To calm her excitement, Rose turned over and jumped onto Wyvern King’s back. Because he also received Li Yalin’s orders, Wyvern King was very obedient and didn’t move.

“younger brother, I rode up, I am Dragon Knight!” Rose on Wyvern King’s back is like a little child. And looking at the Warriors all around again, they all seem to have red eyes. I looked at Rose on the Wyvern King very jealously. Even if Rose is a super Great Beauty, I am afraid that these red-eyed Warriors are also in the eyes. It’s not as good as the dragon scale of Wyvern King.

“Okay, Elder Sister Rose. Hurry up, you see that the large forces have already started to move.” Li Yalin ignored the others, just smiled and said to Rose. After speaking, Li Yalin summoned five Ghost Wolf as mounts. Li Yalin, Ikaros, Astraea, Nymph and Angy happened to be one each.

This time Milley Academy participated in the Academies Great Competition. A total of 79 travellers, including one Headmaster, six teachers, and 72 students. This is because of the number of people after the Flame Colt incident was deleted. , The number of students who set off before can reach more than one hundred.

In a team of so many people, Sally and Lynn’s Unicorn and Rose’s Wyvern King in the air are the most conspicuous, followed by Li Yalin, the Ghost Wolf they rode, and Murobo and the others Fierce Wolf. . In short, the mounts of those pretentious Knights are now completely green leaves and foils.

The entire group set off like this grandiose, but for everyone, the journey is still very difficult, but when it comes to Li Yalin, everything becomes going on a scenic tour. Because Li Yalin doesn’t have to bear that many things like others, and everything needs to follow the teacher’s arrangements and consciously abide by discipline, because Li Yalin is a teacher. And it’s much more comfortable on the tall and comfortable Ghost Wolf than on the Flame Colt. Ghost Wolf’s fur is very soft.

During the daytime, the whole team is speeding up. Everyone must reach the scheduled town within the specified time. If they don’t arrive, then everyone must sleep in the open air. So in the daytime everyone also Not that many in the mood to talk and laugh.

In this way, the first day’s itinerary was very smooth, and the scheduled goal was quickly reached. At this speed, it seems that you should be able to reach the small town on the border of Tanni Kingdom by tomorrow night.

This night, everyone had a good night’s sleep, but because there were too many people in the school, a total of two hotels were booked to be able to sleep everyone, which made this mess up all the time. The shocking small town produced a little hustle and bustle. Especially with the existence of Unicorn and Wyvern King, Unicorn is fine because it exudes a pure and natural aura, but Wyvern King’s faint Dragon’s Might makes many passing poultry and other small animals lie on the ground and dare not move. This also makes the residents of the town more curious.

The arrival of the entire group of Milley Academy even shocked the Town Chief in this small town. Watching that Town Chief walk in his direction with a big belly, everyone present covered their mouths and laughed. But this town also knows that the people in front of you are people who cannot afford to offend. After all, the usual Mage in the town is very rarely seen. Now there are so many people in this team who are dressed up by Mage, and those Warriors It is even more majestic and mighty. Looking at the mounts, the ordinary Flame Colt will not be mentioned. Although the Flame Colt is ordinary, it is not affordable by ordinary people, let alone the legendary Wyvern and Unicorn. great character.

First, old fox Headmaster Wendy and Town Chief set off together, and then everyone looked for a hotel and prepared to rest. Knowing that this entire group are all Milley Royal Magic Military Academy’s students, the Town Chief certainly seems more attentive, so the hospitality at the hotel is also very good. But these are not what Li Yalin cares about. Anyway, there are Headmaster Wendy and other teachers, so Li Yalin and the others can rest at ease.

The next journey is more simple and monotonous, and there is no fabled bandit or bandit. Although getting closer to the border, there are more and more guys doing pay a small price for big rewards in return, but because the entire group of Li Yalin seems to be a hard bone, no one comes to touch this hard stubble. .

Two days later, Li Yalin and the others finally came to Tanni Kingdom’s capital, but it really deserves to be the commercial capital, the King City of Tanni is indeed extraordinary. Here, the various races on the continent can basically be seen here, because it is a neutral country, so even the Necromancer, which is very exclusive to Light Empire, can be seen here.

Speaking of Heavenly Wind Continent, although Light Magic supported by Light Empire comes out first, other countries also have their own Magic Schools. For example, Desert Empire supports Earth Element Magic and Galan Empire’s Wind Element. Magic, Andra Kingdom’s Fire Element Magic, etc., but no country on the continent has announced that it supports Dark Element Magic or Undead System Magic in name. This is also because Dark Element and Undead System Magic are indeed cruel and extremely harmful, which is easy to cause. The panic of ordinary commoner. However, Dark Mage and Undead Magic division are cutting-edge battle strengths that any country will cultivate in the dark, even Light Empire, which believes in the light, is no exception, although Light Element Magic is the natural enemy of Dark Element and Undead System Magic.

However, there are some countries on the continent that have not joined any Magic School, such as Milley Kingdom, Tanni Kingdom and Phoenix Dance Kingdom, and some small kingdoms are even more numerous. However, in countries like this, there are generally any Magic City professors, just like Milley Academy. In Milley Academy, you can learn Magic of any department in six elements, although Undead System Magic is not learned. Up.

However, the entire group of Li Yalin, which is walking on the main street, is also very eye-catching. After all, it is the mount that caused the trouble, but if it is eye-catching, it is eye-catching. Now Li Yalin’s confident The heart is soaring as never before. With Li Yalin’s current strength, even a Supreme Rank Expert can make him come back and forth. Now Li Yalin’s hands are still a little itchy, if someone is really uncomfortable coming over , Li Yalin didn’t care about giving him a severe lesson.

Tanni Capital City’s main street is much wider than Milley Capital City’s main street, and all around are also people coming, people going, and the flow is endless. The Li Yalin entire group was finally squeezed to Milley. A temporary residence prepared by the Academy. Here, the Milley Kingdom officials in charge of reception have already waited before the station, preparing to welcome the people of Milley Academy’s.

After headmaster Wendy came forward for a while, everyone entered the station. This temporary station is also very large. There are also many rooms in the house, so everyone also assigned their own rooms. . However, Li Yalin turned around after looking at the room allocated to him and took Ikaros, Astraea and Nymph three girls out, making everyone a little unfathomable mystery.

The reason why Li Yalin went out is very simple, that is, the room is simply terrible. No, it’s too concise if it sounds nice? So simple that there is only one bed in the whole room? And it seems that the rooms in the entire resident are like this, which is too awkward, so Li Yalin decided to go out and buy a house by himself.

Walking in Li Yalin, the four people walked on Tanni Capital City’s main street and looked around, but there were no clues. However, Li Yalin had an idea, turned around and asked passers-by about the Mercenary Guild’s address. , And then walked towards the Mercenary Guild with the three women.

After coming to the Mercenary Guild, Li Yalin first released a Quest: Unlimited Quest, looking for a house for sale in Tanni Capital City. The house needs to occupy a spacious area, all around clean and there are more rooms, single door The independent house, the price is not a problem. quest reward a gold coins.

After Li Yalin released this Quest, the Mercenaries in the Mercenary Guild went crazy very quickly. Such a simple Quest actually has a gold coin reward. This is simply a gift for nothing, so They all scrambled to find Li Yalin and said they would take this Quest.

When seeing so many people, Li Yalin was also a little worried, but he soon found a boy about 17-18 years old as a guide. Although this boy is not very old, he is very clever. He didn’t boast and brag like ordinary Mercenary, but asked Li Yalin carefully about the size of the house, land occupation, and other issues, so that Li Yalin noticed him all at once.

After Li Yalin selected this boy, the Mercenary immediately disappeared, each returning to their respective positions, ready to seek the next simple Quest. Li Yalin was led by this boy. Before he came to a house, the location of this house seemed a bit more remote in Tanni Capital City, a bit like the suburbs, but here is better than cleanliness. It is a large house with a few independent courtyards and more luxurious.

After the boy Mercenary knocked on the door, he opened the door of the house by himself. He was an old man about fifty years old. When he saw the boy Mercenary, he immediately said He bowed and said: “Young Master, you are back.”

Li Yalin was a little puzzled when he heard that, this house looks so small, why does this boy go out to be a Mercenary? Now it seems that you have to sell your own house, is it a bit unspeakable?

“Yes, I’m back to Old John.” After the young Mercenary also answered, he moved towards Li Yalin and the others and said, “Please come in.”

Go After entering the compound, Li Yalin found that this house is really good. The courtyard itself already occupies a lot of space. Also the building construction is gorgeous. There are three floors in this house. Once you walk in it is the lobby. You can check it out. After a little bit of estimation, there are almost 30 rooms. It can be said that this house is very much in line with Li Yalin’s wishes.

The 9,000-character renewal ticket is probably hopeless, but summon recommends the ticket. The current ticket is not strong enough~

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