“Is this the Northern Lands? It’s really cold enough. I said Himari and Shizuku. If you can’t stand it, I will send you back. I feel uncomfortable for you looking at you like this.” After going to the famous Snow Mountain scenic spot on the Northern Sea Road, Li Yalin looked helplessly at Himari and Shizuku, a cat and a snake. The most fearful thing was the cold weather, even if he signed a contract with Li Yalin Himari in this World of Ice and Snow is the same shiver coldly.

“I don’t want it, how could I give it away when I finally got the chance!” Himari said stubbornly.

“Yes, you have to be patient when you are cold…” Shizuku shivered as well. Fortunately, it was summer. Otherwise, it would be even colder in Snow Mountain. In this way, the place where Li Yalin is at the moment is still a piece of snow, Hisashi is a land of unmelting ice and snow, and it can be regarded as a unique landscape of the Northern Sea Road.

“Well, I will arrive at the destination soon. Just be patient.” Li Yalin’s helpless shrugged bladder, this time the destination is a small hotel in the land of ice and snow, although There is an independent ski resort here, but it is not the peak season now, so there are not many guests visiting recently, so this hotel is still quite deserted at this time.

The entire group speeded up and soon came to this small hotel at the foot of Snow Mountain. Outside the hotel, one with two white hairpins on one head and one with long purple hair The girl was waiting for Li Yalin’s arrival. After seeing the silhouette of Li Yalin and the others, the girl immediately waved her hands again and again, looking very happy.

“Hello, my name is Xiaodong, are you Yalin?” As soon as Li Yalin stepped forward, this girl with snow-like skin rushed forward with a face Asked Li Yalin excitedly.

“I am Li Yalin, Xiaodong Young Lady just calls my name.” Li Yalin smiled and nodded replied.

“Really very good, I finally waited for His Highness Yalin. His Highness Yalin must not call me Xiaodong Young Lady. Calling me Xiaodong has made me happy enough.” After that, Xiaodong He wanted to pull Li Yalin into the hotel.

“Xiaodong, are you a Snow Girl?” Feeling Xiaodong’s cold skin, Li Yalin looked at the other person in surprise and asked. This is the first time he has seen a Snow Girl.

“Yes, Your Highness Yalin, I am the Snow Girl in this mountain.” Xiaodong smiled and admitted to nodded.

“I’ve already said that I call my name.” Li Yalin murmured, but Xiaodong seemed to be a natural daze, but he tilted his head and thought about it, and then started to go his own way. Called His Royal Highness Li Yalin.

Entering the hotel, Himari and Shizuku immediately yelled and surrounded the stove, wearing a thick padded jacket. They wanted to plunge themselves into the stove.

“I told you to stop following.” Li Yalin raised his hand with a headache, and two compressed Holy Protection Walls were applied to the two girls. This time it immediately became cold. Isolated.

“His Royal Highness, with such a convenient ability, why don’t you use it at first?” After receiving the blessing of the Holy Protection Wall, Himari’s face did not show gratitude. But a dangerous atmosphere was exposed.

“Why…?” Not only Himari, but Shizuku also said with a gloomy face. Looking at Himari, who was about to leave his nose, and Shizuku, who was shaking, Li Yalin couldn’t help but back off. Take a few steps.

“That…actually, I just remembered it just now.” Li Yalin scratched his head and said sorry. For Li Yalin’s answer, Himari and Shizuku immediately rushed towards Li Yalin angrily.

“Ara Ara, Your Highness Yalin is really popular.” Xiaodong who was fighting with Himari and Shizuku had a slight envy in his eyes. After hearing Xiaodong’s words, everyone was a little surprised. What does this girl envy? But just as everyone was stunned, Xiaodong actually rushed to Li Yalin’s body while everyone was not paying attention.

“I’m so envious, I want to play together!” Xiaodong said coquettishly, but this made Li Yalin petrify immediately, saying that this is the first time I met? Is it developing too fast? If it weren’t for the feeling that this Snow Girl Xiaodong was not malicious, Li Yalin would almost think that this was simply a conspiracy.

“Hey! What are you doing?” All the girls present were very annoyed by Xiaodong’s initiative to hug and hug. Himari even pulled out the Muramasa that he carried with him, which was quite inconsistent. The appearance of a fight.

“Your Majesty Yalin!” Faced with the girls whose jealousy is soaring, Xiaodong timidly ran to behind Li Yalin to seek blessing. Li Yalin couldn’t help but bitterly laughed. What’s all this?

“Sorry, can you calm down first?” At this moment, a male voice came. Everyone turned their heads, but they almost laughed.

The one standing in front of everyone at this time turned out to be a tree stump. It is not accurate to say that it is a tree stump, because it turned out to be a tree stump wearing clothes, a short kimono, and a piece of wood In the head, the two round black holes are the eyes, and the two small green leaves are matched on the stump, and there is an extraordinary sense of joy.

“Excuse me, are you?” Li Yalin stepped forward and asked, holding back a smile.

“My name is Ranshu. I am the boss of this monster. I am very grateful to Your Highness Yalin for being able to travel a long distance to our Snow Mountain this time. I am really grateful.” The wooden stake named Ranshu leaned slightly, and said to everyone in a serious manner, but no matter how you look at it, this is a very funny character.

“Although it looks like a wooden stake, it is actually a monster with the qualifications of God named Can God.” Ranshu’s arrival made Xiaodong no longer afraid, although he still hid Li Yalin did not come out behind, but she still poked out her head cautiously as Li Yalin introduced.

“Stubs or something, Xiaodong, wouldn’t you be rude to say that?” Li Yalin looked at Xiaodong in surprise, and even exposed others’ shortness in front of him. This Xiaodong is really natural. what.

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Xiaodong, this child, has such a character, but it’s very strange. Xiaodong rarely comes into contact with strangers. Didn’t expect your first meeting with His Highness Yalin, this child I’ll be so attached to you. It really deserves to be able to accept our monster’s demon slashing.” Ran Shu said nonchalantly, swinging his arm made of dry branches.

To say that this natural tree is actually the same as Ichka. Although it is a monster, it has the title of god or immortal. You must know that this title is not self-appointed, but has been enshrined by humans. It can count. This is very different from ordinary monsters. For this kind of monsters that are beneficial to humans, even the four public security departments who have always advocated killing all Yoma can only treat them respectfully and not dare to be rude.

“Then your Royal Highness Yalin, please come with me now.” After introducing each other, although I was a little surprised at Ichka’s identity, Ranshu did not ask too much, but instead asked Li Yalin entire group invited them to a wider room, and everyone took a seat as the guest and the host, and then began to talk about the theme of this time.

“Did you get any news about Jiutun Boy and Tamamo no Mae? Why did you know that Northern Sea Road is their next goal?” Holding the letter in his hand, Li Yalin First raised his own question.

“In fact, this is the case. Two monsters have been killed in the Northern Sea Road. After confirming that it was not done by humans, all clues were locked in Nine-Tailed Monster Fox Tamamo. No Mae’s body, you must know that one of the monsters was eaten directly.”

“Oh? Tamamo no Mae came to the Northern Sea to say?” After hearing Ranshu’s words, Li Yalin immediately lifted his spirits. The Demon Slayer Twelve Houses simply did not investigate any news about the three monsters. Even if Li Yalin released Divine Sense and searched the entire Japan roughly, he did not find any trace of the other party either. ‘t expect the other party to be in the Northern Sea.

“According to the current clues, I am afraid it is.” Ranshu is very heavy and nodded. He really doesn’t want the Northern Sea road Monster Realm to follow in Okinawa Monster Realm’s footsteps. In fact, it is not only Okinawa Monster Realm. The Southern Monster Realm like Nagasaki, Miyazaki, Kumamoto, and Fukuoka basically has no monsters anymore. Is it actually the Northern Sea’s turn now?

“That’s why you want to be blessed by Your Highness Young Master?” Himari was very clearly nodded. At this time, the Northern Sea said Monster Realm simply didn’t have any powerful monsters, even the natural tree in front of him. Although he is called a god, in fact, he is only the strength of Seventh Rank Low-Level.

“Yes, it is our gospel to have Demon Swordsmen like His Highness Yalin.” Ranshu sighed with emotion. The Demon Swordsmen who are so close to the monsters can’t say that there will be no future. , But it is definitely unprecedented.

“Well, if this is the case, the agreement has been reached. Northern Sea said Monster Realm, I will try my best to protect it, but relatively, you have to help me, after all The strength is very weak.” In the end, Li Yalin directly agreed. Anyway, this is also one of the Side Quests. If it can be completed, it is better to complete it as much as possible. Anyway, it is just no effort at all.

“Thank you very much, Your Majesty Yalin. On behalf of the Northern Sea, I say to all monsters in Monster Realm to thank His Majesty Yalin for his great kindness and virtue!” Seeing Li Yalin agreeing so readily, the expression on the tree was quite pleasant. Of course, the so-called expression is just that the pair of round black holes become crescent-shaped. What kind of expression can there be on a wooden stake apart from this?

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