As for the harp, director Kawasaki actually never thought that Li Yalin would play this thing. He just had a thought suddenly. He felt that the harp is more suitable for a fantasy plot, but he made this suggestion. At the time, Li Yalin really took out a harp, which made everyone look straight.

“Yalin, would you play this thing?” Manami looked at Li Yalin in amazement. Is there anything about Li Yalin that he doesn’t understand? How do you feel that Li Yalin is getting more and more mysterious in front of him?

“It’s not proficient, I just play a few tunes a little bit.” Li Yalin said modestly, but he was sitting on the roof simulated by the virtual installation, looking at the sky The bright moon, when the first string was plucked, everyone was immersed in his music. For a long time, they could not extricate themselves. Except for the silent work of the automatic camera, everyone put down everything in their hands. Attention is focused on Li Yalin’s body.

At the end of the song, the emotional girls present had tears in their eyes, and even Director Kawasaki, who is a perverted shemale and muscle man, had a little red eyes. It can be seen how impressive Li Yalin’s performance is.

“It’s so perfect, there are such perfect people in the world~ God is so unfair~” After the song of Li Yalin’s is over, today’s filming work is all over. Next I have to wait for the 2nd day to continue, but when Director Kawasaki’s people sorted out the items and cleaned up the scene, the girls once again gathered around Li Yalin’s. Okay, another dizzying question, what are these girls? So much curiosity?

Everyone is working very hard today. In order to reward everyone, Antonia specially dispatched her maid team to prepare a grand barbecue dinner. These selected premium meats are not ordinary barbecues. By comparison, everyone had a great time eating for this reason. After a busy day, everyone’s appetite was greatly expanded, and they all plunged into the ocean of delicious barbecue.

“Yalin, this grilled meat is really good, hurry up and try it.” Rinko put the roasted meat on the plate and handed it to Li Yalin, but Li Yalin took the plate When preparing to taste, an explosion suddenly broke the harmonious atmosphere.

“What’s the matter?” Everyone looked around in surprise, wondering why there was an explosion at so late.

“It’s the little helper Robot of those dog people! The number is exaggerated!” Soon, Li Yalin found out that there was something wrong with the other side. The little helper Robot, who had more than five hundred dogs, took all of them in his hand. With all kinds of weapons, they quickly moved towards Li Yalin and the others. Not only these little dog-shaped helpers, but behind them, there are even three huge homemade rocket launchers. The explosion just now was Caused by these things.

“The maid team is ready!” Mayer gave an order, and all the maids entered a state of alert, but in the face of these five hundred little helpers Robot, these dozens of maids really seemed a little bit of a waste.

“These maids alone can’t do it.” Li Yalin shook the head. Although he and the others have a very good relationship with Kay catian, the maids present even have equipment to eliminate everything. Inorganic anti-matter bombs, anti-matter ammunition, but the opponent’s speed is extremely fast. Before destroying a few enemies, these guys have already rushed to Li Yalin and the others.

“A little helper for the dogmen? Then everyone! We are going to come!” Looking at the puppies rushing across from the other side, Alice and all the little helper Robots called out a red toy Mallets, don’t underestimate these toy mallets. Like the ammunition used by the maids, they are all pseudo-antimatter mallets that can destroy all inorganic matter.

“Okay, Alice, you don’t need to take action here.” Just when Alice was about to attack, Li Yalin shot and stopped Alice, an arc flashed, and an oncoming puppy fell down. The land is terrific.

Seeing Li Yalin’s decisive move, Himari and Kuesu simultaneously issued their own triumphant skills, purple magic thunder and golden lightning net, all moved towards the puppies on the opposite side poured out, even on the side Rinko also threw out a few lightning bolts. Although his strength is not very strong, he can still play a significant role.

For the Magic attacks of people like Li Yalin, the Aiko and Arisa who have never seen these are naturally surprised, not only them, but even the subordinates of Director Kawasaki. Seeing this scene in their eyes, it’s just that no one explained these things to them. Under the pressure of Director Kawasaki, they just need to remember that it didn’t happen.

As for the classmates of Li Yalin’s, the President and Deputy Club President can be ignored. Aizi and Alisha explained to them a little bit. After all, there is Alien, Alice, and there are more Esper and the like. It is not unacceptable.

Soon, the one-sided battle was over. There was really no suspense. Li Yalin was puzzled. This can be said to be the first confrontation with the dogs. Why did the opponent send so many children? The helper Robot, but did not distribute them more powerful equipment? We must know that these puppies are only holding simple laser transmitters, and they are still quite powerful. They can also deal with ordinary persons. They can be used to deal with Li Yalin. Are those dogs too whimsical?

“What’s the matter with Yalin? What’s wrong?” Li Yalin looked at his assistant Robot in a daze, and the girls beside him immediately asked with concern. Just now, Li Yalin’s big issue of Divine Might, they all looked at it. Here, why is there a sudden silence now?

“These little helpers, Robots, should be products made by Earth.” After throwing a puppy to Super Military Factory to study for a while, Little Elf Feifei gave Li Yalin an answer, right This Li Yalin became even more contemplative.

“Earth’s products? Are those dogmen already using the resources on Earth?” Alice was surprised. This is a violation of the rules of the universe, but these Dekisias have ignored the rules of the universe. This is also a normal phenomenon.

“I’m afraid it is, but I don’t understand the purpose of this attack. Is it just a harassment war? But I don’t understand how many Robots have been sent.” shook the head, Li Yalin still Did not figure out the key.

“Forget Yalin, those dogs have no common sense at all. If they think too much, they will waste their brain cells.” After patted Li Yalin’s shoulder, Manami made a very sophisticated look. Expressions.

“That’s right, everyone go ahead, don’t let these puppies spoil the atmosphere.” Li Yalin was right when he thought about it. Now that there is the first confrontation, the dogs will continue There are a lot of actions waiting for yourself.

With this accident, everyone’s interest has dropped a lot. After dinner, everyone went into the tent to rest. Originally, Li Yalin thought he would be arranged with the President and Deputy Club President. In the same tent, Mayer thoughtfully prepared a separate tent for Li Yalin. You must know that this is a large tent that can accommodate more than a dozen people.

“By the way, Maya, let everyone in the maid team take a good rest. Although vigilance is important, the body is the capital of the revolution. During the day, everyone is already very tired. Come to be responsible. If you can’t rest at night, it’s a bit unreasonable.” Just as Maya was about to leave, Li Yalin suddenly stopped the other party and said something like this.

“Thank you very much Young Master Yalin for taking care of us, but forgive me. The safety of Young Master Yalin and Young Lady is the first in our eyes. The attack just now has shamed our maid team. Now How is it possible to go to rest?” Mayer bowed to Li Yalin solemnly, but still did not give in.

“Maya, take it easy. If this is always the case, you will get old soon.” Then, Li Yalin put his hand on Maya’s shoulders and stabilized Maya. Excitement.

“Young Master Yalin…” Mayer looked at Li Yalin a little shyly, with a hint of red on his face. For this kind of intimacy, Mayer still couldn’t fully adapt.

“I was right. As for the vigilance at night, I will send a helper.” Li Yalin said confidently.

“Helper?” Mayer looked at Li Yalin puzzledly. What helper is there?

In Mayer’s surprised gaze, Li Yalin raised his hand and summon showed five strong giant wolves. Five low-pitched wolf howlings seemed so deep and long in this quiet night. .

If you don’t have today’s suddenly have a thought, the summon Ghost Wolf skill would have been thrown into the topmost clouds by Li Yalin. There are five Fifth Rank High-Level Ghost Wolf. Saying high is not low, and it is usually useless. Now it is most appropriate to let them take charge of the night vigilance.

“This is my former right-hand man, who helped me a lot. If they are on guard, everyone can sleep peacefully, so you can rest assured, right?” Li Yalin patted the head of one of the Ghost Wolf. It’s been a long time since I used this skill. Lyra Cloth and summon Ghost Wolf reminded Li Yalin of when he first arrived at Heavenly Wind Continent’s, when he was still a kid. As for rookie, with the help of everyone and their own efforts, step by step has grown to where it is today.

“Since this is the case, please ask Young Master Yalin’s Pet, but the maid team will not all rest. At least a few people will take turns to watch the night. This is the last dignity of the maid team. !” For Li Yalin’s Ghost Wolf, Mayer instinctively felt the strength of the opponent. I am afraid that he is not the opponent of any of the giant wolf. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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