“The MEGA particle cannon is fully charged and can be launched at any time.” In less than ten seconds, a mechanically synthesized electronic sound sounded on the bridge console, and the battleship’s particle cannon was ready for launch.

“Particle cannons are launched! All fighters pop up! All weapons are unlocked and enter the battle state!” Li Yalin’s order has just been issued, and a giant light beam of shallow blue sprayed out from the flying saucer group on the opposite side, MEGA The power of the particle cannon is so powerful that it even made the entire mobile battleship retreat several tens of meters, but the effect is of course quite remarkable. Under this cannon, the UFO troops on the opposite side were reduced by one third in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the MS launch pad launched all the fighters it was on. Although it was controlled by an intelligent robot, compared to those flying saucers that had no logic at all and only knew how to attack, Li Yalin was on the side. It still occupies a huge advantage, especially the M1A heretical long-range sniper, which has a hundred shots. The longest range of the 71-44 modified sniper beam rifle has reached an astonishing 400 kilometers. Before the opponent’s troops are close, Li Yalin’s MS troops have successfully wiped out most of the enemies, and the result of this battle simply surprised Alice by speechless.

Not only Alice, all the girls are staring at the big screen on the bridge in amazement, is this a space war? It’s beyond everyone’s imagination, but Li Yalin knows that this is just a low-level small battle, and there will be more powerful enemies waiting for him in the future.

“The battleship enters the acceleration mode and will work with the Katia mothership in the shortest time. Girls, ready to land!” Li Yalin calmly issued various instructions, and the intelligent Robots were orderly At this time, all the girls are ready for battle. As long as they log on to Katia’s mothership, there must be another difficult battle waiting for them.

Soon, Li Yalin’s mobile battleship formed a docking with the Kaitia mothership. Of course, this was a violent docking. After all, the Kaitia mothership had lost its control, and Li Yalin’s was directly in A passageway was opened on the body of the Katia mothership, and then all the girls rushed in, starting various sweeps within the ship.

The weapons of the other dogman’s little assistant Robots, apart from the laser gun in their hands, are left with the so-called anchors, which Kaitia believes are the amulet that can freeze time. But from Li Yalin’s point of view, this is extremely ridiculous. To be honest, this Earth has not yet been able to control time. Even Li Yalin cannot control this powerful Law Power. After Li Yalin’s investigation, it was found that these The talisman can only be solidified in a simple space, and the effect cannot last too long. It just takes advantage of some rules, and it also costs the other party a great price.

It couldn’t be easier to get rid of these anchors. For this reason, Ichka has contributed a lot of amulets to crack this thing. Just stick them on the anchors and it will be perfect. The problem was solved, so after boarding the ship, everyone immediately followed the original group to disperse the action. Li Yalin led Alice, Manami and Aoi straight to the bridge of the Katia mothership and rescued the Kuuna ship. After a long time, this Quest can be counted as Perfection completed.

“What’s wrong with Yalin, what’s wrong?” On the way to the bridge, Li Yalin suddenly stopped. Manami and the others were very puzzled about it. Could something be wrong?

“Everyone, be careful, high-energy response, it should be a very powerful kind of mechanical device.” Li Yalin stared at the front with a serious face, although only a little resistance was encountered along the way. But this kind of resistance is too unreasonable. Only this kind of attack can destroy the Katia mothership? It’s just like cracking a joke.

No longer running wildly, Li Yalin and a group of four cautiously walked forward. After passing a corner, Li Yalin was surprised to find that there were four in the corridor of the mothership. A photon energy cannon, this is a small energy cannon used by battleship in space warfare. Even if it is a small one, it can only be used in the universe. If it is used in a ship, this group of guys is crazy.

When I saw Li Yalin entire group, the photon cannon was immediately charged, and there were more than a dozen gundams near the photon cannon. Until May 4th, Mi’s giant dogman assistant Robot was taking care of him. These guys have already blocked the originally wide corridors strictly, not even one drop of water can pass through.

“Yalin, you can’t let them fire photon cannons. If this thing is fired, the whole mothership will be finished!” Alice called out to Li Yalin in horror. How could there be such a foul thing? ?

“Don’t worry, leave it to me!” Li Yalin put his hand on the ground of the corridor. Although the material of the Katia mothership is not very conductive, the current is barely enough. Through the ground, to deal with this sophisticated instrument, as long as a current passes through it, it can be completely scrapped.

Sure enough, just after Li Yalin’s electric current hit the barrel of the photon energy gun, a burst of blue electric flashes flashed, and these energy guns, which were enough to destroy the entire Katia mothership, were completely destroyed. This series of seemingly unbelievable attacks made the little assistant Robots on the side looked at each other in blank dismay. I don’t know what the reason is. It is indeed a mass-produced parallel product. There is simply not much wisdom at all, let alone Tell them what useful thinking can be made.

Although they don’t understand everything in front of them, at least they have discovered the existence of the entire group of Li Yalin, and a beam of energy like raindrops shot in the direction moved towards Li Yalin and the others.

Looking at the other party’s attack so fiercely, Alice and the others are still preparing to avoid their front, but Li Yalin raised a Holy Protection Wall and took all the other party’s attack. The energy beam hits On the Holy Protection Wall, apart from a slight ripple, there is no threat.

“Let’s go!” With a few girls, Li Yalin, like Whirlwind, quickly moved towards the bridge. You can’t waste time on these useless Robots. Of course, if you encounter it Troublesome guy, Li Yalin doesn’t mind taking a shot to get rid of them, anyway, it’s just some useless Second-Tier rubbish.

“Captain! Open the space barrier of the bridge, we have arrived.” After contacting Captain Kuuna, Li Yalin and Kaitia finally joined forces, then the next Quest is Reach the control room of the mothership, shut down the entire system and restart it, so as to regain the control rights of the mothership.

“Let’s take action now!” All the cat ladies who were trapped in the bridge were very excited, and finally reached the Counter-Attack moment. Victory is everyone’s Right now!

In Himari’s report, the Katia cat ladies in the mothership have all been rescued, but on the road leading to the mothership’s control room, there is an unknown The wall blocked here, even if Himari and the others tried their best, they couldn’t break this barrier, so Li Yalin needed to solve it personally.

“An unknown wall?” Li Yalin’s expression was a little surprised. Could it be that any powerhouse on Earth appeared on Katia’s mothership? It shouldn’t be. With the strength of the first level of Lord God, everyone on the Katia mothership can be monitored by me. I have just scanned the entire mothership, and simply did not find any powerhouse.

With this question in mind, the Li Yalin entire group continued to move towards the control room of the mothership, and sure enough, on the corridor not far from the control room, a wall of energy light blocked the road It’s so strict, this is at least the ability that Supreme-level powerhouses can have, no wonder Himari and the others can’t break this barrier.

Although it is as difficult as heavenly ascension for Himari, Li Yalin only applied a little force, and the whole light wall was broken into countless pieces like fragile ceramics, and a little bit of light scattered on the corridor. , The picture looks very beautiful.

But now is not the time to appreciate these. Under Li Yalin’s urging, Captain Kuuna hurriedly entered the mothership control room and restarted the Katia mothership, and everything was restored. normal.

“The inside of the ship is cleaned up and all the enemies are cleared!” Soon, the post-war collation report was submitted to Kuuna’s hands. Although the loss of this attack was great, fortunately, there was no The casualties of personnel can be compensated for by the damaged mothership, which only takes a little time.

“Thank you very much Yalin for your help. Without you, I guess we would not be able to escape the fate of self-destruct.” After getting the report, Kuuna finally put out a long breath, unfortunately Fortunately.

For Li Yalin’s rescue operation, Kuuna is really grateful, because after the mothership loses control, the target direction of travel is Earth. If the mothership hits Earth, the mothership will start the self-destruct program. It is estimated When the time comes, none of the members on the mothership will be spared, so Li Yalin is simply the savior of the entire Katia mothership.

“It’s okay. Actually, after this accident, I also have something to explain to everyone. It’s about…” Li Yalin waved his hand, and then wanted to say something about the universe Regarding the intruder, Li Yalin hadn’t thought about how to explain it before, but now that he has the opportunity, he should explain the situation directly to the other party. At least it also allows the Kai catians to prepare, but he hasn’t finished his words yet. It was interrupted by a harsh alarm bell.

“What’s the matter?” The expression on Captain Kuuna’s face is ugly, the Katia mothership has suffered (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to start (qidian.com) Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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