To be honest, this Jans is very far-sighted. It is really a shame to let her serve as a lieutenant of a trifling. Based on several experiences with Li Yalin, she made up her determination to follow Li Yalin’s, and she is still hostile to each other. The situation came resolutely, all of which required great perseverance and decisive determination. In this regard, Dekisia’s forever is better than Katia’s.

Soon, De Chia’s corvette completed the Space Jump of the designated coordinates, but just arrived at the designated coordinates, the bitch in charge of radar detection was startled by the densely packed fleet nearby. With so many large and small battleships, it is almost possible to fight a small-scale cosmic war. Is this the powerhouse that you want to rely on? didn’t expect Lieutenant Jensen really didn’t deceive,

When he took Jense’s Teleportation to Battlestar, Battlestar and Corvette had already completed the docking. After seeing the other party’s list and data Li Yalin started, there is not even a male among the 813 Dekishia? what on earth is it?

“The male productivity of Dechisya is not high, and the ratio of men to women is not even one to ten. This is very similar to those Kay catians, so generally speaking, Dechisya males It is rare to join the army, but now it has also become the main reason for De Chia’s extermination. When the enemy launched an attack on the home planet, none of these men escaped.” Jans shook her head sadly. Said.

“so that’s how it is.” It seems that in the universe, the higher the level of evolution of the race, the relative decline in fertility, Dekixia and Kaitia both encountered this embarrassment In the situation, although the superb technology allows these races to have the next generation even if only women are women, this still violates the laws of nature after all, resulting in an even more inconsistent male-to-female ratio.

“Elder sister, you are back! Is this the Master we are going to be loyal to?” At this moment, a little girl who was about 40-50 years old ran over, with a look similar to Zhan Si , But with an innocent smile on his face, looking at the title, this Little Brat should be Jense’s younger sister.

“Yes, Lunu, this is the Master whom everyone will be loyal to, Yalin-sama. This is my younger sister Lunu, who has just graduated from the noncommissioned school and has not formally joined the army.” moved towards his own The younger sister nodded, and then James introduced Li Yalin.

“Hello, my name is Li Yalin, please advise me more.” Li Yalin smiled and greeted the girl in front of him.

“Hello Master Yalin, my name is Lunu, please give me some advice.” moved towards Li Yalin and bowed, Lunu’s expression was a bit cautious. After all, she is still young, and this is the first time. Once we meet, tension is natural.

“Don’t be so nervous, everyone will be a family in the future.” Touched Lunu’s little head, it seems that whether it is a bitch or a cat, he likes to be done this way, I saw that Lunu is very He soon calmed down, with a hint of flushing on his face, which seemed to be enjoyable.

“Then Jessie, now gather everyone here, I have something to say to everyone.”

“Understood, Master Yalin.” Jessie stood up and saluted, then So I went to contact the bitch girls in Battlestar. It really deserves to be an army, and the action is fast and meticulous. For such a subordinate, Li Yalin is the favorite.

Soon, all Dekisia bitches were called up. Li Yalin’s didn’t speak a lot, but simply expounded his views and ideas, and explained his attitude. The meaning is very simple. If you want to follow me, I raise my hand to welcome. If you don’t want to follow me, I will not force it. Everything depends on my choice.

The bitches rescued by Jans are all from the army. Of course, willpower is very strong. Now that they have decided to be loyal to each other, they will not waver again. Therefore, the bitches are loyal to Li. Yalin performed the ceremony of allegiance belonging to the Dekishia.

“By the way, Jans, how did I find that you all have no tails except for Lunu?” After the loyalty ceremony was over, Li Yalin asked a question that he was very puzzled. They have dog ears, but why are their tails gone?

“This is the tradition of the Dekishia. As long as you join the army, you must first cut off your tail and show your determination that you will no longer need useless things in the future!” Janss immediately made Answered.

“I can’t understand why the tail is a useless thing? Look at Lunu, how cute it is. Who invented this brain-dead tradition?” Li Yalin shook the head, expressing his incomprehension. A bitch without a tail, is that still a bitch?

“Does Yalin-sama like tails?” Jans’s face flushed. Although with Dekixia’s technology, repairing her tail is not a problem, but the key is that she really wants Do you do this?

“I can’t talk about a special hobby, it just feels a pity.” Feeling his chin, Li Yalin replied.

“Is that so?” Jans was silent, and at this moment, the puppy girl Lunu quickly ran to Li Yalin and Jans, gasping for breath, what seemed to happen Things are so-so.

“Yalin-sama and elder sister, I just received a call from the Barum, and it is my friend Nielmeya who is in charge of contacting us, but I still don’t know what the other party’s purpose is. “After standing in place to calm his breath, Liunu spoke to Li Yalin and Janss.

“Oh? Barum people? This is very interesting, let’s go Jans, let’s go and see.” As soon as he heard the name Barum, Li Yalin’s interest immediately rose. This universe The Angel of World? Or is it just a Birdman with wings?

“Hello Lieutenant Jans! Nice to meet you.” When I arrived at the bridge communication station of Corvette de Chia, on the virtual screen appeared a blond girl about the age of Lunu , Her pure and lovely appearance makes people feel close at first glance, and the pair of white wings behind her are also quite conspicuous, just like the legendary holy Angel.

I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional, this Angel girl directly ignored Li Yalin beside Jans, and directly greeted Jans. The smile looked brilliant, but Li Yalin saw it. Understand, this smile is really fake.

shook the head, this girl is a born conspirator. This is the first feeling the other party gave Li Yalin’s. Li Yalin’s never feels wrong, so he doesn’t have a good impression of this Angel girl, she should That said, Li Yalin doesn’t like a girl who is too scheming, and the Angel girl in front of him is just one.

“Ayer 4501023 Warrant Officer, may I ask what you are doing?” A trace of disdain flashed in Jans’s eyes. Although Dekisia and Barum have always been in alliance status, it is in Dekishi. When the Amustar was destroyed, the Barums did not help, and the other party was able to take action. As a result, the friendship between the two sides instantly vanished, and Jans’s attitude towards these Barums almost disappeared. It was the itching of the tooth roots of hate, and naturally did not have a good tone for the Angel girl in front of her.

By the way, just now, Lunu introduced this Angel girl to Li Yalin, whose name is Nilmeya-Joshim-El 4501023. The first time I saw it, I also brought the tail number. The last name with numbers, and not so much a surname, Li Yalin feels that it is more like a number, but it has nothing to do with him, so Li Yalin did not take seriously.

“Please don’t be so indifferent, Lieutenant Jans, I and Lunu are best friends.” Nielmea’s face has a hint of playfulness, but Li Yalin has a clear feeling At the end of the day, these words of the other party were all lying.

“Anything else? If it doesn’t, I’ll close the call!” Janss did not give the right face at all, which made Nilmeya’s face instantly changes ugly.

“Hehe, since Lieutenant Janss likes to go straight, then I speak frankly. We heard about Dejixia planet’s experience and expressed our sympathy. Therefore, the military department expressed its full sympathy. All possible containment of survivors from De Chia, if Lieutenant Jans doesn’t mind, we can provide you with the best protection!” Nelmea smiled slightly, and said the main intention of the call.

“Is there only these? Then the call can be over. We have already chosen Master’s allegiance, so your wishful thinking may be lost!” Zhan Si’s patience ability is very strong, if you change A slightly grumpy person will definitely swear directly! What’s the matter? It’s fine if you don’t save it if you die, now you want to annex us? Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn!

“What?” Nilmeya’s face became more and more stiff, she didn’t expect these desperate people in her eyes to move so fast, it’s the one to watch Does it seem like a man who is unremarkable at all? Until now, Nilmeya didn’t notice Li Yalin beside Jans and Lunu.

“Is this really the case for Liunu? Did you even choose to be loyal?” Nilmeya turned her head and moved towards Liunu and asked, her main purpose was for Liunu. , Because Lunu is a genius, extraordinary genius, Nilmeya has carefully calculated since a long time ago, wanting to control Lunu by his side without a trace, didn’t expect all the hard work for many years. East flow.

“I don’t think you have the right to question Liunu? This El 4501023 Young Lady?” Liunu was suddenly questioned by Niermea, not knowing what to do, seeing her pitifully With Xi’s expression, Li Yalin patted Lunu’s small head before lifting the head to move towards Nilmeya on the screen and asked.

“Excuse me, are you?” A trace of doubt flashed in Nilmeya’s eyes. He hadn’t seen this man before, and looking at his appearance, he was simply a human on Earth. (To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit, there are more chapters, the author is supported, and the genuine reading is supported!)

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