“Scanning completed!” In less than ten seconds, Ikaros completed the scan of all the books in the library.

“Thanks for your hard work, Ikaros.” Li Yalin smiled slightly at Ikaros.

“It’s okay, Master.” Ikaros replied unconsciously.

“By the way, is the watermelon in the yard okay?” Since Li Yalin’s search in “Highschool of the Dead”, Li Yalin has tried to give Ikaros a watermelon, didn’t expect Ikaros still likes round things like the original book, so I don’t let go of holding watermelon. Therefore, in the yard in front of the room where Ikaros’ lives, Li Yalin and Ikaros planted a small piece of watermelon together, and Ikaros everyday all carefully cares for them.

“They are all good, Master.” Listening to Li Yalin mentioning the watermelon, Ikaros also experienced some emotional fluctuations.

“Then let’s water them together if we have a chance.” Li Yalin said to Ikaros with a smile, and then he took Ikaros back into the Evolved Space.

In this way, the entire Milley Academy’s library falls into the hands of Li Yalin’s. Even if the Magic Barrier is attached to this library, it is completely useless for Ikaros’ scanning. However, although all the books have been scanned, Li Yalin still sat down after picking a few books, which is considered to be a boring time.

But Li Yalin was fascinated by this look, because there are many things in the book that Li Yalin needs now, and things that Li Yalin couldn’t figure out before can now be solved. A book is flipped quickly in Li Yalin’s hands. With Li Yalin’s current memory and comprehension ability, no matter what book it is, it can be completely memorized after reading it once. Therefore, Li Yalin is also very good at reading. fast.

The first thing Li Yalin read was about High-Level Meditation and the practice of Spiritual Power, because Li Yalin needs this kind of books at this stage, after reading these books. Li Yalin began to look at the Magic Book of the element class again. The element Magic in the library is mainly divided into six categories, Flame, Water Ice, Fengxiang, Earth, Light and Darkness. Six elements, of course, the Magic Book of Lightning Element. There are also 1-2 books, but the legendary Earth Planting Element Magic dedicated to elves is not seen.

As soon as Belden passed, Li Yalin had some magic foundation, so now it doesn’t seem to be difficult to look at the Magic Book. Therefore, Li Yalin is also quickly integrated into Magic World.

When Li Yalin lifts the head again, the sky outside was a bit darker. Li Yalin felt a little hungry now. It turned out that he hadn’t eaten at noon or night.

After putting the book in his hand back to the shelf, Li Yalin hurried back to his home. After turning on the Magic Lamp, Li Yalin began to prepare his own dinner.

But it’s really boring to have dinner alone, so Li Yalin puts Rei, Saya, Saeko, Shizuka, Yuriko, Miyu, Asami, Minami Rika, Alice, Ikaros, Astraea, and Feifei all together. summon came out. As a result, the room that was still empty was suddenly crowded with people.

“Yalin, is this the alien world you are talking about? How is it similar to our world?” Rei looked around as soon as he came out, but looked at the surrounding homes and asked Li Yalin curiously. .

“Stupid girl, these were originally things in our world, but I put them in this room.” Li Yalin smiled and said to Rei.

“Yalin-kun, is this a product of Magic?” Saeko looked at the Magic Lamp on the wall, also a little curious.

“Of course, but Saeko, and everyone, don’t call me Yalin-kun. After all, I’m also a Chinese. If you are still in Japan, when you enter a village, follow the There is no way for local customs. Now that you are in another world, you should call me Yalin or Yalin.” At this time, Li Yalin said to everyone. After all, from the very beginning, he didn’t like the name Yalin-kun very much. .

“Well, Yalin, is this okay?” Yuriko changed his mouth first, and then touched Li Yalin’s head indulgently, and then everyone also changed his mouth by hee hee Haha .

“Well, that’s it.” Li Yalin is also a bit sorry, but he is still very happy.

In the following time, Li Yalin and Yuriko, Saeko and other girls who can cook together made dinner together. At the table, Li Yalin also told the past few girls about the past few The passage of days.

“Hey, that Headmaster Wendy is really that amazing.” Shizuka said in an incredible way.

“Well, it is very strong. It is estimated to have the strength of Seventh Rank High-Level, but it is still not as good as my Ikaros and Astraea.” After that, Li Yalin smiled and touched Ikaros. There is Astraea’s head.

At this moment, Astraea has completely entered the food paradise. She did not hear Li Yalin’s words just now, but after Li Yalin touched her head, Astraea still made a cat-like sound.

“Ikaros can help Master.” Ikaros also murmured.

“Of course, we will be forever together.” Hearing Ikaros’ words, Li Yalin also said with a smile.

“forever…together…” Although Ikaros’s speaking speed was a bit slow, there was already a hint of blush on her face.

“Well, everyone is forever together.” Finally, Li Yalin said affirmatively. Of course, all the girls here also said with a smile: “Well, everyone is forever together.”

< p>After the happy dinner, the girls all returned to the Evolved Space. After all, there are so many people that they can’t live in this house. Before returning to Evolved Space, everyone was a little reluctant, but fortunately Li Yalin could enter at any time. If they want Li Yalin’s, they can also pass Feifei summon Li Yalin at any time, so there is no feeling of sadness.

After waiting for the girls to go back, Li Yalin also thought about it. He decided to summon Ikaros tomorrow, get used to it, and see the effect, and then gradually let the girls in Evolved Space all come out.

After making up his mind, Li Yalin began to study Magic again. Now Li Yalin has fully memorized the essentials of each series of Magic. Li Yalin, who is blessed by nature, can now use all kinds of Magic at will. No, and no spell at all, but High-Level Magic still needs some time to gather Magic Elements that’s all.

Li Yalin got up early in the morning on 2nd day. Since fully learning the controlling Spiritual Power, Li Yalin can no longer need to sleep in bed, because the powerful Spiritual Power makes Li Yalin full of energy every day, even after staying up late. However, after getting up and having breakfast, Li Yalin did not summon out of Ikaros first, but ran to knock on the door of Orfina’s house.

“It turned out to be Teacher Li Yalin, did something happen so early?” Orfina yawned and opened the door. At this time, Orfina, who was wearing home clothes with a lazy expression, made Li Yalin’s eyes shine. .

“Yes, Teacher Orfina, I have something to ask you about.” Li Yalin nodded said afterwards.

“Then please come in.” Orfina let Li Yalin into the house casually, but then even Orfina himself was taken aback, but he had never let a man into his house, today What’s the matter?

“Then I’m welcome.” After Orfina’s permission, Li Yalin also entered Orfina’s home.

At this time, Orfina wanted to rush Li Yalin out again. It was impossible. In desperation, he had to let Li Yalin sit in the hall, hand Li Yalin a glass of water, and then asked Li Yalin.

“Then Teacher Li Yalin, if you don’t understand now, you can ask.”

“Well, I want to ask Teacher Orfina, do you know a girl named Rose’s , Is a Third Rank Swordman.” After sitting down, Li Yalin did not drink water, but directly asked questions.

“I rarely go to martial skill Academy, but this Rose I also have some impressions. I should be a student of Advanced Class.” Orfina thought for a while and said, “And she should be related to Sally in our class. It’s a bit close. I remember they were in the same Mercenary Group last time they went to experience.”

“Yes, yes, it’s her, and Sally. But didn’t expect Teacher Orfina It’s Sally’s teacher, I didn’t expect it.” Li Yalin immediately became excited when he heard Orfina’s words.

“Oh? Do you still know Sally?” After hearing Li Yalin’s words, Orfina’s became curious.

“Well, of course, we are from a Mercenary Group. They saved me at the beginning, and then we also agreed to meet at Milley Academy.” Looking back at the time, Li Yalin’s mouth couldn’t help but show up. A faint smile.

“They saved you? But you are so strong…” Orfina couldn’t help but hesitate.

“At first I lost my memory in Demon Beast Forest. It was Elder Sister Rose who found me and saved me. My previous strength was greatly reduced due to memory. But now my memory has been restored. So my strength is back.” When Orfina asked, Li Yalin had to move out of the amnesia set.

“so that’s how it is, didn’t expect Teacher Li Yalin. Your experience is really tortuous.” Orfina didn’t doubt Li Yalin’s words, but said with some exclamation.

“Yes, if there were no Elder Sister Rose and others, I don’t know what would happen now.” Li Yalin also sighed, but this sentence Li Yalin said the truth. .

“Do you need me to take you to find Sally now? Although I don’t know where Rose is, Sally’s words should go to class soon.” Orfina said to Li Yalin.

“Well, wait until Teacher Orfina is ready for you and set off. By the way, I have one more thing I want to ask.” Then Li Yalin thought of another question.

“Please speak.” Orfina made a gesture to speak.

“Well, this time I brought my maid together, can I let her live in my dormitory too?” Li Yalin asked somewhat sorry.

Thank you Kuaishou for your rewards, and I also recommend my friend’s book “Summon Heavenspan”.

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