“Really?” Li Yalin looked up and down at the beautiful general until the beautiful general couldn’t bear Li Yalin’s gaze, and turned around and ran away shyly, and Li Yalin laughed Haha.

For the seven Her Majesty the Princess of the Nebula Kingdom, Li Yalin is quite interested, but the practical value of the materials is not high. This Her Majesty the Princess is really Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail is usually simple, and everyone rarely notices her existence. If this war hadn’t broken out, it is estimated that the Seven Princess would continue to be flat.

“Master, be careful. Although the fleet of Primitive Gamma Insect is calm these days, I always have some bad feelings, but I can’t say it specifically. In short, Primitive Gamma Insect must be brewing again. What kind of conspiracy, you and Yi elder sister are going to bother you on the Kannaga planet.” Opposite the virtual communication device, Brittany exhorted Li Yalin with a worried expression on his face.

“Don’t worry, I know these things in my heart. By the way, Brittany, if possible, apply to the Federal Army for weapons and equipment. The ground troops urgently need these things, but if it’s not possible, just use In the name of buying smuggled weapons, let Toria and the others prepare some weapons. Now is the time of active preparations. Not only our Federal Army. If a large-scale war breaks out, I am afraid that the Nebula Army and the Free Front will be in short supply, so we can prepare more. Prepare more.” Li Yalin nodded, and then said his plan.

“I know, I will work hard. Although I am powerless for High-Level Mecha, Mecha below the fourth generation machine and ordinary weapons, equipment, food resources, I can get it. My permissions have increased a lot this time.” With that, Brittany also moved towards Li Yalin wink playfully.

“That’s good. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, this little girl has really become a leader on her own. If you continue to work in, she will definitely become an excellent King.

After continuing to chat with Brittany for a while, Li Yalin turned off the virtual call. In the following time, Li Yalin only needs to wait for the arrival of the Nebula Seven Princess. Li Yalin simply don’t have to worry too much, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner under the management of the beautiful general.

Soon two days passed, and the visiting troops of Seven Her Majesty the Princess of the Nebula Kingdom arrived at the headquarters of the Federal Army. This was a friendly visit, so Seven Princess did not carry it. Many troops, accompanied by only one corvette and hundreds of soldiers on board, it seems that the opponent’s arrival this time is indeed quite sincere.

“Hello, the commander-in-chief of the Federation Army, I am Seven Princess Li Lingyun of the Nebula Kingdom. It is a great honor to come to your base for the first time.” Just walked off the corvette, this seven Her Majesty the Princess owes a tribute to Li Yalin, she is very elegant and generous, but this Her Majesty the Princess is really not very old.

On the surface, it’s just a little loli of 40-50 years old, with fair skin, long black hair at the waist, slightly tender but very delicate appearance, wearing luxurious clothes Princess dress, although young, the charm that it exudes is unstoppable, really didn’t expect such a little loli, it is actually leading the hundreds of thousands of troops in the Nebula Kingdom.

I want to explain here that although the number of troops stationed in the Kanaja planet in the Nebula Kingdom far exceeds that of the Union Army, the battle strength of the Nebula Kingdom’s troops is quite inferior, so to speak, except for seven. In addition to Princess’s own elite troops, the remaining troops are basically a group of recruits that’s all. Even on the battlefield, these troops are not as good as the members of the Free Front with broken copper and iron. This is why Seven Princess The reason for wanting to win the front of freedom.

“Hello, Her Majesty the Princess, I am Li Yalin, the commander-in-chief of the Federal Forces stationed on Kanaja Star. Welcome to the Federal Force Base.” Li Yalin raised his hand and did it again. I gave a gesture of please. This time, the ceremony of welcoming Seven Princesses is very grand. Although Li Yalin doesn’t like such flashy things, there is no way. Who makes this so-called diplomacy?

“I really envy your army. I really have a very powerful battle strength.” During the visit, the Li Lingyun Her Majesty the Princess couldn’t help sighing. Compared with the Federal Army, Your own troops are really bad. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the Union Army is so strong. It’s just that there is a comparison to show its advantages.

“Her Majesty the Princess, in fact, our battle strength is far from enough. I heard that the Nebula Kingdom has an invincible mysterious Mecha Army, which has been repeatedly built on the battlefield. Make amazing efforts, this is our role model.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, this mysterious Mecha Army is indeed mysterious enough, and no one knows what their serial numbers are, and how many people there are, it should be said. Nebula Kingdom’s dark move, but unfortunately the invasion of insect race had to make Nebula Kingdom throw this piece early.

“It is a great honor for Lingyun to be appreciated by your commander, huh? Are these girls a special unit of the EFF? Why do they dress differently from the EFF?” Seven Her Majesty the Princess’s every move is very elegant, but when she saw Li Yalin’s exclusive maid team, her eyes showed puzzled eyes.

Different from the uniforms of the Federal Army, these maids still wear the maid dress that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. There is no difference between the Universe Fedation and the Earth, so you can see it at a glance, but These maid dresses are not ordinary clothes. After a long period of research and transformation by Shino no Shu and Feifei’s, these maid dresses are almost comparable to a set of Legendary-Grade equipment, both in defense and additional special ability. amazing.

“In fact, this is not a unit of the Union Army. Because I am a little nobleman and have a little power to carry private troops, these girls are all companions I brought from my hometown. They will Fight with me until the end of the war.” Li Yalin explained.

“Anyone…” Her Majesty the Princess looking thoughtful at Li Yalin, and then at the maids with hot faces. It is obvious that these maids’ eyes simply did not put their eyes on In his body, this man really has an incredible magic power. Even if he met him for the first time, he couldn’t help but want to be close to him.

The visit to the base proceeded very quickly. Of course, this is not the main purpose of Seven Princess. Her main purpose is to reach a consensus with Li Yalin. The real two-party talks are at Li Yalin’s. It was done in secret in the office.

“Then Commander, let me just say straight to the point. The current situation is very grim. The Nebula Army and the Federation Army must work closely together to drive these cosmic insects out. Our homeland, I hope your commander can understand this.” In the entire office, except for Li Yalin and Seven Princess, the rest are the beautiful general and another lieutenant brought by Seven Princess. Li Yalin was puzzled. Yes, is the Nebula Army headed by Loli? Even the adjutant of Seven Princess turned out to be a little loli with a small appearance.

“Of course, this is what I have always wanted to say. Before the Nebula Army and the Federation Army did not cooperate tacitly, I think it is precisely because of this that the Nebula Kingdom let Her Majesty the Princess come forward. , But I believe that both of us are cooperating with each other with the most sincere sincerity. After all, we all have the same goal.” Li Yalin nodded with a smile, it seems that Her Majesty the Princess is the same as I thought. .

“If your commander thinks so, it is really very good.” Seven Princess clapped her hands and her expression became lighter, although the EFF had already released it to herself before. Joint declaration, but it is better to personally confirm this kind of thing. The two sides have reached a consensus and the battle can proceed smoothly.

“But for Her Majesty the Princess, the situation on Kanaja is more complicated. As one of the main battlefields, the pressure we have to face is very huge. There is also the free front force. Previously, the commander of the Nebula Kingdom mishandled it, which caused the Free Front to report a great resentment to the Federal Army and the Nebula Army. However, I think that as long as this force is well-armed, it will become a strong battle. Strength, we have to think about this once.” At this time, Li Yalin brought up the issue of the free front again, which is also an issue that no one can ignore.

“Your commander is right. This is also a headache for me all the time. I have sent envoys to negotiate with the Free Front more than once, but the effect is nothing. It really makes me feel helpless. .” Speaking of the freedom front, Princess Seven’s pretty eyebrows also wrinkled lightly.

“forgive me to speak bluntly, in fact, just two days ago, I had contacted the Free Front near the EFF base, and I also learned something about the internal situation of the front. The reason why the Free Front is not related to us In the final analysis, the cooperation between the two militaries is due to the chilling hearts of the civilians. Your country’s level system is a bit too harsh, driving the civilians as cannon fodder. If this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely arouse public opinion in the entire Federation, even Midi The Republic of Qi will take this opportunity to launch a trouble. You must know that even if the insect race strikes, the struggle within our Federation will continue. If you can’t work with a common purpose, how can you tide over the difficulties?” Li Yalin’s words let Li Lingyun Lost in contemplation.

Li Yalin is right, but there is no other way. The pride of nobles and High-Level officers cannot be changed in a day or two. Those who have been in the upper ranks for a long time, regardless of Warrior and civilians For them, it is just a number. After a battle, everyone cares about how much this number will decrease and whether it will affect their own interests. For them, the life of the ordinary commoner is simply not worthy of concern. thing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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