“I understand this. Hussein and Ruiz are impossible to give up. Now the insect race is retreating steadily, but this may be their performance in saving power.” Li Yalin of course will not be self-conscious. Too big to think that you are already invincible in the whole world. To deal with these cunning insects, you must raise twelve cautions.

“It makes sense, it seems that you must be careful.” Everyone agrees with Li Yalin’s statement, but unfortunately, although Li Yalin has increased his vigilance, Deviluke King has It’s unlucky.

During a certain encirclement and suppression operation, Deviluke King’s troops were actually attacked by an insect race sneak attack, and it was still a suicide attack. This time, Deviluke King’s loss was abnormal. It’s terrible. Debbie Deviluke King is really angry about this. This is undoubtedly a slap in his face. The war that is about to end clearly, why is he sadly urged by a sneak attack?

Obviously, this was a sneak attack planned by The Organization. Although the galaxy’s coalition forces responded quickly, there were still hundreds of battleships destroyed in this battle. There are too many insect races.

“smelly brat, I don’t care what you use! I will completely level this insect race world in half a month!” This is the original words of Deviluke King to Li Yalin. , Half a month, stepping on insect race World? In this case, will the difficulty of Quest be a bit too high? The original plan was within three months.

“Everyone has seen that Deviluke King is completely crazy. This guy is definitely not talking about it. Within half a month, Deviluke King will definitely make big moves, but I believe when the time comes, Debbie Deviluke King will definitely take his troops to pile up. He doesn’t value the lives of these soldiers!” In the Mothership Conference Hall, Li Yalin is frowns looking at the girls in front of him. In this way, I’m afraid things will be fine. It’s hard to do.

“It’s difficult to destroy the entire insect race within half a month, but it’s not impossible. Don’t forget, behind the insects, there are Hussein and Ruiz. It’s a big fish.” After a moment of pondering, Saya said her opinion.

“Yes, we only need to plan ahead and catch Hussein and Ruiz.” Rei said in agreement.

“Now it seems that this can only be done!” Teresa nodded, everyone agreed to this method, yes, there is really no other choice besides this breakthrough.

Finding Hussein and Ruiz, it’s very simple. The line of fate of these two guys has always been in Li Yalin’s hands. Li Yalin can find them anytime and anywhere, and let them make a living. , It’s just to see if you can catch any big fish. Since you decided to speed up the process, then just go to them directly.

In this way, Li Yalin took the girls quickly, and the fleet’s continuous Space Jump came to a very secret insect race stronghold. From the outside, it was just a lot of discarded garbage. That’s all, you can take a closer look, there is a mystery in this, and there are many secrets hidden.

In this huge trash suspended in front of everyone, there are countless defensive weapons and wormholes hidden in secret. Once the enemy strikes, the defensive weapons are turned on, and the insects of the wormhole are dispatched collectively, when the time The insect that comes hiding the sky and covering the earth, even Li Yalin’s current fleet needs to fight a tough battle, and taking advantage of this time, Hussein and Ruiz, who are hiding here, disappear without a Trace it.

“Then I will go in and have a look. Everyone will be waiting here.” Li Yalin’s fleet went into stealth mode. Li Yalin decided to enter the Worm Lair alone to find out. Of course, about that. The girls would definitely not agree.

“I want to go with the Master!” Ikaros raised his hand first, and then the girls also not to be outdone. Well, Li Yalin finally chose the five with the longest time. A partner, Saber, Teresa, Ikaros, Astraea and Saeko, these five girls followed Li Yalin’s side and teleported into this huge garbage dump together.

From the outside, it looks very dirty here, but inside, it’s covered with Primitive Gamma Insect’s favorite slime, apart from this. After scanning by Li Yalin’s Divine Consciousness, there are even humans here. It seems that Hussein’s decorative buildings should have been specially built by Hussein. After all, he is still a human, and his aesthetics are very different from Primitive Gamma Insect.

“This is it!” After determining the goal, Li Yalin waved his hand and disappeared with the girls. When the silhouette of the entire group appeared, they were already standing by Hussein and Ruiz. In front of.

“It’s you!” Hussein’s expression froze, Space Jump? Has the other side’s technology been able to achieve single-player Space Jump? Hussein, who doesn’t understand Magic, naturally doesn’t know how Li Yalin appeared in front of him instantly, but even if he doesn’t understand, Hussein remains very calm. He is also experienced and knowledgeable, even though he is young. Light, but very calm.

Not only Hussein, but Ruiz’s expression is also very calm. Originally, it was the senior Royal Family of Primitive Gamma Insect. It is completely possible to do things without surprise.

“That’s good, I’m surprised, we can find here.” Li Yalin slightly smiled, the other party simply has no room for resistance, if they know the current affairs, obediently surrender is the best select.

“It’s really surprising. Your level of technology is far beyond my imagination. It’s really not expecting. Our ultimate opponent is you, even though you’ve already known that you are a threat. But didn’t expect, your growth is so fast.” Ruiz’s expression remained unchanged, but from its tone, it can be seen that it both admires and resents Li Yalin. In short, it is a very Complex emotions.

“Thank you for your compliment, but don’t believe oneself infallible too much. Do you really think I’m a little nobleman from Universe Fedation? Primitive Gamma Insect, if it didn’t provoke me Come on, do you think I will really come forward to be this Savior? Universe Fedation is a matter of life or death!” Li Yalin glanced disdainfully, growing too fast? Is this still useful to you? Don’t always show off your ignorant planning strategies, OK? Hearing like to vomit.

“What do you mean by that?” Ruiz’s expression was a little stiff, not the little nobleman of Universe Fedation? Who is this person in front of you?

“You have to ask Hussein about this. As a member of the Federal Assembly, I think you must know the Earth of the solar system? By the way, I am a human from Earth.” As soon as Li Yalin said this, Hussein was stunned on the spot, Earth? That dispensable piece? As an insect race pawn attacking the outpost? How could this be?

“This is impossible! I don’t believe it!” Hussein would never believe that a pawn that he did not put in his eyes turned out to be his biggest obstacle to destroying mankind, even though he had found Some strange circumstances about Earth were taken away, but he didn’t take it to heart. If you think about it now, the loss this time is really awkward.

“If you don’t believe it, there’s nothing you can do. Forget it, it’s boring to tell you that there are none, you two will come with me!” Coldly snorted, Li Yalin doesn’t plan to let them Delay the time.

“Haha, go? You don’t want to go anywhere! Die with us!” At this moment, Ruiz laughed wildly and pressed a small starter, which is …Base self-destructing device? Is this guy going to let everyone be buried with him? What a crazy guy!

But the sad reminder forever is sad reminder, Ruiz is destined to be unable to turn things around. Indeed, this base is self-destructed, but just before self-destruct, Li Yalin left with these two guys. This Primitive Gamma Insect base has returned to its mothership.

Li Yalin understands that it is impossible to knock on the mouths of these two guys, so there is no nonsense. Let Betty and the others extract the memories of the two directly, even though the memories of Hussein were extracted. In some trouble, after all, this guy’s Spiritual Power is really good enough, but under the combined efforts of the four Goddess, Betty, Katie, Adria, and Pokky, all the memories of this guy have been unearthed.

What makes people didn’t expect is that these two guys actually have a very crazy plan in their minds, that is, to use the entire Primitive Gamma Insect’s scientific and technological power to destroy the entire Universe Fedation World. If this plan succeeds, not only the Universe Fedation, but even Earth will be wiped out under this huge disaster.

The most important thing is that this plan has been launched. It only needs half a month and the plan will be ready to be completed. It is possible to attack the Universe Fedation World at any time, and the most important thing is that these two guys It’s a surprising and angry fact to think of a way out.

Now that I knew this plan, it was impossible to let it continue. Soon, Li Yalin and the girls led the fleet to destroy every stronghold of the insect race, and among these strongholds, Li Yalin also discovered a lot of secrets about insect race, and even discovered a World transfer device. With this device, Li Yalin can travel through various universe Worlds at any time.

With this device, Li Yalin immediately asked Shinoyalin, Lala, and Sophia to interpret it, and installed the device on the six battlestars of Li Yalin’s. With this device , Li Yalin can completely destroy the entire insect race World in an instant and is safe!

“What? You told me to retreat?” After receiving Li Yalin’s news, Deviluke King looked very dissatisfied, but when he learned that Li Yalin was about to destroy the entire insect race World, this guy was immediately delighted He ordered his troops to move quickly.

In this way, after Li Yalin’s six Battlestars combined and launched all the main guns together, the world of insect race was destroyed. This protracted war was finally over, and Li Yalin finally Ushered in the final victory!

That…weakly speaking…The invincible exchange is about to end soon, if possible, can the brother sisters leave the monthly pass for the new book? Hmm… New books will be on shelves in the middle of the month… Probably… (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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