Although Himari’s attack is very powerful, but Jiu-Dun Boy also not to be trifled with, this strike failed to kill him, although under the life draw of Sinner’s Scythe and Himari’s Phoenix Charge, Jiu Tun Boy looked very battered and exhausted, and his vitality was greatly weakened, but this guy still stood up tenaciously like Xiaoqiang.

Looking at the opponents who are still struggling stubbornly, Himari and Kuesu looked at each other with ingenuity. Both were nodded. Kuesu took the first shot. A horrible magic flame storm enveloped the boy’s spirit. On her body, as for Himari at this time, she once again picked up Murasame Muramasa, a bitter Yoki burst out, along with the Flame Dragon attribute of the Cangyan Claw, Muramasa was actually attached to the strange demon flame, moved towards the opposite wine Tun Tong Zi chopped over.

Himari slashed down and divided the Jiu Tun boy into two, then immediately jumped away. The combination of magic flame and demon flame formed a kind of terrifying gray black Flame. Flame’s energy continued to expand, almost In an instant, Flame’s energy exploded, and this blow was not inferior to the full shot of God Rank Low-Level Expert, so everyone present was affected somewhat.

Although the explosion of energy has made everyone a bit covered in dirt, anyway, killing such a strong opponent makes everyone very happy, especially Ichka, the big hatred is finally In return, those friends who died under Jiutun Boy’s hand can also rest in peace.

However, the biggest gain in this battle is Himari and Kuesu. They have killed the whole body wine swallowing boy. At this time, without any equipment and skills, they have reached it. With Saint Rank High-Level, this is quite an amazing leap. Kuesu can hardly believe that he really has such strength?

After returning to the hotel in Snow Mountain again, Ran Shu and Xiaodong both expressed their sincere gratitude to Li Yalin. You must know that Li Yalin conquered Tamamo no Mae and killed Jiu Tun Boy. It can be said to be a great feat for the entire Japan Monster Realm. It will shock all monsters and let Li Yalin’s reputation reach the extreme.

“This is your killing stone. Are you going to use Avatar or the body to absorb Yoki?” That night, Li Yalin entire group lived in the hotel, holding the killing stone in one hand and holding it in the other. Demon Power Stone, it’s time for Tamamo no Mae to restore its original strength.

“Avatar, I’m hungry.” After the loli version of Tamamo no Mae murmured, he raised his hand and took a piece of demon power stone, moved towards the demon power stone, bit it down, and with keen While chewing for interest pleasure, Li Yalin’s teeth are a little bit painful. This is a stone, is it so delicious? And no matter how hungry you are, should you wash before eating?

Li Yalin can see that when Tamamo no Mae eats this demon power stone, it is actually absorbing the Yoki in the demon power stone. Therefore, after Li Yalin handed both the demon power stone and killing stone to Tamamo no Mae, he Walked out of the room.

“His Royal Highness, Young Master, are you really ready to restore Tamamo no Mae?” After leaving the room, the Rinko girls rushed forward. The expressions on everyone’s faces were a little anxious, especially Himari. Himari was to Tamamo. No Mae is very worried. Who knows if Tamamo no Mae will turn back after it recovers. The foxes are untrustworthy.

“Don’t worry, Tamamo no Mae is a smart guy. Jiu Tun Boy and Qong Qi died in front of us. Do you think she will resist us?” Li Yalin said nonchalantly , Unless Tamamo no Mae’s head is clamped by the door panel, otherwise, she would not make such an idiotic act.

“Since Young Master has said so…but even so, I will still be responsible for monitoring her.”

“It’s up to you, but I want to ask you something , Is the demon power stone useful to you?” Then, Li Yalin took out another demon power stone and handed it to Himari.

“Very useful, as long as we absorb Yoki in this stone, our ability will be rapidly improved!” Himari said to Li Yalin with a serious face, although I don’t know where Li Yalin got it. This thing is here, but Himari doesn’t want everyone to know about this kind of thing. After all, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime. This is something that can make all Yoma crazy in the entire world, even if Li Yalin’s is strong enough. , But harassment alone is probably enough to upset Li Yalin.

“Sure enough.” Li Yalin slightly smiled. When in Demon World, the monsters of the Oriental Monster Realm can use these monsters to practice, and the monsters of this World and the monsters of the Oriental Monster Realm There is almost no difference, plus the example of Tamamo no Mae, Li Yalin concluded that everyone can also use the demon power stone to improve their strength.

As for Himari’s thoughts, Li Yalin can naturally think of it. I told everyone that Li Yalin’s mood is also unusually comfortable. With these demon power stones, the upgrade speed of Himari and the girls It will definitely be faster than riding the Rockets.

“What are you talking about?” Just after Li Yalin told everyone, the door of Tamamo no Mae’s room was opened with a creak, and the mature Onee-san version of Tamamo no Mae came out with a smile , Supreme Peak’s strength, you can enter the God Rank in just one step. It is indeed the legendary Nine-Tailed Monster Fox. His eyes and smiles are filled with infinite charm. If it is an ordinary person, it will be soon. Indulge in it and lose yourself.

“You guy! How dare you seduce my Young Master with a charming technique!” A pair of Cangyan claws appeared on Himari’s hands, and the destruction of Cangyan exudes bursts of burning sensation. Let the nerves of everyone present tense up.

“How did I seduce him?” Tamamo no Mae is a little puzzled, this is just my normal state!

“Alright Himari, I know what’s going on, Tamamo no Mae, can you change back to the original loli look now?” Li Yalin calmed Himari, then turned his head around Asked Tamamo no Mae.

“This is no problem.” With that, Tamamo no Mae became a little loli incarnation again, and at the same time, everyone returned to normal.

“Don’t blame Tamamo no Mae, this is just her instinct, but then again, Tamamo no Mae, you have to restrain yourself as much as possible. Ordinary persons cannot bear your obsession. Until then, you’ve always maintained this image.” Li Yalin understands that Tamamo no Mae, as a Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, even if she doesn’t practice fetishism, her body will involuntarily exude similar fetishism. He can only let Tamamo no Mae work hard to restrain it.

For Li Yalin’s words, Tamamo no Mae seemed a bit wronged, but nodded agreed, and I had to bow my head under the eaves. Besides, Tamamo no Mae also understands Li Yalin’s idea, since I want one In a peaceful world, you must first maintain the peace around you. Tamamo no Mae knows the effect of his own appearance, so he happily agreed to Li Yalin’s request.

After staying in the hotel for one night, Li Yalin and the others left on the 2nd day early in the morning. For Li Yalin’s leaving, the Snow Girl Xiaodong was very reluctant to leave, but Xiaodong, as a Snow Girl, couldn’t leave. From Snow Mountain, Li Yalin was very embarrassed in Xiaodong’s eyes and took everyone to teleport away, but at the moment he left, Xiaodong’s words made Li Yalin staggered to the ground.

“Your Majesty Yalin, wait, and I will find you!”

“You really deserve to be a girl killer, Your Majesty Young Master.” Just appeared in the courtyard of Li Yalin’s house. Among them, Himari looked at Li Yalin with a playful look. Obviously, she heard Xiaodong’s words clearly. Although she was jealous, Himari looked at the embarrassment of Li Yalin at this time. It feels more interesting.

“Misunderstanding, pure misunderstanding, she just said that, how could she really come here, she is a snow girl.” A drop of cold sweat broke out on Li Yalin’s forehead, you must know Rinko, Shizuku and Kuesu’s eyes are all very bad, and there is an impulse that is about to explode.

“Himari, you are back!” At this moment, Gaya, who sensed the aura of Li Yalin and the others, rushed out of Li Yalin’s house, opened the door of the house and saw that it was not only Gaya, but Yinzi , Wen and the others are actually there, didn’t they go back to Noihara? Why are you all here?

“I’m back, what happened? Why are they here?” Himari smiled and touched Gaya’s head and asked.

“It’s nothing, I just want to see Himari immediately when you come back.” With that, Gaya rushed into Himari’s arms, and couldn’t help going back and forth in front of Himari’s huge plump It rubbed.

“Little girl who doesn’t grow up.” Himari sighed softly, and then entered the house with Li Yalin and the others. After all, Li Yalin had something to say.

Entering the house, Li Yalin found that it happened that all the monster young girls were present, and none of them were left. Then Li Yalin directly talked about the monster power stone, and at the same time took out dozens of monster power stones. Put it in front of everyone.

For this kind of useful practice, the monster young girls are naturally very happy, but these monster power stones can only be supplied internally, and it is impossible to let the monsters outside get any news.

The news that Tamamo no Mae was surrendered about the killing of Jiutun Boys soon spread throughout the Monster Realm, not only Monster Realm, but even the Devil Slayers and the Public Security Fourth Ke also knows this fact, surprised Li Yalin’s strength, at the same time, Ghost Slasher and Public Security Division 4 also need to consider their attitude towards Li Yalin’s, after all, with Tamamo no Mae, Li Yalin will be equivalent to having one. Miniature nuclear bombs, not to mention the unpredictable Li Yalin entire group.

Of course, after receiving this news, Kakamu Mori Feibai and Yeguangin Higashi were very happy. They came to Li Yalin’s house on the 2nd day, Doki. As for Tuomimon’s house, I don’t know what they are thinking. What about it? Since Li Yalin’s return, the Tuomimen’s family hasn’t showed up, and their behavior and style have been unusually low-key. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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