After listening to the story of Maris’, Li Yalin felt sympathy for Maris and Nina’s misfortune, but because of the melodramatic of the story, he couldn’t help but want to complain, but in the end Li Yalin still resisted wanting The feeling of complaining, comforted Maris and Nina who was already crying.

However, at this moment, Astraea on the side also burst into tears, making everyone not knowing what to do.

“What’s wrong with you? Astraea?” Putting down Astraea’s hat, Li Yalin gently stroked Astraea’s hair and asked very gently.

“Because…because…it is so pathetic.” Astraea said intermittently as she sobbed.

Astraea’s cry, but the sad atmosphere of Maris and Nina was wiped out. Everyone was in a hurry to comfort Astraea.

After finally comforting Astraea, Maris, who was still somewhat silent, suddenly knelt in front of Li Yalin’s with a solemn expression.

“Benefactor, you saved my younger sister’s life, but I really don’t want to pay for it now, so now I—Third Rank Knight Maris is here to loyal to you, forever will not betray!”< /p>

„Ah? ”Li Yalin was a little bit not knowing what to do by Maris’s sudden kneeling. He never thought about the issue of remuneration, because saving Nina is nothing but no It’s just effort at all. Now that Maris wants to be loyal to herself, Li Yalin will certainly not agree.

“Don’t, I never thought of asking you to be loyal, you should get up.” Li Yalin quickly wanted to help Maris.

“No, benefactor. It was you who saved our family, and I must repay your great kindness and virtue!” Maris was stubborn on her knees and refused to get up. She had to be loyal to Li Yalin.

“Forget it, I never thought about your allegiance or anything. Since your younger sister’s curse is over, then I have to find a house.” For Maris’ allegiance to Li Yalin It was very painful, so he quickly found an excuse to get out.

“No, benefactor. Don’t look for another house. This house is yours.” Maris said firmly.

“But if we live here, what will you do with Young Lady Nina? Now that Young Lady Nina’s disease is cured, then you can live your life with peace of mind, I believe one day You will regain the glorious honor you once had.” Li Yalin still feels that this is very inappropriate.

“It doesn’t matter, we only need to live in a house. Since the big brother has been loyal to you, then I will be loyal to you too, in my reputation as Knight.” It’s here. At that time, Nina, who was still in bed, also spoke, but what she said made Li Yalin even more depressed.

After some bargaining, Li Yalin finally decided to accept Maris and Nina. As for the house issue, Li Yalin stayed in Tanni Kingdom for only one month at most. , It’s okay to return it to Maris after a month. However, Li Yalin finally opposed Maris and Nina calling themselves Master, but let them call themselves the big brother, and he would all recognize them as a younger brother and younger sister.

The next thing is easier to handle. Now that the house is found, the rest is the problem of decoration. Although Maris’ home is more luxurious, it has many shortcomings, so Li Yalin is ready to redecorate the house.

After that, Li Yalin used the excuse to go out to find his companions, and came to a corner with no one. From the Evolved Space, summon came out of Saeko, Rei, Saya, Shizuka, Rika, Asami, Miyu, Yuriko, and more. Alice. Because Li Yalin had promised all the girls before, let them have a good experience of otherworldly demeanor in this Academies Great Competition.

“Is this Tanni Kingdom?” As soon as he came out, Rei put his arms around Li Yalin’s arm and asked curiously.

“Of course, I found a house here, and I recognized a little brother and a little sister by the way, let’s go and see.” Li Yalin smiled and replied. Afterwards, the girls came to Maris’ house together, and for a while, many enchanting females were dazzling.

“Elder Brother Yalin, are you back?” As soon as Li Yalin took the girls back to Maris’ house, Nina rushed out first. It seems that this little girl is recovering pretty well, after all, it’s just It’s just cursed, and Nina doesn’t have any serious illnesses.

“Well, I’m back, let me introduce to you, this is Rei, this is Saya…” Li Yalin introduced all the girls to Nina.

“Hello, elder sisters, my name is Nina.” Although I was curious where Li Yalin found so many beautiful girls, Nina was very polite to say hello to the girls.

“Are you Nina? You really are so cute.” Yuriko stepped forward and hugged Nina, and said with a bit of doting.

“mother.” Saya looked at Yuriko a little helplessly. Since Yuriko signed the contract with Li Yalin, she has become more and more like a child, as if the whole person is much younger, exactly like Same as Saya’s older sister.

“Saya-chan, are you jealous?” Yuriko looked at Saya playfully.

“snort!” Saya curled her lips and turned away from Yuriko.

“Well, everyone, hurry up and take a look at the house, and then take a good look at how to decorate it.” Li Yalin hurriedly stepped forward to make a round when he saw it, but he could see that Saya’s was indeed jealous.

After entering the house, Li Yalin also introduced the girls and Maris, and then began the decoration of the house. After a while of discussion, Li Yalin continuously added various items in the Evolved Space Take it out. Of course, after seeing Li Yalin’s ability, Maris and Nina were very surprised, but they knew what to ask and what not to ask, so they all remained silent.

The housekeeping and decoration of the room simply don’t take much effort, because Li Yalin and the girls have powerful spiritual power. As long as you need it, you can use Spiritual Power to control all kinds of furniture, and simply There is no need for manual lifting, which is very convenient and quick.

Although everyone moved quickly, it took a lot of time. After the house was completely organized, the sky was completely dark. After looking at the sky, Li Yalin planned to go back alone to the station where the Academy entire group settled, at least to tell everyone, and Rose and the others, if they like it, they can also come to live.

After confessing to the girls, the girls began to prepare dinner. Of course, all the girls had their own rooms. There were so many rooms in the house, so one person has one The space is also quite sufficient. As for the two of Maris and Nina, Nina of course lived in her own room, but Maris did not agree to live in the original house, but moved to another small building in the yard.

This small building was originally a 2-Layer building where the servants lived. Now there is only one Old Butler Old John living here, so Maris also lives in this small building with Old John Up.

After Li Yalin returned to the station alone, Rose rushed up first, pinching Li Yalin’s ears and not letting go, and his eyes were red.

“You bad younger brother, can’t you let the elder sister save snacks! Do you know how worried the elder sister is?”

“I’m sorry! Elder Sister Rose.” Li Yalin, who knew that he was wrong, also apologized sincerely.

“Elder Brother Yalin, you are so bad, we are all worried to death.” Sally, Lynn and Angy’s on the side also looked very worried.

“Well, I’m just going out to buy a house, who made this ruined place so ruined.” Seeing the worried look on everyone’s faces, Li Yalin was also ashamed, but still a little bit ashamed. Sophistry said.

“What? Elder Brother Yalin, you went to buy a house?” Sally looked at Li Yalin in surprise.

“Well, although it’s not a purchase, but this month I have been settled. How about it, do you want to come with me?” Li Yalin said to Sally with a smile.

“Of course I am going!” Sally jumped up happily when she heard that Li Yalin had a house, and she didn’t need to live in this shabby place anymore.

“Elder Sister Rose, come on too, everyone is happier together.” Looking at Sally’s appearance Li Yalin slightly smiled, then turned his head and said to Rose.

“Well, where is the younger brother, and where is the elder sister, I will be with you.” Rose also smiled and said to Li Yalin.

In the end, Rose, Lynn, Sally and Angy decided to live in a new house with Li Yalin, but Kiruvere, Maca, Sam and the others lived in the resident, and Li Yalin also persuaded them , But they think it’s better to live here with everyone.

Just when everyone was ready to go, Headmaster Wendy suddenly came to Li Yalin and said that there was something to discuss with Li Yalin, so the two went to a relatively remote place and started A secret conversation.

“Headmaster Wendy, just tell me what’s the matter, it’s not too early today.” Knowing that Old Fox Wendy’s opening remarks must be stinky and long, so Li Yalin went straight to the subject, directly Let Headmaster Wendy explain why.

“As expected of Teacher Yalin, direct enough.” Headmaster Wendy said to Li Yalin smiling at hee hee. But immediately, Headmaster Wendy’s face began to become very serious.

“This time I am looking for you. There is indeed something about this Academies Martial Great Competition.” Headmaster Wendy said solemnly.

“Individual Competition I won’t talk about it for the time being, let me introduce Team Competition first. There are more than forty academies from all continents participating in the Team Competition. The rule is that all the students participating in the Academy will share There are six people, five of whom are currently choosing a substitute. However, I heard the gossip that a lot of Experts appeared in the Academies Martial Great Competition this time, and I heard that they are like Light Empire’s Holy Light Academy, Holy Knight Academy, Desert Empire’s Earth Academy, Desert Academy , Galan Empire’s Phoenix Academy, Galan Royal Family Magic Military Academy, Andra Kingdom’s Magic Fire Academy, Ice and Snow Kingdom’s Icebound Academy and many other academies are all strong players.” When talking about this, Headmaster Wendy even had a sad face. Up.

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