Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 59 - Pay For My Service

Hearing Jason admitting that he lied to him, Austin was enraged as he charged at Jason with his hand clenched into a fist.

"You are going to pay for tricking me you little bastard" yelled Austin as he threw his fist at Jason.

Moving to the side as Austin's fist barely passed him, Jason stood his ground as he was prepared to fight about.

"Hey what has gotten into you, have you forgotten the grand elder rule of not fighting in his place of work" said Jason with a frightened look on his face. 

"For what you did, I believe that even the grand elder will have to turn a blind eye toward what I am about to do to you" reply Austin with a cunning smile on his face.

"That is what you get for lying to others" commented the bracelet as he was enjoying the scene before him.

Moving from part of the room to another as he tries to avoid Austin attacks and it gets to the stage where the sound could be heard outside which caught the grand elder's attention.

"What is it that is causing trouble in my alchemy room, I wonder how that crazy kid can make trouble everywhere he goes" said the grand elder before leaving his room and appears at the entrance of the alchemy room. 

The grand elder was just about to yell but couldn't get the word out of his mouth when he saw that the one that was causing trouble in the room was no other than Austin who was chasing Jason around.

"What has he done this time around for Austin to be chasing him around the place" said the grand elder in a low voice before taking a step into the room and only then did the two knew that the grand elder has arrived.

"Greetings grand elder" both Jason and Austin greeted when they notice the grand elder's arrival.

"What is all this commotion all about" asked the grand elder in a stern tone.

"It's nothing grand elder, I think Austin here is just overreacting" reply Jason with a smile on his face. 

Seeing that Jason was the first to reply to his question, the grand elder turn to Austin and asked.

"I thought I told you fighting is not allowed here so why are you trying to destroy the place".

"Grand elder this moron here trick me into agreeing to the punishment all because he wants to know what his punishment going to be" reply Austin in anger.

"Is that why you are trying to tear the whole place down" asked the grand elder with a frown on his face.

Seeing that the grand elder is angry, Austin begins to shake in fear and couldn't answer the question that was thrown at him. And seeing that his question was not answered, the grand elder continues to ask.

"How wish he did not trick you into accepting your punishment, do you think you would have a chance to avoid it".

"No grand elder" replied Austin with a lower head.

"You know you would have no chance and you still decide to fight in here while knowing my rules, if not because you are now working under me I would have beaten the hell out of you but since you now work for me, your punishment is going to be an additional year to your previous punishment and for you Jason since you love causing trouble, a yeah has been added to yours as well" said the grand elder.

"No way grand elder, I was the one that was being attacked here so how come I am also getting punished here" asked Jason feeling like he had been accused unjustly.

"That is because you couldn't keep your mouth shut and let it run wild" reply the grand elder.

"I still don't think you are treating me justly here grand elder, I am your apprentice remember" said Jason.

"You are not qualified to call yourself my apprentice if you can't make a pill with at least a lower grade so stop complaining and get ready for today's sparring session" reply the grand elder.

"Here we go again, please just say you are looking for someone you want to beat instead of calling it a spar" said Jason.

The grand elder couldn't help but laugh out loud as he replied.

"This is actually a sparring session Jason".

"Okay if you say so but why don't we do it this way, since you are forcing me to spar with you, why don't you pay for my service" asked Jason with a smile on his face.

"It seems like the money I gave you yesterday has gotten into you" said the grand elder with a cunning smile on his face.

"You can say they again" chuckle Jason as he replied to the grand elder question.

"Meaning you are ready to spar if I pay you" asked the grand elder.

"As long as you are going to pay me, I am willing to be your sparring partner" replied Jason with a smirk on his face.

"Once we venture into this path, there will be no going back" said the grand elder.

"Who would want to complain while they are been paid" replied Jason.

"Very well, since you have made up your mind on this, go get ready for we are starting in ten minutes," said the grand elder.

"Yeah I heard you but before we begin, I would like to know how much you are willing to pay" asked Jason.

"How about fifty spirit stones" reply the grand elder.

"I can go with that" said Jason with a chuckle as he begin to make stretches here and there before saying.

"What is the need of waiting until ten minutes before we start the spar, why don't we go right now".

"Haha, I like this spirit of yours, only taking interest in something as long you are benefitting," said the grand elder with a short laugh before walking out of the alchemy room into the open ground where they fought previously.

"Now something interesting is going to happen around here" said Austin in excitement as he rush out of the alchemy room.

"I can't believe you actually sold yourself Jason" said the bracelet as Jason was making his way out of the room.

"You are the one that told me to look for a way to earn a living and that is what I am doing right now" reply Jason with a smile.

"Yeah but this is not what I meant when I said you should look for a way to earn a living" said the bracelet.

"Oh well is too late to turn back now" reply Jason with a smile as he finally made it to where the fight is to take place.

Sitting on the roof of the alchemy room as he waits patiently for the fight to begin. Although he was envious that he was not the one down there fighting the grand elder.

Meanwhile, the grand elder was just smiling as he watch Jason coming toward him and it was only then did the grand elder said. 

"It took you long enough to get here kid. Tell me, are you scared already" asked the grand elder.

"How can I be scared when money is coming my way" replied Jason. 

"Since you are not scared, why don't we begin" asked the grand elder as he began to decrease his realm to match Jason.

After the grand elder has finally decreased his realm, he turned to Jason before speaking.

"I hope you are prepared because I am not going to hold back".

The moment he said the word, Jason had already rushed at him as he began to throw fist and kick at the grand elder who swiftly moved to the side as he used his hand to deflect the attacks with a smile on his face.

"I see you have improved a little from how you used to be kid but I am sorry to disappoint you that it won't be enough for this man to break a sweat".

"If you don't break a sweat then I am just going to continue throwing punches at you until you get exhausted" reply Jason.

"Haha how naive of you, with the tempo you are going there is no way you are going to get me tired " said the grand elder as he waved his hand to the punch that was coming for him.

"I see the grand elder is not done toying with you" said the bracelet.

Jason didn't bother to reply to the bracelet as he was focused on the fight but according to what the bracelet had said, the grand elder had been defending himself ever since the match started. Throwing a punch forward only for the grand elder to catch the fist as he held it in place with a big smirk on his face as he said.

"Looks like I caught your fist".

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