“If this is the case, then prepare to plan. We have to complete the plan within 3 minutes and execute it within six minutes!” Now is not the time to dispute, since Nilmeya and Liunu have agreed. With this suggestion, Tessa has no objection, after all, time is not and the others, there is no time to think about it.

“Understood!” The Lunu who was in charge of the plan was immediately engaged in the work, but the time had not passed two minutes, an explosion came, and the huge insect nest suddenly exploded. This insect The nest was destroyed?

Everyone turned their eyes, yes, this insect nest was indeed wiped out to the dregs, what’s the matter? Li Yalin Did they succeed? But with such a huge explosion, can Li Yalin and the others escape smoothly?

The explosion of the insect nest caused a huge impact. The power cannot be ignored. The energy of the battleship’s shield has been reduced by 10% to 30%. This is almost impossible for some battleships that are on the verge of damage. It was a fatal blow, but what is more gratifying is that seeing the explosion of the insect nest, the battleship of Primitive Gamma Insect stopped the attack by coincidence. For them, the shock is really too big.

Insect nest actually exploded? The last line of defense placed in the insect nest did not work? What happened in the insect nest? This is something that Primitive Gamma Insect wants to know, but unfortunately, no one can answer them, except for Li Yalin and the girls around him.

Let’s look back in time, let’s see what happened. Just half an hour ago, Li Yalin and Saber, Teresa, Ikaros, Astraea and Saeko joined the five girls. This time, The reason is very simple. It is because I have searched the entire insect nest and found no core that has not been destroyed. But since the core has been destroyed, why has the insect nest not collapsed? This shouldn’t be.

According to Yumen Mukuko, as long as the core of the insect nest is destroyed, the insect nest will immediately collapse. Now this situation is obvious, and there must be some cores hidden.

“How about everyone? Didn’t you get anything?” Looking at the girls around, Li Yalin was the first to ask.

“I searched it all over, but there was no response at all.” Saeko shook the head, looking at the tracking device in his hand, is it broken? Probably not, at least it’s impossible, everyone’s tracking device is broken.

“No, everyone didn’t find it. It seems to be hidden by someone with a heart, or the core is simply not in this insect nest.” Teresa’s said Li Yalin’s eyes brightly.

“Not in the insect nest?” Li Yalin carefully savored this sentence, yes, the entire insect nest has been searched, but unfortunately there is still no position. If the core is not in the insect nest, Instead of controlling the entire insect nest from a distance? This situation is very possible, and this core should be the real core of the entire insect nest. As long as this core is destroyed, the insect nest will undoubtedly break.

“Yalin, do you have a clue?” Seeing Li Yalin’s sudden realization, Saber asked quickly.

“There are no clues, but looking for clues, it can be done.” Li Yalin pondered for a moment, secretly condensing his own law of destiny, although it will cost some strength, it is also worth it.

Soon, a line of fate appeared in front of Li Yalin’s. It is harder to see through the fate of this insect nest than to see through the fate of the entire Earth. If it were not for the strength of being promoted to the Lord God level, Li Yalin is still impossible to do this step, which can be regarded as a coincidence.

If, as Teresa said, under the guidance of the law of fate, Li Yalin finally found a trace of fate connected with the insect nest, and it is connected to the outside of the insect nest Yes, as long as you follow this line, you will definitely find the core of this last insect race.

“Let’s go!” With a wave of Li Yalin’s hand, the girls followed Li Yalin’s figure, quickly moved towards the core direction, and rushed out of the insect nest, Li Yalin and the The others are moving in an uninhabited area. Insect race simply did not deploy defense here, so the flames of war did not reach here.

It turns out that this is the case. These cunning Primitive Gamma Insects have exposed the most critical core to everyone in such a naked way, but everyone is completely ignorant and deceived everyone. If If it is not the law of fate, who would notice this unremarkable place?

Fly along the line of law for ten minutes, finally, an invisible worm Emperor level battleship appeared in front of Li Yalin and the others, the worm Emperor level battleship, this is Primitive Gamma Insect’s final trump card, if you want to destroy the core, it seems that you need to get this huge monster first.

“What should I do? Do you want to directly attack?” Looking at the battleship in front of him, Teresa’s brows slightly wrinkle up. To be honest, the strength of this battleship is beyond imagination. It only depends on Li Yalin’s six people. Strength. Although it is not impossible to sink this battleship, it takes a very long time. This is good for one’s grasp of the battle.

“Forget it, let’s engage in a sneak attack. In this case, storming is not a good way.” shook the head, Li Yalin waved his hand, and the six people disappeared at the same time. , Although it can’t do the invisibility of Nymph’s full mode, but the simple Invisibility Technique Li Yalin can still do it, at least this Insect Emperor battleship can’t find everyone.

Flying quietly near the battleship, Li Yalin and the girls teleported to the inside of the battleship. Although it is the ace battleship of Primitive Gamma Insect, the environment inside the battleship is still so painful, this This environment is almost the same as in the insect nest. Li Yalin really wondered, can’t the IQ of these Primitive Gamma Insect be used for aesthetics? This kind of disgusting mucus and earth-yellow substances really make you like it so much!

In my heart, Li Yalin and the girls continue to move forward. The defense inside the entire battleship is not particularly rigorous. Perhaps Primitive Gamma Insect believes that this battleship that has entered an invisible state is definitely not. It will be discovered. As a result, invisible versus invisible, Primitive Gamma Insect is destined to suffer a lot for this.

According to the instructions of the line of fate, the core of the insect nest should be located near the middle layer of the battleship, but there are more than 1,000 Mechas gathered here, wait, Mecha? And all of them are the most advanced sixth-generation machines? How is this going? In Universe Fedation, the sixth-generation aircraft are classified as classified. Even the most elite driver may not be able to drive the sixth-generation aircraft. But what does Li Yalin see now? There are more than a thousand sixth-generation machines, which is a bit too shabby, right?

“No way!” Not only was Li Yalin surprised, but the girls on the side were also startled. The sixth-generation machine is not a big deal. The important thing is, why did Primitive Gamma Insect get the information of the sixth-generation machine? , Is there a traitor in Universe Fedation? And the status of this traitor must be quite high, but it’s impossible, the high level of the Federation is already under the control of Li Yalin’s, how could a traitor appear!

But now is not the time to be surprised, now we must destroy the core of this insect nest. Although the Mecha below is strictly guarded, Li Yalin can kill these guys without putting these guys in his eyes at all! Heaven’s Blade shot, there was nothing left, although a golden flash, a huge sword qi moved towards the opposite sixth generation Mecha swiftly, before the other Mecha reacted, at least one third Mecha has been destroyed in Li Yalin’s sword Under qi.

Since Li Yalin has taken the shot, the girls will naturally not keep it. The Lightning Light Speed ​​Sword, Magnificent Confusing Dance, one after another super big move moved towards insects. In front of the core of the insect nest, Li Yalin and the girls staged a scene of unarming the gundam.

In less than 3 minutes, more than a thousand six-generation Mechas were dismantled into pieces, and the core of the insect nest appeared in front of Li Yalin’s. Just destroy this insect nest, then This war is basically over.

“It’s really didn’t expect Li Yalin, it’s you again!” At this moment, a familiar voice echoed in the air. This voice… Li Yalin carefully recognized it. It turned out to be that Hussein! It really makes people didn’t expect to meet him here.

“Surprised? Didn’t expect me to be alive, am I? Actually, I was also surprised. With such a powerful explosion, I was not dead yet!” in midair flashed a virtual screen, in the picture It was Hussein, but at this time Hussein was no longer the same as before. Half of his original handsome appearance was covered with alloy metal. This guy turned out to be a transformative person! It seems that this should be the serious injury suffered at the time of the explosion.

“Yeah, really didn’t expect, you are still alive, is this the so-called bad person lasts for a thousand years?” Although Li Yalin was surprised, his face did not change, slightly smiled, What if Hussein appears? He will still lose to his own hands in the end.

“it’s been a long time since we last met General Li, didn’t expect to meet again here.” Li Yalin’s tone barely fell, another voice rang, and at the same time, the picture Another silhouette appeared on the top, huh? Isn’t this the opponent of Li Yalin’s final in the singles competition on the Mecha Martial Arts Tournament! Li Yalin, remember his name is Ruiz Nightmare. By the way, this guy seems to be an insect race.

“it’s been a long time since we last met, indeed didn’t expect, you two actually got together.” There was a sneer from the corner of Li Yalin’s mouth.

“Haha, Mr. Hussein and I have been best friends for a long time.” Ruiz Nightmare laughed, are they good friends? so that’s how it is, it was said that the many troubles of the last martial arts tournament, it turned out to be the ghost of Hussein.

“It turns out that you have become a traitor to mankind so early.” This meeting was really unexpected, but now that the enemies have appeared, Li Yalin would naturally give it a treat. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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