“Don’t mention it, it’s a shame this time!” Sam said dejectedly.

“What the hell is going on?” Li Yalin looked a little annoyed, why everyone looks like a rooster that has been defeated, but although everyone is indeed miserable, fortunately, none of them seem to be affected. The more serious injuries, except Rose.

“Elder Brother Yalin, Elder Sister Rose she, Elder Sister Rose she…” Sally tugged Li Yalin’s clothes and sobbed in a low voice.

“What the hell is going on with Elder Sister Rose! Give me a gasp and tell me!” Li Yalin is really angry now. Rose has been in a coma until now, and Li Yalin is also I don’t know what caused Rose’s coma, so now Li Yalin wants to understand what happened, so he can treat Rose.

“Quest failed.” The iceberg man said.

“Don’t talk nonsense! I can see it!” Li Yalin rarely loses his temper, but the good guys have terrifying tempers, especially for the past ten days Li Yalin has been hunting Demon Beast, so There was also some murderous aura on his body.

“In order to protect us, Rose,, the poison of Violent Poison Flower Python, if not treated in time, Rose will definitely not last three days.”

“Then we Hurry up and treat Elder Sister Rose! Where are we going now?” Li Yalin immediately panicked when he heard it so serious. He treated Rose as a family member, so he definitely didn’t want Rose to die an untimely death so early. Up.

“This toxin requires a Priest above Fifth Rank to get rid of it, or our Quest Item Purple Nether Flower can also detoxify, but there is basically no hope now.” Maca said dejectedly.

“Toxin…poison…” Li Yalin pondered for a moment, “Right!” Li Yalin seemed to think of something. He hugged Rose tightly and ran to the station in the regiment. Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay, but in the end they followed Li Yalin back to the station.

By the way, after Li Yalin returned to the station, he kicked open the door of the room, put Rose gently on the bed, and then immediately took out the explosion in his Evolved Space That bottle of Antidote Potion, in the dark, Antidote Potion can solve any poison, so Li Yalin had to put his hope on this bottle of potion.

Antidote Potion deserves to be called Antidote Potion. After Li Yalin helped Rose drink this bottle of Antidote Potion, Rose’s face has slowly turned around. Li Yalin thought for a while and took out two more bottles of Light Healing Potion, poured Rose again.

After the two bottles of Healing Potion went down, Rose had regained consciousness and opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, Rose saw Li Yalin’s anxious expression, which made Rose’s heart sweet and at the same time feeling Life is so beautiful.

At this time, Li Yalin took Rose’s hand and asked softly: “Elder Sister Rose, do you feel better?”

Rose is really sweet now, she Like zi zi, he said: “Good young brother, elder sister is completely healed. Did you cure the elder sister?” In fact, Rose doesn’t know who cured her, but in her heart she instinctively thinks it is Li Yalin cured her, although she herself understood that this small probability was pitiful.

“Of course it’s your younger brother and me!” Li Yalin said proudly: “This is a piece of cake for me!”

Rose gave a warm smile after hearing her. Then the jade finger tapped Li Yalin’s forehead, “I know younger brother you are the best, but don’t be proud, otherwise the elder sister will be angry.”

“Of course, Elder Sister Rose I have recovered some memories these days, although it is not very complete, but I have recalled how my martial skill was practiced, so now I will protect the elder sister!” At this time, Li Yalin patted his chest. Said confidently.

“wū wū, it’s numb!” Just as Li Yalin and Rose were full of warmth, an unsuitable voice appeared. Li Yalin quickly looked back, only to find that everyone in the group was Already gathered in this small room, it was Little Demoness Sally who was talking, but how did Li Yalin feel that there was sourness in these words?

Rose also noticed that there were so many people in her room, so she got pretty face blushed, and quickly got up and went to the ground. After moving her shoulders, she found that all her injuries were healed, even her arms. The wounds bitten by Violent Poison Flower Python have disappeared. What kind of treatment did the younger brother use to treat me? It’s amazing.

Everyone gathered around and watched Rose recover as before. Everyone was very surprised. It turns out that this guy who seems to be harmless to humans and animals is not simple. Sally even stepped forward and grabbed Rose’s arm to take a closer look, and then wrapped Li Yalin and asked Li Yalin how he did it.

Li Yalin, who was entangled by Sally, finally took out a bottle of Minor Healing Potion and handed it to Sally: “I give it to you, this can restore your vitality.”

Sally fiddled with the red bottle in surprise, “This can restore life? Elder Brother Yalin, are you Alchemist?” You must know that Alchemist is a very rare Class, and this Class is very noble.

“No.” Li Yalin touched his head, “I don’t know why I have this thing, but I still have a lot of this thing, which I didn’t know before. But as soon as I saw Elder Sister Rose in a coma, I remembered it.” Li Yalin said on Haha, but Rose was moved by these words. ‘It turns out he only remembered it for me! ‘

“But where did you take out this potion, Elder Brother Yalin? Didn’t I see you have a place to hold so many potions?” Sally’s little head tilted and continued to ask .

But don’t Li Yalin stupidly asking: “Don’t you have spatial equipment? This thing should be very common.”

Spatial equipment? very common? Everyone is stupid by Li Yalin’s question. You must know that spatial equipment on this continent is very rare. Only a super powerhouse or a very noble Royal Family can have it. Like ordinary little nobles and little Lords, they are all impossible. Yes, the ordinary person regards spatial equipment as a kind of legend.

When Li Yalin saw the expressions of everyone, Li Yalin knew that he had said the wrong thing again, and in his heart he cursed the damn YY novel, and wrote Spatial Ring all over the place, making Li Yalin I thought that as long as it was Magic World, the Spatial Ring was just an ordinary commodity. Who knows that it doesn’t seem to be the case now.

Although Li Yalin in the heart cursed secretly, everyone present thought more about it, except for Lynn and Little Demoness Sally, who were not scheming, everyone thought of Li Yalin’s identity, which seemed to be very noble. , It’s either a descendant of a Great Influence or the veteran Imperial Family. Although thinking of this, Rose still has the same attitude towards Li Yalin’s. In her heart, it doesn’t matter if Li Yalin was who before, as long as he is her Rose’s younger brother now, that’s enough.

“Elder Brother Yalin, do you really do not know or not? Spatial equipment is what Jean regrets. A piece of space is comparable to Epic-Grade equipment, even Elder Sister Rose There is no spatial equipment either!” Little Demoness Sally explained to Li Yalin when he saw Li Yalin’s stupid expression.

So Elder Sister Rose’s identity is unusual? Li Yalin heard this right away, but he didn’t ask too much, just as he didn’t know and didn’t break it. No matter what Rose’s status is, it is enough as long as she is my elder sister now. At this point, Li Yalin and Rose both thought of going together.

“It turns out that the spatial equipment is so precious? Then I have the opportunity to give you one.” Li Yalin said casually.

“Really? Spatial equipment give me one?” Sally this girl took Li Yalin’s hand seriously and asked.

“Really, girl, I warn you, I will be anxious with you if I drag my clothes!” Li Yalin was forced to do nothing and quickly warned Little Demoness.

“Well, I see.” Sally pursed her soft mouth, and said pitifully, “That’s it this time, but Elder Brother Yalin, you have to remember to send me spatial Equipment oh!”

“Okay Sally.” Rose smiled and patted Sally’s head. “Spatial equipment is so easy to find. Don’t make it difficult for you, Elder Brother Yalin, if there is one in the future. I believe the younger brother will give it to you.”

“Well, if I find spatial equipment, I will definitely give it to our lovely little Sally’s!” Li Yalin hurriedly nodded agreed.

“hmph, I’ll let you go this time.” After that, Sally shook Li Yalin’s hand straight again, and said, “I knew that Elder Brother Yalin is the best, better than me. My big brother is okay!”

“Sally!” Kiruvere’s frowned, said with a cold voice.

“Okay, I see, big brother or something, it’s the most annoying!” Sally let go of Li Yalin’s arm under Kiruvere’s sight, but made a grimace at Kiruvere. Everyone laughed, Haha.

At noon, in order to reward everyone, Li Yalin took out the Demon Beast collected in the past few days and made a barbecue dinner with delicious vegetables, everyone ate heartily Dripping, I was full of praise for Li Yalin’s cooking skills. After lunch, everyone went to rest separately. Li Yalin felt that since everyone is back today, he should not go out of the city to hunt Demon Beast. So I started to practice my skills in the small training ground in the resident.

Jab, Might Strike, Thorn Burst, they have successively used the dark skills. After each time he has used the skills, Li Yalin will feel that he has a deeper understanding of the skills, so this also makes Li Yalin practiced more diligently. After practicing the Spear Skill, Li Yalin picked up the bow and arrow again. The three skills of Magic Arrow, Fire Arrow, and Ice Arrow are now handy for Li Yalin, but he is practicing in Li Yalin. At that time, there were bursts of applause in the distance. who? Li Yalin looked up and found that it was Lynn who had come from a distance.

“Big Brother Lin, you are amazing!” After the applause, Lynn came to Li Yalin’s side and said, “Big Brother Lin, you know how to use Magic Arrow! In our race only Elves that are Fourth Rank or What about above can use Magic Arrow, now I can’t use it at all, Big Brother Lin, can you teach me?”

Lynn seems very excited, she has always liked Li Yalin’s Naturally, now that Li Yalin can actually use Magic Arrow that she can’t use herself, she is of course even more excited.

“This…Of course it is!”

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