Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 189 - Doorway

Now looking at the body of one of the men that was possessed laying on the ground dead, Jason couldn't help but hold himself back from rushing forward to absorb his blood to help in his cultivation. 

"Waste of resources" mutters Jason.

"What did you say?" asked Austin as he turned to Jason who was just looking at the body.

"It was nothing" replied Jason hurriedly before turning his gaze away from the body.

Austin gave him a look before turning away. The group waited for a long time for those of the temple of seal to recover their energy which took them a long time before they were able to recover fifty percent of their energy.

"So what are you going to do about their bodies?" asked Diana.

"We'll take their body along with us and give them a proper burial" replies tribe #2.

"Let's forget about that and talk about who won the bet cause it seems to me that you two have forgotten about it" said Dragic.

"Huh, what bet are you talking about" asked Diana in surprise.

"You didn't know a thing about it so don't get yourself involved young lady" replied Dragic.

"Well, we made a bet about who gets to land more hits on the possessed. It would be the one to pick which place to visit next and time" said Jason as he began to tell Diana about their bet.

"I can't believe that you guys still have the gut to play around when your opponent is way stronger than the three of you put together" replied Diana.

"But we still manage to defeat him right?" asked Dragic.

"Yes.. I think so" reply Diana as she finds it hard to reply.

"That's all that matters. Now back to business, who do you think won the bet" asked Dragic.

"Isn't it obvious that I won or did any of your attacks hit him more than mine" replied Austin with a proud look on his face?

"Those weak attacks of yours can't be counted for, so I am the winner of the bet" said Dragic.

"You only hit him thrice with your lightning attack so how can that be considered your victory" asked Jason with a frown.

"My attack may be few but they were more powerful than the two of you put together" replied Dragic.

"You wish, you sneaky dragon, if you are talking about attack, then Diana could be said to be the winner" replied Jason.

"Too bad she isn't so that makes me the winner" said Dragic.

"No, you are not Dragic" replied Austin.

"Can we get out of this place before the three of you can argue about who the winner of the bet is?" said tribe #4.

"Yeah how about that since it is going to take much time before you guys can actually decide on the winner" added Diana.

The three had to stop their argument since what they just said made a lot of sense but there was now a problem that they will have to deal with.

"How are we supposed to avoid being caught by your people?" said Jason. 

"That would be a difficult task since they are all waiting in the hall for us to come out" replied tribe #2.

"Nothing good will come out of it if we were to walk into them" said Austin with a frown.

"Look once you explain to them and with our friend's bodies as proof to your words, you shouldn't have a problem leaving" reply tribe #4.

"I can't risk leaving this place just so your people can make us captive" said Austin as he didn't believe what they were talking about.

They all went silent after hearing Austin's words, especially Jason who wanted to see how his mother and sister were doing.

"There are three ways to leave this place without arriving at the path you took to get here" Dragic suddenly spoke up.

Hearing Dragic says that there are many ways to leave the ruin without arriving at the hall where the door to come into the ruin is, Jason couldn't help but laugh in happiness before talking to Dragic.

"Why didn't you say that earlier instead of making us crack our brains thinking of how we are going to escape being caught by them".

"I said there are other ways to leave but I still don't know if those doorways are still functioning or not" replied Dragic.

"So there are doors ways leading out of this place, do you by any way know where they lead to" said Diana while lifting her gaze at Dragic.

"I didn't get the chance to use them before I was sealed here so I can't tell for sure where they lead to" replied Dragic.

"Don't worry about that man, since it can take us out of this place is more than enough for me" said Jason with a smile.

"What about us, how are we going to get home if we go through those doorways" asked tribe #2 with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry guys, you can choose to go through the doorway that will take you back to the hall alright" replied Diana with a smile. 

"Thank goodness" said tribe #4 with a sigh.

"Since it has already been decided, then let's get out of this place" said Jason.

Follow me then" reply Dragic before jumping down from Jason's shoulders and beginning to lead the way towards a room that was a lot wider than the rest but there was nothing stored inside which makes them wonder if they are in the right room.

"There doesn't seem to be anything here" said Diana as she began to observe the place.

"That is because they were hidden just in case the place was raided by the enemy" replied Dragic before flipping his wind as he headed to a corner and placed his pawn on the wall as the whole place began to shake.. After a little shake, three doors became visible in the room with the one in the middle being the biggest.

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