After driving for nearly twenty minutes, the convoy arrived at a small airport. Here, three private helicopters were waiting for the arrival of Li Yalin and the others. They transferred to helicopters and flew three more times. Ten minutes later, Li Yalin entire group was considered to have reached its destination-a very huge luxury cruise ship.

“Welcome to Androla, Young Lady is waiting for everyone, please come with me.” After getting off the helicopter, Sarah led the way, and the entire group came to a decorated room. In the luxurious room, here, a blond little loli is sitting on the sofa expectantly. From the perspective of age, this little loli is only about 30-40 years old. It is hard to imagine, this little loli Will have a huge amount of property that plunges the entire world into an economic crisis.

Moreover, on the little loli golden short hair, there is a pair of hairpin-like gray cat ears, and the gray cat tail is also worn on the hips behind him. Of course, these all are fakes. , This little loli is neither a monster nor a catian, but an ordinary person with hobby cat ears.

Standing beside little loli, it was a beautiful maid with vermilion long hair. Although she looked very good, a scar on her face destroyed the beauty of the whole face, but it also gave She added an invisible sense of majesty.

“True God!” At the first sight of Alice, this little loli stood up happily and looked at Alice with excitement, but when he saw Alice next to him After the Li Yalin entire group, little loli’s excitement eased, picked up the skirt corners, moved towards everyone and made a lady’s gift.

“Welcome to the Androla, my name is Antonia-Lilymoni-Nofendras-Barbarogas-Aledres-Kno Heath-Mulfinos, everyone can call me Antonia, please give me your advice.”

It’s a very long name, anyway, Manami is dizzy at hearing it, and I just remember it in the end. Live only under the name Antonia.

“Okay Antonia, I believe you already know our names, we won’t introduce them any more. Let’s talk about your purpose, the ancestor of the cat’s feet. “Li Yalin slightly smiled, and took the girls to sit on the sofa, waiting for Antonia’s answer.

“It seems that Elder Brother Yalin, you really know a little bit about us. Although it is not a secret The Organization, very few people know my identity. In fact, our purpose is very simple. I just want to welcome our Lord True God, which is the Alice Young Lady next to you.” After speaking, Antonia also glanced at Alice next to Li Yalin.

“True God? Me?” Alice reacted at this time, but when did she become True God?

“Of course, you are the True God of my in mind!” Antonia said with a look of admiration, but rather than saying that Antonia worships Alice, it is better to say she worships It’s Alice’s cat ears and tail.

“If you say this, I will be very troubled. According to our work regulations, unnecessary close contact with certain religious groups is not allowed, and self-proclaimed gods are forbidden because this is suspected of fraud I’m just an ordinary Katia star.” Alice wagged her tail very troubled.

“But in my eyes, you are my True God!” Antonia is very desperate.

“If there are cat ears and tails that are what you call True God, then outside the universe, I really don’t know how many True Gods there are, and not only outside the universe, but even above Earth With the existence of the True God you said, why do you want to stay closer?” At this time, Li Yalin laughed, and it was time for Himari and Ichka to appear.

“Elder Brother Yalin, what do you mean?” Antonia little loli was a little confused. What did this mean? But having said that, this seems to be the first time the two have met, right? Li Yalin was a little unacceptable to call himself the big brother so intimately when they met.

“This will be done in a while. Regarding the issue of your grandfather’s inheritance, I will not ask for a penny. I have to clarify this point first!” After Li Yalin finished this sentence Obviously, the scarred maid behind Antonia breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Li Yalin’s with a lot of good feelings. After all, being able to reject such a huge inheritance was not what an ordinary person could do.

“Why? Elder Brother Yalin, don’t you like Antonia?” Antonia looked at Li Yalin a little not knowing what to do. After seeing his grandfather’s will yesterday, Anto Nia identified this big brother in the heart. After all, Antonia likes her grandfather very much. As long as it is his grandfather’s wishes, Antonia will try his best to do it, but the big brother in front of him looks right. My grandfather’s will doesn’t catch a cold, so what should I do?

“It’s not for this reason. How should I put it. Money is just a number for me, dispensable to me. Give me half of your inheritance and let me It’s very uncomfortable in my heart, that’s all, so I don’t need these.” Li Yalin gave such an answer after thinking about it for a while.

“Don’t need inheritance? Then Elder Brother Yalin, would you recognize Antonia’s younger sister?” As soon as his eyes rolled, Antonia immediately looked at Li Yalin expectantly. Li Yalin was quite embarrassed.

When you first meet, you will be your younger sister? Is it a bit sloppy? But looking at the other’s expectant eyes, Li Yalin finally nodded agreed. Anyway, he didn’t suffer. It would be nice to have a younger sister of a world-rich man, at least in this World, which is much more convenient.

“If this is the case, then it is really very good, but Elder Brother Yalin, you haven’t finished what you just said, True God on Earth? What does this mean?” Antoine Ya clapped her hands excitedly, then asked Li Yalin with his head tilted.

“I believe Sarah told you a lot about Monster Realm yesterday, right? Then you should know that among the many monsters, there are cats…”

“Cat monster? It was originally a little kitty, but can become a human existence?” Before Li Yalin could finish her words, Antonia immediately asked excitedly.

“Almost, there are actually many types of them. For example, Himari, the cat demon who guards my Tianhe family, is also called the cat god in some places. She can transform into a cat, but She usually looks like an ordinary person, and cat ears and tail appear when fighting…”

“Elder Brother Yalin, can you let me meet Lord Himari?” interrupted again Li Yalin’s words, Antonia’s expression is getting more and more excited.

“I said you listen to me and tell me well?” Li Yalin looked at the little loli with a headache. As long as cat ears are involved, Antonia will be excited. , But at this moment, not only Antonia, but also Alice on the side was also interested, because what Li Yalin said just now surprised her very much.

“Yalin, the cat demon you just mentioned, can it really change from a cat to a human appearance? Is that really the case?” Alice asked repeatedly, Antonia on one side and the other It’s Alice, Li Yalin really feels like he is going crazy.

“I said you guys give me some peace!” Finally, Ichka couldn’t help it. As soon as she raised her hand, she fixed Alice and Antonia on the spot, as if they were half stiff. , The two girls are completely unable to move.

“What did you do to my Young Lady? Let go of my Young Lady immediately!” Seeing this, the Scarface maid drew a MP7 from the bottom of the skirt and pointed it at Ichka, but she looked like I was a little excited, so the action was a bit too big, and the scenery at the bottom of the skirt had all been included in Li Yalin’s eyes.

“Calm down, Antonia is okay! Ichka, let them unlock the hold.” Li Yalin waved his hand, and Ichka touched the hold technique and waited for Antonie After Ya was able to move freely, she looked at Ichka curiously, seemingly interested in this Spell, which made Ichka a little not knowing what to do for a while.

“Then I will continue. In addition to the cat demon I just mentioned, there is actually another cat immortal. Cat immortal is almost the same as Kay catian, but cat immortal is very difficult to The deal with Spell and lifespan are also ridiculously long.” Then, Li Yalin said the existence of cat immortal again.

“So Yalin, do you know cat immortal?” Alice asked curiously, almost the same as Kay Catian? Are there such races on Earth? You know that Kay Catian has traveled all over the universe, and he has not found a race with the same appearance as him.

“Of course, not only I know, but you also know her.” Li Yalin smiled and replied.

“I also know?” Alice was completely confused, she racked her brains, and never thought about when she saw this so-called immortal cat, if it was like Li Yalin just said Yes, I shouldn’t forget it.

“In fact, everyone knows her because she is right in front of us.” Li Yalin smiled and turned his eyes to Ichka. At this time, Ichka took off his hat as well. At the same time, a tail came out of Ichka’s pants. Looking at Ichka’s cat ears and tail, everyone present was opened wide, except for Li Yalin and Kwai who knew the truth a long time ago.

“What’s the matter with Yalin? Ichka is a cat immortal? Why did you never tell me? And Himari you just said, is the black hair girl I knew before? She is a Monster?” Manami couldn’t help it, why didn’t he know anything? Now she really feels very upset.

“Um…you didn’t ask.” For Manami who was about to run away, Li Yalin could only choose to back off. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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