After experiencing this episode, Li Yalin entire group continued to walk into the mountains. At this time, Rinko’s body no longer trembles, and the expression on his face is full of determination. By the way, Rinko’s strength is already I was promoted to First-Rank High-Level, and killed several Second Rank semi-kunks in one go. It would be strange if Rinko didn’t upgrade. After all, Rinko’s current strength is still low, and it is very easy to upgrade.

“Everyone, pay attention, those ladyboys, oh no, those half-boys have appeared again.” After continuing on a section of the road, Li Yalin has already noticed that there are about twenty Several half-monsters surrounded themselves and the others in a circle, and it seemed that they were preparing to encircle and suppress them, but with these more than twenty half-monsters, what effect can they really play?

After listening to Li Yalin’s words, the three girls naturally became vigilant. The first to discover that those half-demons were Himari, but Himari also showed a look of disdain for the other party’s situation of encirclement and suppression. , It’s just over twenty rubbish, just because you want to encircle me and Young Master?

“Not good, grenade!” At this moment, Kwai discovered that a lot of unknown objects were moving towards himself and the others and flew over. After scanning by the enhanced suit, Kwai found out that this was actually a dozen grenades, so while warning Li Yalin and the others, Kwai blocked Li Yalin and the others, hoping to use his body to withstand the explosion of the grenade, but these grenades were from all Directions are still coming, Kwai simply can’t completely resist these grenades.

“You actually played this with me? Go back to you!” Li Yalin didn’t take seriously the first wave of the opponent’s attack, just raised his hand, and these grenades stopped in midair. , And with a wave of his hand, these grenades returned the same way and moved towards the half-monsters and lost them.

Don’t talk about how the half-monsters resist the grenade they threw out. At this time, Li Yalin has already arrived in front of Kwai, and said to Kwai with a serious face: “I don’t want to see this again in the future. This kind of thing, as a girl, you should be the one who is protected by nature. If I hide behind you, am I still a man?”

For Kuisha’s practice of saving herself and the others Li Yalin was very moved, but this does not mean that he agrees with Aoi to do so. Even if Aoi is wearing a rigid-flexible enhanced suit, his defense power is limited. Even if it resists the damage of the explosion, the shock wave generated by the explosion But it will definitely cause Aoi to be seriously injured, even if she is a doom red leaf, it is not Undying Body.

“I’m just…it’s just…” Kwai murmured a few words, trying to refute, but didn’t know how to speak. Kwai simply didn’t think about it, just subconsciously rushed to it. In front of Li Yalin’s, as for whether or not he would be injured, it was not within Kwai’s consideration. She had only one idea at the time, and that was not to let Li Yalin get hurt!

“Your Highness, Young Master, I think I can When talking about this, the half-monsters are not dead yet!” At this time, Himari suddenly spoke. Himari was also surprised that Aoi suddenly stood in front of him and Young Master just now, but immediately. But it’s more self-blame. It’s my responsibility to protect Young Master. Although I am not afraid of those grenades, the feeling of being protected by others is really uncomfortable, so Himari suddenly came out. The sound interrupted the conversation between Li Yalin and Aoi.

“Yes, two died, seven were seriously injured, and the remaining minor injuries. Leave these to you Rinko. If you kill them, your strength will happen soon. Heaven and Earth Turning upside down changes.” After checking the opponent’s situation a little bit, Li Yalin turned his head and said to Rinko, if you want to quickly improve your strength, killing is undoubtedly the best way.

With the experience of firing the gun for the first time, Rinko was a little hesitant the second time, but he was not as scared as the first time. He groaned and groaned in front of him. The half-monsters, Rinko finally got his heart cruel and pulled the trigger continuously, but after killing all the half-monsters, Rinko threw directly into Li Yalin’s arms.

“You did a great job.” Li Yalin stroked Rinko’s hair while admiring it repeatedly, knowing that these half-monsters are now in human form, and Rinko can get rid of these. Guy, really want to muster the courage.

But at this time, Rinko’s strength is also amazing. The strength that has just risen to First-Rank High-Level now suddenly has a Level 4 jump, directly to the level of Third Rank High-Level. Although it is not very strong yet, for ordinary person, there is no rival.

For Rinko’s sudden rise in strength, Aoi is the most surprised, what’s the matter? How did you suddenly feel Rinko’s strength soaring? Years of intuition tells Aoi that if she simply competes for strength, she is probably not Rinko’s opponent now.

Although there is a helmet with a strengthened suit to resist, so that everyone can not see Kwai’s current expression, Li Yalin understands what Kwai is thinking at this time, but now is not the time to explain, so Li Yalin moved After towards Kui cast an apologetic look, it also indicated that after completing this Quest, he would explain the matter to Kui.

no longer paid attention to the corpses on the ground, Li Yalin entire group keeps going, but the more you go into the mountains, the more Yoki diffuses. Not only that, there will be some half-monsters from time to time. Cannon fodder harassed themselves, so everyone’s speed is not very fast, the most important thing is Rinko’s upgrade problem.

Along the way, Rinko’s strength has reached the Fourth Rank Low-Level level. This has made Li Yalin very satisfied, but Li Yalin is not ready to let Rinko upgrade so quickly. Going on, after all, the rapid increase in strength has both advantages and disadvantages. Himari at this time is a good example. Therefore, after Rinko’s level was upgraded to Fourth Rank, Li Yalin could not help but return Rinko Teleportation to his home, although there was some distance. , But Li Yalin can still do it easily.

“Young Master, is this?” Seeing Rinko disappearing in the Magic Array of Space Teleportation, how does Himari not know that this is Space Spell, but generally speaking, being able to perform Space Teleportation is already very powerful. But now Li Yalin can actually do Teleportation Rinko alone. How strong is this ability to do it?

“Let Rinko go back first. Rinko will not be able to participate in the next battle.” A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yalin’s mouth. There has been enough cannon fodder, and it’s time to have a dinner. Come for a change of taste.

At this time, there are already several relatively powerful Yoki rushing towards Li Yalin and the others. Counting them, there are a total of eight-strand Yoki, and their strength is around Seventh Rank High-Level. It seems to be a guardian. There is a big monster here, but it is really rare to have this kind of strength.

“Are you who? You dare to trespass into a private forbidden area!” Soon, this stereotyped Yoki Master appeared in front of Li Yalin and the others. Although they are all human, they are exuding. The Yoki that came out made people nauseous. The smell of blood and killing made people know at a glance that these guys must be full of innocent lives.

“What nonsense that many do you do? If you want to fight, hurry up, but before you start, I want to ask, what kind of monsters are you?” Li Yalin said nonchalantly, just talking about the last At that time, Li Yalin brought up his little curiosity again. After all, Li Yalin didn’t know much about monsters, so he was not good at distinguishing the types of monsters, but the eight monsters on the opposite side had almost the same Yoki. , So Li Yalin wondered about the opponent’s race.

“Since you can’t tell good from bad, don’t blame us for vicious and merciless!” The other party did not answer Li Yalin’s question, but directly told Li Yalin with action what his race is what.

Soon, the bodies of the eight monsters continued to swell up. After a series of changes, what appeared in front of the three of Li Yalin turned out to be eight tall red noses. , With a fan in his hand, wearing various armors, stepping on clogs, katana stuck in his waist, and a pair of heavenly dogs with huge wings behind him.

“Heavenly Dog, really rare monsters.” Himari recognized these eight guys immediately, so Himari licked his lips, and the fighting intent in his heart couldn’t stop. It burst out, a very powerful opponent.

“Eight Heavenly Dogs? What is your relationship with the legendary Supreme Heavenly Dog?” Li Yalin naturally recognizes this legendary monster, but these eight Seventh Rank strengths The Heavenly Dog made Li Yalin think of one of his own Quests, to conquer or kill Japan’s three monsters, you must know that Lord Chongde is one of these three monsters.

“We are the eight great Heavenly Dogs under the throne of Chongde. If you are a mortal, you are obedient surrender, and you may be able to get the first line of life. Otherwise, we will enter you Asura hell, let your Hisashi live in the world!” One of the Heavenly Dogs took a step forward proudly, pulling the same expression as two-five-eighty thousand, which really made Li Yalin couldn’t help but want to beat him. A meal.

“Oh? Since this is the case, is the Emperor Chongde also in this mountain range?” Suppressing the anger in his heart, Li Yalin continued to ask the other party, if the Emperor Chongde Also, this time I really caught the big fish.

“My lord is naturally here, but you do not have the qualifications to pay respects to my lord…Huh?” Before this guy could finish, Li Yalin had already struck down with a flash of lightning. After I got the news, I didn’t have to chirp with these so-called great Heavenly Dogs, and sent them directly to superbirth, and then go to the trouble of the Emperor Chongde.

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