Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 144 - Journey To The Capital

The grand couldn't speak since he don't know who he was talking to and with a grunt he spoke up.

"I heard that the Wallace family are reputed for being ruthless and fearless so how come you don't want to face me even when you are on your turf".

"Do you remind you that you are not in the phoenix family territory so mind the way you speak here for you might not be able to make it back alive" said the voice. 

"Are you threatening me" asked the grand elder.

"If you say so, be fast with your message and leave because I don't have all day sitting here chatting with you when I should be attending to some important matter" replied the voice. 

'What an arrogant bunch they turn out to be even the guard don't know who to respect to' said the grand elder inward.

Letting out a cough, the grand elder straightens his back before he begins to speak.

"Well, I am here to inform you that the mission you took on years ago was not successful as there are still some members of the family who are still alive".

"You know that we have done a lot of missions so you need to specify the one you are talking about" said the voice and one can hear the anger in his tone.

"I am talking about the elimination of the Mccray family" replied the grand elder.

"Nonsense, we completely wiped them out that night. If you are here to insult our prestige then don't blame for what is to come next" roared the voice in anger.

"What I am saying is the truth, there were three survivors of the Mccray family who went to the Fox family to hide" reply the grand elder honestly.

There was silence for some time before the voice spoke up.

"I will investigate this matter and if I were to find out that what you said is not true, then your family will have to face the consequences for joking with us. We are not called the assassin family for nothing".

"I am only trying to help here since they might be thinking of getting their revenge" said the grand elder.

"Coming here to seek revenge is suicide even a fool will have to think twice before coming here. If that is all you have to say then I advise you to take your leave" replied the voice.

Not wasting much time the grand elder left the tower as he made his way to the phoenix family territory. After his departure, a meeting was held in the tower with the elders being present.

"Why is the grand elder not here" asked one of the elders after noticing that the grand elder was absent.

"I don't think we need his presence for what I am about to say" replied the family head.

"So why did you call this meeting" asked an elder who seem to be in his sixties

"Do you still remember the mission that has to do with the Mccray family" said the family head. 

"Yes, and what does it have to do with the meeting" asked another elder.

"Well, I just an information from the phoenix family grand elder that they were three survivors who ran to the Fox family in hiding" replied the family head.

"That is impossible, there is no way anyone could get past our encirclement without getting killed" said an elder in anger as he slammed his arm on the table.

"I also doubt him when he told me the news but it could also be possible too" replied the family head.

"Why don't we send a scout there to gather more information" suggested another elder.

"There won't be a need for that, we will just send some of our men there to take care of the matter" replied the family head.

"I am still confused as to why would the phoenix family come all the way from their territory just to give us this information, it 

felt like they wanted something from us" said another who found it quite odd for the grand elder to give them the information.

"We don't owe them anything so don't worry about it and let's decide who to send to the Fox family territory" replied the family head.

After traveling out of the Fox family, the Mccray family (Jason, his mother, and sister), they headed to a small town that is about five hundred miles away from the Fox family territory to rest for the night.

"We have been traveling for two days now mother and there is still no sign of the capital, why don't we just stay here" asked Hannah with a sleepy face and by the look on her face, one can tell that she hadn't slept for days. 

"Do you think we'll be able to survive here with how things are going. Our only chance of surviving is by going to the capital where the other family won't be able to monitor our movement" replied Clara as she led them into an old building that seen on the verge of collapsing.

Getting inside the building, Jason couldn't help but twitch his mouth after smelling a foul smell of alcohol.

"Shouldn't we continue with our joining, so what are we doing here" asked Jason as he placed his hand over his nose.

"Before continuing with our journey, we will need to purchase a map to lead us to the capital and at the same time get a place to sleep for the night since you guys are already exhausted" replied Clara as she begin to look around.

After discovering what she was looking for, Clara left them by the entrance to approach a man who was sitting on a mat while dressed in a rag and they begin to communicate before she held out some spirit stone while the man gave her a scroll before she went back to them with the scroll in hand. 

"Now that we have the scroll, I say we should go book a room" said Clara before heading out towards another building that looks more better than the one they just came out from.

Getting a room wasn't a problem for them since it was rare for travelers to stay in a place like this. Putting their things down, Hannah quickly fell on the bed and slept off not even caring if the place was okay or not.

Putting the scroll on the table, Clara rolls it before she begins to look for their location. Seeing her like this, Jason couldn't help but stare at the map even when he didn't know where they were.

"I thought you knew the way to the capital mother so why did you purchase it in the first place" asked Jason.

"I do know the way to the capital but if we were to go by the route I know, it might take us a week to get there which is why I purchased this map since we need to look for the shortest path there" replied Clara as her gaze was still on the map.

"So were you able to find any" asked Jason.

"I did and it will take us about one thousand miles to get there so you better get some sleep Jason" replied Clara before going to bed.

"That's going to take us four days to get there" said Jason dispirited.

"Which is while I told you to get some sleep" replied Clara.

"Isn't that asking too much from us" said Jason.

"Since it is too much for you, then you shouldn't have gone to the ruin in the first place" yell Clara at Jason before resting her back and shutting her eyes.

Jason did dare say anything knowing fully that the reason why they are in this mess was all because of him insisting on going to the ruin to hunt for treasures.

"Those damn cowards from the phoenix family can't just let the matter with Sam and decide to back at me. I swear to pay you back in full" swore Jason with his fist clenched together in anger before going to sleep.

Meanwhile, in the Fox family the grand elder was sitting on the roof of the alchemy building late in the night with a jar of liquor in hand with the family head sitting not far from him. 

"So what do you plan to do when the Wallace family comes looking for them" asked the family head as he took a sip of his drink.

"What is there to say rather than saying that they left the territory in the middle of the night after the phoenix family has failed in an attempt to kill them" replied the grand elder as he took a deep breath.

"But we both know that they are not going to buy that lie" said the family head.

"They are not called the assassin family for nothing, if they could not find them here then they will have to use their connection to search for them" replied the grand elder.

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