Li Yalin told everyone, and the girls said goodbye to everyone. Like Rei, they also reunited with their parents, but at this moment there was a little surprise.

Since hearing the news that Li Yalin was leaving with her daughters, Alice has been holding Li Yalin desperately not to let go, she must go with Li Yalin, but in fact Li Yalin has no plans Leaving with Alice, but seeing Alice’s crying weeping beauty, Li Yalin was also very unbearable, so Li Yalin picked up Alice and touched her little nose, helplessly said:

” You Little Brat, there’s really no way you can do it! But don’t regret it in the future.”

“Alice doesn’t regret it, it’s Big Brother, you lied! You said you want to accompany Alice, now Actually want to go back!” Alice pursed her mouth and said unhappily.

“Yes, Big Brother is not good. Big Brother will apologize to you, okay?” Li Yalin smiled and pinched Alice’s nose.

“This is almost the same!” Alice smiled happily, “This is for Big Brother.” After speaking, she gave Li Yalin a quick kiss, and then jumped out of Li Yalin’s embrace. , Went to Yuriko to act like a baby.

After this little episode, Li Yalin took out a lot of weapons and ammunition from his Evolved Space, and asked the scarred man and Miyamoto to be careful, and strengthen the training of the soldiers. and so on.

After the explanation was almost the same, Li Yalin took all the girls like Saeko into his Evolved Space, and then picked up Alice and the puppy Jiku, and said hello to everyone. Then he unfolded his Seraph’s Wings, flapped his wings, and flew away into the sky.

Since Li Yalin did not sign a contract with Alice, he could not bring Alice out of Anime Dungeon, so he found a quiet place and signed a contract with Alice. However, after signing the contract, Li Yalin was also a little worried about the puppy Jiku, saying that he did not sign the contract with Jiku, so can he take Jiku out?

However, thinking that it is not a way to worry about it alone, Li Yalin showed Little Elf Feifei to summon and asked Feifei.

“Well, isn’t it written on Anime Dungeon, you can leave this Anime Dungeon only if you sign a contract with the Master’s anime character, but if it’s an animal? Isn’t it not written on it, then you can rest assured and bold Just take it with you,” Feifei said nonchalantly.

“Can this work?” Li Yalin was skeptical, “This is a loophole in the language.”

“Don’t worry, Master. Feifei, I promise. Feifei said confidently, patting his chest.

“Then I will believe you once.” Although Li Yalin would be suspicious, he only gambled once, so Li Yalin included Alice, Feifei and Jiku all into his Evolved Space.

As early as N days ago, Li Yalin had completed all Quests, but there was a big search at the time, so Li Yalin had no choice to return. Now everything is over, so Li Yalin chose to return.

After Li Yalin chose to return, another black six-pointed star appeared in front of Li Yalin’s, just like the one before Li Yalin entered the dungeon. Then the six-pointed star also formed a Teleportation Gate, which is no longer The first time Li Yalin naturally stepped into the Teleportation Gate, then the Teleportation Gate gathered again, and finally disappeared.

In the Heavenly Wind Continent Demon Beast Forest, Li Yalin shook his head, still feeling a little dizzy, but after he woke up, Li Yalin immediately entered the Evolved Space.

The current Evolved Space is divided into four major areas by Feifei. The east area has been divided into living areas. The buildings searched by Li Yalin are located here. Due to Feifei’s renovation, the energy in the entire east area is It is provided by a nuclear power plant. The tall buildings in the East District stand in great numbers. There are clusters of villas and various buildings. Even Li Yalin moved into a Disneyland. Although it is luxurious and easy, it is a pity that the people here are real. There are too few, only Li Yalin and these girls, but this has become a paradise for Li Yalin and the others.

The northern area is the castle region. This area is filled with various buildings and castles in “Heroes of Might and Magic III”. Since the exchange of the castle, Feifei has been crazy The rioters, because they are funded by Li Yalin Energy Points and Feifei also has the right to exchange independently, so the castles of the major races are exchanged one after another, and Feifei has also exchanged various energy mines, which is invisible It also eased some of her energy burden, but in general, the development of the North District is also gratifying, and Li Yalin’s invincible army has begun to take shape.

As for the Western Region and the Southern Region, it is now blank. Let’s talk about it if necessary. After all, this Evolved Space seems to be infinitely large.

After entering Evolved Space, Li Yalin first came to the east area. When Li Yalin saw that Jiku was there, he couldn’t help but also relaxed. After all, Li Yalin also liked this puppy very much.

In a villa in Evolved Space, Li Yalin and the girls are all sitting around each other. Li Yalin also introduced Ikaros, Astraea and Feifei to Saeko and other women. Ikaros is a daze. The stupid Astraea and the cute Feifei instantly blended into the girls, especially Minami Rika, holding Feifei just not letting go, making everyone laugh Haha.

Among the people’s happy laughter and cheerful voices, Li Yalin also checked his rewards for completing dungeon Quest, but he was completely shocked by Li Yalin, because the rewards are really amazing. Up.

It turns out that because “Highschool of the Dead” was Li Yalin’s first completion of Anime Dungeon’s Quest, he received a special reward, namely the Super Military Factory, which included 100 Robots and Engineers. Fifty robots, one Super Intelligent Computer, one Energy Converter, and one Metal Converter. And some Mecha data of “Mobile Suit Gundam”, “Full Metal Panic”, and “The Super Dimension Fortress Macross” are attached to the computer.

After Li Yalin finished watching the reward, the first reaction was impossible, and the second reaction was really too powerful. With this Super Military Factory, Li Yalin’s dream of forming an interstellar fleet can also be realized.

After discussing with Feifei, the Super Military Factory was placed in the west area, but after the Military Factory was established, there was an embarrassing situation of lack of energy and metal to make Mecha. Fortunately, the Military Factory also comes with Energy Converter and Metal Converter, so the nuclear materials and all kinds of useless metals that Li Yalin searched before are also useful.

However, Li Yalin still handed over the Super Military Factory to Feifei for management, because Li Yalin was too lazy to manage this thing, but Feifei was very happy because it shows that Li Yalin trusts and needs himself very much.

Finally, Li Yalin explained to the girls and left Evolved Space. This time Li Yalin did not bring everyone out, but let them work hard to improve their strength in Evolved Space. Although the upgrade speed is very fast by battle, it also brings repercussions of unstable realm, so Li Yalin let them Everyone consolidates their foundation, especially the use of spell.

However, Li Yalin also promised that when the foundation of Heavenly Wind Continent’s is firmly established, he will let the women come out to see and see the scenery of the other world.

Li Yalin, who came out of Evolved Space, still stood at the place where he entered the dungeon, but it made Li Yalin feel unreal. It has been nearly three months since he was in the dungeon. But returning to this forest only passed the time that Li Yalin spent in Evolved Space, which is really incredible.

Standing there for a while, Li Yalin changed into a warrior suit, which he bought in Kaka Town before, and then Li Yalin put on another one made by Yuriko. White hooded cloak. Originally, Saya and the others were clamoring to make it for Li Yalin, but their craftsmanship was really terrible. Only Saeko and Miyu’s craftsmanship were not bad, so in the end, Yuriko, Saeko and Miyu each made three pieces for Li Yalin. Cap cloak, the colors also correspond to white, black, and red. No, Li Yalin has put on the white cloak now.

I put on a hooded cloak, and Li Yalin put on the cap on the cloak again. This is the main reason for putting on the cloak. Because in the fierce battle with T4-003, Li Yalin’s glasses It’s broken, so Li Yalin’s appearance can’t be covered at all, so after putting on the hat, most of Li Yalin’s face is also covered, which can also reduce a lot of trouble.

After pulling out the long spear of White-Tier, Li Yalin became a solo Mercenary mixed in the middle layer of Demon Beast Forest. After preparing everything, Li Yalin began to head towards Kaka Town, because now his goal is Milley Royal Magic Military Academy.

Li Yalin hurried all night regardless of rest. Although Li Yalin’s is fast now, it still took him nearly a day to get to Kaka Town. Although Seraph’s Wings is fast, on this continent with bright faith, Angel is in the eyes of God of Light’s believers. It can be said to be the most noble, so the wings are too garish.

After coming to Kaka Town, Li Yalin discovered that the Mercenary Group’s resident was actually reclaimed by the Mercenary Guild. Because this resident was originally rented, it was leased to another Mercenary Group by the Mercenary Guild after the time was up. Although Li Yalin was helpless, there was nothing to say about it. Therefore, Li Yalin planned to go to the Mercenary Guild to hand in some Quests first, because Mercenary Guild has some long-term acquisitions of Quests. This kind of Quests is indefinite and a large number of acquisitions. So before, when boring, Li Yalin also collected A lot of these Quest Item.

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