“It’s really a simple and easy-to-understand command. After that, JACK, has there been any big moves in the United States recently? Why are you so sensible now? Haven’t come to harass us?” It’s a woman who can’t take common sense. Ah, since the other party was so blunt, Li Yalin stopped bluffing and asked directly about the current situation in the United States.

“This question is very sharp, but I can answer you. I heard that a great character on the DIA has disappeared, so DIA has remained silent to a considerable extent. You must know that there are many overseas Everything is taken care of by DIA. If I say this, you should understand?” Obviously, JACK didn’t expect Li Yalin to be so straightforward. After a moment’s surprise, he gave a chuckle and confessed what he was doing. The situation that I understand is spoken out.

“so that’s how it is.” Li Yalin looking thoughtful of nodded, such a performance in the United States must have a fairly direct relationship with those De Chias, but the details are not Li Yalin can guess it.

“Then JACK, since you have received this order, please stay at my house for the time being. As for what you need to report to, I think you should know it.” After thinking for a moment, Li Yalin made the decision to keep JACK. It was not that Li Yalin was stupid, but Li Yalin was betting that JACK and the United States had already fallen apart. In this case, JACK would be a big help for him. Li Yalin’s always felt It’s not wrong, so he will follow the feeling this time.

“Do you really dare to keep me?” JACK looked at Li Yalin playfully. This boy is so funny. If you follow him, there will be no shortage of fun.

“What do you mean? Manami, arrange a room for JACKYoung Lady.” Li Yalin asked with slanted eyes, and then handed the matter over to Manami to handle it. Manami and JACK were also considered children since childhood. Growing up childhood friends and acquaintances, they can also take care of each other, and Li Yalin’s move also has the meaning of buying people’s hearts. I hope JACK will not let himself down.

After handling JACK’s affairs, the time has entered October. At this time, the school welcomes the annual school festival. Although it is still ten days away from the school festival, But during this time, the school students all need to make advance preparations in all aspects in order to carry on the Academy Festival Perfection.

Speaking of the school festival, Li Yalin also participated in the IS school for a while, but that school festival did not leave any good memories, because on the day of the school festival, Earth was attacked by insect, and in retrospect, it was really tragic.

“Yalin-kun, let me tell you the good news. On the day of the school festival, the film we shot together was officially released nationwide, and we have discussed with Director Kawasaki, when the time comes, we can also have three recurring screenings at school, and all the profits made belong to our Club. What do you think?” After school this day, the glasses club president of the image agency went to Li Yalin’s class. Facial excitedly told Li Yalin the news.

“National release? Really or not? All major theaters have agreed?” Li Yalin asked in amazement. After all, it is not a big-produced film. Li Yalin just treats it as It’s just a game for self-entertainment, why did it start to be released nationwide?

“What? National screenings? You didn’t lie to us?” Hearing this news, the expressions on Manami and their faces were also surprised.

“Of course, I heard that just after watching the trailer, the major theaters in Japan are vying for the right to screen our movies. I even heard that some theaters similar to China and Western I also want to introduce this film. The situation is very hot.” ​​The Club President of the glasses was nodded again and again. When he heard the news, he felt as unbelievable as everyone else, but the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it. All over.

“It’s really didn’t expect. In that case, the ticket money collected on the day of the school festival will be used as the club’s funds. It just happens to be able to increase your budget.” nodded Li Yalin sighed and said that he didn’t expect to appear on the big screen of the movie, because he didn’t take it seriously.

“Okay, I understand, leave this to me.” After all, the glasses Club President turned around and ran away.

“Why Yalin-kun? Your film agency has produced a finished movie? The kind that can be broadcast nationwide?” As soon as the glasses Club President left, Li Yalin was surrounded by curious girls in the class Come up, I want to say that Li Yalin’s popularity in the class is really good, but unfortunately all of them are women. Boys have only three feelings about Li Yalin, that is, envy, jealousy, and hatred!

To deal with these girls, Li Yalin already has his own set of methods. Now he can deal with every girl who asks questions very well, and make the most satisfactory answer to the other party. This is also the most The boys in the class were puzzled. Li Yalin’s appeared to them to be a veteran of flowers. But looking at his usual appearance of a three-good student, I really don’t know where these abilities come from.

“Okay, should we start today’s project? The design of the haunted house is very cumbersome. We must seize all the time we can use. What is the noise now!” See so many girls All around Li Yalin’s side, the girls are quite unhappy, especially Manami and Kuesu. If the tempers of these two Young Lady come up, the consequences will be lively, so Rinko who saw something bad on the side was immediately dismissed. Girls around Li Yalin.

Although it has only been more than a month since they came to this class, Rinko and the others have been completely integrated into the class, especially Rinko. Her liveliness and cheerfulness are the yearning of many girls in the class. Among these girls, Rinko has the most friends. At this time, everyone will give Rinko face.

Speaking of the preparation project of Li Yalin’s class, it turned out to be a legendary haunted house. Originally, Li Yalin thought it could be a little simpler to run some coffee shops, but the haunted house is really quite A huge amount of engineering.

Because in addition to decorating the classroom, there are many items to prepare, so clothes and decorations must be prepared in advance, and then the classroom will be completely completed in the last two days. This haunted house can be considered to be over.

For this haunted house, Li Yalin is very dissatisfied. I really don’t know if Li Yalin takes out the Skeleton Soldiers, walking corpses and ghosts in his Evolved Space, the customers who visit the haunted house will What kind of expression do you make?

“Elder Brother Yalin, I finally found you. I thought you would be busy in the video agency. Come on, I really need your help this time!” Li Yalin was thinking about whether or not When he took out the Undead Army to scare everyone, Xiaochun suddenly opened the door of Li Yalin’s classroom, and when he saw Li Yalin, he eagerly pulled Li Yalin’s arm and moved him towards the door.

“What’s wrong with Xiaochun? Should you tell me what happened and then drag me?” Li Yalin didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, looking at Xiaochun with anxious expression What happened to the major event?

“This time is really a major event! Our class was originally going to form an orchestra, which can attract a lot of popularity, but now the only one in the class who can use the guitar breaks Arm, there is no need to touch the guitar within a month. There are no days left before the school festival. We simply can’t find someone who can play the guitar to replace the guitarist, so…”

“So you came to me? I’m not a omnipotent Warrior! Besides, I haven’t learned guitar.” Li Yalin didn’t know what expression he should show. What is this and what? Although I know some harp, harp and guitar are completely different things, OK?

“Impossible! Elder Brother Yalin, you are a god in the world, how could there be something you can’t do! Even if you don’t know Elder Brother Yalin, you should be able to do it after reading it again!” She said stubbornly, and while she said, she also took Li Yalin to her classroom.

Speaking of which, since knowing Li Yalin’s identity, Xiaochun has shown great admiration for Li Yalin. In Xiaochun’s eyes, Li Yalin’s words are right, and It’s omnipotent, and Li Yalin is really a headache for this. Even a god, there are things he can’t do.

“This is your Elder Brother Yalin? It doesn’t look outstanding.” Just after Li Yalin and Xiaochun entered the classroom, one of the little boys looked at Li Yalin back and forth, showing his face. A look of disappointment.

“snort! My Elder Brother Yalin is the most handsome, but I won’t let you know.” Xiaochun pouted, although he had not participated in the filming of the last filming agency, but the film was sampled After taking it back, Xiaochun naturally saw Li Yalin’s performance in the film. It seems that this seems to be one of the reasons why she admires Li Yalin’s.

“I don’t care if he is handsome or not. Now what I want to know is, how is this Senior’s guitar skills? Can he be a guitarist in this position.” At this moment, a hand bag The bandaged boy said in a low tone. It can be seen that he is in a very bad mood.

“To be honest, although I can play some harp music, it’s the first time I touch the guitar, but if you don’t mind, you can teach me how to use this guitar. I’ll learn The ability is faster.” Seeing Xiaochun’s expectant expression, Li Yalin couldn’t bear to let her down, so he decided to take over this Quest. Isn’t it just a guitar? What’s the problem?

“Have you ever touched a guitar? What are you doing here? Jungmu, are you cracking a joke of us all? Even if you are the lead singer, you can’t act wilfully like this!” Hear Li Yalin’s words , The other party’s face sank immediately, and the faces of other students in the class were not very beautiful. After all, this involves collective honor. Now it’s just like looking for a layman to be fooling around! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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