Rei’s game started soon. Her opponent was also a Warrior. She was wearing a leather armor and holding a dual sword in her hand. She was very ordinary dressed, so when he played, all around The audience just watched quietly without making any sound.

But Rei is different. When Rei was also fully armed and stood on stage, there were bursts of shouts from the audience, because the names and ages of both sides had already been introduced before the game. There is also Class. The little Warrior on the opposite side is already in his twenties. It is the best time to compete, but how old is Rei now? She was only eighteen years old, and she came to participate in the competition at such a young age, and she was still a girl, which had to make all the audience boil.

Compared with the other party’s leather armor, the leather golden armor on Rei’s body is also very conspicuous, especially Rei’s body is also dressed in the battle cloak prepared by Li Yalin for her, although this battle Cloak is the lowest level of equipment in the back. It does not have any special attributes at all, but it can also increase a lot of defense. Moreover, the yellow battle cloak is equipped with golden leather golden armor, plus golden with blue engraving. Knight long spear, Rei at this moment is like a golden female War God.

After the two sides arrived, the referee quickly started the game. Although Rei’s strength was already very strong, she did not mean to underestimate the opponent at all. She just held the knight spear and did In an offensive posture.

In the introduction before the game, it has been explained that Rei’s Class is Knight, but the all around audience is very puzzled, because as Knight, Rei is holding a long spear in his hand, but But he did not ride his own mount. After all, Knight relies on his mount the most. With a good mount, Knight’s strength will increase exponentially, and the tournament rules also indicate that Knight can carry the mount to fight together, so Rei is alone. It’s strange that this can be considered when someone is on the court.

The little Warrior opposite Rei did not show mercy because Rei was a girl or she lacked a mount. After he gathered Battle Aura, he swung his sword and slashed towards Rei. However, from his attack, it can be seen that this guy is at best a Second Rank High-Level Warrior, and has no value at all, so Rei is also secretly relaxed. After all, Rei in the first game is also very It’s nervous, but now, it should be easy to win.

So I saw Rei long spear swing, following the direction of the opponent’s long sword, using the soft word tactics of long spear, long spear swayed, and the long sword on the opposite side of the Warrior drew a circle After that, Rei used the Zhenzi Jue again, and the long spear shook, and the long sword of the poor Warrior on the opposite side was shaken by Rei.

These actions were completed in an instant, and it only took about two or three seconds in everyone’s eyes. Even the weapons of the Warrior have already flown out, although there is no Suffering any injuries, but that Warrior has no face to continue standing on the stage. After all, it’s as if his second life weapon has been shaken off, so under such a huge power gap, continuing to fight will appear to have nothing. tolerance. So the little Warrior on the opposite side also gave a Warrior salute to Rei slightly, and then walked off the competition stage and directly surrendered.

As a result, there was a huge cheer from the audience. Although the game went very fast, as an 18-year-old girl, she had such strength, so Rei’s performed It is indeed very eye-catching.

“Yalin, I won!” After coming down from the competition stage, Rei happily threw himself into Li Yalin’s arms.

“Well, it’s beautiful to win.” Li Yalin also praised, and while saying that he took off Rei’s combat helmet, but although it is a happy thing to be beautiful, Rei’s body Armor is indeed a little in the way.

The next No. 3 stage battles are all relatively uninspiring. It is nothing more than two Warriors slashing there. Whoever has a higher rank will definitely win. When a Mage appeared occasionally, the audience was cheered and thunderous. However, Li Yalin was totally uninterested in this kind of game with no skill content. Since it was still too early to his own game, Li Yalin took Rei to other venues, leaving only Kei alone. No. 3 Stage waiting for the game.

Li Yalin and Rei went to No. 2 Stage first, because it is relatively close to No. 3 Stage, and Rika, Murobo and several Milley Academy’s students also compete here. The most important thing is Rika’s number is also very high, so if you go now, you should be able to see Rika’s game soon.

Sure enough, after reaching the No. 2 Stage, there are only three games left from Rika’s game, so Rika came out soon. At this time, Rika is wearing a kung fu uniform, but she does not carry her refined divine bow. Instead, she is carrying her favorite gun-the HK41 with unlimited bullets, and there is also a slave on her back. Li Yalin Here is the Magnum Pistol of unlimited bullets.

Although there are guns on the Heavenly Wind Continent, they are now completely patented by Dwarf, and the guns are still relatively old muskets, but the human society basically does not see such weapons. There is also heard that goblins can make a magic crystal gun, which relies on the energy of Demon Core as a bullet, but that is also a legend and has not appeared. Now Rika actually took out his HK41 so just and honorable. Does it feel like a bully? But forget it, as Rika likes it, anyway, the game is just entertainment, Li Yalin in the heart thought.

Because the tournament rules did not prohibit the use of guns, and the referee would not know the power of these guns, he quickly announced the start of the game.

Rika’s opponent at this time is a male Mage. He is in his early twenties. The appearance of Flame Element Mage makes the audience scream. It’s Rika. Although she is indeed a Great Beauty, and she still has that kind of bold Onee-san image, but this year Rika is already twenty-five years old, which happens to be the critical age for the competition, so all around The audience’s appeal to Rika’s was not very loud.

After the game started, Fire Spell opposite Rika cast a fire shield for herself, but Rika was not idle at this time, and directly cast a lower hit to Fire Spell, and then for herself Cast a boost to hit. Gunner’s spell talent is really bad, but the only spell that this Class is good at is PSI, so Rika has also worked hard on PSIspell.

The improved hits and lower hits are both unremarkable. So even if the Magic Array appeared under Rika’s feet, it also hit the opposite Fire Spell, but after Fire Spell checked it After realizing that there was nothing wrong with him, Fire Spell started his own attack.

“Fireball Spell!” This Fire Spell is probably the strength of Third Rank Low-Level, and it can be considered handy for Low-Level Magic such as Fireball Spell, so he uses it himself when he shoots The most skilled Magic.

But it seems that the accuracy of this Fireball Spell is indeed not very good, Rika did not move, but Fireball still hit the ground half a meter away from Rika. This is the effect of reducing hits. If the opponent’s strength is much higher than Rika, then the effect of reducing hits will not be great, but Rika’s opponent is nothing more than a Trifling Third Rank Low-Level Fire Spell , Then the effect of reducing hits will be very significant.

“What’s the matter?” Fire Spell opposite Rika looked at his hands in an unbelievable way. I really don’t understand why my magic, which is always so popular, is not working today? You must know that this is the real world, not an online game. Magic in reality will not be locked automatically. This requires human control, and lowering hits basically reduces the opponent’s control ability. In this way, lower The hit can be said to be the natural enemy of the long-range Attack Type opponent.

Rika on the court looked at the other side and smiled secretly, but she did not show the slightest expression, just took down the HK41 from her back, and then leaned over. Aiming is a shot, right across the shoulder of Mage. Although the Fire Spell on the opposite side is still driving a fire shield, you must know that Rika’s this spear is not an ordinary shot, but is accompanied by Gunner’s inherited skill-assault. Although the opponent didn’t cause chaos, this surprise attack that ignored durability caused the Fire Spell’s fire shield to be destroyed in an instant, and Fire Spell also ate a peanut.

The moment the bullet entered Fire Spell’s shoulder, the Fire Spell was knocked down by the bullet’s huge inertia, and immediately the pain spread all over Fire Spell’s body, which made this poor Fire Spell fall. He rolled over his shoulders on the ground in pain, and was accompanied by bursts of howling tears.

This result made everyone present startled. No one thought that Rika’s weapon was so powerful, the rate of fire was so fast, and the power was amazing.

But Rika doesn’t care about the surprised eyes of the audience, because she has seen Li Yalin and Rei’s coming, so she is happy to come to Li Yalin’s side.

“How about, Younger Brother Yalin? Elder sister, am I good?” Rika asked Li Yalin proudly.

“I said Rika-nee, you used your gun to deal with this kind of soldier? Isn’t it a fuss?” Li Yalin also asked helplessly.

“Haha, there is no way, you also know that your Rika-nee, my archery skills are really not good.” Rika said in Haha.

But Li Yalin thinks about it, Rika’s bow and arrow talent is really not very good, although her talent for playing guns is indeed one of the best, and Rika crossbow is also good, but when it comes to the longbow only It’s completely like changing a person, it makes people angry.

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