Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 161 - Uproar In The Capital

After he was done absorbing the energy, Jason took their storage ring away before looking for a place to hide the skeletons before heading home.

"I see that you are in a happy mood" said the bracelet with a chuckle. 

"Why won't I be happy when I finally defeated someone who is a higher realm than me" replied Jason with a wide smile.

"But this is not the first time that you have defeated someone that is stronger than you" said the bracelet as he didn't understand what Jason said.

"You can't compare these two to Simon who is only a stage ahead of me" replied Jason.

"Now I understand what you were talking about but I think you should not use this method anymore" said the bracelet.

"Why did you say so" asked Jason.

"Didn't you see the mess you have caused, it will only be a matter of time before they will begin to investigate the matter after noticing their disappearance. And I advise you to leave those storage rings behind if you don't want them to track you down" replied the bracelet.

Doing as the bracelet has instructed, Jason threw the storage away after taking the content that was stored inside it.

"Done, now they won't be able to find me" said Jason with a smile as he dust his hand. 

After he was done dealing with the storage rings, Jason retrieved his weapons before leaving the scene as he headed home. Getting home, he noticed that his mother and sister were still awake, and with the look in their eyes, it's not difficult to know that they were worried about him.

"Why the look on your faces" asked Jason.

"You are Jason. Even since you heard that a wanted poster has been put all over the capital, you have not been able to remain still instead you choose to walk around the place when it is late in the night" replied Clara with an angry look on her face as she stared Jason right in the eye.

"Your behavior these days is really getting us worried" added Hannah as she rested her head on their mother's bed.

"I was only taking a walk around since I can't stay indoors all day. And you don't have to worry about the Wallace's tracking me down" said Jason.

"Worry you say, who in their right mind will go around patrolling when their life is hanging on a thin rope" asked Clara as she was enraged by her son.

"Mother I am doing fine besides there is no way that you are going to find a single member of the Wallace family walking around this late at night" said Jason as he tries to explain to his mother that he is careful of his movement.

"Then tell me, what is it that you always do that makes you move at night" asked Clara as she stared at him while waiting for an answer.

"Well…. I have been going around doing" said Jason as he tries to come up with a good lie.

"You are going around doing what" asked Clara with a frown on her face knowing that her son is about to lie to her.

"I have been going around trying to earn some spirit stones for us to survive in this place since the Wallace family around" replied Jason as he pulled out his hand to reveal some spirit stones to back his words.

His mother went quiet for some time as she began to look at him attentively before turning his gaze from him and lay on the bed.

"Go get some sleep" said Clara before shutting her eyes.

Unknowing to Jason, his mother already guesses as to what her son is doing and for him to bring out some spirit stones, verify everything for there is no business that is still open at a time like this apart from the tavern and the battle arena.

"I hope you know what you are doing" she thought to herself before sleeping off.

Seeing that his mother won't be troubling him about the matter anymore, Jason let out a sigh as he went to the side to sit down.

"Damn, I almost blew my cover" said Jason inwardly.

"With the way things are going, it won't be long before your mother begins to notice your movement" replied the bracelet.

"I need to think about how to get through this without her suspecting anything" said Jason.

"I've told you already stop hunting the members of the Wallace family and think of other ways to gather resources for your breakthrough since you will only end up drawing the enemy closer to you" replied the bracelet.

"The only thing I can think of right now that can bring my power to the next level is the lightning orb and the only way that I can have it is by joining a sect and to do that I will need to be at gold core realm before it begins" said Jason.

"I am only trying to help you here but since you don't need it, then you can do as you please" replied the bracelet angrily.

"Oh I will" said Jason before closing his eyes as he began to meditate.

Meanwhile back at the mansion where the Wallace family resides, every one of them was giving accounts of how business went and that was when the old man noticed that three of their family members are not around.

"Where did buso and his friends go this time around" asked the old man.

"Elder Kang, I heard them mention something about going to the tavern to relax when we were on our way coming" said one of the members.

"They are really audacious as to abandon their duty and go drinking while having fun with the ladies. Go fetch them here and make sure to give them a good beating while you are at it" order elder Kang toward the young man who told him about their whereabouts.

He left as instructed by the elder and about an hour later, he returned back to the mansion with a frown on his face.

"Why did it take you so long to get here and don't tell me that they persuade you into drinking with them" said elder Kang in anger.

"That is not it elder" replied the young man.

"Then what is the problem" asked the elder Kang with a frown.

"They were nowhere to be found in the tavern and I tried searching the battle arena since they might have gone there after having their fill but I was still not able to find them which is why I took so long to return '' replied the young man.

"They were nowhere to be found, do you think that they might have gone back to our territory" asked another member.

"That is not possible since they will have to report to me first before leaving" replied elder Kang with a frown.

"Then what do you think might have happened to them" asked another member of the family.

"I want you three to investigate this matter and give me a report as soon as possible" replied elder Kang before walking out.

In the morning, there was a commotion in the marketplace as there were signs of fighting over the place with some buildings being destroyed in the process. Those whose store has been destroyed are in rage as they begin to swear here and there before going to report their complaint to the overseer of the place.

Back in the morning, Jason was already done with his cultivation and was just about to go greet his mother when Amanda barged in with a worried look on her face.

"There are bad news people" said Amanda.

"What happened?" asked Clara.

"It's like this, this morning the whole marketplace was damaged like a huge fight happened at night. Now those that their place of work has been destroyed have gone to report the matter and a while ago two bodies were seen not too far from the marketplace with their bodies being devoid of any skin making them look like they have been dead for long" replied Amanda.

Hearing Amanda report, Clara turned her gaze to look at Jason who was watching by the side and all he did was smile before raising his hand up saying he was not involved in any fight. After Amanda was done with the report and did a few things, she left the Mccray family. 

"Now that Amanda is gone, do you mind telling me what is going on" asked Clara with a frown. 

"Believe me when I say I don't have anything to do with it, why can't you just believe me" reply Jason.

"Then how do you explain the skeleton that Amanda just talked about" asked Clara.

"How am I supposed to know" replied Jason.

"That was the same state that our attacker also went through after coming in contact with you and you are telling me that you have nothing to do with it" said Clara with a frown.

"Maybe that was a secret technique they usually use when they are about to die so as to avoid leaking information about their family to the enemy" replied Jason.

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