Although staying with Li Yalin is not short, Nilmeya has never seen Ikaros and Nymph, because these two girls hide in the control room of Battlestar all day long. The full control of all battleships was carried out until after the end of the space battle, Ikaros and Nymph were considered to have left their jobs.

“Surprised?” Li Yalin slightly smiled. What happened next made Nilmeya even more surprised. He didn’t expect Li Yalin’s to unfold a pair of white Angel wings in an instant. what’s going on? Nilmeya didn’t know if she was asleep anymore.

“What the hell is going on?” Nilmeya’s heart has been filled with all kinds of thoughts, puzzled, confused, surprised, and even that faint surprise and yearning, Angel Race really Does it exist? Can you be one of them?

“Very simple, this time my Quest has been completed, so I will return to my World soon, and I will take everyone away. As for this Earth, I will leave it to you Baru Hey, even though your home planet has been destroyed, with your abilities, you will definitely be able to live well on Earth.” Li Yalin finally smiled and said his purpose.

“You are leaving? Are you leaving? What do you mean by taking everyone? Including those Kai catian and Dekishia?” As soon as Li Yalin said this, Nilmeya was almost better than before. She was still agitated when she learned the real Angel’s existence. She had already hurried to Li Yalin’s side at this time, grabbed Li Yalin’s arm and didn’t let go.

“That’s right, there are many Primitive Gamma Insects in the universe World where I live, and I will take everyone to continue fighting.” Li Yalin nodded, at the same time an unmarked general The arm was withdrawn from Nilmeya’s hand.

“Why? Obviously you brought cats and dogs, why can’t you bring me?” Nielmeya’s face was rather ugly. After Li Yalin revealed her pair of wings, Ni Countless thoughts turned over in Ermea’s mind. Even for a moment, Nirmea treated Li Yalin as his own clan. You must know that although the Barum people are extremely proud, they are quite united among the same clan. This seems to be a common problem with Angel Race. Now Li Yalin would rather take the cats and dogs that he has always looked down on instead of bringing his clan, how can Nilmeya accept it.

“It’s different.” Li Yalin thought for a moment, but didn’t know how to answer.

“What’s the difference!” Nilmeya asked in desperation.

“Because they are all sincerely acknowledge allegiance under the Master, but you are forever impossible, your ambition is too great!” Nymph, who has not spoken all the time, suddenly spoke, and said a word Let Nilmeya shut her mouth completely.

Yes, I do have ambitions, but what if I am ambitious now? Father died in the war, mother also died under the mouth of insect, the original power disappeared without a trace, even if there are more than 400 clansman by his side now, but what kind of atmosphere can that be? What?

“If this is the case…I am willing to acknowledge allegiance to you, all of us in Barum are willing to acknowledge allegiance to you, to help you fight the universe and destroy all enemies!” , Nelmeya finally said a sentence that she never dared to imagine. If someone told herself before, she would completely acknowledge allegiance in the future. A man, Nelmeya would definitely laugh three times and make that guy Can’t eat and walk around, but now, I actually said such a thing.

“I don’t believe in this kind of apparent acknowledge allegiance, and what you don’t know is that I will sign a contract with my companion, a Subordinate God contract, which can certainly allow you to get There are countless benefits, but if you are not sincere, after signing a contract with me, it will only become a walking corpse for me to drive, so…” Li Yalin did not continue, but the words have already expressed his attitude, that is, you are impossible It’s really for me to use.

“This is not a superficial acknowledgement allegiance! I have made up my mind. As long as you can help me realize my ambitions, I will sincerely acknowledge my acknowledgement allegiance under you!” shock! But she has her own ideas. If she follows this man, her ambition will definitely be fully utilized.

“Realize your ambition? What is your ambition?” Li Yalin looked at the Angel lady in front of her with interest.

“Conquer all universes! I want to conquer all universes!” Nirmea’s ambition surprised Li Yalin. This little girl with no power had a big tone, even Li Yalin, I didn’t want to conquer all the universe in the past, but looking at the other person’s current expression, it doesn’t seem to be cracking a joke.

“Are you sure you don’t have a fever?” Li Yalin cautiously looked at Nilmeya in front of him.

“I’m serious! I don’t want to spend my life in a mediocre life! This is my ambition, my ambition, and my desire through childhood!” Nilmeya’s expression She was very determined, and she looked at Li Yalin’s eyes with excitement and anticipation.

“What a funny little girl, well, sign a contract with me, I will watch how you conquer all the universe!” Staring at Nilmeya for nearly five minutes , Li Yalin suddenly Haha laughed, and after hearing Li Yalin’s words, a dazzling smile appeared on Nilmeya’s small face.

“Master?” Ikaros doesn’t understand why Li Yalin made this choice. Ikaros doesn’t like fighting or conquering. She only hopes to be with Li Yalin’s side and spend quietly. Every day, she didn’t understand Nilmeya’s ambition at all, nor did she understand what Li Yalin was thinking at this time.

“Don’t worry Ikaros, I know what I’m thinking now, don’t forget that after we return, apart from those Primitive Gamma Insects, the so-called Universe Fedation is not necessarily our friend, I am not Have you ever said that, if there is an opportunity, just conquer the Universe Fedation, and Nilmeya is my best spokesperson.” Li Yalin patted Ikaros’ shoulder and explained softly, and In Ikaros’ ear, Li Yalin lowered his tone and said, “This way, I can have more time to be by your side.”

“Master…” Ikaros’ face His face was flushed, and he looked at Li Yalin affectionately, almost melting in Li Yalin’s tenderness.

“Sure enough, Master is the best!” Nymph on the side naturally heard Li Yalin’s whisper, so she threw herself into Li Yalin’s arms and happily spoiled her.

Nilmeya looked straight at the three Li Yalin in front of her, bowed her head and didn’t know what she was thinking. She didn’t know that at this time, there was a huge wave in her heart. This man is In order to accompany these girls, he gave himself this great power? Even if he is only a puppet, he still rules the entire universe! Does this man care about power at all in his heart?

Unconsciously, the Libra in Nilmeya’s heart began to tilt, and her thoughts were also changing little by little, but she herself did not notice at all.

After reaching an agreement with Nilmeya, Li Yalin signed a contract with all the Barum people. Of course, those more than four thousand Katia cat ladies also became Li Yalin’s bag. Things, now Li Yalin’s strength has really skyrocketed. With so many Subordinate Gods under his hand, Li Yalin naturally ordered the Super Military Factory to work overtime to produce all the best Mecha weapons, and wait for his own Subordinate Gods to grow up. After that, Li Yalin truly possessed the capital of the universe.

At this point, Li Yalin’s special dungeon Quest is all over. It’s time to leave. Although girls like Manami, Xiaochun and Yuu are still a little reluctant, after all, this World has their own relatives. But since I chose to stay with Li Yalin, I prepared everything in my heart, and I am not unable to come back. Li Yalin can send them back to this World to reunite with their family at any time as long as they want. This is also what Li Yalin had done earlier. Just say yes to everyone.

Incorporating a group of women’s soldiers into the Evolved Space, Li Yalin glanced at this World, and finally disappeared in the same place in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already returned to the planet of his own World. in.

As for these women’s soldiers, Li Yalin has handed them all over to Chifuyu for unified management. Who calls our sister Chifuyu’s prestige, and the women’s army is very convinced of Chifuyu.

To do the math, Li Yalin has lived in the special dungeon for about a year, so this World is actually only about three months past, and there is still some time before the invasion of the insect, so Li Yalin You can make the most of this time to train your girls.

The Main Quest of this training is not fighting, nor is it upgrading, but teaching all the girls various cosmic warfare skills, as well as all Mecha driving methods. The understanding is faster. After all, they are all cosmic races, but they are not from Heavenly Wind Continent’s troops. They have been in contact with Battle Aura Magic since they were young. It is basically impossible for them to learn this kind of high-tech suddenly. They can only use time to get better. Good progress.

As I mentioned before, it is the exchange of training space. As long as you redeem this thing, Li Yalin’s time will be more abundant. Although it takes a lot of Energy Points, Li Yalin has nothing to do with it. It doesn’t hurt, and Li Yalin also decided to adjust the time ratio of the training space to one to three hundred and sixty-five, which means that one day has passed outside the training space, but a year has passed in the training space.

After telling the girls in Evolved Space, Li Yalin didn’t hesitate and entered the Regios World directly. It’s time to gather everyone together. I believe so long has passed. , Everyone should have made considerable progress. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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