“My dear friend! I know you will not abandon me!” After eyes opened, Tae-san immediately saw Li Yalin on the opposite side. It turned out that Li Yalin took advantage of Tae-san’s carelessness and pushed him in as quickly as possible. In the flower bed by the roadside, although Tai San was covered with dust and dead leaves, at least his life was saved.

“Then can you explain to me now, what is going on?” Li Yalin couldn’t hold back and wanted to laugh out loud. Taesan is too much back.

“God knows, I just want to see that’s all, the beauty of the cheerleaders, who wants to be chased by these rugby guys.” Obviously, Tae San doesn’t want to talk about the details, see It must not be so glamorous.

“I don’t want to say it, yes, why did you come to Okinawa today on a whim? You played truant?” If you count by time, it will definitely not be the vacation time of Tongling Academy, so Li Yalin was also surprised by Tae San’s sudden arrival.

“che, how can the Club President of my dignified ergonomic department play truant! This is for normal communication, sacrificing my class time, and come to Okinawa to investigate related ergonomic information, but I am There are serious fake notes.” Tai San said triumphantly.

“It’s corruption, ah, it will allow this kind of club to survive.” Li Yalin shook his head, Tongling Academy was not saved, and it was the right way to change the chairman as soon as possible.

“Hehe, our ergonomic department is developing and growing every day, but then again, didn’t I tell you that you are not allowed to deal with Xiaochun? Take my words as the wind?” Tai San was first. With a smile, I thought of the little ambiguity between Xiaochun and Li Yalin before. Taesan was quite annoyed about this. Although Li Yalin is a good friend of his own, Taesan knew that Li Yalin’s ability to provoke bees was too strong. Xiaochun is by his side, it is definitely not a good choice.

“I didn’t shoot Xiaochun, I just regarded her as a younger sister.” Li Yalin was quite wronged. This Taisan really misunderstood him. If he wanted to shoot, he would have taken Xiaochun a long time ago. I have eaten thoroughly. This is not boasting. Li Yalin, who has already completed the’Class Change’, is quite well-versed in dealing with such underage girls.

“snort! Anyway, don’t be sorry for Xiaochun! But I also know that Xiaochun this girl is very creative, as long as she wants to do things, there is nothing that can’t be done. Forget it, this one You can handle the matter by yourself, as long as Xiaochun and her are happy.” Looking at Li Yalin in front of you, Tai San was speechless for a while. Although he always quarreled with younger sister, Tai San still cared about Xiaochun very much. , Let Xiaochun choose everything, no matter what the consequences, Tai San will bless Xiaochun.

“Don’t be so pessimistic, no one can tell what’s going on in the future.” Li Yalin patted Tae Sam on the shoulder. Who knows what’s going on in the future.

“Here!” At this moment, Himari’s voice came not far away. It seems that they have gotten rid of the trouble just now, but looking at their angry faces, Li Yalin Can’t help taking a step back.

“Um…you help withstand it first, I’ll flash it first.” With a solemn face, he patted Tai San on the shoulder. Before Tai San hadn’t reacted, Li Yalin had disappeared. In the same place.

“What? What’s going on?” Tae San, who didn’t understand the situation at all, was stunned for a moment, but was immediately caught by a group of angry women!

“Did you harbor Yalin? It seems that you are ready to go to Yin Sector!” Clenching his fists, his fingertips let out a crisp sound, Manami walked up with a grim look In front of Taesan.

“I have something to say! I’m Xiaochun’s big brother, how could it be possible to harbor Yalin! I’m on your side!” Tai San hurried to kneel down and beg for mercy. He even moved out his younger sister, Xiaochun.

“Don’t worry about me, I can do justice to my relatives. I will leave my Old Brother to you to deal with it. As long as there is one breath, it will be done.” Seeing everyone’s attention shifted to himself, Xiaochun curled his lips and sold himself Old Brother directly.

“Younger sister! You can’t do this! Help…” Soon, Taesan was drowned in the condemnation of the beautiful women.

“You really deserve to be a good friend, and be my survivor with peace of mind.” At this time, Li Yalin, who was already standing at the gate of the film agency’s screening hall, mourned the continuing tragedy of Tae San for three seconds. But then he put aside this little silent heart, and let the girls vent.

“Huh? Yalin, why are you standing here? When is the next movie? We are all looking forward to it.” From a distance, it was the voice of Jiashu Maki, and Kisaragi Sae and Akuzu Yuko are also standing next to her. It is said that the relationship between these three teachers is getting better and better. Even in the evening, these three will go out together for a drink and hold a separate party for the three. Of course, Li Yalin has also participated in their gatherings, but our Onee-san teacher Kisaragi Sae always likes to hold Li Yalin without letting go when he drinks too much, and especially likes to rub Li with the fullness of her chest. Yalin’s cheeks, which made Li Yalin quite depressed.

Not only that, but Maki and Yuko on the side always like to add fuel and jealousy. Sometimes they will come up together to tease Li Yalin. For this reason, Li Yalin just attended two such gatherings, and then decided absolutely nothing. For their next invitation.

“Is the next movie? It seems to be about to start, but Maki sister, have you all seen the samples? What else to look forward to?” Li Yalin replied after checking the time, but Is this movie really worth looking forward to?

“Of course it is worth looking forward to. This is not the same as watching a sample at home.” Kisaragi Sae made an expression that you are not teachable. Li Yalin is full of black lines. Yes, since you are looking forward to it, hurry up and see it.

After asking the glasses Club President to arrange special actions for the three teachers, a group of girls found Li Yalin again. After all, Li Yalin did not hide his figure. It is estimated that there is a punching bag like Tai San, everyone The anger is almost gone, and as long as Li Yalin says a few good things, there is no problem at all.

“His Majesty Young Master! How can you abandon us? The man who escaped alone will be kicked to death by a hundred horses!” As soon as he came up, Himari’s resentment almost completely drowned Li Yalin .

“Yeah! Yalin how can you do this?” Rinko also stepped forward and asked angrily.

“The bad man…said.” Shizuku, who came to play because of the school festival, had a calm tone, but he didn’t show any mercy at all. Li Yalin bitterly laughed, making everyone angry. It’s really not very good.

“Be quiet, everyone, in fact, I also have difficulties…” Faced with the expressions of the resentment of all the girls, Li Yalin quickly explained. If you don’t explain any more, it is estimated that even with the punching bag of Tae San, girls I won’t let myself go.

“pu…It turned out to be like this, really didn’t expect, Yalin, you still have this day!” As soon as Li Yalin finished explaining, Manami couldn’t help laughing. Is this too interesting?

“But why are people so interested in Yalin’s gender? Although Yalin is the most beautiful person I have ever seen, he is indeed a male child. What is the difference?” Alright, Alice, you are naturally natural at this moment. This time it is really Li Yalin’s turn to start resentment, because all the girls laughed out at this brief moment.

In any case, it was soon the time for the second movie to be shown. Everyone was ready to enter the screening room with great enthusiasm. The glasses Club President arranged a special seat for everyone.

The screening room is not big, it can hold more than one hundred people at most, but now there is a vast crowd outside the door, everyone is clamoring to go in and watch the movie, and now the movie tickets can only be used The demand exceeds supply. You must know that the film agency has set a rule that you can’t enter again after viewing once. Otherwise, it is estimated that the projection room will be squeezed.

Finally, the entire Student Council was dispatched to maintain order. This was to appease these enthusiastic crowds. However, the condition was that the number of movies should be increased from the original three games to five games. In this regard, Li Yalin agreed directly, this is not a problem, it is just a word of his own.

The second movie played smoothly, just like after the First Stage movie, all the audience who watched the movie were excited, and the topic that everyone paid most attention to was whether a male protagonist was a male or a female. For this reason Li Yalin was completely cheating. He almost wanted to stop the meaningless movie immediately. In the end, it was the girls who held back their laughter and convinced Li Yalin.

“Then Elder Brother Yalin wants to cheer! It’s up to you next.” Away from the place of right and wrong of the screening room, Li Yalin and Xiaochun began preparations for the afternoon concert, but at this time, Xiaochun The proposal was to change the original solo solo into a two-person chorus, and add a few Li Yalin’s solo songs. This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, even if Li Yalin wanted to oppose it, it was impossible.

“Okay, but you are the lead singer of this band, okay? Isn’t this too overwhelming for me?” According to Xiaochun, then this concert is basically only Li Yalin If you want to take up half of your time, plus your own guitar playing, don’t you become the protagonist of the entire concert?

“It’s okay Elder Brother Yalin, we all believe in you, and I support you, I know Elder Brother Yalin is the best!” Xiaochun stared at the little star and looked admiring Li Yalin very It’s helpless, am I really that reliable? Li Yalin shook the head, in this case, it seems that I really need to work hard. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit www.qidian.com, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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