. What a Barmelin, in order to compete for his younger brother, he didn’t even pay attention to his queen Your Majesty. Come on? Therefore, Alsheyra went forward and grabbed Barmelin’s collar, no longer paying attention to the queen’s dignity and reservedness. He shook Barmelin’s body back and forth directly. The powerful force made Barmelin simply unable to resist. He is truly a powerful queen. what.

“Alsheyra!” Seeing that Barmelin almost died under Alsheyra’s hands, Li Yalin immediately stepped forward to take Barmelin, this queen Your Majesty was too unsufficient, right? It’s really a headache to go crazy because of this little thing.

“younger brother……” But just after regaining Barmelin, Barmelin who was lying in Li Yalin’s arms actually screamed, and there was a rare shy expression on his face, which made Li Yalin There are even some doubts whether it is because of their own eyes.

“What are you doing? Do you want to seduce my younger brother?” Chifuyu, who had a bad experience, immediately pulled Li Yalin away, which made Barmelin in Li Yalin’s arms almost staggered. When he fell to the ground, Barmelin stopped doing it this time, and got up with Chifuyu again with swords drawn and bows bent. There was a big disagreement and he wanted to do it.

“Queen Your Majesty, the elves have returned!” At this moment, Kanaris of one of the Twelve Heaven’s Blade Wielder suddenly appeared next to Alsheyra, just watching after lifting the head Upon reaching Li Yalin’s gaze, Kanaris’s face immediately showed a blooming blush, and even if he lowered his head, he did not dare to look at Li Yalin.

“Very good, they are finally back, let’s pick them up now!” The return of the Elf troops is like a life-saving straw, just to save Li Yalin’s current urgent need, with this deed With a buffer, everyone no longer needs to watch the confrontation between Chifuyu and Barmelin awkwardly.

Since Li Yalin has spoken, everyone naturally walked out of the palace and greeted everyone at the outer edge again. After seeing Rose and the others, Li Yalin’s expression also became quite happy. After all, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I really miss it very much.

“Elder Sister Rose, Elder SIster Fina…you are finally back, I want to kill you!” Li Yalin smiled and greeted everyone, but his words made Chifuyu and Barmelin somewhat looked at each other in blank dismay, how come there are so many elder sisters? How many elder sisters does this kid have? Suddenly, these two younger brothers are all a little at a loss as to what to do.

After meeting everyone, the next step is to introduce everyone to each other. After all, they are all Li Yalin’s Subordinate God. In the coming time, everyone will be close comrades fighting side by side. Therefore, harmony is the prerequisite for everything. If everyone is like Chifuyu and Barmelin, then Li Yalin will have the heart to kill him.

“Aunt Catherine, how are you doing during this time? Can you get used to your current life?” The young girls of the Elf Force have been arranged to live in Grendan, so they were announced by Li Yalin’s The elves young girls all disbanded and rested, but Queen Catherine did not leave. Naturally, Li Yalin should take care of his troops.

“Now everyone is very accustomed to this kind of life. At first, hunting these Filth Monsters is indeed unacceptable to everyone. After all, the elves are not a hobby killing clan, but after a while After the adjustment of time, everyone began to get used to it. After all, we still have you and His Royal Highness Elf Goddess as our pillars of belief. Besides, the ability to upgrade and practice is really too bad. It only took more than two months. That’s it, everyone’s strength is advanced by leaps and bounds, so everyone has the motivation to upgrade!” Queen Catherine replied to Li Yalin with a smile.

“That’s good, but this is only temporary. After everyone’s strength reaches a certain level, I will ask you to suspend this killing-style upgrade exercise. You have to know that I The future battlefield is not here but the universe. Some necessary knowledge must be learned by everyone!” Li Yalin nodded, in fact, let these elves young girls who have been living in the calm forest come to kill those powerful Filth Monsters, which made Li Yalin is also uncomfortable, but in order to make everyone stronger, this is also a last resort.

“I understand that Miria and Galatea have told me about these things. To be honest, I really look forward to this universe, the vast sky, what is hidden there What? If I didn’t meet Yalin you, I don’t think I would know it for the rest of my life.” Catherine’s mouth has a slight smile. In everyone’s mouth, Catherine has learned a lot about Li Yalin’s, and he has to face it next. Naturally, Catherine fully understands the enemy, but Catherine did not flinch. She will follow Li Yalin and Elf Goddess Pokky without complaint, even if she pays her own life.

“I’ll take you to take a look at the universe at a chance, it will definitely make you feel worthwhile!” I don’t know what Catherine was thinking at this time, Li Yalin promised to take a continuous shot of his chest. .

“Okay, when the time comes, you don’t want Yellow Ox.” Catherine nodded, just like a newlywed wife, went up to help Li Yalin tidy up the skirt, which made Chifuyu and Barmelin on the side stared again.

The conversation between Li Yalin and Catherine’s did not avoid everyone. Everyone heard it clearly. As for the little ambiguity between the two, everyone was naturally clear about the little ambiguity between the two. Therefore, Rose and Sally both It was a smirk, only Lynn’s face was a little complicated. Anyway, Lynn is also Catherine’s daughter in name.

But after another thought, now that he and his mother have left Heavenly Wind Continent and Elves Forest, there is no bondage between themselves and mother. Elf Queens of the past cannot get married, so Every generation of Elf Queen can’t get their own happiness. For their own happiness and mother’s happiness, Lynn will no longer be entangled in these trivial things, and instead show a relieved expression and send her sincere blessings to Catherine. .

“Then, while everyone is here now, let me just say a few words!” After moving towards Catherine with a knowing smile, Li Yalin turned his head and said to everyone .

“As for the evil city Aynx that Grendan will fight next, everyone already has a preliminary understanding. This is a very good opportunity for the Saint Angel team that has just completed the experience. “Li Yalin put the evil city first. After all, Grendan will soon have the first contact with Aynx, and other matters can be discussed later.

“Yalin, do you mean, let our troops take action?” Chifuyu immediately understood Li Yalin’s idea. After more than two months of experience, the growth rate of the Saint Angel team is amazing. Yes, in less than three months, everyone from the very beginning of the juvenile body to Larva, until the final Mature, all killed a considerable number, the strength of these IS fighters is all They are all rapidly improving, and now they have reached an astonishing level, and this is the time to test the results of growth.

“Yes, I really want to see how everyone has grown during this time, but Chifuyu, your growth rate is too fast? If I am not mistaken, It seems that your strength has reached the Saint Rank Low-Level, right? And Zhu and Lingyin, your strength has also reached the Seventh Rank, right?” Li Yalin nodded, Li Yalin was very surprised by everyone’s growth rate. Just this rapid increase in strength, can everyone really adapt to it?

“Indeed, your ability to upgrade and practice is very easy to use. It just killed a so-called mature, which allowed me to reach my current strength. The same is true for everyone, but the strength has increased. It is indeed very good, but step by step is also very necessary. Therefore, after this evil city battle, I think we should also temporarily let everyone end the actual combat and enter the theory class!” Chifuyu said at this time Up to my own worries.

“This is no problem. I think everyone should also learn about the control of AS, VF, Mecha and their respective battleships. When Chifuyu sister thinks it is appropriate, just tell me.” Li Yalin said with a smile, Chifuyu thought of going with him unexpectedly.

Improving strength is important, but sometimes the mood is even more important. If you only have a strong strength without a mood that matches your strength, it is a very dangerous thing and it’s easy. Will be lost in a powerful force.

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