Went around this lava flame shop. Li Yalin one by one remembered all the information about Mecha. Li Yalin one by one finally shook his head. Li Yalin took Saber out of the store. There was really nothing available, although Mecha’s shape is all kinds of strange things, but the function is really bad and outrageous. With these broken things, simply can’t fight the space war.

“Didn’t expect, the level here is so bad. Could it be that our estimation is wrong?” Above the hurricane, Li Yalin said to Saber in disappointment. If this is the case, then Universe Fedation It’s really not far from being completely annihilated.

“I don’t think it should be, these are all ordinary civilian Mechas. The real military ones are only those. Maybe the military Mecha will be very good.” See Li Yalin’s disappointed expression , Saber quickly and comforted.

“Perhaps, forget it, it is Quest anyway, let’s take one step and look at it one step at a time.” Li Yalin nodded, anyway, now it is the first prerequisite to complete the first Side Quest.

After wandering in the Commerce District for a while, Li Yalin and Saber returned to the dormitory, and after telling the three girls what they had learned today, everyone looked at Saber with envy. , And dreamt about how great it would be if I could go out on a date with Yalin alone.

This is not an exception even for Flora. Under the influence of so many young girls, Flora almost forgets that she used to be the Demoness of Silver Eye that frightened everyone. Now she is just A young girl who just learned about dim love.

In the Gardner Academy, all Li Yalin entire group signed up for the Mecha department. This was discussed at first. Betty and the others will enter the subversion of power from the air force fleet, and Li Yalin I chose the army. Although it is very difficult for the army to get ahead, it is a very interesting game for Li Yalin.

Of course, letting Li Yalin into the Mecha department did not mean Li Yalin alone, but the plan chosen by everyone. At that time, Li Yalin didn’t know why the girls were so united, but later He learned that the girls actually think that the Mecha department has the least girls. In order to prevent Li Yalin from hooking up with girls, Li Yalin chose this department. This is really a reason why people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. .

Three days after the school officially started, there are really a lot of subjects in the course. Mecha driving basic courses are not mentioned, Mecha simulation and actual driving training, physical training and even simple Mecha maintenance They are all included in the course. It seems that it is really difficult to become a qualified Mecha driver.

However, for Li Yalin entire group, you can just glance at it casually. There is nothing profound, and you won’t be exposed to too much when you are a student. At the Non-commissioned Officer Academy After graduating, joining the official army will go through a period of regular training. Only then will soldiers be exposed to more military core materials. Now going to school is just to lay a foundation. No wonder it takes only two years to graduate. .

Soon, the time for the official start of school has arrived. The Gardner Academy adopts semi-militarized management. Except for the noble class, ordinary civilian students have no privileges. Except for the holiday time, The trainees strictly follow the regulations to study and train. Only if they achieve better results, will they be assigned to a better army after graduation, and their future will be bright.

Because they are servants of Li Yalin, Saber and the others are naturally placed in the class with Li Yalin. According to the regulations of the Kamiga Empire, even if they join the army, Saber and the others will Forever became a subordinate of Li Yalin’s and has been following Li Yalin’s side. This is why I set everyone up as such in the first place.

Mecha is in Class A. This is the class that Li Yalin was assigned to. It turned out to be the He Shang class with more monks and less meat. In a large class with more than 100 people, there are only female Mecha drivers. With less than ten people, Saber and the others naturally caused a sensation in the class, and what made Li Yalin even more puzzled was that they actually saw the girl Brittany who had met a few days ago.

“Artoria elder sister! Are you also a freshman in the Mecha department? I am so lucky to be able to be in the same class as the elder sister.” When he saw Saber, Brittany jumped out of his seat. He got up, ran to Saber’s side and wanted to hold Saber, but Saber stepped back without a trace, avoiding Brittany, and standing sideways behind Li Yalin.

“It’s you again, who are you?” Obviously, the relationship between Li Yalin and Saber is extraordinary, so Brittany looked at Li Yalin’s with a hint of hostility, this What is the identity of a boy? Can the perfect woman like Artoria elder sister stay by her side willingly, and there are three other beauties beside him?

Soon, Brittany found Xia Lu, Himari and Flora next to Li Yalin. At this time, she was really surprised. A beauty like Saberthis level was very surprised when she saw one. It’s amazing, but these three girls seem to be no less inferior to Saber, and each of them has its own merits, each of them is a treasure of Jean from heaven. In front of these girls, I am proud of myself. ‘S face is beginning to become ordinary.

“Li Yalin, a freshman in Mecha Class A, Baker, isn’t it? It looks like you are blocking our way.” Li Yalin’s tone is very flat, as if he didn’t put Brittany in his eyes at all. general.

“You!” Brittany looked at Li Yalin with a flustered and exasperated look. It was the first time a boy spoke to him like this when he grew up. In that plain tone, it was as if he was just a man. Passer-by B is irrelevant.

Brittany wanted to burst out, but in front of Saber, she didn’t want to give herself a bad impression of this very longing elder sister. It just so happened that the tutor had already entered the class, so she was not angry. He glared at Li Yalin and returned to his seat.

For this kind of little girl, Li Yalin simply didn’t pay attention to it, and took the girls to find their seats, and the first day of the course officially began.

It’s boring. Now Li Yalin has only this feeling. For the whole morning, the instructor in class explained Mecha’s basic theories and driving methods, but he didn’t say anything else that interests Li Yalin. The textbook is full of these things, do you need to repeat it so many times?

Having finally waited until the end of get out of class, Li Yalin decided not to come back to the theory class in the morning. By the way, this teacher who taught the class, Federal Common Language, was really blunt enough, and many students listened to it. It’s only half-knowledge, almost everyone is listening with all their strength while holding textbooks. I really don’t know which remote country Star Domain got this tutor from.

After class, Brittany came to Saber again, looking eagerly wanting to invite Saber to dinner. It seems that she really likes Saber, but she doesn’t look like a lily. Girl? But why does she have a soft spot for Saber? Li Yalin’s was very puzzled.

“Well, Artoria elder sister, let’s just have a meal together.” Brittany took Saber’s little hand and began to act like a baby, and there is a kind of swearing to give up without reaching the goal. Look like.

“Student Baker, I think you have heard our self-introduction, I am Yalin’s servant, so I will only follow Yalin’s.” Saber said to Brittany in a serious manner. When they introduced themselves, after Saber and the others revealed their identities, the irony look on the faces of the boys in the class is still very interesting to Li Yalin.

“I don’t believe it, I have never seen such a noble servant as an elder sister, and your relationship with that fellow is not like a master-servant relationship.” Brittany 1 Pouting, she looks cute, but there are three black lines on Li Yalin’s face.

“You are right, little girl, Toria is indeed not my servant, but my fiancee. Do you have any opinion on this?” Looking at Brittany in front of me, a prank Li Yalin’s mood suddenly swelled in Li Yalin’s heart. Since you are entangled in endlessly, then please tease you well.

“What? This is impossible! How could such a noble woman as Artoria elder sister become your ordinary Passer-by B fiancee? I absolutely don’t believe it!” Brittany would not believe it. In her mind, how could Goddess like Saber have anything to do with mortals?

“Don’t believe it? Then let you see and see.” Li Yalin’s mouth showed a wicked smile, and he pulled Saber over, who was still in surprise, and kissed Saber’s domineeringly. On the lips.

Just now Li Yalin said that he was his fiancee, and he was shocked by Saber, not knowing what to do, happy? It does have such a taste, but does this happiness come too soon? It just made Sabernot knowing what to do, but before she could react, Li Yalin had already kissed her lips, God, is this the feeling of kissing? At this time, Saber felt like he was already in heaven, and he felt light and fluttering all over.

“His Royal Highness Young Master…”

“Yalin…” The kiss of Li Yalin’s made Himari and Xia Lu’s resentment really hard, and at this time they really couldn’t wait Saber pulled it down and replaced it by himself, really envious.

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I will not believe it forever! You wait for me!” Brittany screamed, then blushed and turned around and ran, actually doing it in front of him Such a shameful thing is really unhealthy. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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