“Hey, Himari?” A rush of phone ringing interrupted Li Yalin’s thinking. After looking at the phone display, it turned out to be the home number. After pressing the answer button, Himari’s eagerness came from the microphone. the sound of.

“Your Majesty Young Master, have you watched the news! Alien with cat ears appeared! And I heard that the place where the opponent first arrived is Okinawa. This is incredible. I didn’t expect the existence of Alien with cat ears!” Himari’s voice revealed immense excitement. It’s no wonder that now on the entire world, the cat demon clan and cat fairy clan are very scarce. It’s already an accident to get to Ichka. Now that there are so many Alien with cat ears, it’s no wonder Himari is so excited.

“Calm down Himari, have you seen the news?” Li Yalin asked helplessly after rubbing his temples.

“Yes, now the whole Tokyo Bay is boiling. I really want to see these Alien.”

“Well, I have a chance to meet in the future, yes How about your cultivation now?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, Himari still don’t know Alice and they live here, if they know, Himari will definitely be killed here immediately, but it’s better to keep Himari secret for now. Now, after waiting for them to come, I will give everyone a surprise.

“Hehe, when I see His Royal Highness Young Master again, I will definitely give Young Master a surprise.” Then, Li Yalin and Himari talked a lot, and it was not until an hour later that Himari reluctantly gave up Hung up the phone.

“Himari’s phone? Yalin, you really love to play. When they come, they will definitely startled.” At this time, Ichka sat on Li Yalin’s side with a narrow look. With Li Yalin.

“It’s a small surprise.” Li Yalin smiled and waved his hand. This time the public appearance of Kay Catian caused an uproar in the entire world, but behind this, there will definitely be an uproar. The series of troubles, especially in the United States, they have colluded with the De Chias. When the time comes, they will definitely suppress Kaitia explicitly or secretly. If this comes, they will really get busy. .

“We are back!” At this moment, Alice’s excited voice came from outside the gate. It seems that the negotiations between Katia’s entire group and the Japanese government have ended. Before leaving, Alice I don’t know where I found an ergonomic magazine, and the name of the magazine turned out to be Uniform Temptation. This time it’s quite lively. There are school swimsuits, maid dresses, sailor suits and even police uniforms and nurse uniforms. Different uniforms appeared in front of Li Yalin’s, and the shock made Li Yalin speechless.

Li Yalin swears that there must be no such ergonomic magazine in his home. As for where Alice found this magazine, it is completely unknown, but anyway, Li Yalin People will not be allowed to meet Japanese officials wearing these clothes. Therefore, after Li Yalin’s repeated explanations, the cat-eared ladies finally changed back to their original clothes, which also saved Li Yalin from being despised by Manami. .

“Welcome back, are the negotiations going smoothly?” Li Yalin looked at the five cat-eared ladies with different poses in front of him with a smile, the captain of onee-san-type with purple hair and mature onee-san-type Kuuna, the blue-haired cute Lolita-type deputy captain Melmei, the serious black-haired ship doctor Dreyer, the playful and lazy Chaika, and the lively cat-girl Alice with a touch of natural, really have their own merits, let Li Yalin was dazzled for a while.

“Thanks to you, everything is going very well. Japan has officially established diplomatic relations with Katia. Although it is just a compromise on the surface, it is enough to satisfy us. At least we can appear justifiably. In Japan, and in accordance with Mr. Yalin’s suggestion, Mr. Yalin’s manor has now become the Kaiti’s embassy, ​​with full extrajudicial autonomy.” Captain Kuuna first moved towards Li Yalin with a slight bow, and then again He winked playfully at Li Yalin.

“Such words are really very good.” Li Yalin nodded, although the result has been known for a long time, but after receiving clear news, Li Yalin was indeed sighed in relief.

It’s no wonder that whether it is due to public pressure or the huge battleship floating over Tokyo Bay, Japan’s government will choose to compromise, at least on the surface compromise is inevitable, otherwise , The people’s riots, and the pressure from above, I really don’t know how many officials will commit amputated suicide.

“Haha, it’s finally over, then should we have a big meal to celebrate now?” At this time, Chaika was completely relaxed, with a look of expectation Looking at Li Yalin, Chaika is now thoroughly acquainted with Li Yalin, and in front of Li Yalin’s, there is no trace of scruples.

“Hehe, I have ordered the kitchen a long time ago, and I am waiting for everyone to come back.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, I knew this would happen, so when everyone left, Li Yalin had already ordered The kitchen is starting to prepare a big meal.

“ao! It’s really good! Long live Yalin!” Chaika hugged Li Yalin and moved towards his cheek with a fierce kiss, and then rushed to the restaurant like an okay person, only But this made everyone completely stand still on the spot.

“Sorry, Chaika is such a character, Mr. Yalin, please don’t mind.” Although surprised, Captain Kuuna still must be in order to Chaika’s behavior to explain, who called them The two are friends who grew up together through childhood.

“It’s okay, I’m just a little surprised that’s all.” Li Yalin waved his hand, he didn’t care, he didn’t suffer anyway, but Alice, why are you looking at yourself with tears in your face, I am The victim.

“No matter! Yalin, I want too!” Alice’s expression was very aggrieved. After hesitating for a while, Alice finally fell into Li Yalin’s arms and kissed Li Yalin’s cheek fiercely. Fortunately, They didn’t kiss their lips, because Manami and Aoi had already opened the door and walked in.

“Ah! What are you doing?” Manami’s face was terribly ugly, what a joke! what is this?

“Don’t get me wrong, listen to my explanation, Manami…” Li Yalin is helpless, why is it so coincidental?

“I said Yalin, do you feel that someone is always staring at our house these days.” After three days, the relationship between Li Yalin and Manami finally recovered, because before Manami had to live in Li Yalin’s home to seek political asylum. Although this asylum was basically unnecessary, the United States simply did not dare to touch a strand of Manami’s hair because of Li Yalin’s relationship. After Long Meiermei offered to shelter Manami and Aoi, Manami stayed at Li Yalin’s home.

“Hehe, did you just feel it?” Li Yalin slightly smiled, it has been two days, the group of surveillance personnel near the gate has not been changed. It is not the CIA, DIA, or Japan. The Organization, if you guessed it correctly, these guys who are monitoring themselves and the others should belong to that person.

“Did you know it a long time ago?” Manami asked Li Yalin with a look of surprise.

“Of course, it’s just that the other party hasn’t done anything all the time, and the surveillance is just monitoring our door. I haven’t been doing anything, but since you found out Manami, let’s go and take a look. The other party is fine.” Li Yalin nodded with a smile.

“What do you mean by this?” Manami was very dissatisfied and whispered.

“Okay, Manami, be careful, now we don’t know the intention of the other party.” After patted Manami on the shoulder, Aoi took out two pistols and handed one of them to Manami. , Kwai cautiously opened the pistol insurance and followed behind Li Yalin.

Speaking of this, I also need to mention a little bit. Now Manami and Aoi have become official employees of the Kaitia Embassy. After the last negotiation with the Japanese government, the Japanese government will eventually come up with 2 billion yen was used as the funds for Katia’s activities in Earth, and then Captain Kuuna proposed to hire Manami and Aoi as Katia’s bodyguards and pay them a salary of 150 million yen per year. It’s not a small number, either for Manami or Aoi.

“Don’t be so nervous, I am here.” As for the two surveillance personnel outside the door, Li Yalin didn’t take too seriously. He walked out of the gate of the manor and Li Yalin moved towards straight. Going in the direction of the other party, this immediately made the other party nervous.

“Yeah, how are you guys, have you stayed here for two days? Are you tired? Would you like to go in for a drink and take a break?” Li Yalin’s almost made Aoi and Manami behind him. Carry fell to the ground, what is all this and what?

“Hehe, what are you talking about? Why don’t I understand? We are just passing by.” Li Yalin’s eyes are both women, wearing blue overalls, with hats covering their heads Although I was surprised when I heard Li Yalin’s words, one of them quickly reacted.

“Hehe, it’s okay, right? I’m very interested in your The Organization. What do you think will happen if you find a time to confess and talk about it? And I will also let the person behind you meet the so-called True God directly. I believe she has no reason to refuse, right?” Li Yalin’s expression is a little proud, I am not afraid that you will not take the bait, you know, the other party is a very advantageous ally, no matter what Is it for Katia or for himself.

“Who are you?” Finally, Li Yalin’s words shocked the other party. Didn’t expect Li Yalin to know his origins so well. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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