Unrivaled Under The Heaven

Chapter 67 - Hannah Now Have A Friend

The grand elder went into silence as he gave Jason a look that one will give when they feel like they are being lied to and seeing that the grand elder was acting, Jason couldn't help but speak up.

"I am telling the truth here so stop looking at me like that it is really annoying".

"How do you expect me to believe that you pass out after coming in contact with a book eh" replied the grand elder with a frown.

"That is really strange Jason because I also went to the library to take a look at things to see if there is anything that looks abnormal not to mention there was no book where you were lying unconscious" added Austin.

"Wait did you just say that the book was not discovered or it was kept back on the shelf? '' asked Jason in surprise, the book was nowhere to be found. 

"That's right and I even used the name of the grand elder to get the truth from them but the answer was still the same" replied Austin.

"Or did it disappear after I went unconscious" said Jason in a low voice but did not escape the grand elder and Austin's ears.

"It did not only disappear into thin air, but it also went berserk as the whole of the library was almost destroyed" yelled the grand elder.

"Really, did that happen" asked Jason as he turned to the grand elder for an answer.

"Of course not, how can you say it just disappeared, look kid if you offended someone and were threatened not to say a thing, then you are doing a bad thing for not telling me" said the grand elder with a frown.

"But I am telling the truth grand elder, have I ever lied to you" asked Jason.

"You know what, I am not going to ask you about it again so you can go home before it gets late" said the grand elder as he walked back to his chair.

Getting up from the bed that he was laying on, Jason bowed to the grand elder before walking out. Having walked out for a minute, Austin also came out as he was about to leave for home but before going out, he went after Jason who had been thinking about the event that happened in the strange world.

"Hey wait up man" called Austin as he ran towards him.

Turning around only to see Austin standing in front of him with a wide smile on his face.

Surprise to see Austin taking the wrong path home. Jason couldn't help but ask.

"I think you are going the wrong way Austin, the way home is that way".

"Nonsense, how can I forget my way home" said Austin.

"Okay since you say so then tell me what are you doing here" asked Jason.

"Well I decided to walk you home since you just gained consciousness, you could be attacked at any time" replied Austin.

"Thank you for caring but you don't need to worry if I will be able to get home safely" said Jason.

"I know that you are angry we did not believe you, it is not that we did not believe instead it is kind of hard to believe that a book just disappeared into thin air after coming in contact with you" commented Austin.

"Yeah I know. Please if you don't mind, I want to walk home by myself. Seeing you walking me home will put my mother in suspense and I believe you must have heard about her condition" said Jason.

"No problem man, see you tomorrow then" replied Austin as he slapped him on the shoulder lightly before going home.

After Austin had left, Jason looked for a quiet place to sit before calling out to the bracelet which didn't take long before he got a reply.

"How are you feeling now" asked the bracelet.

"I am feeling better, I heard the book was not found in the library" replied Jason.

"Yes kid, it kind of disappeared before you lost consciousness" said the bracelet.

"This is really strange" replied Jason as he rested his hand on his cheek.

"Are you talking about the book disappearing" asked the bracelet.

"Not only that, after losing my consciousness I woke up in a place that looked abandoned for years with skeletons all over the place" replied Jason as he still recalled the world he saw.

"Come on kid, that is just a dream" said the bracelet.

"I don't think it is a dream cause everything felt so real and I even tried to reach you but there was no reply and there is this statue that crumbled after I touched it only for a young man to appear in the form of a light" replied Jason.

"Do you remember what the place looked like" asked the bracelet seriously.

"Not really, at first I thought I was in the fox family territory but that all changed when I came out of the building" replied Jason.

"What did you see when you came out of the building" asked the bracelet.

"When I came out of the building the first thing I saw were skeletons all over the place like there was a battle with the buildings being almost destroyed and I was frightened to the extent that I had to run back into the building that I came from" replied Jason, still feeling frightened by the scene he saw.

"I am really getting confused here, are you not sure it's just a dream" asked the bracelet.

"I am telling you it is not. Then the moment the figure appeared before me, I suddenly woke up. So tell me how on earth can I dream about someone that I don't know" replied Jason with his question.

"I don't know, maybe it is just a vision" said the bracelet.

"It is more than that and I believe that the book is linked to all this" replied Jason.

"Are you suggesting that we find the book" asked the bracelet.

"Yes and we need to be quick about it because I feel like there is more to it than just a vision and I need to know what happened to that place" replied Jason.

"Don't go and involve yourself in a case that has nothing to do with you and by the way how are you going to find the book since it has disappeared" asked the bracelet.

"I don't know but one thing that I am certain of is that as long as it can appear in the library it may still be inside the library" replied Jason.

"So you are thinking of going back to the library to search for the book" asked the bracelet.

"I think so since it is the only lead I have right now" replied Jason.

"And you actually think that you will be allowed to go in after what happened today" asked the bracelet.

"Of course they will as long as I still have the token with me" reply Jason.

"So what are you going to do about breaking through to the foundation realm in a year," asked the bracelet.

"Well, I still got that on my mind but will only focus on it after searching for the book in the library" reply Jason.

Continuing his journey back home, Jason made sure to act as if all is well as he approached the tent only to see that Hannah was not sitting on her regular spot which was very surprising to Jason for whenever he comes home, he will always meet her there. Making his way into the tent, he was not able to find Hannah, left with no other choice, Jason asked his mother. 

"Mother where is Hannah".

"I don't know Jason, she just left saying that she is going to meet a friend and that was about three hours ago and she is not yet back" replied Clara.

"Hannah now has a friend in the fox family" said Jason in surprise.

"What can I say, since you are no longer staying by her side that much, I think she became bored so she decided to go out to look for a friend" replied Clara.

"It's not like I don't want to play with her but I have been busy with work lately and if things went well, I will be able to follow the fox family to explore a ruin next year and getting treasures from there will be very helpful to us" said Jason.

"You are going with them to a ruin Jason, I see that you have really grown close to them to think that you can actually trust them, what if they turn on you" asked Clara with a worried look.

"Don't worry mother, as long as Austin went with me, then I don't have to worry about anyone stabbing me on the back" replied Jason.

"I see that you have also made a friend in the fox family" said Clara with a smile.

"I don't think we are friends, rather you can call us competitors" replied Jason.

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