Although Li Yalin and Minami Rika fired at the same time, Li Yalin cheated slightly, that is, when Li Yalin fired, he also used Amazon’s Fourth Rank skill—Guided Arrow. After a long period of practice by Li Yalin, his skills below Fourth Rank are now all LVMAX level, but Li Yalin found that after the bow and arrow skill level MAX, he can do as one pleases. After using the skill, even if he doesn’t have a bow and arrow in his hand, he can use his own energy to condense into an energy arrow and launch it.

So now Li Yalin uses a pistol instead of a longbow, and bullets instead of Arrow are completely feasible. Although the speed of the bullet is very fast, Li Yalin can still completely control the bullet, so the bullet of Li Yalin’s is aimed at Morisawa Kai’s eyebrows. Of course, Minami Rika is not to be outdone. After the blood exchange is completed, Minami Rika can now be said to be hitting where it is within 100 meters, so Minami Rika’s bullets are shot directly at Morisawa Kai’s heart.

But at this moment, something incredible happened. Li Yalin and Minami Rika’s bullets were suddenly caught in Morisawa Kai’s head and heart before they hit Morisawa Kai’s head and heart. in.

“What?” Li Yalin looked at Minami Rika in surprise, Minami Rika was equally stunned. Although Li Yalin can do this kind of thing very easily, but Li Yalin is a powerhouse whose strength has reached Fifth Rank High-Level. The Morisawa Kai in front of him does not have a trace of fluctuation in his body, but he can catch bullets out of thin air. This can’t help everyone startled.

“Ara? It seems that your attitude towards me is very unfriendly as a young man.” Morisawa Kai said relaxedly, handling the bullet in his hand.

“Who you are?” Li Yalin shouted loudly.

“I am who? I am who?” Hearing Li Yalin’s question, that Morisawa Kai said something like mental illness, then suddenly laughed loudly

< p>“Hahaha! I’m who? I’m simply not a human!” After speaking, he shouted: “Attack me!”

Getting the order from Morisawa Kai, there are still some hungry bastards. The attack began immediately, and the long spear shot fired together. Of course, at the same time that Morisawa Kai gave the order, Li Yalin also gave the order to fire.

The battlefield is full of gunpowder and the firepower of both sides is very strong, but the opponent’s RPG is really dominant, and several gaps have been blasted into the base wall.

“Let you have a taste of this!” Li Yalin took three grenade from Asami’s, and after pulling off the safety latch, he went to the places where the RPG was concentrated. In fact, Li Yalin didn’t intend to let Asami and Shizuka participate in this battle. After all, killing zombies is fine, but now it is killing. But after Li Yalin told the two women what he meant, the two women were surprisingly opposed. The two of them insisted that they must participate in this battle, and even if they could not kill the enemy, they would also help with logistics supplies. Although Li Yalin was helpless , But it’s more gratifying.

The explosion range of the grenade is very wide, and Minami Rika’s focus on blocking, so the guys holding the RPG quickly became tragic. After a careful observation, I found that there were no more people holding rocket launchers, so Li Yalin immediately gave the order, “Send helicopter troops!”

All helicopter troops are dispatched, except for Black Hawk and Sea Dragon. In addition, even the only AH-64D Apache Longbow combat helicopter in the base was dispatched. With the support of the helicopter’s firepower, the battle began to show a lopsided situation.

Under the strong firepower of Li Yalin, Takagi Yujirou’s troops began to disintegrate, and deserters have even appeared. Seeing this situation, Li Yalin continues to boost morale, and the dawn of victory has appeared. Before everyone’s eyes.

“Awesome, awesome!” Just after the battle, when Li Yalin was planning to send someone out to clean the battlefield, Morisawa Kai didn’t know where he came out, but he still had a face. Plain, he said with a smile while clapping his hands.

“I thought a team of more than 300 people would definitely eat you, but didn’t expect this bone to be so hard to chew. It seems that you are the biggest change in this battle. After all, Morisawa Kai pointed at Li Yalin.

“So what?” Li Yalin said grimly, “You bite me if you don’t accept it!”

“Don’t worry, I will fulfill your wish.” Morisawa Kai smiled yin and yin. After speaking, he yelled up to the sky and the sound waves were deafening. With his roar, he saw a large number of zombies suddenly appear behind him.

“What’s the matter? Where did these zombies come from?” Seeing such a huge number of zombies in front of me, even the scarred man Ota, who has always been set up, has begun to lose his mind.

“It seems that these zombies at first are hidden not far from the base. They only started to move when we eliminated Takagi Yujirou’s forces just now.” Saya said. The mystery.

“It’s really the daughter of Takagi Family’s, she’s really smart.” Morisawa Kai under the wall also heard Saya’s words.

„Ah? ”This shocked Saya. He didn’t expect that the distance was so far, the other party could actually hear what he said.

“As you can tell from the bullet he caught me and Rika-nee, he is not an ordinary person anymore, isn’t it normal to be able to hear what you are saying now.” Looking at Saya Weiwei In a daze, Li Yalin smiled and flicked Saya’s little nose.

“snort! I was just thinking about how to deal with those zombies that’s all.” Saya tsundere again, pouting her mouth and turning her head, no longer paid attention to Li Yalin.

“I admire your courage very much, and you can still laugh at this moment.” Morisawa Kai looked at Li Yalin’s performance on the wall and said with a slight admiration.

“But you only have to laugh for a while now. I’m sorry, who said you are still human. In a while, you will become my partners!” After all, the crowd of zombies has been surging. Coming, although the speed is not fast, but the number is really amazing. The T1zombies playing forwards are already close to more than 3,000, and behind T1 is the T2zombies team. There are hundreds of T2zombies, but they did not play them. The advantage of speed, but to advance slowly, it seems that T1 is ready to be used as cannon fodder.

But the most terrifying thing is that there are six T3 silhouettes behind T2, three of which are power-type, two are Agility-Type, and one is a special-type T3. As for what ability it has, it is not known. This Morisawa Kai can attract so many zombies, so who is his true identity?

While Li Yalin was thinking, he suddenly thought of what Morisawa Kai said just now, “Who said you are still humans.” ‘Then Morisawa Kai is not human if you say that? Then his identity is…

Looking at Li Yalin’s gradually clear gaze, Morisawa Kai is also laughed, “It seems that you have guessed my identity, Hahaha, then I will let you see My real body.” After that, the muscles of Morisawa Kai’s whole body began to swell.

When his muscles swelled to a critical point, Morisawa Kai’s skin all exploded. The blood vessels and blood muscles were all exposed to the air. I saw him Gradually stretched out, sharp claw broke out on his hands and feet, and the fangs on his mouth became longer and longer.

It took about 3 minutes before Morisawa Kai completed his mutation. At this time, he was no longer able to fight humans. The skin that had been torn was restored, but What appeared in front of everyone was not normal human skin, but a scarlet skin, all covered with some viscous red liquid. There are giant claws on all four fingers. The claws alone are half an arm long. Morisawa Kai now stands up to more than four meters tall and has completely become a humanoid monster.

“Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long.” Morisawa Kai grinned, but now it looks so disgusting. The people watching the wall didn’t talk, Morisawa Kai didn’t find it interesting, but turned his head and pointed at the crowd of zombies loudly roared, and then the crowd of zombies began to attack.

“Stick me! The helicopters are fully fired!” Yuriko shouted loudly at this time.

“What an annoying fly!” Looking at the tongue of fire on the helicopter, Morisawa Kai said impatiently, then picked up a few corpses and threw them into the helicopter. Although the corpse was very fragile, due to Morisawa Kai’s tremendous power, he still shattered the glass of a helicopter, and the helicopter was about to fall far away and almost fell.

“Tch!” Morisawa Kai curled his lips, and then picked up a corpse and threw it into the helicopter.

“It won’t work like this, let me attack.” Seeing that the situation is critical, Li Yalin put away the pistol in his hand and prepared to deal with Morisawa Kai by himself.

“No! This is too dangerous!” Yuriko and the others disagreed. Asami even grabbed Li Yalin’s arm and didn’t let go.

“It’s okay, just look at it, and Saeko. After I go out for a while, you must be careful of those T3s. Don’t be aggressive. If you can’t deal with them, just fly a kite. Wait. I’ll take care of that guy and come back to help you.” After speaking, Li Yalin spread out his Seraph’s Wings, and flew in the direction of Morisawa Kai.

The guys who saw Li Yalin’s Seraph’s Wings for the first time are already dumbfounded, and each of them asks if this is not Angel. It turns out that Angel has always been helping us, so what are we afraid of? The soldiers at the base were all morale up.

Of course, people like Minami Rika, scarred man, and Rei’s father are all stunned. Although Minami Rika has signed a contract with Li Yalin, he has also exchanged blood, although his own strength has not increased. Little, but she also absolutely didn’t expect Li Yalin to have wings. Although Shizuka had said that Li Yalin had two Angel Subordinate Gods before, of course Minami Rika was completely dismissive and thought Shizuka was exaggerating. But now Minami Rika really believes it.

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