This dinner ended in a very cheerful atmosphere, but tomorrow is waiting for everyone to be a more severe test. The preliminary round of the second round is no better than the first round. Although the remaining five thousand people are still There are less than half of the people in the second rank, but there are more people in the third rank, not to mention the fourth rank, and there are third round and fourth rounds after the second round.

So after the start of the second round, the intensity of the competition has increased. However, Li Yalin and the girls have not encountered any Experts, they are just some lower-level opponents. The highest is nothing more than the strength of Fourth Rank Low-Level. But Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group’s people and Special Department’s students, the original strength in the tournament is only midstream, they naturally cannot continue to advance.

In the next eight days, there are still six rounds of competition. Soaring to the Sky Mercenary Group was wiped out. Even Angy was the same. Maca was eliminated in the second round. Rose It’s just that she supported the third round. Angy was also eliminated in the third round. The longest support was Lynn, but she also lost in the fifth round because she encountered a Fourth Rank High-Level. Wind Element Mage directly restrained Lynn’s bows and arrows and Magic.

Speaking of Special Department’s students, there were only three people who passed through the seven rounds and made it to the finals. Only Kei, Murobo and Lemmy made it to the finals, and they were able to advance through incomparable luck, because From start to finish, none of their three people encountered an Expert above Third Rank High-Level, so they were stumbling and advancing to the final.

In the Individual Competition finals, a total of 184 people advanced to the final due to the limitation of the number of people. Among these 184 people, Milley Academy alone advanced to 13 people, because there are also three ordinary students. It was a difficult promotion. But in this way, Headmaster Wendy’s face can be radiant, because he didn’t expect, he has hidden a lot of strength secretly, but there are so many people who have advanced to the finals, although most of them are It’s the people brought by Li Yalin.

On the day of the finals, Li Yalin brought a group of MMs to the drawing lots venue and started a new round of drawing lots. Among the 184 people standing on the field now, there are simply not a few who are below Fourth Rank in strength, and Murobo, Kei and Lemmy are naturally looked down upon by others, but there is no way, after all, this World is the world with the highest strength. .

But there are exceptions to everything. Although Rika’s strength is only the Third Rank High-Level, in the past few days, Rika has already had a nickname, known as sniper witch. Because in either match, Rika used his HK41 to knock down his opponent. Because the power of HK41 is indeed amazing, any Class below the Fourth Rank cannot defend effectively. In this way, Rika is also considered to have taken over. The weapons are cheaper.

In addition, Saeko and the others have been given various nicknames, and even Li Yalin was not spared. Generally speaking, as long as there are some shining players on the tournament, the nickname of the player has been called before the game is over. Of course, this is also due to these boring gossip audiences.

The results of drawing lots for the first round of the finals have been produced. Li Yalin’s number is 111, Saeko’s number is 87, Rei’s is number 8, Saya is number 55, Asami is number 103, Miyu is number 171, Rika It’s number 143. Lemmy is No. 62, Kei is No. 118, and Murobo is No. 77. After seeing this result, Li Yalin is very satisfied. After all, no one crashed. If you crashed in the first round of the finals, it would not be one. good sign.

The first round of the finals will be held in four venues at the same time. The first 46 people will be at the No. 1 venue, the next 47-92 will be at the No. 2 Stage, 93-138 will be at the No. 3 Stage, and finally 138 to 184 played in the number four field.

So because of this, Li Yalin returned to the number three for the game. There were Asami and Kei on the same venue as him, but after coming to the lounge of No. 3 Stage together, Li Yalin did He smiled and said to Kei: “Do you think we two have fate with this No. 3 Stage? We are back here to compete again.”

“Yes, Teacher Yalin, I’m back again. “Kei also nodded said.

“hee hee, this time I played against Yalin.” At this time, Asami smiled at hee hee and took Li Yalin’s arm, and said a little coquettishly.

“Yes, but it will be yours soon, so be prepared.” Li Yalin also smiled and said to Asami.

“Well, I see.” Asami a nod, and then began to prepare his own equipment.

For Asami, because her level is still relatively low, there is no new equipment that suits her, but Li Yalin still prepares an extra blue flying eagle cloak for her. In this way, It can be regarded as adding some defense to Asami.

Soon, the Asami’s game has arrived. Because it is now the finals, in addition to the referees at the tournament, there was a commentary stand on the sidelines with professional commentators. The game is explained and can be spread to any corner of the venue with Magic amplifiers.

“Okay, now we start the sixth game of No. 3 Stage. The two sides of the game are from Milley Academy’s Warrior: Schoolmate Nakaoka Asami, and Desert Empire Earth Academy’s Earth Element Mage: Schoolmate Schsan, Now let me introduce the information of both parties first.” After Asami and her opponent stood on the competition stage, the narrator first began to introduce the basic information of both parties.

“Schoolmate Nakaoka Asami just turned 22 this year, but her strength has reached the Low-Level of the Fourth Rank, which can be said to be very powerful, especially Schoolmate Asami, as a Warrior, she does not use weapons. Instead of fighting with fists, it can be said that this is very rare in the entire continent. According to the performance of the previous games, Schoolmate Asami seems to have practiced some magic. The young Schoolmate Asami is not only strong High-strength, with multiple Classes, how did this work? Please look forward to Schoolmate Asami’s performance in the game!” The commentator first introduced Asami’s.

“Next is Schoolmate Schsan. Schoolmate Schsan, who has Fourth Rank Low-Level strength, is 23 years old this year. As an Earth Academy top student, how will he perform for everyone? Please everyone wait and see.” But the introduction to this Earth Element Mage is much less.

But this is also a normal phenomenon. After all, Asami is not only good at strength, but also has a strange fighting method, but the most important thing is that Asami is a beautiful girl, this will certainly attract everyone’s attention.

After the referee announced the start of the game, the Earth Element Mage named Schsan first covered himself with an Earth Shield. You must know that Earth Element Magic is famously number one in defense, but when it comes to Attacks, Earth Element Magic is indeed a disadvantage in a single attack.

In fact, Earth Element Mage is mainly active on the battlefield, because High-Level Earth Element Mage can indeed show great power on the battlefield, especially on the siege ground, Earth Element Magic is better than any other Magic must have an advantage.

Of course, Asami on the opposite side is not idle, and the spell of lowering hit has also hit Schsan. After all, Fighter’s spell talent is relatively bad, and the Magic simply of Support-Type can’t learn much. So, after adding a boost to himself, Asami quickly moved closer to Schsan.

“Now everyone can see that Schoolmate Asami has been approaching Schoolmate Schsan very quickly, but how will Schoolmate Schsan respond? Oh? Schoolmate Schsan used the Earth Wall Technique. It seems that he wants to stop Schoolmate Asami is heading, Schoolmate Asami is too fast, will she hit the dirt wall? No? Schoolmate Asami suddenly jumped up! Oh my God, she actually crossed the dirt wall, and now Schoolmate Schsan is in a big crisis! “The narrator on the narration stage didn’t stop talking for a moment. I saw his expression very excited, and the tone of the narration was also mellow and vivid, as if everyone simply didn’t need to watch the game, just just listen to him.

But at this time Asami’s is indeed close to Schsan. Although he was taken aback by the sudden emergence of the wall, Asami’s reaction is still very alert. As long as Asami is close to Schsan, Asami is basically The game is set to win.

However, Schsan, who is opposite Asami, was not idle either. Although he saw Asami cross the dirt wall very easily, he was not in a hurry. Instead, he chanted spell again and again, and then sent out more than a dozen table tennis balls. Mud large and small flew towards Asami.

Seeing the mud flying towards him, Asami hurriedly avoided. Although the mud is not big, it is unpleasant to get on the clothes. But Asami’s thoughts saved her, because this mud is not ordinary mud, but a small mud bomb, because in ordinary games, opponents often don’t care if such a small mud splashes on her body. , But such an idea will basically make a big loss, but this time it is estimated that Schsan did not expect that the idea of ​​a girl like Asami is different from the opponents he has fought before.

The mud bomb was flashed by Asami and hit the ground of the site. Although the mud was small, the explosion caused was not small. In an instant, a dozen or so bombs with a diameter of about fifty centimeters were exploded on the site. The round pit, but this time shocked Asami.

“Oh? Schoolmate Asami unexpectedly passed Schoolmate Schsan’s Fatal Strike. It seems that Schoolmate Asami had been predicted for a long time, but I believe that most people will suffer under Schoolmate Schsan’s move. Is it Schoolmate Asami? Did you investigate Schoolmate Schsan’s information before the game? But no matter what, I believe the next game will be even more exciting.” At this time, the voice on the commentary rang again.

Seeing that Asami flashed his own triumphant blow, Schsan looked a little stunned. After all, this move is a Bailing Bailing, and it has never been used in this Academies Great Competition, didn’t The first use of t expect was unsuccessful, which made Schsan a little discouraged.

By the way, the tickets are a bit weak, Xiaoshuai continues to ask for tickets~~~

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